Love in the Big Apple

By thesuckyone

78.2K 1.2K 202

Julie Stobart had no idea when she walked into the pet store that her life was being changed forever. She qu... More

Some enchanted evening
Fate Steps In
Lucky Louie
Here comes the sun
Birthdays and Board Meetings
Caramel Macchiato
Silent lucidity
Fate Steps in Again
Weekend Confessions
Glimpses of forever
Family photos
Baby Toes
The sun comes out
Home Sweet Home
School days
Moving Along
Rice and Showers
Caroline Marie
Baby Love
Quinn party of three
Santa Baby
Mommy Dearest
Tornado Carrie
War Games
Desperate Heart
Hold Me Now
No Apologies

Vegetative State

3.5K 58 7
By thesuckyone

Brian jumped up and started de cluttering before Julie arrived. He kept a pretty clean apartment, but he'd been busy the past few days with work so he'd let things slide a bit.

He needed to do laundry, he had a full week of filming and then they had shows to do next weekend out of town. He was already missing spending time with Julie.

He was on his way towards the bedroom to grab her a tshirt and shorts. Dare he offer her boxer shorts? She'd probably look so good in them. Then he heard a knock on the door.

He opened the door, she smiled. "Hey stranger."
"Hey yourself" he smiled back. He opened the door wider and motioned for her to come in. All three of his cats jumped down from their post to investigate.

"Awwww your cats are beautiful" she bent down to pet them and say hello.

"Yeah, they're my partners in crime." he laughed.

"So cute." She said. She was nervous though she didn't know why. She stood up and turned around. Brian was right behind her. She smiled again. ". Good to see you, thanks for inviting me over."

"Thanks for coming" he held his arms open for a hug. She really liked having his arms around her. God he smelled so good. She rested her head on his chest for a minute.

"You ok?" Brian asked.

Crap, she'd hugged to long.

"Oh yeah I'm good, just exhausted and you feel good wrapped around me." She sighed.

Oh good god the places his mind went with that statement.

Julie thought to herself, Oh God does he feel good.

Julie sat her purse down and sat down on the couch and the cats came running over. Brian smiled. The cats seemed instantly drawn to her too.

"Hey make yourself at home, can I get you anything to drink?"he asked.

"A glass of water would be great. Thank you". "Trying to rehydrate myself after that mess I made of myself last night." She added.

"Oh you weren't that bad. You were cute actually."

"So some people are the mean drunks, some people are the sad drunks, and me......."

Brian jumped in, "you're the cute drunk."

Julie laughed. "I like you Brian Quinn."

At that moment Brian realized he didn't know her last name. She could read his mind.

"Stobart...." She said.

"Stobart....." Brian said.....I like you too Julie Stobart"

He came over and handed her the glass of water. She set it down and he sat down next to her.

"I really like you." He said.

"I really like you too." She replied.

Brian leaned into her. She reached up and stroked his hair. He had the most gorgeous brown eyes. He really wanted to have his way with her but he really didn't want her to think he just invited her over to fuck. But man did he want to fuck her.

She leaned in towards him, he looked at her, she had beautiful blue eyes. Next thing he knew, they were kissing. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. She ran her hands through his hair. Omg he wanted to kiss her forever. She nibbled on his lips as they kissed. He felt himself getting hard. He knew he had to stop. Even though all he could think about was being inside her, he didn't want tonight to be just about that. Didn't want her to think that's all he wanted when he asked her over. His jeans were getting tight. Luckily one of the cats jumped behind them and it startled Julie. They came up for air.

She could feel the heat in her cheeks and she could see the bulge in his pants. She kinda felt bad. There was no hiding his arousal but he couldn't tell how wet she was.

"Ok I was supposed to have comfy clothes for you to put on, wasn't I?" Brian jumped up. He was going to have to change out of those jeans if he was going to be spending the evening kissing her.

"Yea what's up with that?" She joked.

"Here, come with me and you can find something that suits you." He motioned for her to follow.

She took her flats off and her sweater and followed behind him in just her skinny jeans and cami. He hadn't realized it and when he turned around there she was. Her gorgeous C cups poking out from the top of her cami. Oh dear God she had to know what she was doing to him. Her bra was dark blue. He wondered if the panties matched.

"Julie, you don't play fair." Brian said, trying not to stare.

"So, where's that tshirt and shorts you promised." She asked. He grabbed a red tenderloins tshirt , "it'll be way to big on you but will this work?" He asked.

"Looks perfect." She took it from him.

He went to find shorts and when he turned around she had taken her cami off and put on the Tshirt on.

"You look so good in my shirt." He said.

"I feel good in your shirt." She winked at him.

"Ok shorts......." He jokingly pulled out a pair of boxers and tossed them at her. "What about these?"

