Dramione - Fire and Ice

By EmilieJane29

40.1K 909 305

Though the trauma of the war is ever so present, Hermione Granger is ready for a normal year without the worr... More

Chapter 1 (Hermione)
Chapter 2 (Draco)
Chapter 3 (Hermione)
Chapter 4 (Draco/Hermione)
Chapter 5 (Draco)
Chapter 6 (Hermione)
Chapter 7 (Draco/Hermione)
Chapter 8 (Draco)
Chapter 9 (Hermione)
Chapter 11 (Draco)
Chapter 12 (Hermione)
Chapter 13 (Hermione/Draco)
Chapter 14 (Draco)
Chapter 15 (Hermione/Draco)
Chapter 16 (Draco/Hermione)
Chapter 17 (Hermione)
Chapter 18 (Draco)
Chapter 19 (Hermione)
Chapter 20

Chapter 10 (Hermione)

2K 41 16
By EmilieJane29

Hermione took deep breaths while she and Draco stood just out of sight from the Great Hall and its occupants.

"Hermione, we don't have -"

"I'm not bloody ashamed of being with you, Draco Malfoy."

And this was true. She forgave him, not because of a formal verbal apology, but due to his actions. She remembered something Sirius had said to Harry long ago... there is both dark and light in all of us - what matters is the part we choose to act on.

"Ah, there's that fiery spirit... reminds me of us just an hour ago when you -"

Hermione's grumbling was incomprehensible as she shoved his shoulder, but he merely smirked when he captured her wrist and kissed her palm.

"We don't have to explain ourselves, Granger. If you're uncomfortable we can sit in the courtyard or, dare I say... the library." He dramatically winced at the latter and she couldn't help rolling her eyes with a smile.

Draco kissed her temple, interlaced his fingers with her's and led them confidently into the Great Hall.

Only a few seconds later did the loud chattering turn into whispers, and though her face warmed, she held her head high and sat next to him at the end of the Gryffindor table. She didn't like having her back to the other houses, but it was easier to ignore the staring and whispers this way.

Right as Hermione's leg became restless, Draco's hand was on her thigh and ankle hooked around hers. She flashed him a rueful smile while buttering her toast.

She could feel the stares burning a hole into her back and from fellow Gryffindors. If only she could look as casual as Draco already biting into his second green apple.

"What would happen if there were no green apples at Hogwarts?" she teased, knicking an untouched apple on his plate.

"I don't think such grotesque thoughts," he replied, narrowing his eyes at the apple she bit into. He then leaned in to her. "Though, how you make eating an apple look so sexy is beyond me."

Hermione loudly snorted, shaking her head.

She could vaguely recognize Ron and Harry's raised voices on the other end of the table but was choosing not to listen.

"Draco, will you tell your mum about us?"

He carefully interlaced his fingers with his elbows on the table, glancing at her with a clenched jaw.

"I will be telling Mother eventually, but I don't expect her blessing..." he hesitated. "My family has had an arranged marriage contract for me since I was 14... but it's rubbish." He quickly continued seeing her look taken aback. "I haven't signed it."

"I can't compete with that," Hermione said quietly.

Pureblood customs, most likely. It shouldn't be surprising, yet it was. Draco may be less prejudiced, but she doubted he would risk his family's name and inheritance for a Muggle-born he was softening towards the past few months. Why was she even thinking of marriage between them in the first place?

Merlin, they've only been a couple for a couple days! Stupid, stupid, stupid...

"Who?" she continued casually, taking a drink of pumpkin juice.

"There's no competition, Granger," he murmured. His eyes had hardened and she wasn't sure if he was convincing her or himself.

"This seat taken?"

They looked up to see a smirking Ginny holding hands with Harry who looked as if he'd rather be anywhere else. Hermione frowned at him.

"Not at all, Gin."

Draco scowled but didn't protest. Ginny was giving Draco a smug look she didn't quite understand.

Ginny winked at her, seemingly accepting the circumstances, and Hermione hesitantly smiled. She knew Ginny wasn't the most approving, which was made clear during Halloween; nonetheless, it was comforting to not be given a lecture or have a confrontation in front of the school.

"Are you two official then?" asked Ginny, comically wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yes," said Draco shortly before Hermione could speak, rolling his eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat with how quickly he agreed to being with her.

