The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅

By JoonsFix

42.1K 2.2K 212

When Evlyn lost her job everything around her started to crumble. She'd been out of work for months and was d... More

Welcome to The Maid


1.1K 62 16
By JoonsFix

"WE IN MIAMI BITHCES!" Gabby screamed out of the sunroof of the limo making Evlyn and Minah laugh

"Get your little butt back in this car" Minah said tugging on her short

"My butt may be little but it still jiggles" she said, shaking it, it was definitely moving. Evlyn threw back the last of the champagne in her glute and filled it again.

They had arrived a few hours earlier, checked into the nicest, most luxurious and posh hotel Evlyn had ever seen or stayed in and freshened up to hit the town. Gabby insisted they ride around in a limo because it was fun and made her feel like a celebrity. The other two didn't even argue it so there they were riding around the streets of Miami in a limo because they could.

The trio decided to have dinner then the plan was to party until they dropped except no one could decide on what to eat. Evlyn wanted meat, Minah wanted seafood and Gabby wanted pasta.

"I don't even care anymore where we go, I'm starving and my stomach is starting to hurt" Gabby pouted, after drinking more of her champagne.

"Let's go to Di Mauro's" Minah suggested looking up from her phone "I just checked their menu and we can all get what we want"

"That sounds good to me but will we be able to get a table, don't you need a reservation for most places around here?" Evlyn asked

"Usually yes but it's a Thursday, it shouldn't be that packed"

They arrived at the restaurant to see it was busy but like Minah said it wasn't packed. A table was ready for them within ten minutes of arriving. Each woman ordered what she wanted and they also shared, tasting the different dishes residing on the table. Once they had their fill, Evlyn covered the check.

"You didn't have to do that kitten but thank you" Gabby smiled as they sat in the back of the limo again

"I did, Jungkook and Tae were nice enough to cover my airfare and hotel the least I can do is make sure their girlfriend is well fed" she giggled

"Yeah that was really nice of those too" Minah chimed "And since we're treating each other, Joonie got us into pretty much any club we want to go to. A few DJs he's good friends with are hosting at different spots this weekend"

"Ugh I love our men! Sexy, powerful influential motherfuckers" she growled, obviously tipsy

"Not a single lie was told," Minah laughed. No sooner than the laughter died Evlyn's phone rang

"Speak of the devil" she smiled answering it "Hey Seokie"

"Awww Seokie Seokie now" Gabby laughed at her own joke

"Put it on speaker" Minah urged, tapping Evlyn's shoulder

"Hold on babe" she switched him to speaker so they could all hear and talk to him "You're on speaker, the girls wanted to say hi"

"Heeeey Seokie" they both sang like children making him laugh

"Hey baby girl, hey princess, I can tell y'all are having a blast already"

"Yes we are! We we gon get kitten fucked up" Gabby yelled

"I don't know. I think she can hang with you two"

"Oh I will be fine" Evlyn promised "What are you up to?"

"Nothing at the moment, I'm going out with Namjoon and Yoongi later on"

"Tell my baby I love him" Minah said making kissy noise in the phone "And give him a kiss for me"

"I will Minah. I won't hold you I was just calling to check in and tell you to have a good time"

"Thank you babe, you too. I will call you sometime tomorrow and give Jimin a kiss for me as well" Evlyn

"Okay, bye ladies, don't get arrested"

"We will not make promises" Gabby said "Bye babe"

"Bye Hobi" Minah said before ai hung up "I love that they have you Evlyn, you make them so happy"

"I do?"

"Yes! Do you not see it?"

