vampires don't bite ; rory ke...

Por -angeIwings

15.4K 311 137

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S1 E2: Three Cheers For The Vampire Couple
S1 E3: Friday Night Frights
S1 E4: The Blue Moon

S1 E1: Lawn of the Dead

1K 20 16
Por -angeIwings

Episode 1

benny and destiny weir were just now waking up, way too close to being late; as per usual. "benny! come on!" "blah blah blah, i'm coming!" destiny rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"come on! rory's waiting for me!" benny groaned, "oh shut up! you're just mad cuz you can't get a girlfriend!" destiny yelled up the stairs at her brother. "shut up or i'm gonna tell grandma you're being mean to me again!" he threatened, racing down the stairs. "and F-Y-I, i'm gonna score myself a date with della today." he smirked, grabbing a bagel and whispering a spell to turn it into a donut. "yeah sure." destiny teased as she dragged her twin brother out the door.

she looked around but didn't see her boyfriend anywhere. she sighed, "hm, where's your boyfriend, d?" benny smirked, teasingly. "shut uppp!" she groaned, speeding off until she found ethan, walking down the sidewalk, on his way to the twins' place.

"hey, e!" he jumped, "shi- i- ahh... don't do that!" she giggled. "have you seen rory?" she frowned again, he shook his head no. which caused her frown to grow larger. she sighed, "okay, be right back!" she exclaimed, speeding back to her brother, grabbing him and speeding right back. "jesus, d!" benny said, muffled from his chocolate donut being shoved in his mouth. ethan rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"see ya later, boys. i'm off to find my knight with shining armor!" benny scoffed, "if you're referring to rory; he's hardly a knight, with any armor." ethan chuckled quietly. destiny rolled her eyes, speeding to school in an attempt to find her boyfriend.

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"think about it dude!" benny exclaimed as him and ethan walked through the halls together. "anything we want.!" benny counted the items on his fingers, "so you only use magic spells for stuff that starts with 'C'?" ethan joked, causing benny to sigh, "once we were lowly highschool noobs. now we're; vampire killing, spellcasting rockstars with vampire friends and slash or, siblings! the world is our oyster." destiny randomly appeared, causing the boys to jump. "oysters are nasty, b." she giggled, "yeah, have you ever actually had them? not something you want to swallow — more like something you'd cough up." ethan said as the three turned the corner.

"yeah, nice... nice image to start the day. but, there's the image i need." he said as he eyed up della, aka one of his many female crushes. destiny chuckled, "she's not even that pretty." destiny mumbled.

"i know you're the 'seer' and all, but i can see her with me." he said, first pointing at della; then pointing at himself.

"keep the magic on the downlow — remember? life just got back to... semi-normal." ethan awkwardly chuckled, looking between benny and his twin. "would you relax? i got this." benny reassured him, making a bouquet of flowers appear in his hands as he walked over to della.

sarah walked up to the, now two, friends. "can i talk to you guys?" "hey how goes it? wh-" "hey sarah!" destiny interrupted him, causing him to glare at her intently. sarah waved at her a bit.

"can i borrow twenty dollars, friends? it's for a good cause." she awkwardly grinned whilst looking between the two. "twenty dollars? like, now?" "uhh, i don't think i have any cash with me. sorry sarah." destiny frowned. sarah shrugged, the three broke their necks to look towards benny and della, who had just began crying for some reason. destiny face palmed as benny shrugged, asking for help before speed walking over to the three.

"awesome news; della's dog died!" "ha!" destiny exclaimed, "that's good news?" sarah questioned, "yeah." benny giggled, "nice. gotta go. bye ethan, bye destiny. bye benny." sarah giggled quietly while saying benny's name.

"so, she said she loved my flowers, and THEN she said she'd do anything to bring her dog back." destiny raised an eyebrow, "anything..." benny smirked, "what if somebody magically brought her dog back? can you imagine how grateful she'd be?" ethan slowly nodded before realizing what he was getting at.

"wha- no!" destiny exclaimed, he raised an eyebrow at her. "no, benny — you cannot bring her dead dog back to life!" "won't know until we try, right?" he challenged with a wink and a finger gun, making destiny groaned as he walked off. "benny! stop! if harry potter were here he'd... smack you around!" destiny rolled her eyes, "geek." she mumbled before speeding off to find her boyfriend.

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benny ethan and destiny all sat in front of ethan's desk, watching a video of the twins' grandma being questioned about a spell or potion to bring an animal back to life.

benny pushed it as she raised an eyebrow.

