How to Date an Asshole

By AlanisKorali

503K 21.3K 2.3K

Like most people, Lauren had a big crush on a celebrity when she was a teenager. Unlike most people, she met... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 44

5.2K 236 29
By AlanisKorali

Chapter 44

Hailey sat slack-jawed across from me.


Her eyes glanced to mine, blinking slowly, mouth parted as she took everything in.

I knew I shouldn't have let it pile up before telling her.

Her mouth closed finally and her lips formed into a grimace, "Why would you keep that from me?"

"I-" I stared at her face, measuring her reactions.

Her left brow raised in impatience, demanding an answer.

I smiled sheepishly.

She shoved my arm, "You shouldn't keep things from me, Lauren."

"I know."

"I could've helped you."

"I know."

"I could've beat the fuck out of Axel."


"Lauren, I asked you." Her face was stern.

All I could do was look away.

"I asked you how it went. You said it was fine. I didn't ask further because I thought you had a romantic night and you wanted to keep some things to yourself. But boy, was I wrong." Her head shook left and right, "If everything goes wrong, we tell each other, remember?"

I nodded in absence of words.

"What happened to that?"

I lowered my head, "I'm so sorry, Hailey. I was too embarrassed."

She exhaled loudly as she leaned closer, "Laure, you know you can trust me, right?"

My head rose to meet hers, "Of course."

"Okay," she nodded and it seemed to calm me down because I nodded too. "Next time, God forbid there's a next time, but if there is, don't drop a bomb on me. Please?"

I nodded in reply.

"Or I swear, 'Death by Lauren Grant' would be written on my epitaph."

I smiled. There she is.

"You wouldn't want that, would you?"

"I wouldn't."

"Okay," she nodded. "Hug it out?"

"Yeah," I leaned in and went for a hug.

"Oh," her voice was muffled. "I've missed you, Laure."

"I missed you too."

We hugged each other for a while until Hailey whispered, "So how's it going with Dean?"

"Hailey!" I released from her hug.

"What? He talked to me."

"About what?"

"What do you mean about what? He asked when you're coming back and that he wants to surprise you at the airport."

"Oh, that."

"Oh, that?" her head moved left and right with a scowl on her mouth. "Something happened that I don't know."

Shit, I should've just kept my mouth shut.

"Spill." She jabbed my arm.

"F- alright."

She placed her head on her palms, like a kid waiting for a bedtime story.

"I sort of... suggested... uh..." I gulped the lump in my throat.

She nodded enthusiastically, waiting for what's next.

"That we be boyfriend-girlfriend."

Her grin grew bigger than the Cheshire cat's. "Girl! And then?"

"And then he said I shouldn't say things like that when I'm tired?"

Her face fell, "What?"

"He said he doesn't want me to make rash decisions – like I should choose him when I'm in my right mind? Yeah... Along the lines of that."


"I don't know, Hales, maybe he's right."

"I don't know, Laure, maybe he's another asshole."

"Hailey! Well, I don't think so." It sounded more of a question than a statement.

"I hope not, but that's a little sketchy, don't you think?"

"Maybe? Or maybe he's just being British."

"That too. I don't know, but that sounds like a red flag."

"Or maybe he just respects me?"

She frowned, unconvinced. "Eh."

"Yeah, I don't know. Maybe let's just leave the topic." I suggested.

"Okay, agree." She took a deep breath, "So, tell me you took photos."

"Of course."

She smiled. "Then show me."

I showed her the pictures and she was fascinated by everything – from the Sydney office to the beach. We went grocery shopping after lunch and I decided to drop Hailey off at her apartment because, well, I don't have anything to do. After a week of chaos, this is just what I need – a breath of normalcy.

"Hey, Lauren, how's it going?" Josh greeted me as I placed some paper bags on the table.

"Good," I breathed. "How 'bout you? Did you eat yet?"

"Yeah, I actually made some pasta if you like."

"Ooooh, what kind?"


I looked at Hailey, "You're very lucky to have a chef boyfriend." I nodded.

She smirked then walked over to where Josh was and hugged him from the side. "Yes, but he's luckier to have me."

Josh let out a hearty laugh and attacked Hailey with kisses. She squealed, trying to get out of his captive.

"Alright, I'm out," I said making my way to the door.

"Wait!" Josh yelped.

"What?" Hailey and I looked at him in confusion.

His brows furrowed. "Uh... I'll walk you down. I need to take the trash out anyway." He looked at Hailey, "You know how messy I could be when I make pasta."

Hailey nodded in agreement, "Yeah, he really is messy." She turned to him and slapped his shoulder lightly, "Okay, go on then."

Josh disappeared into the kitchen and Hailey walked to me, "Remember what we talked about, Laure."

"Yes," I nodded. "I know. No more secrets."

"Keep that in mind," she moved closer as her eyes squinted. "No more secrets," her voice came in a warning.

Our noses almost touched. All I could do was lean back and raise my brows, then I saw Josh came out of the kitchen with a trash bag.

My eyes widened, "Alright, you're scaring me. Josh, let's go!"

He raised the trash bag for Hailey to see. She nodded and let us go.

"You didn't stay to eat some pasta," Josh said as we walk down the stairs.

"Yeah, well, I didn't want to interrupt you two lovebirds."

His lips formed a lopsided grin.

"And it didn't help that Hailey pestered me as soon as you went to the kitchen."

"Yeah, what was that all about?"

"Uh-uh," I shook my head. "Can't tell. It's between us girls."

He rolled his eyes, "I knew I was the third wheel in this relationship."

