The Perfect Summer

By AutumnFireflyx

227K 4.8K 1.5K

Alison is looking forward to the best summer EVER with her best friend Serena. When Ali and Serena go away fo... More

Chapter 1: Ali and Serena
Chapter 2: It's time to go
Chapter 3: Hitting the road
Chapter 4: Sightseeing?
Chapter 5: Skateboarding
Chapter 6: Unexpected
Chapter 7: Wesley and connor
Chapter 8: Problems
Chapter 9: unresolved diffrences
Chapter 10: The day after
Chapter 11: Unforgivable Lies
Chapter 12: Concert
Chapter 13: Maybe?
Chapter 14: Date night
Chapter 15: Volleyball
Chapter 16: Tell me Lies
Chapter 17: Serena
Chapter 18: No Promises
Chapter 19: Realization
Chapter 20: Lies
Chapter 21: Scars and Memories
Chapter 22: Before I die
Chapter 23: New friends and old enemies
Chapter 25: wait, what?
Chapter 26: Remember
Chapter 27: Where the cool kids hang out
Chapter 28: The Perfect Summer Plan
Chapter 29: Another Day
Chapter 30: Romeo's
Chapter 31: The Bonfire
Chapter 32: End Of The Road
Chapter 33: You Must Have Me Confused
Chapter 34: Happy Never After
Chapter 35: A reason?
Chapter 36: Bye Bye
Chapter 37: Hot
Chapter 38: I want easy
Chapter 39: Nerves and endings
Chapter 40: The Best Day
Chapter 41: True Love
Chapter 42: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 43: "It was a good summer" - Perfect Stranger.

Chapter 24: Hair

4K 78 7
By AutumnFireflyx

"Care to explain?" I asked angrily when both of them stood there with their mouths agape.

Suddenly, they both started talking at the same time. This was going to crush Serena. "Okay, let me tell you something, Serena is supposed to be your girlfriend who's in love with you, and Lara...your meant to be her friend," I said pointing at each one of them.

They were standing up now. Lara was in her grey bra while Wesley was shirtless, all his muscle clearly visible. They quickly started putting there clothes back on. I had clearly disturbed there alone time.

Wesley came up to me, "I'm sorry, look please just don't tell Serena. I love her I really do," He said pleading me.

"Not tell Serena? That's not my job, your meant to tell her. And if you loved her you wouldn't have cheated on her..with her friend, " I stated getting angrier by the second, I really couldn't stand a cheat.

What was I going to do? I couldn't tell Serena but at the same time I couldn't not tell her! Well, this put me in a bad position.

"Look, it was a stupid mistake yeah?" Wesley said quickly.

I wasn't convinced. Wesley sighed rubbing his forehead, when his phone rang. I stared at it on the table already knowing it was Serena.

He declined the call, staring at me. "Don't tell her, okay? I'll work it out,"He said before leaving.

I stared at Lara in disgust. "It wasn't nothing, Alison you need to help me, I think I'm falling for him," She said worry covering her face.

My eyes went wide in shock. "You cannot be in love with him," I said angrily.

"Well your in love with Leo and he used to go out with Serena," She replied.

"That is not the same, I didn't sleep with him and I didn't go behind her back. Oh, and I don't love him," I almost screamed the last part.

"Ive seen the way you look at him, you love him and he loves you. Your so playing Connor," She spat at me.

"I'm not playing Connor, I love Connor. Okay? I'm not the one cheating on my friend with her boyfriend," I said raging.

"When are you gonna see that your in love with Leo," She screamed at me.

"I don't love Leo, I never loved Leo, my god get that into your brain. He means nothing to me!" I shouted loudly.

"Wow! Nice to know I meant so much to you," I heard Leo say behind me. I froze in my place.

"What the hell are you doing here now?" I said trying to contain my anger. I don't know why I was getting so wound up.

"Coming to find your manager actually, and whats going on here?" He asked gesturing at the two of us. Our faces slightly red from shouting.

"Nothing," We both said at the same time.

"okay," He said slowly not believing us. "Well, I'm gonna go now, nice to know how much you hate me," Leo said hurt before starting to walk away.

"Seriously? Do you suffer from memory loss? Do you not remember what you did to me?" I shouted after him.

"Oh, so you did hook up," Lara said raising her eyebrows.

I glared at her, "No! We didn't, I thought we were friends, but obviously not," I said starting to walk away. I couldn't believe the things Lara had said to me. I was walking away when I felt a warm hand on my arm.

"Im sorry, Alison. Its just I love a guy who says that he cant go out with me, but I don't understand if he loves me why cant he break up with Serena?" She asked crying and in that moment all the anger left my body and was replaced with sympathy. A deep sympathy, I felt bad that Lara was in love yet the guy was playing her and then I thought of Serena being played by Wesley and I just wanted to slap Wesley as hard as I could. I went up to her and gave her a big, strong hug.

