Christening The House

By Bookwormmmm193

72.8K 3.9K 3.9K

Arthit and kong were dating from last six years..... They decided to Move in together and bought A beautiful... More

Christening The House
Weekend Mornings....
Christmas 🎄
A Rough Day.....
My Turn......
I am here to Serve....
Birthday Cake🎂
New year
Unconditional love
Angel 😇
I am Sorry....
Changing Room.....
Sleeping Bags....
Happy Birthday....
A Drunken Night..,
Like A Bamboo Shoot .....
I am Tired....!!
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year....
Ice Cream 🍦
Coffee Shop....
Love... And... Latte...
My Each and Every First....
Private Performance...
Lab partner
Wedding Night 💞
Sun & Moon
Yes... It's Really you
A Rainy Day...

I Thought.....

1.7K 93 53
By Bookwormmmm193

Arthit's POV ------

"What am I going to do ??

Running my hand through my hair for the 100th time in past 30 or so minutes, I dialed his number again, only to receive a voicemail. My eyes moved to the television as the news stations replayed the horrible pictures and videos of the subway train accident over and over again.

Please, God, let him be okay.....

My phone rang and I immediately picked it up hoping it was him.

"Kong ??"

"No, son, it's me"

I sighed, taking a little comfort in my father's voice, but wishing it were someone else's

"Hey, Dad...."

"Have you heard from Kong yet ??"

Tears stung in my eyes as I shook my head. Realizing that my father couldn't see me, I croaked my answer into the phone


"Stay strong, Arthit. He'll be in touch with you"

Just as he was speaking, I watched on the screen, in utter horror as the video of the train collision with the another train, played.....

I knew Kong was in the first train, he called me when he entered the train and told me he will be home, just in half an hour

I screamed out loud and felt my world crash down around me, much like the train that had just crumbled in a pile of trash and ash.

Without Kong, that's all I would be.....

"Arthit! Are you alright ?? What happened ??"

"Dad, I should get off the phone in case Kong is trying to call me"

"Okay, but please keep us posted. Your mother and I are thinking about both of you and wish we could be there"

"I know dad......Thanks"

"I'll talk to you later, son. I love you"

I took a deep breath and responded in a shaky voice

"I love you too, Dad"

As I hung up the phone, my mind raced. I tried Kong's phone once more and was met, yet again, with his voicemail. Even though I desperately wanted to hear his live voice, the sound of his deep and calm voice, as he asked me to leave a message at the beep brought me a small amount of comfort

I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around Kong and hold him tight, gazing into his deep black eyes and feeling my heart flutter when he smile, my favourite crooked smile....

We met the very first day of the Hazing, at Engineering department at SSU. He was a freshman and I was the head Hazer. I hated him and his guts at the start of hazing. He riled my nerves to the verge of explosion and then smiled at me his trademark crooked smile. But as we started to get to know each other, I saw his real personality behind the irritating mask of his so called Hero instincts.

After few weeks, He started to flirt with me, given every chance, without holding anything back. I tried to ignore him at first but he became a constant visitor in my thoughts and dreams. After giving it a deep and thorough thinking, I decided to go with my heart's desire, wanted to give it a chance, whatever we have between us

That night when I gave him my answer at the Rama VII Bridge and we shared our first mind-blowing kiss, something in my gut just told me, HE WAS IT......

He was the one for me

In all honesty, I was quite overwhelmed by it all, because I had never felt anything so intense, before. I was only a 20 year old, young college student, trying to find his way in life to create a better future for myself. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd find the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, before even starting the real life, out of college.

After completing my college, I found a good job in a very reputed company and my career took a great start. Kong and Me, we were both getting stronger as the time passed and I couldn't believe I was capable of loving someone this much.    

Now that we were in our fifth year of relationship, Kong started to work in his dad's company. He was beyond excited about it, and every day, for the past two weeks, he came home and told me story after story about all of the cool things he did at work. I was so proud of him. He started with a simple post in his own Father's company and was determined to work his way up to the higher position.

His father gifted him a new car on his graduation but he dosen't use it for going to work, He choosen to go to work as other normal employees, by subway train or bus. but now I wished he'd never done that, Because of this choice, I now may have lost the love of my life

Pain ripped through my heart as I thought about never seeing him walk through the door again. Would I be able to move on ?? Would I want to move on ?? Would I even want to live without him ??

I was startled by such a dark thought, but the more I thought about it, the more it didn't seem so weird. Kongpob was the best thing that had happened to me and without him I would only be half a man. He complemented me in so many ways. He could calm me when my anxiety got the best of me, or I placed too much pressure on myself. He knew how to bring a smile to my face, and always knew exactly what I needed at any given moment. Sometimes I thought he knew me better than I knew myself.

Standing quickly, I flew into a rage.....

I screamed.......

I kicked.......

I threw various things.......

In the end, I collapsed to the floor sobbing uncontrollably as I faintly listened to the worried voices on the television as the news feed goes on.

I don't know when I finally got off of the floor, but after calling Kong's cell and, once again, not receiving an answer, I decided to go outside and sit on the outside stairs. If Kong made his way back home, I wanted to make sure I was right there waiting for him.

Hour after hour passed and there was still no sign or word of him. Occasionally neighbors stopped by and sheepishly smiled at me. I tried my best to be polite, knowing I wasn't the only one in turmoil. The entire city was suffering

Every once in a while, I caught the sight of black shiny hair and my heart swelled. However, moments later it would break when the person turned out to be a stranger and not my Kong. I should have gone inside the house, rather than torture myself over and over again, but I didn't want to miss my Moon when he arrived. If he didn't return to me, I don't think I'd ever be able to enter our apartment again.

