Hellblazer and Primak (Rewrit...

By Zeromicz

142K 2.3K 515

Jaune Arc is Beacon's worst student and weakest Huntsmen in training. It's not all bad for our favorite hunt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Hellblazer and Primak: Fairytales Part 1#
Hellblazer and Primak: Fairytales Part 2#
Hellblazer and Primak: Fairytales Part 3#
Hellblazer and Primak: Fairytales Part 4#
Hellblazer and Primak: Fairytales Part 5#
Hellblazer and Primak: Fairytales Part 6#
Hellblazer and Primak 2#: Teaser Trailer
Hellblazer and Primak: The Warrior that Hides Himself ( In Next Chapters)
Hellblazer and Primak: Fairytales Part 7#
Hellblazer and Primak: Trailer
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Hellblazer and Primak Movie: Mistress of Death
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 2# : Rebirth
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 2# : Rebirth Part 2
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 2# : Rebirth Part 3
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 2# : Rebirth Part 4
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 2# : Rebirth Part 5 [ The End]
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 3#: Fallen Kingdom......
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 4#: Spawn Inferno
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 4#: Spawn Inferno Part 2
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 4#: Spawn Inferno Part 3
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 4#: Spawn Inferno Part 4
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 4#: Spawn Inferno Part 5 [ The End]
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 1
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 2
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 3
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 4
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 5
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 6
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 7
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings [ The End]
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger Part 2
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger Part 3
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger Part 4
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger Part 5
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger Part 6
Hellblazer and Primak Movie 6#: Hellsinger Part 7 [ The End]
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123

Chapter 55

794 14 2
By Zeromicz

It was now winter with the snow falling into the mountains and the streets as a train was getting attacked by a bunch of Grimms, called Manticore.

As the Manticores were attacking the train and leaving slashes on it, all of the sudden fire balls got shot at them as they barely avoided getting hit, before a ceirtan Ruby Rose manage to jump on top of one of it and then cut of its head with her scythe.

Ruby:"Heck, yeah!!!!" she yelled happily before jumping off the dead Grimm and landing on the train.

Ruby:"And one is settled, who is next?" she yelled, however she didn't notice that a Manticore was about to attack her when her back was turned but luckly enough Weiss created an ice wall protecting Ruby.

Ruby then jolted in fear, thankful that she didn't get eaten, before Weiss then jump at the Manticore and cut off its head with a single slice.

Weiss:"You can thank me later!!!" she said with a smirk on her face as she looked at other four Manticores flying in the sky as she jump straight for them, until Blake moved at incredible speed and slice both of their heads off, leaving only two more Manticores who growled at the three, before flying straight for them.

Blake:"In coming!!!" she yelled as Jaune then jumped off a mountain with his sword and shield in his hands as he used his wind magic to spin around creating a small tornado and slashing the other two Manticores into pieces before they turn into Dust.

Jaune then did a front flip and landed on the train.

Jaune:"Nice to see that I haven't lost my touch."he said with a bright smile

Jaune, Blake, Weiss and Ruby were now taking down even more Manticores as Ren, Nora, Yang and Oscar just climbed on the train.

Nora:"Why is there always something in between in our path?!?!" she said whining about the attacks of the Manticores, before Oscar then start running his way as Ren, Nora and Yang prepare themselves to fight against the Manticores too.

Ruby:"Keep him in the queue of the train!!!" she yelled as Ren, Nora and Yang nodded.

Yang start shooting at the Manticores, Nora was jumping and hitting each of them iwht her hammer as Ren was shooting too.

Nora:"Ren!!!" she yelled before jumping from a Manticore and reaching for Ren, who then grab her hand, start spinning her around before trowing her at another Manticore and smashing its head into pieces.

Nora then start laughing as Ren face palmed, before Oscar then start calling hsi comrades.

Oscar:"Tunnel!!!!!!" he yelled as then a purple glowing portal opened.