"see? those crazy wrinkles are hiding something — i know it." destiny rolled her eyes, "you're ridiculous, benny! i mean, i know you put in effort to get a girlfriend but don't you think bringing a dead animal back to life is overkill?" he looked between her and ethan. "uhh no! it's under kill." he said, looking back to the computer before looking back at the two when they looked at him unamused. "cause the dog would be un-killed. duh!" benny looked at the computer with his eyebrows furrowed as ethan sighed. "you don't even know how to do it." "well no, but i know where to find the answers: grandma's secret shelf." "benny!! absolutely not, grandma said never to go through there! are you stupid?" ethan raised his eyebrows while looking at her like; 'do-you-really-need-the-answer-to-that?' "my bad feeling just got twenty percent more bad." ethan said as his mom knocked at the door before walking in. "hey boys, destiny." she smiled at the girl, as she smiled back. "ethan, dinners almost ready." "uh... what's that... aroma?" ethan asked, trying to be polite. benny laughed, "did jane melt one of her dolls again?"

destiny face palmed, rolling her eyes as ethan hit his thigh. "actually, ethan's dad is having a very, very important client over for dinner this friday. so; i'm testing so recipes from 'tv's greatest chefs': and this is kelp and kimshi ratatouille. you want to try a sample?" "mmm. yum. uh.. me and destiny have to go." benny said, grabbing his sister's hand and pulling her behind him as he grabbed his things and walked out the bedroom door. "bye mrs morgan!" destiny shouted behind her. "bye guys!" she shouted back before hearing the door shut and giving her son a sample of her food.

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"benny i don't know what to do! i've looked everywhere for rory and i cant find him anywhere!" "you call him?" she nodded. "hm... let me try." he dialed the blond's phone number and almost immediately got answered. "hey dude, why are you ghosting my sister?" benny questioned, quite harshly. "hey! hey, hey. dude relaaax! i'm making her something at my place. don't tell her though. okay, i'm not ghosting her i promise! i'd never do that!" he explained. benny sighed, relieved, and nodded. "k, bye rory. mhm see ya. k, bye." benny hung up the phone, shoving it in his pocket. "so? where is he?" "he's just grabbing a 'bite' to eat." benny almost gagged as he put quotation marks over the word bite. destiny nodded, understanding, kind of. she still didn't understand why he didn't answer any calls or texts AND not show up to school. she sighed as the twins began their journey home.

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benny rode his bike down to his friend's house, getting there just in time for him to walk out to meet him. "hey! i got your text. what's up?" ethan asked as destiny flew back down to the ground, "boo!" she shouted, causing him to jump. "jeez- destiny don't do that!" ethan scolded as he turned to face her. she rolled her eyes as she walked over to her brother. "hey, b." she smiled as he got off of his bike, setting it up.

"okay, and destiny don't be mad, but i took these from grandma's secret shelf-" "benny!" destiny scolded, slapping his arm with vampire strength, accidentally. "OW!" he yelled with emphasis. "sorry, forgot about the whole super strength thing." she chuckled, he rolled his eyes and groaned. "but benny, how do you know which vial has the potion to bring a dog back?" ethan asked, benny looked to the side; "i thought you might use a vision to see which one is the 'bring-back-to-life' juice?" benny raised his eyebrows as ethan frowned. destiny rolled her eyes, ethan then sighed. "come on, e! help reunite a fair maiden with her beloved pet." "fair maiden my ass! she once, before i got turned, pushed my on the floor and then her friend broke my glasses! that is why i started wearing contacts my friends." destiny explained, as benny sighed. "one touch." benny smirked as he held the vials to ethan. "tuh....... okay." "yes!" benny exclaimed, "okay now, focus." he said as he handed him the vials.

several visions popped up, being coated in a different color as ethan saw the images. ethan the. handed benny the vials one by one, telling him what each one does as benny added a comment to it. "this — this ones it." ethan said, holding a vial with a yellow liquid in it.

"but—" "sweet! della's dead dog thanks you." benny interrupted his friend as his sister sighed and rolled her eyes.

"wish me luck: i have a long road ahead. and a pooch to summon from the dead.... engage!" benny said before riding off while simultaneously putting on his helmet. ethan attempted to call after him but sighed in defeat as he clearly wasn't going to respond.