I patted his back, "It's okay, bud."

"Anyway," he stopped and exhaled loudly.

I stopped on steps, hand falling from the railing. "What is it?"

He exhaled, "Well, I created the trash distraction because I needed to talk to you."

"What's the matter, Josh? Is anything wrong?"

"No! No. Nothing's wrong. In fact, things are going right."

"Okay? That's great. Why did you want to talk to me?"

He puffed out a breath, staring at the ceiling.

My eyes squinted as I observed his actions.

Shaky breath, fiddling fingers.

Oh my God, is he?


I looked into his nervous eyes, looking everywhere but me.

He is.

"Oh my God, Josh. Is it what I'm thinking?"

His brows raised, "What?"

"Oh, don't lie to me now."

"I'm not saying anything."

"Oh, come on! Drop the faux innocence."

His eyes closed as he grinned. When he opened his eyes, they were shining with happiness.

My eyes bulged at this.

Holy shit.

"Yes," he confirmed.

I pinched my nose, trying to contain everything in. "Oh my God. Please tell me the whole sentence. Go on, go on!"

His grin grew wider, "Yes, I am going to propose to Hailey."

"Oh my God!" I threw my arms around him. "I'm so happy for you two. It's about time."

"Thank you, Lauren. Although she hasn't said yes yet, that's why I wanted to talk to you. I need your help."

"Of course. Of course! You came to the right person."

He nodded, "Okay, then let's set up a meeting. I have some plans but I need your ideas too."

"Yes, just call me." I nodded enthusiastically. I looked at him and saw how bright his eyes were, full of happiness and love, and hope for their future together.

"Ah, I can't resist it." I hugged him one more time. "This is the best news I've heard all day. You two will be the happiest, I just know it."

"That means so much to me, Lauren." The corners of his eyes crinkled. "Okay, I have to throw these out now. Hailey would be suspicious if I took too much time."

"Yes. Yes, alright." I nodded. "Ahhh, I'll go now too. I'll see you soon."

"See you!"

"Best news ever!"

He laughed at my remark.

As I walk down the street, I can't help but smile. The skies seem brighter and the air smells better. Finally, a good thing to look forward to.

* * *

Back at work, things seem to flow as usual. That is until Harper barged into the office and slammed her door shut.

We all glanced at each other, in a silent question of what happened.

No one dared to ask anyone of anything.

I looked at Harper's office – her shoulders were tense as she stood yelling at someone on the phone.

We can't hear a word she said but the sight of her wrath was enough to shut me up. I understand that in these situations, it's better to stay silent.

She sat on her chair when the call ended; hands rested on her head as she tried to compose herself. She took a deep breath and stood, opened the door ajar, and called for Cassandra.

Cassandra went in immediately. They talked for a while before she went out with an unreadable expression.

Come on, Cass. Not even a clue?

By lunch, whispers started and we were dying of curiosity.

Dominic said they've never seen Harper this mad, so it must be really bad.

I picked on my food with this feeling of unease. Could it be related to why they had to leave Manila so quickly?

Why did I have to be so drunk that I couldn't remember what it was?

The day went on and by 3:00, Harper called us for an emergency meeting.

"Hey, everyone. So, you might have noticed the way I acted this morning."

There were a few nods around the room. I focused my eye on Harper.

"I, uh," she cleared her throat. "It wasn't pleasant. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you need to know this."

Oh my God, is the company closing?

We held our breaths, waiting for Harper's next word.

"We are being sued."

"What?" Dave asked. "By whom?"

"By Katie Swanson."


"Katie Swanson? The actress?" May asked in confusion.

"Yes, the actress." She exhaled, "This is as much of a shock to me as it is to you. I cannot believe how this happened, but it's happening and I was speaking with our lawyers early this morning."

"How're our chances?" Kendra spoke.


My mouth dropped, speechless.

"What is she suing us for?" Dominic asked.


We all glanced at each other, confused.

"Last week, our marketing team released several photos of our new models. And there was this one photo that looks just like hers – only that it was released earlier."

"How is this possible?" I asked.

"I don't know," her head shook. "I've talked with the creatives and they said they didn't know how that happened either. Their concept was original, but Katie has evidence. Her photo was published on her website five years ago."

"Five years ago?" Dave cried.

Harper nodded. "That's why I called you up, we need to be ready for contingent liability. How liquid are we to shoulder settlement, just in case."

"We need to make interim financial statements just for this purpose," Cassandra said.

We all nodded with our heads low. This means late nights and caffeine boosts.

"Wait," Dominic raised his hand. "Isn't Katie Axel's ex-girlfriend?"

"Yes!" Kendra exclaimed. "I've seen interviews of them before." She turned to me, "Lauren, maybe you can ask him to talk to her."

I raised my head to see hopeful eyes staring at me, waiting for my reply.

I fiddled with my pen, "Sure."

Harper exhaled a sigh of relief, "That's great. Thanks, Lauren, we need all the help we can get."

"No worries," I nodded with pursed lips.

She gave a single nod then looked at everyone, "We are trying to not let this out in the media – our reputation would be hurt, we could lose clients in a snap." She snapped her fingers, "Just like that. So please keep in mind that what you heard today is highly confidential. You must not discuss this to anyone, and I mean anyone – even the ones inside this building." She looked at me, "Well, except for Axel, you know what I mean."

I gave a curt nod to signify my comprehension.

"I needed to tell you because we have plans to be done, reports to prepare; if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have implicated you. So please, I ask of you, do not let this information out of this room. Got it?"

"Got it." We all said in unison.

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