"I'm s-sorry," She chocked out.

"Its okay," I replied, not knowing what else to say. My phone rang in my pocket, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Serena. My heart started to beat at an uncontrollable pace.

"Um, I have to go," I said quietly pulling away from her. I didn't know what else to say so I whispered a 'bye' and walked off. When I was outside I called her back. "Hello?" I greeted.

"Hey, you have to come home now!" Serena commanded not letting me speak.

I was already there. I hung up and entered the house, my head was all over the place. I wondered what had happened, maybe Serena had gone to see her?

However, she didn't sound upset. In fact, it sounded like she was trying to contain her excitement. I headed inside to find Serena already rushing to the door.

"Whoa," I said.

"Sorry, you'll never guess what just happened," She said while jumping up and down. I had a feeling I knew a little too well. I couldn't help the guilt taking over my body,.

"What happened?" I asked putting on an act.

"I did what you said, and he told me how much he loves me back," She said smiling.

"Really? That's, I mean wow! That's great!" I said trying to act surprised. Now what was I going to do?I started heading towards the kitchen

"Where were you?" She asked suddenly. I turned around, my eyebrows raised. I was so worried she was playing s trick on me.

"what do you mean?" I asked faking innocent.

"Well, you went out with Connor ages ago and-oh! I see," She winked, smirking. I blushed a bight red colour.

"We weren't doing that," I hissed.

"Why not? I mean your both-" She started.

"Stop," I screamed. I knew where this was going and I did not want to go into this with Serena, she went into a lot of detail. As I learned, when she first told me how baby's were made when I was younger. I really didn't need to know that at such a young age.

"Okay, if you weren't there, then were were you?" She asked suspiciously.

"I was at the library," I said shrugging. I went to the fridge and checked for anything to eat or drink .

"You took that long at the library," She scoffed not believing a word.

I took the fruit juice out of the fridge and grabbed a glass. "Yeah! I was having tea with Elizabeth and her grandmother," I said honestly.

I poured the juice it and drank it in a few gulps. I hadn't realised how thirsty I was after all that shouting.

Serena raised her eyebrows. "What is she some weird nerdy girl?" She remarked.

I glared at her, Serena was always considerate of hurting peoples feelings. "No, shes really pretty actually," I said remembering her reddish brown  hair,, which I loved and her brown eyes. She was always very pale, "and I read books all the time so am I a weird nerdy girl?" I asked putting her on the spot.

"Of course not, anyway what do you want to do tomorrow?" I didn't particularly enjoy going places with Serena here. I mean in London it was okay since there wasn't much to do but there's so much to do here yet she decides what we do and I barely get a say.

"Actually, Im hanging out with Elizabeth tomorrow," I stated.

Serena made a funny face for a moment, making me wonder what she was thinking about. "So? you can still hang out with me, oh! or we could both hang out with Elizabeth then I get to see if shes a good friend for you," She said trying to make a joke but not succeeding.

I really didn't want Serena hanging out with me and Elizabeth. Its not that I wouldn't like to, its just Elizabeth is very...different to Elizabeth.

"Um, I don't really know what we're doing or where were going so-" I said but was interrupted by Serena.

"Oh i get it you don't want me to meet her," She replied. Was she jealous?

"No, its not that, its just she might have something...fine you can come," I said not really seeing the point in her not coming. I mean she was my friend and so what if she tagged along?

"thank you," She said gratefully. "Okay, now ,lets talk about me and Wesley," She said as she sat down on a stool in front of me. How can she change moods that fast?

After a while, I was pretty tired, exhausted and guilty. So I headed upstairs to get a good nights sleep. At least I could see Elizabeth tomorrow and she was least so far.

I texted her, asking if Serena could come since she wanted to and within a few minutes she texted back saying it was fine.

I went to sleep quickly that night.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes, stretching my arms. I looked out of my window to see the bright sunlight seeping through. I looked out of the window to see children already running around and having fun in the water, while some built sandcastles. I smiled at the view.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face before heading downstairs. Serena was having some cereal and I joined her.

"Were leaving at two," I said before she could say anything.I ate my cereal and headed upstairs to change.


"This is the bookshop," Serena remarked on the vintage looking library.

"Yeah," I replied a little offended by her tone.

"It pretty cute," She said smiling. I just raised my eyebrows. I was about to go inside when Elizabeth walked out.

"Hey Alison," She said engulfing me in a soft hug.

"Hey, I'm Serena," Serena said introducing herself.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth," She said smiling politely.

"So where are we going?" I asked Elizabeth.

"Well, I thought we could check out this book store first and then go and get your hair dip dyed, its temporary," She said smiling widely. "But, you don't have to do it, you just mentioned that you wanted to try it."

"Oh my god, yes that is so cool, but I don't know what colour to get," I replied thinking.

Elizabeth turned to look at me, "green?" She questioned.

I scrunched up my nose, "Hm...maybe, that would look coll right?" I replied.

