mind games ⁀➷ s.j ✓

By jungwwdiary

77.1K 2.8K 2.4K

kim shiyeon and sim jake never really got along. he would always flirt with her to piss her off, and she woul... More

10 (months)


2.4K 96 146
By jungwwdiary

The next two days passed by very slowly as I stayed home and didn't go out with any of the guys, since they were all busy. Jay has been sleeping over my house, but other than that, things have been really boring.

It was a Friday late afternoon and I was currently home alone getting ready for a friend's birthday party. The guys were also coming, but I told them to go first without me since I take a little longer to get ready and also because I was kinda lazy to go.

Nonetheless, I was invited and so I felt that I had to go. Besides, the guys were all waiting for me. Technically, the party starts at 7:30 and it's currently 8:45, so I'm super late; but I doubt anyone would notice my late arrival.

I had just finished doing my makeup and hair, so all I had to do next was change into my dress, so I went ahead and did so. The guys and I planned ahead the theme of what we were all going to wear; grunge, dark, yet chic and cool. Though, I have not yet seen the guys' outfits yet; I'll find out what they're wearing once I get to the party.

I put my phone, house keys, and other important belongings into my purse and grabbed my car keys. I spray some perfume onto my wrists and neck, putting on earrings. Wearing my purse over my shoulder I pick up my car keys again and I go downstairs, putting on my black high-heels.

I leave the house and get into my car, using the address that Jay sent me through text, to use on the GPS. After fifteen minutes of driving, I finally got to Geonu's big ass house.

Parking my car and walking up onto the porch immediately greeted by the blasting music inside, I open the front door and see many, many people spread out all in the house.

More and more people notice me, as their heads turn to my direction. I keep my head up and look around, looking for the guys. Moving my hair to rest behind my shoulders, I notice some guys and girls giving me looks. I ignore them and finally notice the guys over at the couch all sitting down.

People make way for me to get through and the guys finally notice me as well. They all stand up, greeting me.

As expected, all of their outfits were really nice and they all looked super handsome.

"Shiyeon! Finally. You're here. You're an hour late." Jay looks at me up and down.

"I was super lazy. Sorry, guys." I chuckle.

"You look great, Shiyeon." Sunghoon says while sipping on some sort of liquid in a red cup.

"Thanks, Sunghoon. You all look super good. Have any girls hit on you, yet?" I smirk at them.

For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off of Jake. The outfit he had on really complimented him well, and overall, he just looked super handsome and attractive.

And I could tell he was looking back at me, too. I could feel his strong gaze on me even when I wasn't looking at him.

"Many girls hit on Jay when we first arrived. The way he rejected them all was so funny." Heeseung gulps down whatever was in his red cup.

"And Jake, too. Many girls asked him out, as well." Sunghoon says.

"Did you flirt back, Jake?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Nah. None of these girls interest me." Jake shakes his head.

"Surprisingly, he didn't. I was super surprised." Jay throws his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh? This is new... Jake not flirting back with people? Did someone drug you?" I tease him.

"Shut up, Shiyeon." Jake rolls his eyes.

Jake looks me up and down from head to toe, studying and checking me out without saying anything while doing so.

"Where's Geonu? I haven't seen him yet." I change the subject, starting to feel nervous from Jake's stare.


"Where's Geonu? I haven't seen him yet." I listen to Shiyeon.

I can't help but notice how breathtaking she looked tonight. Her hair, her makeup, her dress... she looked so perfect. Her lips looked so attractive and the shade of lipstick she had on really made her so beautiful.

I could notice her staring at me, too. Whenever I wasn't looking at her, I could feel her cute little eyes looking at me and it was adorable. The way she keeps looking at me makes it obvious that she thinks I look good.

Which, I agree. I do look good.

The way she's looking at me is making me super flustered and nervous. I've never been this flustered and shy before. I'm always so confident, but whenever she's around, I feel so different. I get all shy and embarrassed when she's around.

She's absolutely perfect.

Everything about her is so mesmerizing, and I wish that I could show her how I felt and thought about her, but I really can't. I have no idea how she feels about me. For all I know, she could still hate me.

There's no way she would ever consider me more than a friend. She said that herself.

I'll just admire her in silence.

I'll be okay, right?

It's not like I have feelings for her or anything. I just think she's super attractive, that's all. Everything she does is so attractive to me, and I really don't know why.

