Skinny Love

By hiraeth3666

55.8K 1.1K 950

Emerson Taylor, straight A student. Everyone knows her name. She has the popularity and the looks and the ath... More

1.| First Day
2.| Practice
3.| Coach
4.| Miss Taylor?
5.| Game
6.| Tacos
7.| Birthday
8.| Sick
9.| Party
10.| My place
11.| Chick Flic
12.| Meeting
14.| Ref
15.| Car
16.| Halloween Party
17.| Side Porch
18.| The Zone
19.| I Love You
20.| Jayden
21.| Phone Call
22.| Megan
23. Bet
24.| Blue Moon
25.| Knock Knock
26.| Graduation
27.| End
28: 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙪𝙨

13.| Footballs and Babies

1.7K 38 26
By hiraeth3666


(TW?? I don't even know honestly)


Today is Friday and the school day as ended, meaning Ivor is on his way to pick me up and Tom is meeting us their.

I told Iv all about the dinner and about how Tom was a big Football guy and wanted to see the team play on their next game, so now Tom is coming to tonight's game.

Ivor and I talked all about Tom at lunch yesterday, while JJ and Ry sucked each other's faces off. To each his own I guess.

I think I want alcohol right now. I don't know why. That was random.

I don't want alcohol.

Yes I do.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Are you okay with him coming?" Ivor genuinely asks.

"Yeah, it's fine." I smile.

"Are you okay with him coming?" He asks again.


"Okay," he smiles.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Ooooooo I'm excited!" Tom exclaimed when Ivor and I walked up to his car.

This mans life must be incredibly boring if he's this excited for a high school football game.

I'm glad my mom found him.

"OH. MY. GOD." Tom yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"I've never been to a football game!" He says.

"What really?" Ivor and I ask at the same time.

"Yeah! I was always focused on my studies!" He said, a slight southern sounding accent coming out on the words "focused" and "studies".

"Well then I hope you enjoy it." Ivor smiled, putting his hand on the small of my back and leaning down to whisper in my year, "I have to go get ready," JJ whistles over to us, "and he's not going to leave me alone." He laughs slightly.

"Okay, bye," I smile up at him.

He smiles and starts to walk over to where JJ and Oliver are. Ryden is already on the field getting ready.

"Are you and Ivor...?" Tom whispers after Iv is out of sight.

"What? Oh, no no." I smile slightly frantic.

"Okay yeah, sure," he says.

Damn it.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Heyy, wait a minute!" Tom says when the game is about 3 minutes in.

"Hm?" I ask him, but still keep my attention on the game in front of me.

Ivor has the ball now, but it looks like he's looking for JJ.


Anyways, "I just noticed you have the same jersey on as Ivor Hill!"

"Yeah," I chuckle.

"That's so cool!"

I smiled at him and then continued to watch the game.

"You know, they always win." I nudged his shoulder.

"I bet! They're playing really good!" He clapped.

Maybe Tom isn't so bad.

But I don't think I thought he was before either.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

At half time when the cheerleaders went out onto the
field, the football team ran back to their benches.

Ivor jumps up onto the side and kisses me on the cheek, "You're doing amazing," I whisper to him before he returns back to where coach B is standing.

"Did I just see what I think I just saw?" Tom gapes.

"Shut up," I roll my eyes and he laughs.

"Emmy, are you coming down here?"

"Can't coach, sorry," I grab my chest for some extra fake dramatic-ness.

"Why not?" He challenges.

"Cause this is Tom here's first football game." I hit the back of Tom's shoulder.

"Tom?" He whispers and his eyes go wide.

He reaches his hand up, "Henry Brown." He smiles.

Tom immediately smiles and reaches out, shaking coaches hand back "Tom Rivera."

They exchanged a few more words before coach had to go and be a coach. "Well if you'll excuse me..." he points back to the field.

"It's like so annoying he actually has to do his job sometimes," I say looking at Tom making sure coach B can hear me. Tom's his eyes go wide, obviously thinking I'm being mean or something. Yeah.

"I know right?" Coach sighs and rolls his eyes dramatically.