"Your not serious about this are you?" Serena asked me.

I looked at her, I was so confused. Serena loved trying out new things, so why couldn't I?

"yeah, I am why?" I asked.

"'casue your hair looks nice like that," She replied simply.

"Yeah, but I really want to do it," I remarked.

We were walking along the road, chatting mostly me and Elizabeth. I could tell Serena really didn't want to go to a book store but I had gone with her to all her clothes shops so it was my turn to have fun and besides she was the one who was adamant on coming with us.

"So, what are you going to study for?" I asked Elizabeth.

"I think I want to go into writing actually, or fashion," She smiled.

"Oh, you like fashion," Serena said surprise all over her face. I couldn't believe Serena hadn't noticed. The outfit she had put together was so pretty. It was a black leather skirt with a glittery gold tank top tucked into it. She also had on a lot of rose gold jewelery although her make up was very minimal.

In fact, she made me look like I had just gotten out of bed! I had on a white t-shirt with different shapes and colours on it, with a pair of skinny jeans and a gold necklace and a bow rings.

"Yeah, I love it," She said politely.

We were walking around town, when Elizabeth took us along a narrow path to a book store. It was really pretty, it was more modern than vintage but still had a vintage look to it.

We went inside and saw a few people picking out books. A little girl was in one corner and a teenage boy was looking intently at some horror books.


We had been in the boom store for less that thirty minutes, when Serena started groaning about how boring it was! I tried to explain to her that's how I felt but she didn't seem to be taking it in.

"Fine! Its obvious Serena is bored, so we should go," Elizabeth said noticing Serena's whining. I bought a few books that Elizabeth recommended and she bought a few books that I recommended as well as a few others.

We were now walking back from where we came. I was following Elizabeth who knew exactly where we were going after a couple of minutes we arrived in frotn of a posh hair dressers shop. The banner was pink and the inside looked more like a pretty bakery than a hairdressers.

When we walked through the door. Elizabeth immediately started talking to a younger looking girl than everyone else.

"This is Alison and Serena," Elizabeth introduced us.

"This is Emily, shes a friend of mine. Goes to the same school," She said.

Emily had dip dye in her hair, although it was very extravagant it was a violet colour. She handed us a magazine to look at full of different colours. I just stared at it wide eyed. I thought most people dip dyed there hair at home.

I looked through the magazine, Elizabeth pointing out what she thought would look nice on me. Finally we settled on pink for me and Orange for her since it would go with her red hair. Serena however refused to get her hair dyed.

"No, I really dont want to get my hair dyed, but pink would look so pretty on you Alison, and seriously Elizabeth your hair would look even more gorgeous with it," She said honestly.

I decided to go first. I was nervous it would look horrible but I was so excited about getting it that I tried not to think about it.

Emily was really sweet, she chatted with Elizabeth mostly about school work and got on well with Serena.

I couldn't see how my hair looked as it was at the back of me, so I was really anxious. After lots of bleaching and the use of foil it was finally done. Serena and Elizabeth stared at it and said how good it looked. I was so nervous I was literally closing my eyes when she put it in front of me so I could see it in the mirror but to my surprise it look pretty. Really pretty.I stared at it in awe.

Elizabeth did hers next, which didn't take as long. Her hair looked even more vibrant after that. I begged Serena to get hers done.

"Please? for about blue?" I suggested."Or green." But Serena really didn't want to dye her hair. I shrugged not bothering any longer.Elizabeth also tried but she just didn't want to.

Even though Elizabeth and Serena didn't talk too much, I was glad that they were getting along well.


The walk back was really long, but we got to talking about lots of diffrent things. When we got back to Elizabeth's grandmas library we said bye.

"Hope to see you soon Ali...and you Serena," She added.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" Serena asked.

I gave her a confused look although I was petrified she knew about the whole Wesley ordeal.

"We've been through this," I said through gritted teeth.

We were nearing the house when Wesley came up to Serena, my eyes went wide gesturing to him but he seemed to be ignoring me.

"Hey babe," He said nuzzling her neck. I slowly started to walk off sighing to myself.a I just couldn't wait for the chat I was going to have with Wesley afterwards I thought to myself sarcastically.

I entered the house, leaving the door open for Serena and Wesley because I knew they would come in. I went to the kitchen and started making myself some tea.

Serena came in followed by Wesley both of them holding hands and laughing.

"Wait, I'll be up in a minute," Wesley said coming up to me.

"It was a mistake okay? Come down my house tomorrow, I'll explain," He said before going upstairs. I sighed in exasperation.

"Please don't be too loud, some of us want to sleep," I screamed after them. I took my tea upstairs along with my books and read almost all night...with my headphones in. I would also go and look at my hair every once in a while.

Okay, I know I promised I would sorry it's late!! And Also, I haven't proof read this yet, so there's probably a million mistakes :/ Sorry :( I just wanted to update!

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