"boo!" rory shouted, popping up next to ethan, making him yell and jump, startled. "you guys need to stop doing that!" "oh my god! rory! i've been looking for you all day stupid!" destiny exclaimed before hugging him tightly. "hi babe. sorry i've been busy at home." "but you missed school!" he ignored her and looked back to ethan as he kept his arm around her waist.

"anyway! check out my new card!" he picked one out of his flannel pocket, handing it to ethan cutely. "what's that mean?" ethan asked as he looked at it. "rory — vampire... ninja." destiny giggled as she wrapped her arms around rory's torso. ethan sighed, "look, bennys gone to della's and i don't know where she lives. do you?" "no." rory replied before adding; "but i know a sure way to find out: air rory!" he said, grabbing ethan and grabbing his girlfriend's hand before pulling them up with him as ethan shouted.

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"are you mad at me?" rory asked as he dropped ethan to the ground, still holding his girlfriend's hand. "of course not, rorster! but i just don't know why you haven't been answering. i thought you were mad at me!" he giggled. "never. now let's go, okay?" he asked before she nodded in response.

he put his hands on her cheeks, pulling her in and kissing her for a few seconds before letting go and pulling her down with him to find ethan and benny.

just as benny was pouring the potion into the soil, ethan fell from the sky; causing him to spill too much of the potion and shout. "ethan... do not sneak up on a dude who's awakening the dead!" benny scolded his friend, "keep it down." ethan replied, "come on, let's go before you do something stupid." benny gave him a look. "i mean, more stupid." he corrected.

"too late. already did." benny admitted as he furrowed his eyebrows at ethan. "nothing happened. i—" rory and destiny then jumped behind the two, causing them to scream. "boo-yah!" rory exclaimed as destiny chuckled. "i don't care how undead you two are, you do that again, i kill you!" benny threatened as he pointed at the two. "to kill vampire ninja and his beautiful girlfriend, you must first find vampire ninja and his beautiful girlfriend!" rory explained with a magical hand gesture in between as he grasped destiny's hand once again. "vampire ninja, you—" benny went to insult rory's 'childish behavior' but saw that destiny and rory were now gone. "okay... that was kinda cool. except he took my sister." benny sighed, "anyway. potion had no effect at all. maybe your vision was wrong." "ethan's visions are never wrong!" destiny smiled as she popped up behind her brother, making them both scream again and jump a few inches off of the ground. "she's right... b-but i do think that your grandma was right. we shouldn't mess with the forces of life and death." ethan said before putting benny's shoulder and standing up.

benny got up as well as they both walked over to a nearby bench, sitting down and laying their heads back as destiny sped over to them. "guys, this was dumb as he— wait, wait, wait! do you hear that?" destiny had paused as she heard very loud sounds of a puppy whining caused by her vampire super hearing. "no way! puffles!" benny exclaimed as he rushed over to the dog. "it's alive!" he screamed, "shh! benny!" ethan scolded as he grabbed ahold of his friend's arm and rushed over to the grave with him. destiny had disappeared, probably with rory. "whoa!" benny sighed, beginning to dig up the dirt with his hands, along with ethan which soon revealed beloved puffles. rory and destiny had showed up again as rory said; "whoa." whilst looking between ethan and puffles. "so so bad..." destiny whispered to herself as rory wrapped one arm around her waist as his other hand rested on benny's shoulder to hold him up.

puffles began panting as destiny 'aww'd. "that is the sweet sound of benny scoring a date with della!" destiny scoffed and rolled her eyes. "okay — you did it. he's alive. now, let's go before someone sees us." ethan told his friend as he picked him up from the dirt. "what?! no, she has to know i saved him. i want to surprise her at school tomorrow." destiny rolled her eyes. "see you at home, benny. see you at school tomorrow, e." she smiled at ethan but glared at her brother before waving and speeding off with rory's hand in her's.

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"so.. where's the dog?"destiny asked as benny had finally arrived home, putting down his bag as he shut the front door. "with ethan." he replied simply whilst taking his shoes off and throwing them somewhere. "hm. sooo, leaving ethan to fix things for you again i presume?" benny sighed. "goodnight, d. love ya." he said, hugging her as he walked past her. she sighed and kissed his cheek. "night, b. love you too." she softly smiles.