As he was walking away, he looks back at me and mouths, "damnnnnnn," pointing at the middle-aged man next to me.

I laugh and flip him off, causing him to laugh right back.

"I thought you were being mean to him," Tom says frantically, slightly laughing to himself.

"I was."

No I wasn't.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"WOOOOO!" and "YAY!" and even "YEAH"'s were heard throughout the bleachers when Oliver through a pretty far pass to JJ with 10 seconds left in the last quarter, effectively scoring a touchdown.

I still don't like that word.

The announcer screams through a microphone announcing that we won.

At least he's doing his job, the announcer is announcing. That's slightly funny. I need help.

The score was pretty close. 114-54 to be exact.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ryden and JJ leave together, they're going to meet everyone else at Ollie's house.

I walked Tom to his car before he said something about going to get a bite to eat and asking if I'd like to come along.

I was going to go to Oliver's house with everyone else but I don't want to make Tom eat alone somewhere.

"Yeah sure, I'm just gonna tell Iv I don't need a ride." I smile at him and he nods.

Walking over to Ivor I say, "Hey I'm going to go to eat with Tom." I say. I feel slightly bad.

A little bit of disappointment washes over his face before he looks back to everyone else.

"Want some company?" He asks.

"Oh no, it's okay you don't have to-" he interrupts me, "I want to, really."

I look back at Tom and he shakes his head vigorously. I don't even think he heard what we were saying.

"Okay." I smile.

"Hey guys we're out," he gestures in between the both of us before he wraps his arm around my shoulders and starts to walk to the car.

A few of the guys groan and yell things at him playfully.


✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Sooo... where do you kids want to go?" Tom asks.

"Anywhere's fine," Ivor smiles at him before pulling his phone out.

Bad boy quarterback: He's cool *nods in approval*

Me: eh i think we'll keep him around *slaps in face*

I hear him chuckle a little bit in the back seat before we both put our phones down and I turn up the music.

It feels illegal to be in this car, damn Bugatti. Literally.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

We pull into a small diner and all get out of the car.

I wait for Ivor to walk over to me while Tom just keeps going to the entrance of the diner.

"Come on," he nods his head over to Tom.

"He's a very enthusiastic man," I whisper to him looking over at Tom.

"Very happy... unnaturally happy." He agrees with me.

"And loud." I add.

We both chuckle a little bit before speed-walking to catch up with Tom.

I need a new thing to call him, Tom isn't cutting it anymore.

I could ask him his middle name? Or come up with a joke or nickname?

I'll ask Ivor what he thinks later.

And "Tommy" isn't happening. That's out of the picture.

"Come on kids," Tom laughs from the door-way.

I walk through the door with Ivor, no.

That didn't feel good. That wasn't right.

They both continue to walk but stop when they notice I left back out of the door.

I walk back out and stand in front of the door before opening the door and walking inside, joining Tom and Iv at the counter.

"Everything okay?" Ivor bends down slightly and whispers into my ear.

"Mhm." I hum in response.

He gives me a wary look before averting his attention back to the very, very, very pregnant waitress. Looks like she is literally going to have that baby right now, right here.

That'd be an event.

If a waitress had her baby right in front of me on the floor of a diner. And you might be saying "oh but isn't Tom a doctor?" He's a neurosurgeon. That isn't going to do shit for a delivery.

Anyways, we all sit down and order with our waitress who at one point gets a very pained look on her face before standing there for about 30 seconds and then returning through the door and back into the back.

A different waitress brings out or food and about 3 minutes later the pregnant woman hobbles back out of the doors before groaning very loudly and gripping onto the side of the counter.

All three of us look at each other not really sure what to do.

She almost screams before we hear an odd noise,  almost a balloon-like-popping sound and water pours down the sides of her legs.

No, not water. Amniotic fluid.

She lowers herself, resting her elbows onto the counter and squatting down before she screams once again.

The scream turns into a 45 second long groan before the other waitresses rush to help her.

She starts to leave to go out to her car before she grips onto the sides of the entrance door, lowers herself down onto her knees and screams "I AM HAVI-" she groans, "-NG THIS BABY."