Ginny looked amused and nodded.

"As long as you're happy," said Harry quietly, his voice sounding strangled, and awkwardly giving a non-committal shrug.

"I appreciate that, Harry," said Hermione wryly. She honestly was surprised he was voicing any sort of approval. "What does Ronald think?" she asked lightly.

Ginny grimaced before looking down the table and rolling her eyes. "Don't worry, Lavender has her claws in..." Ginny then sighed, looking annoyed. "Nevermind."

"Won Won, let's go," whined Lavender behind them.

Hermione bit her bottom lip, keeping her eyes on the table.

"Do you need something, Weasel?" said Draco, not bothering to turn around either.

"I'm disappointed in you, Hermione," came Ron's voice softly behind her. "I thought you were smarter than this."

Hermione bit harder into her bottom lip until she could taste blood. Ron knew just what to say to hurt her by questioning her intelligence. Draco stiffened next to her.

"Don't," she murmured to him, closing her eyes.

"Good to know you can throw away eight years of bloody friendship so easily," she heard him drawl. Hermione could hear his anger under the surface. "Piss off, Weasel."

"You reach for your wand, Ron, and I'll hex you," snarled Ginny.

Hermione opened her eyes and saw Ginny's eyes narrowed, her hand on her wand that was now innocently next to her plate.

She glanced at Harry and was surprised to see he looked just as annoyed with what transpired.

"Walk away, Ron," said Harry quietly. "This is her decision."

Ginny's expression and hand gradually relaxed, indicating Ron and Lavender left.


She turned and saw Draco's silvery eyes looking at her with concern. He cupped her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

With his other hand, he pointed his wand at her face and wordlessly the cut on her bottom lip healed.

"Thanks," she said, attempting a smile. "I'm okay."

"Ron's such a git," grumbled Ginny, stabbing her scrambled eggs with a fork.

"Yeah, but if you hurt her, Malfoy, I'll kill you," said Harry seriously, his expression determined.

"Harry!" admonished Hermione, rolling her eyes at the dramatics.

"Fair enough," said Draco with a shrug, holding his hand across the table.

Harry hesitated, but eventually shook on it.

"House unity at its finest, yeah?" said Ginny brightly.

The next two weeks went surprisingly smooth. The whispers were lessening and Harry and Ginny continued to sit across from them in the Great Hall. Even Harry started to make small talk with Draco about Quidditch, which Hermione found amusing and sweet.

Ron was simply pretending she didn't exist. It was disheartening because she'd hoped he'd eventually give in... she even welcomed him yelling so they could just bloody talk about it.

The crude notes stopped, which made her feel uneasy rather than relieved. Hermione predicted it would worsen after being public with Draco, yet no contact has been made by her attackers since their first date.

What changed?

With the holiday quickly approaching, Hermione was spending the majority of her free time studying or being with Draco. They hadn't done anything more than thoroughly snog and tease. She was open to doing more, but to her surprise it was Draco who wanted to wait.

She remembered a few days ago voicing her insecurities around this, but he assured her how he wanted her physically by going in-depth with the specifics to the point of drenching her knickers. Draco was confident in this, but lightly blushed when he admitted to wanting this relationship to be more than physical.

Hermione agreed but Merlin was the sexual tension high.

Tonight she'd been guilted into studying in the Gryffindor common room by a pouting Ginny. She had also promised Draco that someone would escort her back to their common room when finished despite her protests.

It was nostalgic to be back in her house's common room, but Hermione wrinkled her nose when she looked up from her history essay to see Harry and Ginny snogging.

She noticed a crunched up piece of parchment on the floor and threw it at Harry's head.

Harry caught it much to her annoyance and Ginny giggled, going back to her potions essay.

"Youngest seeker of the century pain in the arse," she grumbled.

Harry winked. "What are your plans for the holiday, Hermione?"

"Well if Mrs. Weasley is okay with -"

"Of course she'd be fine with it," cut in Ginny, impatiently without looking up. "Mum considers you family."

"I might visit Draco too," she added, biting the inside of her cheek.

"At the manor?" asked Harry, raising a brow in concern and pushing away his DADA textbook. "Are you sure you'll be okay? I could come with or-"

"Don't be ridiculous, Harry. I'll be with Draco."

