Romeo and Juliet~Klance {Comp...

By lamsis4life

4.5K 63 47

Hey, sorry guys. This is the rewrite for Romeo and Juliet~Klance. Wattpad decided to be a little butthead and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Book
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

82 2 0
By lamsis4life

Shiro's POV

I walked down the hall to the meeting room, holding back tears. I made Lance promise he would take care of Keith if anything happened to me, but what he doesn't know, is that we are going after Lotor. I'll tell him a few days before it happens, but Keith can't know.

I enter the meeting room to see Hunk, Pidge, my father, and my most trusted knights. I take in a large breath and sit down at the table with them. "I suppose you know why I called you here with me today." Most of the knights looked around confused, but Hunk, Pidge, and my father all nodded. "I have called you all here today, to discuss something very important." One of the knights raised her hand. I nodded to her, encouraging her to ask her question. "Your majesty, what are you planning?"

I sighed. "I'm going to take down Lotor." Everyone gasped and my father stood up. "Absolutely not! I will not have another son go through his torture! You will stay here. You will protect our people!" He shouted. I heard footsteps outside the door. It slammed open and in came Keith. Lance trailing behind him, trying to get him out of the room. "NO! You can't go after Lotor!" He screamed at me. "Keith-"

"No! You're not going after him! He'll kill you! Then where will we be?! Lance can't take over, since he's not related, nor are we married, I can't lead, and Nik can't lead, as he's too old!" Keith stormed over to me. "You're not leaving me here alone. Not again. Please. Don't leave me." He pleaded. I looked up at him and saw the tears forming in his eyes. I smiled softly at him and pulled him onto my lap, where he curled up and put his face in my neck, like he used to when we were younger.

I smoothed his hair and kissed his head. "I'm sorry, Keith. I have to. That monster hurt you. He has to be stopped before it happens again." I said softly. "No. I'm fine. Please, Takashi. Please. You can't leave. You can't." Keith cried. I looked to everyone in the room. They all gave me a sympathetic look. "Okay Keith. Okay. I won't leave. I promise." I said, knowing full well how broken he would be when I broke that promise. Keith sniffed and looked into my eyes. He then shook his head. "No. I know you fully intend to break that promise. You have to swear to me. Swear to me that you won't leave." He stared into my eyes intensely, daring me to lie to him. I sighed. "Alright, Keith. Alright. You win. I won't go after Lotor. But-" He placed a hand on my mouth and shook his head. "Uh uh. No "but"s You won't send anyone after him. You won't go after him yourself. If I find out someone, anyone, has gone after Lotor, you can bet your ass, I will fight with him. I hate him just as much as you, if not more, but I don't want anyone else dying because of my stupidity. So if anyone is to go after him, it'll be me. But I won't. Not right now, and not ever. He will get what's coming to him sooner or later, but we are not bringing that upon him. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone was stunned. I had never heard Keith talk like that. I highly doubt anyone has. He's usually very calm and quiet, but now? Right now? Anybody would be scared of him. Lance was the first one to break the silence. "Okay. Sounds like a plan, babe." Everyone nodded in agreement and Keith smiled. "Good. Now, if you will excuse me, I haven't eaten anything all day and I would really rather not have a premature labor because I didn't eat." He said, getting up and walking out of the room. Lance followed him out.

"Well, this meeting is over then, I guess." I said sheepishly.

Keith's POV

When I walked out of the room, Lance followed. He looked confused. "What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me. "I just wanted to know where you got that information from." I shrugged. "Looked it up. I'm not really supposed to go more than four hours without eating, but, I mean, I've gone longer since Lotor didn't really feed me." He gave me an incredulous look. "What?" "How long have you gone without eating?!" I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, a few days, maybe? It's fine though. I'm about two or three months along right now, so I have no idea."

"How are you even still pregnant if you didn't eat for longer than four hours?" Lance asked. "How am I supposed to know? I'm fifteen and this is the first time I've been pregnant. Go ask a doctor or something." We walked into the kitchen and I turned on the stove. I had decided to make an omelet and some bacon. When I went to flip the omelet, I burned my arm on the pan. "OW! FUCK!" I shouted, racing over to the sink to run it under cool water.

I heard Lance run into the kitchen. "What?! What happened?!" He asked frantically. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Nothing. I burned my arm while cooking. Will you get me some bandages out of the bathroom to wrap my arm?" He nodded and ran off to find the bandages. I probably should have told him exactly where they were, but oh well, he'll figure it out.

I held my arm under the water until Lance can back about twenty minutes later, rubbing the back of his neck. I laughed at the expression on his face and said, "Under the sink on the right." He nodded a small thank you and ran off to find them again. Shiro walked into the kitchen as soon as Lance went out. "Why did I just see Lance run out of here?" He asked, pointing behind himself to the door. I shrugged my shoulders. "I burned myself while making something to eat and I asked him to get me some bandages." I said, reaching above my head to grab the extra bandages that the staff keeps in here in case I decide to cook, since they know I'm prone to injuring myself on something.

"I swear. You are going to be the death of that boy." I laughed while putting the bandage around my arm. "I know, but it's funny watching him scramble around." Shiro shook his head in disappointment. "Keith..." I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and left the kitchen saying, "Don't run him into the ground before he reaches thirty, okay?" I nodded and went back to cooking.

Lance came back into the kitchen as I was plating my food. "Seriously?! There were bandages in here, and you made me run back and forth to the bathroom to get some?!" He exclaimed, exasperated. I nodded and took a bite of the omelet. "I swear, you're evil." I smiled at him. "Yeah, but you love me." He nodded and kissed me. "Yeah. That's true. I will always love, and do anything for you." 


Hey guys! I know, this chapter kind of jumped around with emotions, but I swear, there's a point to the madness. I just realized that this story so far does not follow Romeo and Juliet, at all, but, honestly, I don't really care. This is a lot of fun to write, and I don't think I'll finish it anytime soon. There was a bit of foreshadowing for the next chapter, comment if you could find it, I wanna know where you think it is, and what's going to happen! 

Anyways, sorry this is so late. I was busy with school and couldn't really write lately, but, it's the weekend, so I'm good! 

Okay, this is completely out of nowhere, but I want to know, who's excited to see the newest Spider-Man movie, cause I know I am! Three of my favorite actors will be in it, and I cannot WAIT to see Strange as Peter's mentor/ father figure in this one. (Sorry if I am about to, or have already, spoiled this movie) I am a huge, like, HUGE, Team Red fan (Spidey, Daredevil, and DP) and I'm excited to see Daredevil in this movie, though I'm kinda mad that they aren't putting DP in it, but whatever.

Sorry guys, I started rambling, but I'm done now, soooooooo, see ya!!!!

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