Savior (LH)

By CalumandLukey

3K 62 8

'No matter what, you always will be my angle, the light that saved me from the darkness.' ___________________... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 *COMPLETED*
Authors Note
Another Authors Note

Chapter 4

141 2 0
By CalumandLukey

Daniella's POV:

(Skipping to next week)

"Hello Dani." Luke greeted as he walked into Mr. Hamilton's room, which was seemingly empty except for me and now himself.

"Hey, do you know where Mr. Hamilton is?" I sighed, growing impatient with his long absence.

"I didn't see him on the way in here, so no." He denied, "Was he in here when you got dropped off?"

"Yeah, but just for a second, he looked stressed." I frowned, watching the door the whole time I spoke, hoping he would walk through at any moment.

"I wonder why..." Luke's eyebrows knitted together, showing he was thinking. His face making me laugh from how concentrated he was looking.

"What are you laughing at?" His eyes narrowing playfully at me, but curiosity still audible throughout his voice.

"Just the look on your face." I spoke hastily between chuckles.

"I was just thinking." He rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face still noticeable.

"You look funny when you think." I pointed out, my laughter not dying down any.

"Sure..." He trailed off, letting a fit of small chuckles take over him.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I just had to call someone people." Mr. Hamilton rushed into the room as Luke was recovering from his laughing fit.

"Your fine." I assured him.

He just smiled my way thankfully before pulling out a box of paperwork from his messenger type bag he always carried around during the day.

"What's in that?" Luke questioned, talking about the box Mr. Hamilton just laid on his desk.

"Well I have some more calls to make, and more paperwork to go through so I won't have time to actually talk to you both today. So, your going to be each other's therapist today." He informed us.

"So you expect us to actually concentrate the whole time?" I snickered at his assumptions.

"As long as you complete the task I have for you, I don't care what you do in the spare time afterwords." He said while writing out the task on the big white board beside his desk.

When he finished writing it down, I read it out loud.

"Task Today - Tell your biggest secret and talk about it." I read aloud, gasping as I finished.

"Mr. Hamilton, I can't do that, that's my private business no one else's!" I whined exasperatedly.

"Either complete it today with just Luke with you or on Friday in front of the whole class, it's your choice." He shrugged his shoulders, a small smirk spreading across his face, him knowing the choice we both will choose.

"Fine!" I groan in defeat.

"Great! Now, I'll be down the hall if you need me, but please try your best to not come back there and distract me." He begged.

"Okay." Me and Luke both agreed, as he opened the door.

Mr. Hamilton gave us one last look before walking out the room, closing the door behind him.

"Let's get this over with." I sighed in misery.

"Yeah, who goes first?" Luke nodded softly, not wanting to do this either.

"I will, it's not like being last will make you judge me any less." I shrugged, sitting up a little, preparing myself.

"I won't judge you." He rubbed my back assuringly.

"Okay." I breathed out heavily, "A couple mouths ago, I started having these dreams. I've never experienced anything like them before. I don't even know what started them. All I know was I was in a dark room with nothing on but a bra and underwear. I couldn't see anything other than the darkness and myself. I was sitting down with my legs stretched out in front of me and I had a knife in my hands, I was running it up down my arms and legs, blood was flowing from all the places I moved the knife, but I was smiling. When I finished I had written 'EVERYONE DIES' on both my legs and both my arms. Nothing happened after that, it all just ended and I woke up. I don't know what it was about or what it meant but it kind of freaked me out." I confessed.

"So all you saw was you writing 'EVERYONE DIES' all over you while smiling and it just ended? Nothing else? Nothing in the background? No noises?" He quizzed.

"Nothing." I sighed out, shacking my head slowly, replaying the dream in my head too, trying to figure it all out myself.

"You were happy?" He continued questioning.

"Yeah, I was smiling. I don't understand any of that dream." I whined, concussion written all over my face.

"You'll figure it out soon enough, don't stress it." He smiled, ruffling my hair slightly. That action making a small smile creep up on my lips.

"True, your turn." I moved on.

"Yeah." He mumbled, "Okay, so when I was little, I always drew these pictures, I never knew what they meant, all I knew was they intrigued me in some way. Most of them were of people crying, but the one that I remember the most was of a man that had scars all over his body, a bullet hole in his chest, and he was hung from a bridge by a rope tied around his neck. I don't know what it meant, but it still interests me today. I have it at home, it's sitting on my dresser. I look at it every morning. It's pretty much part of my everyday morning routine to look at it every morning and try to figure out what it means and how it connects to me." He sighed in relief as he finished, happy to finally get that out to someone who wasn't himself.

"I have know idea what that would mean..." I trail off, thinking about what it could've meant to him, not coming up with anything.

"Me either." He shrugged, staring down at his hands longingly.

"Maybe you'll find out eventually too." I encouraged eagerly.

"Hopefully." He agreed, looking back up to my face.

"So we still have an hour left. What do you want to do?" I changed the subject.

"Let's go check on Mr. Hamilton." He suggested, clapping excitedly.

"He told us to leave him alone." I argued.

"That's why we should go check on him, I love annoying him." He chuckled mischievously.

"Okay, but I'm blaming you if we get yelled at." I laughed, walking down the hallway with Luke.

"And I'll blame you." He threatened playfully before running the rest of the way down the hall.

"You better not Lucas!" I smirked as he sent me back a glare for calling him that. The frustrated look on his face only making me start laughing before finally running after him.

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