"That what I'm worried about," muttered Harry darkly, which resulted in Ginny elbowing him with a frown. "Okay, okay," relented Harry, rolling his eyes. "He's been... fine. Old habits."

Hermione sighed. "At least you're trying. Better than Ron, anyway."

"He'll come around," said Harry, not looking entirely convinced.

Ginny snorted but a look from Harry had her hastily busy with her essay.

Hermione shook her head and looked into the fireplace, grounding herself by noticing the blend of orange and yellow, the smell of burning wood, feeling of warmth... something a Mind Healer suggested to her this past summer.

As her gaze moved away from the fireplace she noticed an aging black book propped ominously against the wall next to the flames.

Hermione set aside her essay and went to pick up the book. Her brows furrowed as she flipped through the pages.

"Harry... Ginny... do you know who's this is?"

She turned and they both shrugged.

"It's been there for days," commented Ginny.

"This... this is a book from the restricted section... who would steal this book and leave it around," she mused aloud.

Harry looked more interested than before, raising a brow now at the book she was holding.

There was a page ear-marked and she reflexively went to smooth the page, but her eyes widened at its content.

Draught of Living Death
A very powerful sleep that can last indefinitely.


Powdered root of asphodel
Infusion of Wormwood
Valerian root
A Sopophorous Bean
A Sloth brain

She stopped reading, feeling uneasy. Infusion of wormwood... did they not find evidence of such nearly a month ago when attacked?

This was NEWT levels - she once attempted to brew it her 6th year with Professor Slughorn. But why was this book specifically restricted when the potion could be found in any Advanced Potion Making book at Flourish and Botts? Was there a difference between the two?

"Hermione," she heard Ginny sing.

"Hmm, yes?"

She looked over to see Harry and Ginny looking at her with amusement and underlying concern.

"We've been trying to reach you for several minutes," said Harry, shaking his head affectionately. "Are you okay?"

"I'm... not sure," she said softly. She looked around the nearly abandoned common room before ripping the pages from the book.

Harry and Ginny looked at her with mouths agape while she pocketed it.

"Do you think she's been confunded?" whispered Ginny loudly.

"Dunno," Harry whispered back, shaking his head. "Polyjuice?"

"Oh, shut up," said Hermione, trying not to blush at her rash actions. "I need to compare this to an Advanced Potions book. It requires wormwood."

Understanding flickered in Harry's eyes. "The ingredient you found by the Room of Requirement... what potion?"

"Draught of Living Death, but this version seems restricted and I want to know why."

"We could meet in the library tomorrow?" offered Harry with a shrug.

"Wait... are you implying someone in Gryffindor is trying to hurt you?" said Ginny loudly in which Harry and Hermione shushed her.

"It's possible," Hermione mused, sounding not as concerned as she probably should be. "Could be a dead-end or coincidence."

"I don't believe in those anymore," sighed Harry, standing up to stretch his arms overhead.

Hermione caught Ginny eyeing him with interest and the red-head winked when meeting Hermione's exasperated expression.

Of course, she did the same when Draco stretched, but that wasn't something she'd admit to.

"Malfoy says someone has to escort me back to my common room," grumbled Hermione, glancing at her watch.

Ginny laughed. "Protective isn't he?"

"Why can't he?" asked Harry compiling his work and cramming it all into his bag.

"He's spending time with Blaise in the Slytherin common room," replied Hermione, putting away her homework in her bag with much more care. "I told him to spend more time with his Slytherin friends."

"I can escort you, Miss Granger," said Ginny pompously with a dramatic bow, her hair touching the floor. "Would be my pleasure."

"Ginny," said Harry, looking hesitant. "Maybe I -"

"I'm meeting Luna outside her common room anyways for prefect duties," said Ginny before her eyes glittered with mischief. "Feel free to wait up if you'd like," she continued with a wink.

Harry grinned, pulling Ginny in for a kiss.

Hermione was happy for them, really, but as the seconds continued to pass and the snogging deepened she loudly cleared her throat.

"Sorry," said Harry with a crooked smile, not sounding sorry at all, kissing Ginny one more time on the lips. "See you soon, Gin."

Ginny waved her wand like the witch she was to pack up her belongings and skipped to the portrait door.

Harry wrapped Hermione in a hug and she pecked him on the cheek with a smile, before following Ginny out of the common room.