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ethan knocked rapidly on the weirs' front door as he waited impatiently for someone to answer. "ethan what-" "destiny! hi! it's puffles... he-he's gone crazy!" ethan panted as the dog growled. "oh... uhh.." destiny's eyes widened before yawning. "wha- you- you're a vampire! how are you tired?!" ethan whisper shouted, "because vampires can sleep! most just choose not to! ugh, anyway, what do we do with the dog?" "destiny!! who's are the door?!" benny screamed as he ran down the staircase. "oh hey ethan." he panted. "hey, uh, we kinda gotta get this insane dog to your girl-crush so let's go?!" ethan exclaimed.

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the twins had quickly gotten dressed and gotten what they needed before heading out with ethan.

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"man, i'm telling you, this feels wrong." ethan told benny, "that dog isn't just undead. he's evil! he tried to eat my hand this morning." benny continued to hold the box as puffles rolled around, attempting to get out.

"why? didn't you feed him?" benny asked as puffles growled, "no. sorry i didn't have any dead dog chow laying around!" "hi!" destiny exclaimed as she popped up next to ethan. "ahh! you guys seriously need to stop that!" he shouted. "there's della!" benny exclaimed as she turned the corner, also ignoring his sister. "when she sees puffles she will be all over me! wish me luck." he said finally, making his way over to the girl and her friends.

destiny rolled her eyes. "good luck with that. i'm off to find rory. destiny.... away!" she shouted before speeding away to find her boyfriend. ethan giggled and rolled his eyes as he disappointedly watch benny try to get with della.

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"just tell me: what are you and dumber you up to this time?" sarah asked ethan as she walked up to him. ethan being his awkward self, replied; "what? nothing. i don't know what you're talking about." "i know your work when i see it. i was trying out for a new sales job..." sarah began to tell the story of how the small animal attacked her earlier that day.

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"ah! there you are!" destiny smiled as she sped up to her boyfriend and hugged him from behind. he jumped a bit but calmed down when he saw it was his gorgeous girlfriend.

"hi babe." he smiled, "hi ror." she smiled back, kissing his cheek softly before he grabbed her hand and sped off to find their friends.

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"what is up?" rory exclaimed as he waved his free hand that had to bandages over two of his fingers. "hey, rory... destiny." ethan nodded at her with a smile, "what happened to you?" ethan asked, gesturing to his fingers. "weirdest thing. last night i went out for a crunchy critter snack, but this time, the snack fought back!" "oh, rory!" destiny giggled, "vampires can grow back!" she kissed his cheek. he took the bandages off. "yo! fingers grow back fast!" he smiled at her, "sweet! high five!" he put a hand out and destiny high fived him as he moved his opposite hand down from her shoulder to her waist. "did you guys do what i think you guys did?" destiny looked between sarah and ethan. "raise dead animals from the grave to get a girls attention?" ethan asked as his voice raised the more he spoke. "unbelievable." sarah said, rolling her eyes before walking off. della screamed, "benny! get him off!" "benny..." ethan sighed, rushing over to him. rory giggled, following ethan as he pulled destiny along with him. "get him off!" destiny laughed as she saw della struggle to get the possessed dog off of her leg. "attention all students!" someone spoke over the PA system, due to recent outbreaks of rabid animal attacks—" destiny grabbed her brother and her boyfriend and sped out of the school to catch up with ethan.

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ethan and benny panted as they ran into ethan's house and locked the door. "see you in a little, love y-" she paused as her — and her boyfriend's — face(s) turned bright red. "um.. bye rory." she awkwardly patted his shoulder and sped around back, knowing the scared boys locked the door behind them. "is it me or did that chipmunk look about ready to eat our eyeballs?" benny asked as the two made their way to the couch. "hey dorks." destiny smiled at them as they jumped up and shouted before grabbing onto each other. "i think it's time we called in a little magical back up." ethan said once he'd caught his breath, again.

"what?! n-no!" "y-yes, benny! you morons can't do this by yourselves!" benny sighed and poured. "but, d! if grandma finds out, who knows what she'll do to me?" she rolled her eyes as she sat next to ethan on the couch. "listen, if the potion did cause this, then it'll probably just run out of gas. i'm sure the worst is over." benny said as he leaned back and closed his eyes whilst destiny turned on the news.

"this is a special news bulletin. all over whitechapel, reports are coming in of bizarre small animal attacks." ethan and benny both cringed and widened their eyes as destiny face palmed at the turtle that had just attempted to attack the news anchor. "that's tiberius!" ethan exclaimed, pointing at the tv. "no!" benny shouted in disbelief, "yeah!" "but that's crazy. he ran away when you were, like, eight." "you guys really are stupid." destiny sighed as she pulled out her cellphone, ready to call her grandma. "benny! we have to to talk with your guys' grandma — now." ethan said sternly.
"c-couldn't we just... email her?" evelyn suddenly showed up in front of the front door. the two screamed as destiny sped to the kitchen to grab a snack.