Jaune:"Run inside the portal now!!!" he yelled as everyone then start running towards the purple glowing portal, before a Manticore shot a fire ball out of his mouth at Weiss, who barely manage to avoided that and almost tripped and fell off the train, until Ruby grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

Ruby:"You can thank me, later!!!!" she then used her speed as both manage to jump into the portal.







I can't believe he turned his back on us.




We have to get away from him.





We don't have to deal with that monster anymore.




Everyone now knows what he did.





He abandoned his brothers and sisters in Haven.





We just have to stay away from him.






We will no longer take orders from him.




Rumor has it that he collapsed as soon as little Belladonna raised her voice a little.





Apparently she controls him more than he can imagine.






Back with Adam Taurus, he had now waken up in the stolen boat of the fisherman he has taken the life of, covered in dirt, smelled like crap, with messy red hair that have gotten slightly longer and one of his horns which got cut off as he was freezing in the cold winter. 

Adam then sit as he looked in the blue icy sky.

Adam:"Little Belladonna. Blake." he said coldly befor a Manticore then flew striaght at him as Adam then grab his blade and with a single slice he cut it in half as it the dead Grimm fell into the icy water.

Adam then screamed in anger, but there was no one to hear him in the cold isolated sea.







Qrow was now walking in the streets of Mistral holding a letter of the General James Ironwood.

It's been two weeks since the attack in Haven. According to official reports, the destruction of Mistral's CCTV Tower was averted with the help of the adorable bunny Velvet Scarlatina, who helped Blake Belladonna and a Faunus militia from Menagerie. A Hunter and some students who were there visiting the Headmaster helped the aforementioned during the clashes. Tragically, Leoardo Lionheart lost his life while trying to defend the school. Instead, the organizers of the attack managed to escape. As I think you can imagine, the report says much more than I am willing to write in this letter. What I am trying to tell you now, James, is that we are on our way to Atlas. We will most likely get there before this letter, but if it doesn't, I want you to know that we carry a lot more than a lot of bad news with us. Soon. Qrow.

Qrow then send the letter away so that the General James Ironwood, could've read it.

Qrow then sighed , before all of the sudden Ruby was about to run past him rather very quickly, before he grabbed her by the hoodie.

Qrow:"Hey, Hey, where are you going in such hurry?" he asked her.

Ruby:"What are you doing standing there? It's almost time!!" she then used her superspeed as Qrow ended up being dragged all the time and get hit by papaers, foood or light pole.

Once reaching to her friends who were sitting in the airport, waiting for the both to arrive. Qrow then let go off Ruby's hoodie and fell on the floor as Ruby was really excited.

Jaune, Oscar, Y/n, Ren, Weiss, Nora and Yang just looked at her raising an eyebrow.

Yang then raise an eyebrow at Ruby.

Yang:"So?" she asked her little sister.

Ruby then pulled out a bag full of something as she was realy excited as Weiss sighed.

Weiss:"A complete and utter waste of time-" she was then cut off by an excited Yang.

Yang:"What did you got, sis?!?"

Ruby:"You'll have to wait."

Yang then pouted.

Yang:"Hey, that's not fair!!!!"

Ruby then stick her tounge out as Yang tried to catch her little sister and the bag full of something, that Ruby won't tell, but Ruby just moved at super speed so it was difficult for Yang to catch her.

Y/n just giggle as Jaune rolled his eyes feeling bored as Oscar was sweatdropping at the two sister bickering.

Nora:"We're taking the train to Argus, I still can't believe it! The wonderful North coast .... Do you think it is too early for the costume fitting?"

Jaune was now having some thoughts in his mind just thinking about it, as he immagined Y/n wearing a bikini.

Jaune then realize what he was thinking before he then shrug it off his head, before Y/n could've even read them in time.

Jaune*blushing*:"I'm afraid so, desolate. But this brings us closer to Atlas." then blood start coming out his nose.