Julie grabbed the boxers and said, ok I'll wear them but only if you wear some too"

"I wear them all the time." He said. He pulled his jeans down and showed her. Yep, green plaid.

She took her jeans off to put on the boxers and the wouldn't stay up. They both laughed.

"Ya know it's not fair anyway. I'm in my underwear and a tshirt. Why should you have two layers anyway?"

"Who said anything about being fair?" She said.

She threw the boxers back at him and said, suit yourself. She walked out of the room in his tshirt, bra and blue panties that matched. Lord have mercy he thought.

"Wait a second, if we're playing fair, you should ONLY have on a tshirt and underwear, I mean that's all I have on." Brian said.

"Hah nice try" she said.

"Are you hungry? Want me to cook something up? Or order delivery or something?", He asked.

"Ya know that actually sounds really good." She said.

"Do you like Chinese or Thai?" She asked.

"Love them both" he said.

"Ooooh ok how bout Thai?" She asked.

Perfect he said!

"Pad Se Yew please"

She curled up on the couch. She looked so adorable in his tshirt and panties. She caught him looking at her smiling and she asked "what?"

About that time his cat Benjamin jumped up and curled himself up in her lap.

He hesitated and then confessed, "it's been awhile since I've let anyone curl up on my couch and you look really good there."

"Well for what it's worth it's been a very long time since I've been curled up on someone's couch and I feel really good here."

He leaned over and kissed her. He couldn't help it, all he wanted was to kiss her.

"Ok I better go put some pants on, I can't be answering the door in my boxers. With my luck I'll get caught and it'll end up on a gossip site"

Julie had to think for a second. She had forgotten that he was on a tv show. She grabbed her phone and did a search. She must have looked looked surprised when he walked back in the room wearing a pair of track pants now.

"Everything ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm .....uh.....just doing a search of your name and I was surprised at all the stuff that popped up. You really are a star."

"I am not a star." "I'm a guy who until about 3 years ago was a NY firefighter and was doing comedy with 4 buddies and a tv producer had a great idea. We just got lucky"

"I feel bad that I've never seen your show"

"That's probably a good thing, otherwise you probably never would have given me a second glance."

"Oh I probably would have glanced at least one and a half glances" she laughed.

"Can we watch an episode?" She asked.

"You really want to?"

"Yes, I do. are they on DVD?"

"Yep, seasons one and two" he said.

"Just put a disc in and we'll watch?"

"As you wish."

He popped in the dvd and there was a knock at the door. Food had arrived. Bout that time her phone dinged, text message.

Kelly: you ok? You seemed a bit preoccupied when you left us?

Julie: I'm good. Hanging out with Brian at his place. Just ordered food.

Kelly: uh oh........ Have fun! Text me tomorrow!

Julie had jumped up and ran in the kitchen when the food arrived. She didn't want to be in her underwear sitting in the line of view.

Brian, shut the door. Turned around and she was gone. He called out to her.

"I'm in the kitchen"

He came in with the food. Set it on the counter and came to where Julie was standing at the counter and put one arm on each side of her, leaning in for a kiss. He was such a good kisser. He truly made her weak in the knees. Julie reached around him and hugged him tightly to her. He hugged her back.

"Ok let's eat!" She exclaimed. Afraid of where things would lead if she didn't stop.

He smiled. A little relieved because he could feel himself getting hard again.

They sat at the table and shared their dishes. Talked and got to know a little more about one another.

Talked about their families, Julie talked about her sister and her sisters 3 kids, Molly, Claire and Xander, her husband Lewis who is never home and how hard it is for Lisa to work full time and care for 3 kids all under the age of 4. She talked about her Dad who walked away one day when she was 7 and didn't return to her life until she was 27, but had no significant part in her life. Her Mom who had many boyfriends but never married again, and lives in Phoenix which is good then they can't drive one another crazy. Brian talked about how he gad a good relationship with his parents and siblings. Had a pretty normal childhood. Went to Catholic schools growing up.

Then she asked if he'd ever been married. He hesitated and said no but that he'd been close once many years ago. He'd had a few significant relationships since then but nothing close to popping the question.

Julie knew it was her turn. He was Catholic, would he understand? She'd had it annulled but still, she was scared.

"Yes, I've been married once." It was for almost ten years and it ended very suddenly when he came home one day from work and announced he was moving out. He'd met someone younger, thinner and prettier." Even now after all this time it still hurt. Not the losing him part, but the open and cruel rejection.

"Thinner?" Brian asked? "Prettier?" "What the fuck!"

"Well those were his exact words the night he left. I sat on the couch crying as he moved his already packed things out and left without a goodbye."

"God that's horrible, Julie"

"He sounds like a very self serving, cruel man."

