A Clean Slate

By XxdailyzxX

284K 5.1K 1.9K

Marriage was never one of the many things Malia Detro wanted. Being one of the weak Italian Mafia groups her... More

Maybe He Can
Why Him
Mystery Man
Messed Up
Fuck You
Go On
Beatrice And Sharol
Dream On
Men In Suits
My Girl
Bride And Groom
Surely WrongοΏΌοΏΌ


3.4K 68 15
By XxdailyzxX

As I walk back into the room I was first in before I went to see Ace I see three people from Ace's Mafia standing there. I look at them with confusion. Why are they just standing there?

I walk past them and towards the computer.

Part one here we go.

"It may take a while" I start as I start to type into the keyboard. "I have multiple passwords to put in" I say as I type in the first password I know doesn't work.

"You have one hour, after that he's dead." One of the guys says.

As I'm typing in another nonworking password I feel a presence close behind me. "I could work
faster if someone wasnt hovering over me." I say as I turn my head. My face is quickly slapped by the man. "Focus" he says as he forces my head to the screen.

I look down at the time. 4:05. They should have covered the cameras and entry way by now.

Alright now it's time for my acting. "Can I have a glass of water? My throat is dry and I can't think" I say as I clear my throat. I hear one of them leave the room. Perfect.

As I type in two more passwords I hiss in pain. I grab my leg and look over it. My foot fell asleep fuck." I say as I get up. I hear the men pull out their guns and cock them back.

I hop over to the wall only a few feet away and start kicking it. "I hope you guys dont mind. I'm just trying to wake my foot up." I say as I repetitively slam my foot in the wall.

"She's stalling," one of the men said. Is it that obvious?

"Forty five minutes before we kill him." One of the men says that dragged me in here. My eyes go wide and I quickly walk back over to the computer. "Any more of this crap and his time gets shorter." I swallow hard as I start to type more passwords in.

They should be here in five minutes. I think to myself as I look at the time. As I type in password after password I hear a ding. Shit that wasn't supposed to happen.

I look back at the men who are leaned up against the wall. "She got in," I hear one of the men say. My whole body goes into panic as they start to make their way towards me. "Send it to the boss." One of the men says. Shit, fuck, shit. Without even thinking I quickly press the settings button. Before I can press the update and security option I feel cold hands wrap around me and toss me off the chair.

With all of them distracted I quickly slip my hands down my pants and grab a hold of my throwing knives. I quickly take all five of them out before getting one set and throwing it at one of the guys. It lands on the side of his neck causing him to grip his neck and fall to the ground.

I quickly do it to the other guys and they fall to the as they bled out. I quickly run up to the computer and press the close button on their email tab. They were still typing which let me know that the password hadn't gotten out yet.

I quickly go back to settings and press on the update and security. I quickly press the recovery
tab then the option that says get started before I could press the button that read Remove I feel a sudden pain in my thigh. I quickly look down and see one of my throwing knives in my leg.

Keep it in Malia. If you take it out you will most likely bleed out.

I take deep breaths as tears run down my cheeks. I press the Remove button and everything vanishes. Even though everything is safe I still can't risk it. I quickly grab the computer and throw it at the wall. It unplugs from its outlet and shatters everywhere.

As I turn around I see the guy that went to get me some water standing at the door holding a gun at me. As he places his finger on the trigger I hear a gunshot go off. I see the man fall and Diego pops up from behind him.

"We had a minor problem" I say. He stares at the dead bodies then at my leg. "Come on, we need to carry out the plan," he says as he walks over to me. "It's ok I got it. I say as I grab the knife and start walking. "He's in the room at the end of the hall" I say as I slowly limp towards the door.

Diego opens it and is met by an empty room. "Where the hell is he?" I say as I look around the room. I see him put a finger up to his ear and start to talk to him. "Watch camera five and tell me if they took Ace." "It would have to be from around 4:50 because that's when I visited him." I say as I sit down. He nods then puts his finger back up to his ear. "Start at 4:50 p.m today." He lowers his hand then he starts to walk over to me.

"Come on" He says as he slips his arm under one of arms. I get up and we start walking, "Where are we going?" I ask. "To go get Ace." He says.

We go down a long hallway then throw a pair of doors at the end of it. As we enter our eyes fall on Ace lying on the ground unconscious. As we take a step towards him the sounds of at least a hundred and more guns get cocked back. I look around the enormous room with barely anything in it to see hundreds of men and women with guns all surrounding us. I look at Diego. He doesn't seemed worried at all.

"We have been waiting for your arrival Mrs. Vinceair." A man says as he steps out of the circle. "Detro" I say. "Excuse me," the man says. "It's not Vinceair, it's Detro" I say. "Oh I see you guys haven't gotten married yet." he says as he lets out a laugh. "I was really hoping you would be devastated by his death but all you will feel is sadness." He says as he whistles. Once he whistles all of the guns go off me and Diego and fall on Ace.

"No, please don't. Kill me instead" I plead. "Please just kill me" I say as I push off Diego. He reaches out for me as I start to walk but I dodge it. Half the guns fall on me as I inch closer to the man. "You're in love with him" the man says as he taps his foot. "What a shame he doesn't" he says as he turns around. "Torture then kill them-" he starts but is cut off by multiple explosions going off.

I quickly stumble my way over to Ace and fall by his side. I grip onto him to try and protect him from the explosions. Body and body parts fly everywhere as helpless screams leave the people's mouths.

After all the explosives are over I look down at Ace's body. "Wake up." I say as I shake him. "Wake up" I say. I start to shake his lifeless body vigorously hoping that he would wake up.

This can't be happening, it can't. Tears roll down my face and fall onto his pale skin. This is a dream it has to be. As I hold my love's lifeless body in my arms I place my forehead on his. "I need you" I sob. "You cant- you cant leave me." I yell.

I quickly lay his body down so it's straight and he's on his back. I place the heel of hand on the center of his chest before placing my other hand on top of it. As I start to give him chest compressions I hear a fist fight start but I ignore it.

"Come on" I say as I lean down and give him two rescue breaths before repeating the process. With every breath I give him a little hope fills my body. "Come on." As I continue the process I hear a gun cock. I quickly lean down and give Ace my last breaths.

I'm exhausted. As I start to do more chest compressions I feel a faint heartbeat form in his body. Joy fills my body but is quickly replaced with fear once I look up and see the man that stepped out of the circle holding a gun pointed at my chest. I look over at Diego and see him desperately try to get up and escape the guy attacking him. Only a few more punches and kicks and Diego would be dead.

I slowly move my hand down to my thigh where the one knife sticks out of me. "Don't even try" the man says as he places his hand on the trigger.

As I look over at Diego one last time one of my hands grip onto Ace's arm and the other pulls the blade out of me. I quickly throw the knife hitting the target right it the head. Diego was now safe. "I love you teddy bear" I say as I look back at the man. I see him pull the trigger then I feel the bullet hit me.

Heheheeh 😅

What did you guys think of this one?

I liked writing it to be honest it was fun.

Also sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger 😈

Good Morning/Goodnight readerssss

*Not Edited*

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