Oscar:"Mr. Arc. Your nose is-"

Jaune*blushing*:"Just give me a tissue, Oscar."

Weiss:"It is a pleasure to see you all happy. Happy and blissfully ignorant of the effort it took to get away from Atlas."

Ruby:"I know you're worried, Weiss, but you can trust me. We in Uncle Qrow's group will not leave you alone, not even for a moment. Promised!!!" she said with a bright smile.

Weiss then smiled, before all of the sudden the group of young Huntsmen and Huntresses got approached by a duo.

???:"With us around, no one will have anything to worry about." he said as both people were holding their weapons, showing that they were Huntsmen.

Nora then tilt her head and raise an eyebrow.

Nora:"And who would you be?"

???:"Well, Dee and Dudley, it seems obvious to me. The official Hunters of the Argus Limited Express. We'll take care of keeping you safe as you pass through Grimm territory."

Dudley:"But, in exchange for a hefty tip, we can pay special attention to your carriage in case there are any problems." he said with a wink as the young Hunters sweatdropped and looked at the duo in annoyence.

Qrow then got back up from the ground and look at both Dee and Dudley.

Qrow:"I give you some advice that is worth more than a tip. Disappear. It seems that here in Mistral lately they are satisfied with the scraps as well." he said as the yougn Hunters then start holding their laughter as both Dee and Dudley got offended.

Dee:"Hey, look what we are-" he was then interrupted by Qrow who pulled out his scroll and showed it a t them.

Qrow:"Professional hunters ... but don't tell me." he siad showing them that he is a Professional Huntsman, from the Legendary STRQ as the two Huntsman then got scared.

Qrow:"Anyway, one of you geniuses left the dormitory car staff door open. It would be a shame to get kicked out before you even started working." he said as Dee then glared at Dudley.

Dudley:"D-Don't look at me!!! I-I didn't do it!!!"

Dee then sighed.

Dee:"Come on, you idiot."he said angrily.

Dudley:"B-But, I didn't do it." he said as they both left as the young Hunters were giggling.

Ozpin:(I sincerely hope those two didn't graduate from Beacon.)

Oscar then smiled.

Oscar:"You know, every now and then I think we have to save the world and anxiety starts to rise... But then I think it's our job, and not people like those two, and I immediately feel better."

Ozpin:(Holy words.)

Jaune, Y/n, Ruby, Ren, Nora, Weiss, Yang and Qrow:"Yup." they all said.

Qrow then turn to the young Hunters...

Qrow:"All ready for departure, then? Has the bike already been charged?"


Y/n:"The only one missing is Blake."

Weiss then rolled her eyes in annoyence.

Weiss:"Like always."

Qrow:"But did we ask, your commentary?"


Qrow:"Good, so shut up chihuaha."

Weiss then got offended as the other young unters then held their laughter.






Blake was now talking with Velvet and thanking her for her contribuition against Adam Taurus and the White Fang.

Blake:"I still can't believe we beat Adam, thank you so much for sacrificing for us and our cause, Velvet. You were great."

(A/n: Velvet second gear)

Velvet:"Well, it was a pleasure for me to help you. Saving Haven has had a huge impact on how Faunas are viewed here in Mistral. Now it's your turn to take the progress made so far and build something on it."

Blake then nodded.

Blake:"Right. Even though White Fang was a failure, now that there is the new movement founded by my father, I feel I can really hope for the future."

Velvet eyes then start tearing up as she then hugged Blake.

Velvet:"Thank you Blake. Thank you for everything. With you going to Atlas, maybe there's a chance that Faunas are finally gonna be more themselves. I'm sorry we have to part ways."

Blake then hugged her back.

Blake:"I know, but my team needs me, just like your team will need you. We all need to find those responsible for the attack on Haven and the fall of Beacon."

Velvet then sighed, before seh smiled at Blake and pulled away from the hug.

Velvet:"We will always be committed to saving the world."

Blake:"You do not know how much..."