"They seem to be how they've always been to me. You two have know Jimin and Hobi much longer than I have so you're seeing something I can't" Evlyn explained

"I guess that's true but yes you do make them happy" Gabby offered "And I can tell they have the same effect on you"

"They do. I wasn't happy for a long time until I started working for them and now that I'm in a romantic relationship with them both I feel good all the time, they treat me like royalty and I don't even know how to accept it most of the time but I am thankful for them"

"Aww. I love it" Minah pouted in cute fashion

"Okay, I know we said we would party all night but I'm sleepy. I think I ate too much" Gabby frowned rubbing her stomach

"And you been drinking like a fish since we got of the damn plane" Evlyn teased "It's not that late yet, we can go back to the hotel for a little bit and go out later if yall want"

"Yeah that might be a good idea" Minah yawned "Oh lord, we're getting old"

"Speak for yourself I'm still a young tenderoni" Gabby yawned

"If you say so" she rolled her eyes at her


The club was packed to capacity, a popular reggaeton artist was performing and every person that spoke at least two words of spanish was crammed into the building. Minah and Gabby knew of the artist while Evlyn vibed to the songs, liking what she was hearing for the first time. They arrived at the venue around 11:30 to find it already jumping, with two drinks each in them they began to have fun.

They danced and drank, danced and drank, Evlyn surprising them with how well her hips moved and how good her knees worked. No song was a bad song that night, they dance alone or together all night until two guys that had been watching them for at least two hours decided to take their chances

"You dance really good" the taller of the two yelled over the music into Evlyn's ear

"Thanks" she said subtly moving away from him

"Dance with me" his hand was reaching for her waist

"I'm okay" she got closer to Minah still moving to the beat. The other guy was trying his luck with Gabby.

"You got a boyfriend?" he asked her and she smiled

"Two, actually and neither of them would like the fact that you're still standing here after I've politely decline you twice" He whispered something to his friend and reached in his pocket

"How about we buy you ladies a drink?" the first one to approach offered

"We said no, please don't make a scene" Evlyn stated, growing more irritated with their persistence "Thanks but no thanks, have a good night" She looped her arms with both of her friends and dragged them further into the crowd

"Ugh I hate guys like that, and they were wearing way too much cologne" Gabby gagged

"And too much hair product, it looked flammable" Minah snickered as they got back to dancing. Four songs played through when they spotted the two guys again making their way over

"Oh my god they are coming over here again" Evlyn frowned with an eye roll "Dude take a fucking hint"

"Just one dance" The one interested in Evlyn pleaded trying to grab her hand but she jerked it away. Minah decided to step it at this point, she wrapped her arm around her waist and pulled her so that their chests were touching

"Kiss me" she whispered then smiled. Evlyn didn't even hesitate, she planted both of her hands on Minah's ass and dipped her tongue into her warm mouth. After twenty seconds or so Evlyn  pulled back and smacked Minah's left butt cheek "Ooh!" she smirked

"Holy shit that was hot!" Both men mouths were hanging open

"Lets go" Gabby said taking Evlyn's hand then she grabbed Minah's as they maneuvered through the crowd to their booth. She took care of the tab and they left the club, the night air wasn't that cool on it's own but being near the water offered them a nice breeze "You alright" she asked Evlyn

"Yeah I'm good, I could've handled him if I needed to"

"I believe you but you look too good to be acting crazy" they laughed and walked, sort of, down the street

"Where to next?" Minah asked as they still held hands.

"I'm hungry again" Evlyn said, all the liquor they consumed settled in a while ago but they were really feeling it now.

"Ooh let's get burgers" Gabby's eyes lit up at the suggestion like it was the greatest idea ever

"Yes! Burgers!" Minah ordered a lyft. It arrived a few minutes later, thankful for a female driver they all climbed in the back seat of the white SUV

"Hey, hey, excuse me ma'am, do you know where we can get some burgers?" Evlyn asked with a goofy grin residing on her reddened face, their driver chuckled and told them about a place that wasn't far from their hotel

"Oooh can you drop us off there please!" Gabby whined making prayer hands

"Of course, you ladies must be having a good night"

"The best" Minah threw an arm around both of them, as she sat in the middle, and left exaggerated kisses on their cheek "I love y'all"

"Oh lord she's drunk" Gabby giggled

"Yes but it's still the truth" the driver dropped them in front of the diner then drove off when they entered

"I bet this is what heaven smells like" Evlyn smiled gleefully as they eyed the menu above the ordering counter

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