She and Ginny walked in comfortable silence through the dark corridors, both having casted a lumos to navigate their way.

"Do you feel like we're being watched?" whispered Ginny suddenly, looking apprehensive from the illumination of her wand.

Hermione pointed her wand in different directions in the corridor, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw movement and froze.

"Homenum Revelio," she murmured, inhaling shakily when the spell indicated there were two other humans present aside from Hermione and Ginny.

"Send a message on the DA coins," breathed Hermione, her grip tightening on her wand. "Help in east corridor."

Ginny slowly reached into her robes to send the message.

A flash of red rocketed towards them and Hermione silently waved it away, her wand still at the ready.

"Done," Ginny murmured, pocketing the coin.

Hexes were simultaneously sent down the corridor on opposite ends and the witches were forced to stand back-to-back - dueling with the invisible shadows.

No longer able to cast lumos, the only light came from the non-verbal hexes eearily being sent either way.

"Cowards," said Ginny loudly from behind her, sending what sounded like her infamous bat bogey hex.

The hexes ceased and the only sound were the girls breathing heavily from adrenaline. Both still had their wands aloft in the dark and she felt Ginny curl her arm around Hermione's free arm to stay together.

Hermione bit her lip hard to stop herself from panicking in the darkness. No DA members had arrived yet - she hoped at least Harry would have seen the message.

Ginny gasped and was suddenly wrenched away from Hermione's arm.

"Ginny!" Hermione shouted, pointing her wand behind her. She couldn't cast anything in fear of hitting Ginny.

"Petrificus totalus," came a whisper right next to her and she immediately froze, her body dropping to the ground.

No, no, no, no, no...

"Did you like my letters?" came a low voice near her ear.

Hermione wanted to whimper. She was defenseless as she tried with all of her power to free herself from the body-bind curse. What happened to Ginny?

Cold fingers went down her arm and she wanted to retch. "We won't do anything tonight," the low voice whispered. "But I would be better company than a deatheater... I assure you."

The attacker strattled her waist and her mind flashed back to the torture at the manor with Bellatrix doing the same. A traitorous tear left her eye, and a thumb wiped it away.

Foreign lips were suddenly on hers and she wanted to scream.


The body on her's immediately vanished, the corridor was illuminated, and Draco's panicked face appeared in her line of vision. He waved his wand and a small scream finally escaped her lips, her body shaking, and a sharp pain was felt originating from the back of her head.

He manually put her arms around his neck, and had her legs wrap around his waist to hold her. She nuzzled her face into his neck with silent tears running down her cheeks while her body shook.

Draco was rubbing her back and speaking softly in her hair. "Potter sent me a patronus... I'm here... it's okay, love, it's okay... you're safe..."

"Where's Ginny?" Hermione asked thickly into his neck, inhaling the calming scent of apples and mint.

"Potter has her, she's okay."

She pulled herself away to see Harry over Draco's shoulder holding Ginny in a similar fashion, his worried eyes connecting with her's. Hermione then noticed several others in the corridor with their wands aloft including Luna Lovegood, Blaise Zabini, Cho Chang, and Neville Longbottom.

"You're bleeding, Hermione," said Draco quietly.

The wound on the back of her head stung but she paid it no mind. She was  angry for feeling so weak, angry that someone involved Ginny... but her emotions and magic were thoroughly drained to act on it.

"What happened, Hermione?" asked Harry quietly. "Ginny said she was knocked out."

Her grip around Draco's neck tightened as she explained the sudden non-verbal dueling, but her words faltered when trying to explain the attacker strattling her. It was Draco now holding her tightly.

"What letters?" clarified Harry, looking confused.

"Did he touch you?" murmured Draco, his voice low.

Hermione knew what he was implying. "They kissed me," she said quietly.

Draco's hands started to shake, but quickly stopped after a brief pause.

He spit out to Harry about the crude letters she'd been recieving and he and the surrounding DA members looked horrified.

"Harry," said Neville quietly, putting something small into his hand. "Found this on the ground."

"What is it?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

Harry was pale, but his eyes were flashing with unprecedented rage. He looked at her again and wordlessly held the object up.

It was a galleon. The same galleon she bewitched for Dumbledore's Army.

One of her attackers was a member of the DA.

Thank you for reading! Vote/Comment if you'd like :)

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