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long story short, benny and destiny were on their way to ethan's house to help (re)kill all of the possessed animals.

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"hey guys, sup?" destiny asked as she walked in. "no time for small talk!" benny exclaimed, running in after her. "we are locked and loaded with anti-potion! and yer boyfriend" benny smirked at his twin, "is on his way." he finished, looking back to the other two. "good. when he leads the critters back, we'll take position in your guys' backyard and let 'em have it." "all right, and uh sweater-vest, can you tell the waitress i'll have a decaf triple mocha latte — no foam?" sarah picked up a pan, about to hit benny with it as he backed up and furrowed his eye brows at her whilst destiny 'ha-ha'ed at the two, shoveling the morgans' honey nut cheerios into her mouth. "destiny! you don't even need human food so stop eating all of mine!" ethan scolded her as he snatched the box and put it away. she pulled before hissing at him, causing him to back up in slight fear. she giggled, "just kidding!" she then walked outside, presumably looking for rory. "your sister is insane." ethan said in a quiet tone." "hey, um, ethan i need you to come and meet our guests. sarah, could you bring out hors d'oeuvres now please?" "yes ma'am!" she replied, grabbing a plate and following the two into the dining room.

"everybody, this is our son ethan." "hi, er della and i have met — kinda." della awkwardly looked around with a slight nod. hey, della! did the dog come back?" benny asked as he popped up between ethan and his mother. della began to sob as she put her head in her hands. benny paused as he face became ashamed and confused at the same time. "she's besn worked up all week." della's dad sighed, "every dog she sees is puffles." benny quietly groaned as he walked away quickly with his head down. "oh i'm so sorry! that's so sad."mrs morgan said, sitting down. ethan then see sat down as well as flute music began to play quietly.

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"shoot!" rory exclaimed as the the recorder fell down the chimney. destiny then popped up behind him. "rory, what did you do?!" she scolded before looking down the chimney as the recorder finally became stuck towards the bottom. "i- uhh..." he stuttered over his words before racing to the front door and knocking rapidly and metophorically pasting a smile over his lips. benny answered it before sighing at the sight of rory with a smile. he groaned before turning around to tell sarah.

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sarah walked into the dining room, leaning down and whispering to ethan; "rorys here and he looks happy about something... that's never good. 

"rory! what'd you do?!" ethan quietly shouted as he made his way into the kitchen. "how can i still hear the music?" destiny then came in with an angry look on her face. "i had... an inspiration! why shred my primo lips when i could just record the tune and play it back on a loop? no. flute. required." benny snatched the flute from the blonde's hands. "oh! funny story, actually," destiny butted in, "mr smarty pants over here, was being oh-so-genius and dropped the damn recorder down the chimney!" she exclaimed, in a hushed tone. "the CHIMNEY?!" ethan exclaimed as he widened his eyes and got closer to rory's face. "hey, relax." rory said in a sweet tone. destiny knew she couldn't stay mad at him forever. "i know a way to get it back... when santa comes—" "rory, shut up! you know the rules about plans involving santa!" destiny felt a sidden piece of rage come through her. she hissed at ethan before grabbing her boyfriend's hand. "hey, watch it! don't tell him to shut up! and don't treat him like a little kid either!" she scowled. "d, did you not just hear him—" benny started before della screamed and everyone looked in the direction of the kitchen with shocked faces before ethan dashed into the living room.

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"della! are you okay?" her mom asked as she made her way over to her daughter.

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benny pointed at rory with a frown on his face and a disappointed glare.

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"i felt something. on my leg!"

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"i felt something... o-o-on my leg!" destiny mocked in an overly high pitched voice, making rory giggle. she rolled her eyes. "bimbo bitch." she mumbled as she pulled herself onto the counter.

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sarah bent down, holding a plate and a cover for it, "gotcha!" she exclaimed as she caught a rabid critter in the dish. everyone looked to her, confused, before she stood up awkwardly. "i mean.. got, your next course! coming right up!"

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ethan came running into the kitchen as he saw benny and sarah squirting the deadly critters as about 10 of them crowded the kitchen. "okay we've got to keep it down. my-" ethan stopped in his tracks. "it's like Snow White.. and her little forest friends!" benny whisper shouted. "the evil undead! ha-ha!" he exclaimed as he shot a rat, making it disappear.