Velvet:"Sorry, I know your parents greeted you already, but what happened to-" she was then interrupted once she heard the voice of Neptune calling for Sun.

Neptune:"Sun?!? There you are man!!!"

(A/n: Neptune second gear)

Neptune:"Did you really think you were going to get away, you crazy monkey?!?" he said as he was ruffling Sun hair.

Sun then start laughing before he manage to move out the way as he then fist pump with his best friend.

Neptune then turn to greet Blake.

Neptune:"Hey, Blake!!!" he then pushed Sun forward to Blake and raise a thumb up.

Neptune:"Do you mind giving yourself a move? In case you forgot, we also have a page to plan. Oh, I didn't know Velvet was here too. I leave you alone, take your time." he said before going towards Velvet and start flirting with her with Sun then face palming.

Neptune:"Hey there, Bun Bun! I almost didn't see you, you know ... well, this place is very full."

Sun then groan as Blake just giggle.

Blake:"At least he's no longer a Macho man."

Sun:"Finally, I always told him he looked like an idiot when he did it with girls."

Blake:"So will you really go to Vacuo?" she said almost saddened, before Sun tapped her shoulder and whisper something in her ear.

Sun*whisper*:"I'm not going back, kitty. I'm sticking with you guys, since you're super cool. Seeing you come back with your team made me understand a few things. Like I'm the worst leader in history. The guys didn't have any problems with this break, but now they have to make up for lost time. Shade Academy isn't having the problems Haven has. And then I am a person who loves adventure in addition to my zones."

Blake then smiled happily.

Blake:"I have to admit it wouldn't hurt to have you on the team, it would make our adventures more fun."

Sun:"I go where there's need of me!!! And I'm happy to be joining you guys."

Blake then smiled almost in tears as Sun looked at her in confusion.

Sun:"Look. Despite all the tragedies, the fighting and the various assassination attempts against you, I have to say that I am looking forward to having a good time with you. Now I know I'm with the people I'm supposed to be with."

Blake:"Sun. I don't think I can't thank you enough for saving my life a lot of times. I'm still....."

Sun:"Working a lot of things out, I know. But, you can do it with us. And in the future.....who knows what might happen? I have  a feeling we're going to be throught a lot and I can't wait!!!

Blake:"Me too...." she then kissed him in the cheek as Sun started blushing.







Our Huntsmen and Huntresses were now in the train relaxing, Ruby was reading her comics, Weiss was reading a book, Yang was scrolling looking at boys pictures in her scroll.

Blake, Sun, Y/n and Jaune were playing cards, Oscar was looking outside the window as Nora was playing with Ren's hair.

Y/n then all of the sudden got up and look at each of her comrades who looked at her in confusion.

Y/n:"Boys and Girls, I think it's time for a training session to improve group understanding. Who want to help me baking?"she asked with a smile on her face

Ruby:"Oh, me!!! Me!!! Me!!! Please!!!"

Yang:"Yeah, sure. What are you baking?"

Y/n:"Cookies, Cakes, whatever you have in mind!!!"

Blake then smiled before she akwardly approaches Y/n.

Blake:"C-Can I help out too?"

Y/n then looked at Blake, before tapping her shoulder.

Y/n:"I'm glad we're all back together." she said before hugging Blake, who then hugged back.

Blake:"yeah, okay so....How do we start?"

Y/n:"First we-" then all of the sudden Qrow snatched her top hat as Y/n then got mad.


Qrow:"How touching." he said with sarcasm.

Y/n:"Do you want me to trow you out, this train?" she said threating him

Qrow:"Oh, How scary. Here, Big Brain." he said giving back her top hat.

Ruby:"Oh, hello Uncle Qrow. You wanna bake too?"

Qrow:"Kick your butts even in that? Sure-" then all of the sudden he was cut off by the sound of rumbling coming from outside as the train started shaking.

Yang:"What was that?!?"

Jaune:"Exactly what it sounds like." he sighed as Qrow then went to looked out the window.