We all look at each other, unsure of what to do before she groans and screams again, "RIGHT NOWWWWW-" groan.

She stands up groaning again before she wobbles to a car in the parking lot before she gets into the drivers seat and screeches and skids out of the parking lot.

If I see something about a woman having a baby in her car or on the side of the road on a highway.

"Well that was... eventful." Ivor's eyes widen.

"Yeah..." I breath.

"That was... something." Tom agrees.

"CHECK!" He all yell at the same time.

Of course that would happen to me.

I haven't even seen shit like that on Grey's Anatomy. And Warren gave a woman a c-sectioning a hallway before he ended up killing her and her baby.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"So what happened?" Mom asks a very pale Tom.

"Our waitress went into labor in the middle of the diner." He says before running towards and into the bathroom.

Light weight.

He's a doctor for hell's sake.

☔︎︎Amelia Howard☔︎︎
(Possible TW??)

Today was just supposed to be a normal day at work.

My due-date was almost a week ago but they say you can do anything up until the last day of pregnancy.

I just didn't know this would be my last.

I work 3 jobs trying to support myself and get ready for my baby girl.

Her father wants nothing to do with her so I'm on my own. I was living with my father before I got pregnant and he kicked me out.

It's not like I was 16 or anything either. I'm actually 19 which isn't much better. I was 18 when I got pregnant though.

I'm actually 42 weeks along today so I'm over due. By a lot.

Mia just didn't want to come out.

I've been having a lot of braxton hicks lately, or false contractions so when I started feeling the pains, I didn't think much of it.

Until it stated getting really bad. I sat three very nice looking people down at there table when a strong-ish contraction hit.

I thought it was just a braxton hick so I waited for it to pass and just ended up ignoring it.

I took their orders and went into the back to give them to our chef.

About a minute later, another came and I sat down, waiting for it to pass.

It lasted maybe 30 seconds, and by that time the drinks were ready to be taken to my table.

I walked out of the door to get the tray of drinks from the window-hand-out and yet another contraction.

I grip onto the counter and look down at my watch to time it. There's no way these can be braxton hicks, no way in hel- ow. OW OW OW OW.

Holy mother fucking shit. Ow.

I started to try a labor and birthing position I learned in a class I took, by squatting down and using my elbows to support my weight.

I screamed when a different type of pain coursed through my body and I felt a fluid dripping down my legs. My water broke.

Holy shit, my water just broke.

More and more contractions were coming and they were getting stronger.

I have to get to a god damn hospital. Now.

I wobbled over to the exit/entrance and another one.

I slammed my hands against the sides of the door and screamed again. They really don't prepare you enough for this shit.

My contractions are extremely close together and I just pray I make it to a hospital before I have my baby girl. Holy shit.

"I'M HAVI-" contraction. Hurts. Ow. "-NG THIS BABY!"

Ow. Breathe Amelia. Breathe. In and out. That's what she said- not the time.


I manage to get out to my car, probably breaking at least 3 speed laws whilst getting out of the parking lot of the small town diner I work at in Arizona. One of my three jobs.

Mia is going to be my savior.

My daughter, her name is going to be Mia Elpis Howard.

You might not like her middle name, and that okay. It's really non of your business.

Elpis is the name of the Greek Saint Hope. You don't need to hear the rest of that saint's story.

And I won't give her her daddy's last name. I refuse. He doesn't deserve th-

If I don't make it to the hospital that's still a good 10 minutes away I don't know what I'll do.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"You're doing amazing Ms Howard." One of the OBGYN nurses smiles at me.

When I got here, I was dilated at 6 and a half centimeters. You have to be at 10 to actually push the baby out.

Now I'm at an 8 and it's only been 6 minutes.

It's a fast moving and painful labor.

They are about to give me my epidural because I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I'm about to push a 7-ish pound baby out of a very small hole. I'm going to get an epidural.

We're waiting on the doctor to finish up with his last patient and then it's a smooth ride after the epidural for me. Until I get to 10 centimeters.

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

15 minutes later and I'm dilated a nine.

The doctor finally comes in and takes in my red and sweaty appearance before looking down at my huge and swollen belly.