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"mm.." destiny groaned in happiness as rory sat her on the bathroom sink. she kept her arms wrapped around his neck as he held her thighs with a tight grip. "mmm!" she moaned as he gripped her thighs a little tighter. he pulled away from their make out session quickly, "oo, sorry babe." he apologized. "it's okay my love." she smiled as she kissed him again. they then began to hear their friends groaning in effort, causing them to speed into the kitchen.

"what happen— oooh god!" destiny yelped before covering her mouth with her hands. "this is not good!" "this is awesome!" rory said with a smile as he sniffed a rat covered in clam sauce.

"mmm, try them with the clam sauce!" he then turned around and began chowing down on his snack.

ethan jolted his head towards benny before rushing to the kitchen to dining room door. destiny groaned as she rushed over to her boyfriend. "rory! stop it!" she slapped his head. "ow! what was that for?!" he exclaimed with a mouth full as he turned around. she rolled her eyes as ethan persuaded his dad into going back into the kitchen somehow before seeing a rabid bunny on benny's back. he panicked and grabbed a pan and a squirt gun and hitting the bunny onto the ground before shooting it with holy water. "okay, what was that for?" benny exclaimed. "just some... hare on your back. now, i told my mom i'd get the parmesan." ethan said before walking over to the cabinet, he opened the cupboard door to expose puffles, who was even more pissed than earlier. "puffles!" ethan screamed in pain as the dog latched onto his hand. "ethan!" destiny shouted. he banged the dog against the counter a few times, causing it to whimper. sarah then grabbed ethan's arm and pinned it against the kitchen cabinets, "will one of yoy shoot this thing?!" ethan groaned, "i- uhh.." benny stuttered as destiny grabbed the gun and shot the holy water directly in the dog's chest as some ashes and the collar fell into the sauce.

"right in the bullseye! boo-ya!" she exclaimed, high fiving her boyfriend and putting down the gun. "ewww! his collar!" sarah whined. destiny rolled her eyes, "take it o—" "sarah, i'm gonna need this sauce right now, okay?" mrs morgan said as she shuffled into the kitchen, her heels clicking against the hardwood. "mom! mom, wait!" ethan called as he chased after her. "what?" she semi-whispered as she stopped in the doorway of the kitchen-to-dining-room. "i'll get it." ethan said with an awkward smile as he attempted to take the dish. "let it go, ive got it. let go!" "puffles is that you?" sella shouted as she let herself into the kitchen. "ugh this bitch again..." destiny mumbled, until the red sauce got splattered all over the floor and della. destiny bursted out into laughter as benny glared at her. "ahh! puffles?" she asked before looking between the morgans and gasping. "yeah... that's him." benny said disappointedly. as destiny out a hand over her mouth while still laughing.  "kinda.." benny finished. della ran away, crying into her hands. "oh!" benny shouted, "della, wait! i can explain!" he stopped and looked between his friend and his mom. "not right now, but i'll think of something!" he then ran after her.

"ethan, you better have a good explanation for this!" mrs morgan exclaimed. ethan just gave her an awkward smirk before looking towards the floor.

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"wait so... why do you hate della so much?" rory asked as he laid his head on destiny's stomach. she sighed, "well, in fourth grade, she stole my avengers lunch box and gave it to a guy she liked... then in sixth, she threw and open carton of chocolate milk at me and then pulled my hair. and then,  in seventh, she took my shirt while i was in gym, from my locker, and cut it up with scissors. so i'd say i have a valid reason to fuckin, DESPISE her." rory clenched his jaw. "wow... what a bitch." he said angrily. destiny sat up with a giggle. she ran her fingers through his hair. "damn, ror. i've never heard you cuss before, well, since fifth grade when the teacher took your spider man eraser because you kept throwing it at me." she giggled and he chuckled as well. he gulped before sitting up and facing her. "destiny?" "yes, rorster?" she smiled slightly. "i.... i love you. a lot." "i love you too, babe." she smiled and took his hands in hers, pulling him forward to lay on her chest. he blushed as his head laid in the crook of her neck. she blushed as well, running her fingers through his hair before reaching over to turn off her lamp. she smiled as she laid her head back against the pillow and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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author time ✍🏼
holy fuck it took forever to finish this! i hope y'all like it then HAHAHAH

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