Sitting on the stairs and staring at my phone, willing it to ring, I thought I faintly heard my name being called in the distance. The name 'Arthit' is not a totally uncommon name, so I didn't really pay attention, but when I heard it again, this time closer and louder, I turned my head and looked up the street

The world literally stopped and everything moved in slow motion

There, running towards me, was the most beautiful sight in the world.


I ran down the steps and bolted towards him. As my legs carried me closer to my boyfriend, tears streamed down my face. Once I was close enough, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him tightly to my body

"P' Arthit...."

he whispered.

"Kong !! Thank God you're okay !!"

He pulled back and looked at me, eyes filling with tears

"I thought I lost you"

I said.

He looked down at the ground and began to tremble.

"I.....I had to get back to you. Even in the midst of all the chaos and fear, I had to get back to you P'...."

I pulled him to my chest once again and squeezed him as tightly as I could. He was covered with dirt and ash, but he had never looked more beautiful. As I rubbed his back and persuaded myself to believe he was real, I leaned back and kissed him with everything I had. I didn't hold back and dared anyone to say something to us at the moment

After a while...

I led him into our apartment and told him to take a shower while I called our parents. The relief and elation in their voices was infectious and I found myself smiling long after I had hung up.

After emerging from the steamy bathroom, Kong joined me on the couch and recounted his experience. My heart broke for him as he talked about the sounds, smells and sights he experienced, both horrific and inspiring. By the grace of God, he made it out of the train without much injury, but had to walk home, because of the traffic diversion due to the accident

"Even though it took forever, I've never been so grateful to walk to anywhere in my life. During the rush to get out of the subway station, I dropped my phone somewhere, but the entire time I kept thinking about you. Your face, in my mind's eye, kept me focused and in the right frame of mind. Otherwise I would have succumbed to all of the pain and destruction around me, P' Arthit"

"During that long walk home, I thought about what you were probably going through and I prayed you were okay"

His eyes filled with tears as his hand tightened around mine.

"I'm so sorry for worrying you, 'Oon"

Shaking my head, I told him that was nonsense

"I am just glad you made it home safely Kong, all the worry was worth it when I saw you running towards me. I love you very much"

"I love you too, P' Arthit"

We sat there hugging each other for immeasurable time


I prepared dinner while Kong spoke on the phone with his parents, followed by mine, convincing them he was fine and thanking them for all of their prayers. As I watched him smiling throughout the conversations, I couldn't help but think about the 'what ifs', but quickly pushed those thoughts out of my head. I refused to allow myself to dwell on what could have happened because I was one of the fortunate ones.

I had my love back and he was safe. Others weren't so lucky.

I decided right then and there that I would never take Kong, or his love, for granted ever again. We were given a second chance, and I wasn't going to go one day without telling him how much I loved him and how special he was to me.

Hanging up the phone, Kong turned towards me and smiled brightly. I pulled him towards the bed, pushing him down, face first onto the bed. He quickly turned around and looked at me, slightly frightened. I'm sure I was a sight. My chest was heaving, tears were running down my cheeks and I was sure I was this close to hyperventilating. But all of that shit didn't matter. I wanted to feel him close to me, I wanted to believe that I was not going to lose kong ever. He was my everything and I had to make sure he is right here with me

"P' Arthit ??"

I leaned over him and kissed him, hard and deep. I wanted to forget all the horrible memories of today. A growl emanated from deep within my chest as my hands dove into his hair, pulling and holding fistfuls tightly in my grip. Simultaneously my tongue pushed its way into his mouth. His taste always set me on fire, but the combination of heightened emotions and adrenaline made me hyper aware of everything my Kong is....

He looks beautiful lying beneath me......

He taste like heaven......

His moans and whimpers are music to my ears.....

The hard, solid planes of his body made my hands desperate to touch every inch of him.....

He smelled like love, desire and home.......

Kong's hands seemed to dance across my skin, setting me on fire with need.

"Please never leave me alone kong..... please..... I won't be able to survive without you"

I said between kisses......

"You've ruined me for anyone else"

The sexiest groan fell from Kong's lips as I sat up and looked down at him. His arms reached for me in an effort to reconnect our bodies, and I complied with as much eagerness as I could, without scaring him away

Breathing heavily, he reached for me and pulled me down for a searing kiss

I made love to him slowly and passionately, grabbing his hands and entwining our fingers. While Kong supported me, my pace and the force with which I rocked into him. Kong was practically screaming in pleasure while I smiled and hummed, enjoying every desirable moment. I watched in awe as his orgasm ripped through his body, causing my own body to tense and then shake as I came inside him

Falling forward, I nuzzled his neck and felt his strong arms wrap around me and hold me tightly.

"I'm sorry, P', for scaring you like this. I can't even imagine what horror you have faced till the time I get back to you, I don't think I would be able to face the same without loosing my sanity. I love you so much P' Arthit..... You are my life"

I just nod and smile against his neck as I placed soft kisses on his sensitive skin

"I promise P' I will never leave you alone..... You are stuck with me forever"

I smiled and nodded again, couldn't trust my voice at the moment

Shifting slightly, I slid out of Kong's warm body, missing our intimate connection immediately

"Come on, let's get cleaned up and have dinner. I'm starving !!"

We slowly stood and headed to the shower, again. I wrapped my arm around his waist as if he would suddenly disappear. This whole experience scared me, No.... it scared the hell out of me. Kong is not only the love of my life, but he was indeed my life himself. And I would be lifeless..... if I have to live without him

As we stepped into the shower, the air thick and heavy from the steam, I wrapped my arms around my beautiful boyfriend and smiled knowing he was really here, safe and sound, in my arms, and I prayed to God, to let us stay like this....




A/N: Another one shot of KongArt, I hope you all will like it too💖💖

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