
By icey_a

19K 349 66

A group of friends go to a cabin for the night so they can party and there are 2 special guest Eminem and Dr... More

Chapter 1: PARTY TIME
Chapter 2: RUN!!!
Chapter 3: Sex for the first time
Chapter 5: Alive
Chapter 6: Some more sexy time
Chapter 7: Shit!!
Chapter 8: Saved..... i thinked
Chapter 9: Thank god
Chapter 10: Police time
Chapter 11: Can life be back to normal?
Chapter 12: Finally we can relax
Chapter 13: Lots and lots of explaining
Chapter 14: My new home
Chapter 15: Funny swimming
Chapter 16: Oh my fucking god!!!
Chapter 17: Shopping with a bit of sadness
Chapter 18: Really nigga
Chapter 19: Shit man
Chapter 20: Fuck yes.... party time
Chapter 21: Really hard sex
Chapter 22: Here comes the fun
Chapter 23: Friends
Chapter 24: Weirdness
Chapter 25: Sunday, already?!?
Chapter 26: Bye bye friends, hello baby
Chapter 27: Alone with Marshall
Chapter 28: That weird date
Chapter 29: A night to remember
Chapter 30: My surpise
Chapter 31: Finally the weekend
Chapter 32: Hotel weirdness
Chapter 33: Family
Chapter 34: Trouble
Chapter 36: Hanging out
Chapter 37: Dinner
Chapter 38: The last chapter
Author's note:

Chapter 35: Seeing old friends

202 6 1
By icey_a

        I don't believe that bitch! She knows  me and Marshall are getting married but she had the guts to ask him out? Next time I see her I will fucking kill her. Marshall's mine. Only mine.


        That night, I couldn't stop thinking about what Kim said. She wants Marshall back. What if Marshall wants her back? I was lying in bed beside Marshall. We were at the hotel. Hailie decided to stay at my place. It was 3 am and I couldn't sleep. I had cramps and a horrible headache. I got up and went to the bathroom. I got some pain killers. I looked in the mirror, I was having memories with Marshall. Good ones. Today we had our first fight. It makes me upset. I went to the mini fridge in the living room. I got an apple.

        I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. It was the news right away. The reporter was saying the 3 teenage girls that were found were murdered. They are from Oshawa Ontario. They came to Eminem's party to see a friend. I was in shock. It was Maddy, Ryan and Siya. Shit! My phone started ringing. It was Lana calling. I answerd it.

"Arabelle did you see the news!" She yelled.

"Ya. That's scary."

"Are you going to tell Marshall?"

"I don't know, Marshall won't let me go anywhere if he finds out about this. Plus we just had a fight today."

"About what?"

"What I did when I was younger. He's mad."

"Sorry, so your in town right?"

"Ya, I'm coming to visit you guys at school with Marshall and Hailie."

"Really?!! Your going to be famous!"

I laughed.

"I ain't being friends with people that I've never been friends with."

We both laughed.

"I got to go. I don't wanna wake Marshall."

"OK see ya tomorrow."


        I hung up. I turned the TV off and went to bed.

        I woke up at 8 am. I was cuddling with Marshall. He woke up. "Morning" I said kissing him. "Morning baby" he said. I got up. "Hey, were you OK last night? I heard you up?" He asked. Shit! "Ya, I was fine, just had some pain. Y'know" I said. He laughed.

        I got up and went to the bathroom and showered. I heard Marshall walk in. "I just gotta take a piss" he said. "I ain't blowing you." "Awe" he said. We both laughed. "Don't forget we got to go to my school." I said. "I know." "You don't have to do this." I said. He sighed. "I will. Do you want anything?" He asked. "No, thank you." Then he walked out. I got out and put a towel over me. I walked into the bedroom. I just put long camouflage shorts on and a white tank top. I put my usual jewelry on and mascara on. I put a white bandana on too. I walked out. Marshall was on the phone. I swear if its Kim I will murder her. I sat on the couch and checked my cell. I missed 20 calls from Sam. Wow! I texted her. I knew she was in school but she don't care.