"It's been almost 3 years, I haven't even seen him since the annulment papers were signed and filed." "I won't say it didn't scar me, but I got over it." "We were so young when we got married. It was bound to happen." She said looking up at him with a matter of fact demeanor.

"I'm so sorry" he said.

"Life goes on." She smiled.

"So no kids I take it?" He asked.

"No he didn't want kids. With me being a teacher, I guess I felt like that filled the void for me."

"Can I ask what happened with your engagement?" She wondered.

"We were never really in love, at least not the way you should be when you're committing your life to one another. We were young, we thought we knew what love was. Or at least I thought I did." "She never loved me, and two weeks before the wedding she told me the wedding was off and she was in love with a police officer."he shrugged. I was sad for a long time. But finally got through it.

"She was crazy to let you go." Julie said.

"Likewise." He stated.

They finished their food and cleaned up. Julie washed dishes and She sat on the counter top while he dried and they flirted and joked and kissed.

When he was done he poured a glass of wine for each of them and they toasted to new beginnings. He stood between her legs and wrapped his arms around her, then she wrapped her legs around his waist. God she was intoxicating. He couldn't get enough. He picked her up off the counter and carried her to the living room and put her on the couch. He sat down next to her. She was so nervous about the two of them. Was worried once she gave it up he'd be bored with her. So she grabbed the tv remote hitting play,"ok let's see what you're all about."

He hit play and they watched a couple of episodes and he started getting uncomfortable watching himself on tv. He stopped the dvd and told her she could take them home and watch them all.

At that point she was laying with her head laying in his lap. It was only 10:30, he didn't want her to go yet. She looked up at him and he smiled.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing I'm just admiring you." He said stroking her hair.

"Oh stop it already." She smiled, feeling embarrassed.

This wasn't normal, to feel this connected, to feel so much already for someone you've only know for a day.

"Are you a little freaked out?" She said looking up at him from his lap.

"Little bit, what about you?" He replied.

"Oh yeah, I'm freaked." She said.

"You're not bailing on me are you Stobart?" He asked.

"No, I'm here. " "I'm good." She relaxed even more.

He leaned over and kissed her again. Then knelt down on the floor next to the couch where she was still laying. And leaned on the couch next to her. Kissing her long, and deep, and intensely.

"I could kiss you all night." He said.

"I'm not sure I have enough Chapstick." She teased.

She looked at him, he had to be uncomfortable. She said, come here, and motioned for him to join her on the couch. He laid next to her. His arms wrapped around her.

He stopped and looked at her, he wanted to share so much more with her than the couch. He said," look I'm putting this out there. I would love to ask you to join me on the bed, it doesn't have to go any further. I just thought we could both be comfortable that way. with that being said, I don't have any condoms. Do you?"

She laughed, "what kind of girl do you think I am? No I don't have any."

She said,"I do get the birth control shot every three months, to help with my monthly cycles, I don't take it as a form of birth control. That's it." Worried he would think she was a whore who slept around.

He smiled and said, "it's not that I think you'll give me some horrible disease, just trying to be responsible."

"You have no idea how much I appreciate that." "I'm not worried about you either." She smiled.

He took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

They laid together and talked and kissed and touched. He was kind and gentle and forceful and demanding. She liked that he could show so many different sides of himself and she did the same. Many times that night. He knew how to please and told her time and again how much she was pleasing him.

She fell asleep with her head on his chest about 2am. He laid there taking her in for awhile and was lulled to sleep breathing in the amazing scent of her hair.

She woke about 4:30 that morning in a panic. Crap she hadn't meant to stay the night. She quietly got out of bed and tried to find her clothes, but Brian heard her and rolled over.

"Are you sneaking out on me?" He asked.

" I don't know, I just didn't want to seem like I was trying to stay over. I didn't mean for things to go this far. "

"Julie, I didn't either. I truly had no plan to seduce you tonight. I just really liked you and wanted to get to know you better."

"Well I'd say we did that. " she joked.

"You're not regretting it are you." He questioned.

"I just like you and now I'm afraid I've ruined what could have been by making this cheap and dirty." She said.

"Come here," he motioned for her to come over.

He kissed her and ran his knuckles across her cheek. "You are amazing and tonight was amazing and yes it's all happened pretty quick but we're both adults, we both consented, and it hasn't changed anything for me except that......I want you to lay back down here next to me and not slink out like you're doing a walk of shame or something."

She put his tshirt back on and climbed into his bed next to him. Laying on her side. He turned over to face her and wrapped his arm around her. She snuggled in close and he whispered, "you better be here when I wake up." Then kissed her.

"I will. I promise. " she said relaxing back into his arms. They drifted off to sleep again.

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