Forever Crime

By Lazy_ShipWriter

7.4K 152 12

[COMPLETE] [FINAL BOOK IN TRILOGY OF FAVORITE CRIME] For the past few years we've seen our favorite criminal... More



199 3 1
By Lazy_ShipWriter

Betty's POV
I woke up very dizzy and drowsy as I was strapped to a table I saw the man, the scary man with sandy hair and a sandy beard. I began crying and shaking my head vigorously and trying to get out of these cuffs.

" please no don't hurt me please..." I begged.

Be smiled saying "don't worry, don't cry..."

I shook my head as he wiped my tears away. He then put a gag in my mouth as I sobbed and he shocked my head and I screamed.

"Forget about everything!"

I screamed again as he placed them again.

"Jughead is no one to you!"

He shocked me again as I tried kicking my legs.

"Forget this stupid life! Your in the real world no fairytale!"

He shocked me again and I gasped as he stopped and took out the gag from my mouth. I felt a tear leave my eye slowly and he smiled at me.

He asked "do you feel better?"

He smirked and I blinked slowly as he injected a needle inside my arm and I winced.

He said "it'll make you feel better okay?"

I stayed there and let the liquids flow into my body. When it finished he smiled and held my face and suddenly I saw my mother. She smiled and kissed the man and she looked at me.

She smiled saying "my sweet Betty...your returning to normal..."

I blinked slowly as he said "don't worry Alice she'll be in tip top shape soon."

My mother smirked and whispered in my ear "I will make your life hell."

I tried speaking but I just blubbered. When she left the man began touching me.

He touched my breasts and smiled lightly saying "you have nice average breasts..."

He began unbuttoning my shirt and smiled looking at them. I couldn't move or do anything, I felt numb. I was numb. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

He whispered "don't worry...I will take good care of you..."

He slightly pulled down my pants seeing my clit.

He smiled saying "it's pink and beautiful."

I was mortified. I tried speaking and he stopped me.

He said "it's all gonna be okay Elizabeth."

As I tried speaking he just put cotton in my mouth and left me. Soon I was back in my cell, I was still numb but I was laying on the bed and when I woke up I sat up on the bed. I began breathing and a tear left my eye as I held my breasts and began crying more and opening my mouth and banging on the floor.

I didn't scream.

I didn't want them to hear me....

Toni's POV
It's been another week and no Betty...I was making Jughead his coffee and went to his room and saw him screaming into his phone and slamming it down and he ran his hands through his face.


He saw me and said "another fucking place! And no Betty!"

He ripped another folder and X'd the place from the map.

I sighed as he said "what if they killed her! What if she's dead! What if I'm too late what if she's pregnant and begging for me!"

I sighed and he cried saying "I need her..."

I set down his mug as he sat on his chair.

"Jug..." I said.

He looked at me and I hugged him.

"We will find her, it doesn't matter how long it takes okay? And once we do we will take her back okay?"

He nodded and I smiled and kissed his cheek saying "she's gonna be okay alright? She's one of the strongest girls we know of. She can handle it."

He nodded and said "I just...I just need her..."

I sighed and nodded saying "I know...I'm sorry I treated her like shit...she's an amazing person..."

He sighed and smiled and said "thank you Toni, your like a second sister to me."

I nodded and said "I'm gonna go make sure Cheryl's okay alright?"

He smiled and nodded and I began leaving. I got to mine and Cheryl's room as she saw me she smiled.

I said "still none...but going down the list."

She sighed and I said "we're gonna find her. No matter what happens she's okay and we will continue to believe that."

She nodded and I kissed her. She smiled holding me and as I pulled away.

She said "thank you for being sweet about it, I know you don't like her but...thank you for being strong for me."

I laughed and said "always Cher."

I hugged her and she hugged me back.

I said "how about I get us some cherry red Italian Ices?"

She smiled and nodded quickly.

I smiled saying "don't worry I'll be in disguise and have protection."

She nodded and I left. I was near a park when I saw a lady with a cart.

I ran over to her saying "one cherry, one rainbow large cups."

She nodded and began scooping them up as suddenly a dog came near me.

I smiled saying "hey boy, where'd you come from?"

Suddenly I saw a guy shouting "Bruce!"

I then said "naughty dog, running away from your owner, How rude."

He smiled and I smiled saying "hey I'm... Antoinette."

He nodded and said "Reggie."

I smiled saying "well Bruce you should head back with your owner."

He smiled saying "sorry he just likes it when we find one of these guys."

I smiled and grabbed my ice creams and paid.

"It was nice to meet you." I told him.

He nodded and I left. I arrived back at the place and found Cheryl, I gave her on ice cream.

I said "the cutest thing happened. So I was waiting for the ice cream suddenly this dog shows up right! His name is Bruce and his owner said he gets excited when he sees one of these carts!"

She smiled saying "that's adorable..."

I smiled and nodded as she said "I'm wondering how Betty is doing without Cooper?"

I sighed and said "she used to take him on every mission..."

We frowned and Cheryl said "I hope shes getting through it...I know she's strong, she can get through anything."

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