Sun:"Oh, man. First day in the team and we're already going off!! THAT'S AMAZING!!!"

Qrow:"No, it is not....grab your weapons!!"he siad as the young Hunters, except Y/n walked up outside

Y/n:"I'm going to bake in the meantime."






Once they were at the top of the train, the young Hunters and Qrow saw a bunch of Manticore sorrounding the two dummy Huntsmen of before Dee and Dudley aswell as the Alpha of the Manticore was there.

Dee then charge at the Alpha Manticore with his mace on his hands, before all of the sudden he got grab by a normal Manticore who flew away with him.


The Alpha Manticore thenroared as the other Manticores then charge towards Jaune, Ruby, Qrow, Sun, Yang, Blake, Weiss, Ren and Nora.

Ruby:"Erm....Do you have a plan, Jaune?" she asked.

Jaune:"Don't let anyone else die!!!" he said as he used his wind magi to fly and go after the Manticore who got Dee.

Ruby, Qrow, Sun, Yang, Blake, Weiss, Ren and Nora then charge at the Manticores as Oscar was looking up from his window.






Ozpin:(Shall I?)

Oscar:"No, I'm keeping control." he said.





Meanwhile outside Ruby was slashing the Manticores heads, Weiss was using her ice magic to send ice attacks cauising the Manticores to be impaled, Qrow was butchering the Manticores as Dudley was running away and locking the train so that no one could've come out as Nora was hititng the Manticores with her hammer and Ren was shooting at them.

Meanwhile Qrow was fighting the Alpha Manticore and was holding is own very well.

Seeing how things were going on a downfall the Alpha then called even more Manticores.

Y/n then teleproted with Oscar as she sighed.

Y/n:"Again with these Grimms, that's atleast the second time that happened!!"

Oscar then noticed Dudley shooting at some Manticores, btu couldn't do it alone.

Oscar:"Can I help, Miss Zatara?"

Y/n:"Yes, go tell that dummy over there to get his butt out of here. He is just making his situation worse!!!"


Y/n then sighed before seh start activating her powers as Oscar was running towards the dummy Hunter.

Oscar:"Stop!!! You got to get out of here!!!"

Dudley:"Are you crazy kid??! No, way!!" he siad as he shoot a Manticore and killed him.

Dudley:"Yes, I got another one!!!"

Oscar:"Stop, sir!!! Your life could be in danger!!!! We gotta get-" Dudley then pushed him away.

Dudley:"Leave me alone, brat!!!"

Y/n then closed her eyes and start focusing as all of the snowflakes then turn sharp like blades.

Y/n:"Incoming for you!!!!!!!" she then created a big force field for her and comrades as the sharp Snowflakes killed all of the Manticores.


Jaune then flew down in the train after saving Dee and then turn to see the tunnel.

Y/n:"This is atleast the third time this week!!!" she yelled angrily before opening a purple glowing portal infront of the tunnel and as soon as the train was in, Y/n closed the portal so that no more Grimms could've entered.







The train then got teleported into the snow far away from the Grimm zone.

Qrow then emerge out of the snow as he asked the young Huntsmen and Huntresses if they were okay.

Qrow:"Everyone is alright?" he asked.

Weiss:"Yeah, I'm good." she said.

Ruby:"Me too.." she said.

Y/n:"I'm good...." she said.

Jaune:"Me too...." he said.

Y/n:"Erm..." she said because Jaune was on top of her, he then start blushing before getting back up.

Jaune*blushing*:"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry!!!!"

He then helped her get up, before they heard someone talking.

???:"I'm alright. We were really close, by a whisker we survived." an old lady said holding the cookies on a plate that Y/n had just prepared for Ruby and eat one.

Ruby:"M-My.....C-Cookies." she said as her eyes went teary.

Blake:"Oh, no." she said as everyone then covered their ears as Ruby then let out  a scream and start crying causing the mountains to shake.






To be continued.....

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