I could tell the other guys are already in love with her. I don't think she needs a fourth guy, I mean... she seems super close with Jay, anyway. I'm sure she'd end up with him if it came down to dating any one of them.

Good for them, though.

They look cute together.

"I'm pretty sure Geonu's around. His house is gigantic. You'll see him." Heeseung says to her.

"Ah," Shiyeon nods.

That was attractive.

Gosh, what the hell is wrong with me?

I need to stop.

I sound obsessed with her.

"What are you guys drinking?" Shiyeon asks us all.

"It's fruit punch with some Soju in it." Jay answers her.

"Is it good?" Her eyes become curious, as she tip toes.

She puts her hands on Jay's arms as she looks inside Jay's cup, smelling it. He looks at her with a warm smile, admiring her while she's focused on his drink.

I watch them in silence, feeling some sort of weird emotion in my stomach while watching them interact like this. She steps away from Jay, as he hands her his drink and she takes a sip.

"That's good. I can't even taste the alcohol." She says, giving back his drink.

"I'm gonna go get my own." Shiyeon tells us.

She walks away alone and goes over to the drink bar as we all watch her.

"God, all of these guys checking her out is really pissing me off." Sunghoon grunts in annoyance.

"They're so shameless about it, too. They'll be full of shame once I bash their faces in." Jay sucks his teeth, also annoyed.

"That dickhead over there was checking out her ass earlier." I point to the guy.

"I noticed that, too. I'm so close to beating his ass." Heeseung rolls his eyes.

"Shiyeon's a tough girl, but she's also so precious. It feels like we have to protect her at all costs." Sunghoon adds.

"Yeah. Guys are creeps nowadays. We need to look out for her." I say.

"I would probably kill someone if anyone tried anything evil on her." Jay sighs.

"I think we all would." Sunghoon chuckles lowly.

"I'm seconds away from beating that kid's ass if he keeps checking Shiyeon out. He's asking for a beat down." Jay cracks his knuckles.

"Don't beat him up. Not yet, at least. Only beat his ass if he actually tries anything on her." Heeseung tells him.

As expected, the guys are super overprotective over Shiyeon. I don't blame them, though. I think it's natural to feel protective over her. She's the only girl in our friend group, and she doesn't have anyone but us.

Just like them, I also feel protective over her. I want the best for her and I want her to be safe at all times, even if we aren't the closest of friends.


Jay tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear after coming back over to them. We all sit on the couch next to each other, watching the party going on. I sat in between Jake and Sunghoon. I crossed my legs and put the left leg on top of Sunghoon's knee, where he was man-spreading while drinking fruit punch.

The way Sunghoon man-spreads is really attractive to me. In a platonic way, of course. They way they all man-spread is super attractive, actually.

"For his own birthday party, he does seem a bit nonexistent right now." I snicker, talking about Geonu.

"Yeah. I'm not sure where he went." Heeseung laughs.

"I'm gonna go find him. Whatever." I stand up, leaving my purse with Jay and bringing my Soju with me.

My wrist suddenly gets grabbed gently and I turn around to see who it was that grabbed my wrist. It was Jake. I look at him with furrowed eyebrows and he looks at me with a serious expression.

"Why don't you just wait for him to appear around? This house is huge, you shouldn't go exploring by yourself." Jake says to me.

"I'll be okay. Don't worry." I respond.

"Have one of the guys go with you. It's probably not safe to roam around by yourself when there's so many drunk dudes here." Jay says. "I have to beat Sunghoon at this drinking bet, so we can't go."

"I'll be okay by myself! You guys are being stingy." I huff.

"I'll go with you, Shiyeon." Jake stands up, still looking at me.

I hesitate, but I eventually nod and agree.

"We'll be back." I tell the rest of the guys.

"Be careful." Heeseung says.

"Come back as soon as possible." Jay looks at me with a stern face.

"I will, dad." I say sarcastically.

Jake and I walk away and begin passing through the huge crowd of people in the house, trying to get through. It was so crowded, just one look away and I could probably lose Jake in the crowd.

Before I knew it, Jake grabbed my hand and interlocked it with his hand while I followed him through the large groups of people in the first floor. He kept squeezing my hand tightly throughout the whole time, not letting go for even a second.

We finally got up to the second floor, where it wasn't as crowded but there were still people scattered everywhere. We stopped in our tracks after we got upstairs.