"I'm just going to check your dilation." He smiles.

"Mhm," I groan, gripping onto the side of the bed.

"I'm sorry ma'am." He shakes his head.

"What?" I spit. "Why?"

"You're nine centimeters dilated, almost 10 actually and it's hospital protocol we can't give you the shot unless you're less than nine. I'm sorry."

I'm going to smash his head in.

"Joking," He does jazz-hands.

What the fuck.

"We can give you the epidural right now Ms Howard."

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _


I feel something sharp enter my lower back and then nothing but a painful sting. I let a groan over take me and wait for it to go away.

"Now you'll feel a lot of pressure." The doctor says.

I nod my head and wait for the sensation he is talking about.

Seconds later, and here it is. Pressure. And a ton of it.

Then my legs go numb, I can't feel my legs. This is great.

I see my phone on the bedside table and reach over to grab it.

I'm texting Mia Howard's father right now. Telling him his daughter is going to be born within the next 20 minutes and see what happens.

Me: Hello. It's Amelia, you know... that girl you got pregnant and then left. Ha ha good times am I right.

Me: Well, anyways, just letting you know I'm in the hospital about to have MY daughter.

Me: That's all.

Oscar the grouch lookin ass: Really? I didn't think you were going to go through with the whole pregnancy thing.

Oscar the grouch lookin ass: I hope you have a wonderful time.

Me: Oh, I will. And while you're missing all of my daughters milestones, she'll be taught her dad was a no good cheat.

I'm not actually going to tell her that. Maybe I'll make up a nice story like they do in the movies. Like he was a hero. Maybe.

Oscar the grouch lookin ass: Have fun. ✌🏻

Left on read.


✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Alright Ms Howard, are you ready to become a mom?"

"As I'll ever be," I said while the nurses but my legs into the stirrups on the sides of my hospital delivery bed.

"On the next contraction I'm going to need a BIG push, okay?"




Contraction, I push. As hard as I can I push.

"3." He chuckles slightly.

He slowly counts to thirty seconds before he tells me I can stop.

"Your daughter has a lot of hair!"

My daughter has a lot of hair.

All I can do is breathe an airy laugh and continue.

10 seconds later, I'm pushing again to 30.

"You are doing amazing Amelia!"

✈︎_ _ _ _ _ _ _

I pushed for thirty three minutes before my baby girl was laid onto my chest.

My Mia.

Even with my body vigorously shaking with pain and my eyes threatening to close at any second, I felt complete and total bliss.

I was holding my daughter, my baby.

My Mia.

My 21 and a half inch, 7.9 pound baby girl.

Complete and total bliss.

No matter what I have to do, I'm going to give this crying girl in my arms all the love she needs.

I'm going to supply my daughter with all she needs and support my small family.

She's my new everything. She's my best friend already and I just met her.

I've been waiting for this moment for the past nine months. Give or take. Give.

She's perfect.

From her little upturned nose and rosey cheeks, to the amount of hair she has. It's a lot.

I know she'll probably lose most of it, but it's still adorable.

My Mia.


Word count: 3,273

Well, that was something.

I honestly couldn't tell you what possessed me to do that. I really couldn't.

I was writing the diner scene and I was just like "huh wouldn't it be crazy if a waitress had a baby. lol." LITERALLY THAT WAS MY THOUGHT PROCESS.

And I was definitely not going to do her POV but that just happened too.

If you guys hated this chapter, please tell me because I don't know how I feel about it.

I don't know if I like this or hate it.

And I know Amelia's story has nothing to do with THIS book so please don't like be mean about it.

I know this isn't realistic and stuff, just go with it for my sake.

Oh god, what am I going to put on TikTok for this chapter? 😭

I was so close to deleting this chapter and starting over, but it's almost 4 in the morning so I said screw it.



I don't know who I'm referring to when I say "dude" so pretend it's just like all of you.

This is the longest chapter I've done. Yeah.

I am definitely not possibly thinking of- never mind.

I'll leave that up to mystery itself.

I can't think of anything else so yeah.

<3 Author and shit

Toodeloo 🥺✌🏻

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