My Heaven Above, Simeon x Rea...

By T3u8e2

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Being In the Devildom you make bonds with the seven demon brothers and Angels, your good friend Simeon adores... More

Spring Day Chap.1
Admiration from afar Chap.2
Dreams In the clouds Chap.3
A Serendipity Chap.4
A heart that yearns Chap.5
Talks with Lucifer Chap.6
Date in the human world Chap.7
Prayers for Courtship Chap.8
You're my heaven Chap.9
My Angel and me Chap.10
Words of wisdom Chap.11
A Love not fated to be Chap.12
Apart Chap.13
Speaking with Michael Chap.15
Night Talks Chap.16
Testing ones Faith Chap.17
Reuniting for Good Chap.18
Ice Skating Chap.19
Fun in the snow Chap.20
Christmas together Chap.21
Wedding Planning Chap.22
Springtime Vow Chap.23 END
*Bonus Chapter* Summer Picnics
Luke's Birthday Chap.24
Blessings from Celestial Chap.25
Date Night Chap.26
Nausea and sewing Chap.27
Gender Reveal Party Chap.28
Cookies and Cuddles Chap.29
A Nursery Chap.30
Visits with Diavolo Chap.31
Walks and Naps Chap.32
A Little Christmas Chap.33
Baby Names Chap.34
Surprise Party Chap.35
Last Checkup Chap.36
The Birth Chap.37
Hospital Visits Chap.38
Back to the Devildom Chap.39
Introducing her Chap.40
Meeting's with Micheal Chap.41
Simeon's thoughts Chap.42
The Decision Chap.43
A New Beginning Chap.44 END

To the Celestial realm Chap.14

379 16 8
By T3u8e2

Three days later...

You'd gone about your day per usual except you weren't in so good spirits in fact you were still shook and devastated from what happened but also, you'd exhausted yourself thinking hard about what you could possibly do for Simeon this situation was out of your hands as you were human there wasn't much you could actively do you were currently at R.A.D attending classes

you were sitting next to Beelzebub near the back of the classroom he was eating snacks in secret while paying attention to the lecture, but you had your mind and heart elsewhere knowing you should be paying attention as well, but you couldn't bring yourself to

Beel looked over to see a still saddened look on your face he leaned over "are you alright"

you took in a breath whispering "I'm okay"

Beelzebub looked down sadly before he leaned over "I'm sorry I know you're not okay...none of us know how he is right now...but at least he's In the Celestial realm"

you nodded "I know..."

the lecture soon ended with it being lunchtime you left with Beelzebub as he went to the canteen, but you soon branched off from him heading to Purgatory Hall as to spend time with Luke you did this in the last three days, once you arrived you found him with Solomen lunch was already set up on the table, so you went to sit down greeting them both with your best smile

Solomen leaned over "you still seem Melancholic (Y/n) are you sure you're alright"

you gave a nod "I'm fine"

Luke sat down across from you both as he started to eat but then he put down his spoon noticing you were only having little sips of the cream stew he'd made 


you looked up "hm?"

he furrowed his brows "are you haven't been eating much not that much at all lately"

you sighed putting down your spoon as you buried your face into your hands starting to cry with him quickly coming around to your side, he tried to calm you down 

"I'm sorry...I'm really so sorry...about this whole thing"

Luke started to tear up "he left three days ago and hasn't even sent a word to me...who knows what's happened"

Solomen folded his hands together "this is a truly sad situation...I know the Celestial realm would never do any harm, but the punishments can be a bit much"

you sniffled "I'm tired of feeling like everything is hopeless...Luke please isn't there something we can do...anything"

Luke wiped his own tears thinking "well...there is one way, but I don't know if we could do this"

you turned to him "what is It"

"We could the Celestial realm"

Solomen nodded "you could do that, but you'd need Lord Diavolo's permission but based on the circumstances now he probably won't let you go there (Y/n)"

you stood up "but I have to try...we have to try"

you started out of Purgatory Hall into the main hallway of R.A.D before you started running with Luke following not too far behind you ran to the council room where Diavolo should be once you came to the grand doors you stopped as to catch your breath before you listened in only hearing his voice along with Barbatos you then opened the door with them turning to you 

you ran up to Diavolo while still catching your breath "Lord...Diavolo...."

he put his hands on your shoulders "take It easy (Y/n)...take a moment"

you nodded before taking some more deep breaths as you gathered yourself 

"Please you have to help me...."

Diavolo gave a sad sigh "I already know what you want to want my permission for you to go up there to the Celestial realm"

Luke rushed over "would you help Lord Diavolo It's an emergency!"