"Gosh, this place is fucking huge. How does he not get lost?" Jake shakes his head in confusion.

I stood there in silence as I watched Jake look around, and I admired how handsome he looked; his hair, his outfit, his face, his lips.. he looked so handsome tonight.

Not in a weird way, though.

Jake looks at me, then looks down at our still-interlocked hands. His eyes widen a little as he pulls his hand away, looking at me shyly with fluster.

"Sorry. I didn't realize..."

He chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment as his ears and cheeks turn red. I look at him with an assuring smile, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay. I didn't want to get lost from you, either. There was so much people." I tell him and he smiles at me.

"Wait here. I'm going to use the bathroom, alright? Don't go anywhere without me. I'll be quick." He tells me.

I nod, and he heads into the bathroom. I lean against the wall and play with my nails as I wait for him, taking a sip of my Soju.

"Yo, yo, yo. You're really fucking hot."

I look up and see a random guy standing in front of me, his cheeks flushed with a creepy smirk on his face.

"Thank you." I politely say to him.

He takes a step or two closer to me and I gulp, nervousness rising inside of me. He puts his hand on the wall next to my head, making me feel trapped as I was against the wall. He leans his head closer to mine, his eyes becoming dark and creepy.

"Let's get together sometime. There's an empty room over there, yeah?" He licks his lips.

"Sorry, dude, but I'm not interested.." I mutter slowly.

"Come on, just one night! You won't regret it with me." He smirks evilly.

He leans his head even closer, about to kiss me. Inches away from my face, I hear Jake's voice appear again.

"Babe!" Jake exclaims.

"Sorry I took so long, baby. The bathroom was disgusting." Jake laughs, clearly acting.

He looks at me then looks at the guy. The random guy backs away from me, looking confused.

"What are you doing, so close to her?" Jake puts his hands in his pockets, looking at the guy with angry yet calm eyes.

At this moment, Jake looked seriously intimidating. I could tell the guy was a little spooked.

"I was just trying to get with her. You know, since she's beautiful and all." The guy responds.

"Not cool, man. She clearly doesn't want you." Jake raises an eyebrow.

"Are you her boyfriend? What gives you the right to be in our business?" The guy scoffs defensively.

"Why are you being informal?" Jake scoffs lowly.

That was hot.

"Yeah," Jake says, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me next to him.

"She's my girlfriend. Mine. Isn't that right, babe?" Jake looks at me with a bright, pretending smile.

"Y-Yeah. You look really handsome tonight, my love." I play the act.

"She's mine. Stay away from her." Jake says coldly to the guy.

"How do I know this isn't an act? Come on, just one chance! You won't regret it-"

My heart lifts up even more after suddenly feeling Jake's lips crash onto mine. He grabs the cup of Soju in my hands and throws it at the guy. His hands cup my cheeks, his soft plump lips on mine. My eyes widen as I put my arms around his shoulders and neck, kissing him back. He pulls away from me after a few seconds into the kiss and he looks at the guy.

"As you may see, she wants me. Not you. Get lost." Jake spits out, scarily staring at the surprised dude.

The guy says nothing as he's in shock, then he runs down the stairs in silence.

"Gosh. That dude was annoying. Couldn't take no for an answer. Sorry about your Soju." Jake looks at me as if nothing just happened.

I gulp again, my heart beating incredibly fast.

Did that just happen?

Did we just kiss?

"Jake! Shiyeon!" Our heads turn to the direction of the voice.

It was Geonu. Just in time, huh?

"Thanks for making it to my party, Shiyeon." Geonu shakes hands with me.

"Gosh. Did something happen to you? You look so red." He laughs at me.

"You know the guy with that red shirt on? The fake LV shirt? Please kick him out of your party. He's a creep." Jake says to him.

"Roger that." Geonu giggles.

"H-Happy birthday, Geonu." I stammer.

Gosh, I'm still shaken up by that kiss.

Did that seriously happen?

"You should make sure your girl is okay. I'll be around the house if you need me." Geonu looks at Jake, then at me.

Geonu leaves to go upstairs to the third floor.

"Come on, let's get you more Soju. One more bottle, and that's it! Okay?" Jake points a finger at me cutely with a warm smile.

"Sure. Yes." I nod slowly.

He grabs my hand and connects it with his once again, as I follow him back downstairs.

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