Diavolo nodded "yes...yes, I know...Lucifer came to me telling of the events three days ago I...I knew this would happen, yet I didn't do anything to keep you both safe"

you held to his arms "I know about the law In Celestial realm I know the cause of The Great Celestial War but...Simeon and I love each very much"

Diavolo nodded "I know you do, and I'm saddened for you both to be separated like this but It's a taboo and the laws within Celestial realm are absolute for Angels"

you looked down "...does It truly have to be like this..."

you started to falter on your legs, but Diavolo held you up quickly as you then looked up at him tearfully It broke his heart, he couldn't bear to see your pleading eyes like that

"Lord Diavolo...I beg you please...send me up there I have to see him and talk to him...maybe I could even speak to the Archangel Michael...I know as a human this isn't my business, but I have to try for my and Simeon's happiness"

you shook as Diavolo brought you into his arms as you cried, he patted your back 

he sighed "(Y/n) I care for you very much and I hate seeing you like this It does pain me greatly but as the next ruler of the Devildom I have to respect the other realms laws...even I can't defy the balances of nature"

Luke clenched his hands into fists "but....this isn't fair...It's not fair"

Barbatos shook his head "It's not fair Indeed but the laws of the Universe can't be broken"

Diavolo gently patted your head "I hope you won't despise me for this..."

you sniffled "I don't...I understand your hands are tied too"

he then parted from you wiping the tears from your face "there's not much you can do but don't give up hope you've always had a hopeful heart I knew that from the moment you told me about your love for Simeon let that love guide you for the days to come...I and Lucifer as well as his brothers will always be here for you when you need us"

you slowly nodded "I understand...thank you"

you then took a breath as he then let you go you gave him the best smile you could muster before turning to leave out the council room with Luke in tow 

"(Y/n) you can't just give up...what'll we do now!"

you shook your head "I'm not giving up yet...I'll find a way without burdening the others for me...I have to figure this out for myself"

Luke nodded "and I'll help don't worry!"

Luke then started to think long and hard as you walked but then he stopped In his tracks 

"I...I can get in contact with other Archangels or Seraphim's...I can ask them for help"

you turned to him as you felt hope rise up within you "Really...if you can Luke please"

he nodded "Yes! let me think first who I can call upon for help"

he then started to pace around the carpet before finally getting it "Raphael!"

Luke then got on his knees clasping his hands "Sir...Raphael if you can hear me, I am in need of your assistance this is Luke"

it was silent for a moment before you saw a Brillant light come down from thin air you shielded your eyes but then the light vanished with you looking on in awe to see an Angel he had an outfit much more different than Simeon's his eyes blue and his hair dazzling grey with golden ornaments you felt a warm but also cold aura coming from him Luke then got up 


Raphael looked around "you summoned me to the Devildom"

Luke bowed his head "I apologize Sir, but this is an emergency"

Raphael looked around before his eyes landed on you "is this the human that's been talked about by Michael..."

you stepped forward "I... yes my name is (Y/n)"

he gave a gentle smile with the bow of his head "Pleasure to meet you I am Raphael...I directly serve the Archangel Michael"

you gave a small smile "It's an honor"

he then turned back to Luke "what did you need of me I am very busy you know"

Luke clasped his hands "yes I know but Sir she's in need of your help...please"

Raphael turned back to you "I see great pain and sadness in your eyes...what do you wish of me to help you with"

you came closer as tears gathered In your eyes again "Please send us up to the Celestial realm...I...I need to see and speak with Simeon"

his eyes widened "oh I see so you're the woman"

he then sighed "I have to tell you...I know it's not your fault but due to him trying to be with you he's been punished to be confined for the next hundred years"

your eyes widened and your legs faltered making you drop to your knees, but Raphael supported you by the hands making sure you were alright 

you looked up at him "one...hundred years...I...I won't live that long..."

he sighed "you won't but Simeon will live on the rest of us"

you started to cry "even so please let me see him...please I have to do something about this"

Raphael helped you onto your feet "don't give in to despair...I know how much Simeon loves you he told me so himself that for you he's willing to bare this punishment even a thousand times over for his love his unending and unconditional"

you muffled your sobs "Simeon..."

"It's very selfless and romantic...but even so he went against the most sacred law within the Celestial realm which he must be punished for without a doubt"

Luke held to his robes "but won't you at lease allow her to see him Sir"

Raphael sighed "I can't stand the heartbreak of human sorrow...I will allow It just this one-time"

you looked up at him "'ll let me go there"

he gave a nod "I am an Angel of my word"

you then wiped your tears "thank you so much...I'm sorry Is It appropriate for me to-"

Raphael smiled "you may call me Raphael...It's alright"

he then placed his other hand atop yours "you can only stay for limited time I'll take us there now...come along Luke"

Luke gave a nod "Yes Sir!"

Raphael then channeled his power with a bright light surrounding all of you before you felt light as the air before you found yourself in a flowering field as the light went away looking around in awe at the sights It was like a fairytale very beautiful and Ethereal 

you turned to Luke "is this...the Celestial realm"

Luke gave a nod "yes"

"It's beautiful...."

just then you saw Raphael not too far away from you both he gestured for you to follow so you did walking through the flowery field looking ahead to see a magnificent castle all your life you thought of heaven to be full of clouds, but you guessed it was a misconception now that you were here to see the real thing what's more even before death

after a while longer of walking you made It to the entrance of the castle with two Angelic guards standing, they looked you over as you passed by guessing they could tell you were human you went inside once again having your breath taken away by the interior of the castle it was really something beyond your comprehension you'd be feeling happy right about now but that wasn't the case as you'd wish to have come here on happier terms perhaps hand In hand with Simeon

Luke looked around "is Michael here Sir"

Raphael shook his head "No and because of that I've brought you here now"

you gave a small smile "you're very kind"

Raphael sighed "I care for Simeon like a brother I never wanted to see him in this plight...and since you're the source of his happiness I've allowed you one visit in secret"

you followed him through the castle to the back where you saw a long stone path elevated off the ground at the end there was a chamber looking place like a little house

Raphael gestured "he's In there"

you turned in shock then started to run down the pathway with Luke following once you came to the doors you saw they were locked by golden chains with a padlock 

you caught your breath as you then started hit the door with your hand "Simeon!"

Inside Simeon was looking out the window but then upon hearing your voice he perked up in disbelief he rushed over to the door calling back "(Y/n)! that you"

you placed your head against the door "yes...It's me.."

Simeon started to smile "you don't know how happy I am to hear your voice..."

Luke came to the door "I'm here too! we pleaded with Rapheal to bring us"

Simeon placed his hand to the door "you shouldn't have come...I don't want you to get dragged into this..."

you shook your head "I know...but Simeon I came to try pleading with Michael...I want to set you free so we can be together"

Simeon gave a small smile "I want to be with you much that I'm willing to give up my freedom"

you sniffled "please don't you've already sacrificed risked your own existence for me...I couldn't bare hearing that"

Luke turned to Raphael "must they talk like this can't you let them really see each other"

Raphael sighed "sorry but I can't open the doors"

Simeon placed his forehead against the wood as tears streamed down his cheeks 

"My sweet (Y/n)...I wish I could hold you right now and kiss you..."

you started to cry "I know I feel the same...Simeon I promise I'll find a way for you to be set free as soon as possible"

Simeon sighed "please don't do anything rash for my sake...are you mad at me"

 "no, I'm not mad and I'm not upset I know why you didn't tell me the were protecting me...but Simeon this was like a hole in my heart...when I heard that we could never be together due to what happened a thousand years ago"

Simeon nodded "yes...It was the same for me I'm an Angel, yet I never knew but still I was willing to put myself in danger so that we could have a chance at happiness even though I'm confined here I'll never regret telling you or showing you of my true love...I love you so much (Y/n)"

you smiled through tears "I love you too Simeon..."

Raphael looked around before coming up to you "It's must depart"

you turned back to the door "Simeon...I don't want to leave you..."

"Go I'll be alright My sweet, but you can't stay longer...Raphael Sir please protect her"

Raphael gave a nod "of course I'll make sure she gets back to Devildom unharmed"

Luke pulled you along by the hand walking as you were hesitant looking back to the chamber every so often before you were halfway across the path going back inside the castle 

Luke then looked around "he'll be looking for have to go meet Michael quickly...I'll tell you where his study is"

you held his hands "thank you so much Luke"

he gave a nod before beckoning you close as he whispered the directions into your ear just as he looked back seeing Rapheal approach, he pushed you along to run so with the directions in mind you ran down the hallway looking for the spiral staircase as he'd said 

you found the magnificent white staircase climbing up it as your heart raced once you reached the top, you'd turned the corner coming to a pair of grand double doors that were gold

you caught your breath reaching for the handle firmly grasping as you pushed them open you then suppressed a gasp at the beautiful white and golden room with many bookshelves spiraling all the way to the top of the unending ceiling It became almost dizzying you then saw a dove fly overhead you knew the bird was holy symbol there was a desk with a chair behind It also looking very grand you looked around once more but then you heard a voice 

"Welcome to The Celestial Realm...(Y/n)".

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