"Hey Sam. You called like 20 times.... Is everything OK?"

She answered right away. Nice!

"Well ya..... did you hear about Siya, Maddy and Ryan. That sucks! And I heard your coming to visit the school. Ya..... everyone knows the your coming with Eminem and his daughter."

"What the fuck! Who told?"


"She's such a big mouth, whatever lol."

"She was too excited."

"I can tell."

"Well I gtg but just text me when your coming."

"12:00 I hope."

"OK see ya then."

Then I texted my Mom.

"Hey, Mom. We're stopping by to pick up Hailie. We're going to the school so I can visit. Marshall is coming too."

She answered 5 minutes later.

"OK that's fine, just warn Marshall. Lol. Do you guys wanna have dinner with us? We are having KFC!"

"Ya sure, what time?"

"4 or so."

"OK, we will be there in like the hour or so."

"OK baby. Love you."

"Love you too."

Marshall came and sat beside me. "Who was on the phone?" I asked Marshall. "Dre, he didn't know I was here." "Ah." Then it was total silence.  I broke the silence. "Wanna go get Hailie now?" "Sure..." He said.

        We walked to the car. "Everyone knows your coming. Lana told everyone." I said laughing a little. "Shit." He said with a weird face. We got in the car and drove to my place. We picked up Hailie. "Why don't we get something to eat." Marshall suggest. "We can got to the plaza by my school. There's pizza pizza, subway and chinse food." I said. "PIZZA" Hailie said. "Ok then" Marshall said smiling. We drove to the plaza. I saw a group of my friends, smoking." I got out out of the car and ran to them. "Hey guys" I yelled. "Oh my god you did come" my friend Sarah yelled. I hugged her tight. "Yo icey whats been going on" my friend Chris said. "Y'know." I said to him while we did our handshake. I did my handshake with the rest of my friends. My friend Billy handed me a joint. "You should try this knew shit. Its strong as fuck." He said. I tried it. I coughed. "Man, this is the shit" I said as I handed it back to him. Marshall and Hailie walked over to us. He put his arm around me. "Your icey isn't this Eminem" Jennifer said. Everyone was in shake. "Yep, my boyfriend." I said. "Fuck girl your going to be popular." Billy said. "We're getting married" Marshall said. I looked at him and smiled. I showed them the ring. Sarah and Jennifer started crying. "Congregations" everyone said. "Thanks" we both said. "So guys, this is Marshall and his daughter Hailie." I said as they all shook hands. "Marshall, Hailie this is Billy, Chris, Jennifer and Sarah." I said. "Hi" Hailie said. "Babe why don't you order the pizza. I'll get drinks." I said. He handed me $10. "I want a mountain dew." Marshall said. "Dr. Pepper" Hailie said. "OK" I said. They walked into pizza pizza. "Your one lucky bitch" Chris said. "I know right" Jennifer said. "Hey I'm going to get drinks, I'll see ya later" I said as we did our handshake. I got the drinks and went in pizza pizza. "Sorry guys" I said sitting beside Hailie. "Its fine" they both said. "We got a large chese pizza." Hailie said. "OK" I said as I handed them their drinks. When we got the pizza, it got a lot busyer. Marshall had to put his hood up. In a way I feel bad for him. Everyone would could up to us because they knew Eminem was with me. I saw my ex. He came up to me. Shit! I don't need this right now. "Hey baby" he said. "Nate, go away. I hate you." I said. Marshall just looked at me. "Com'on baby, give me another chance." He said. "Nate, I'm engaged, and plus how should I forgive you? You tryed to knock me up. I heard you talking to Chris about how your going fuck me then just leave me." I said. "Back off, you better stop or I swear I will fight you." Hailie said. "Hailie stop" I said to her. Marshall stood up and pinned him to the wall. "You mess with my girl I will mess your fucking face" Marshall said. "Waoh your Eminem" Nate said. I rolled my eyes. "Sorry I swore" I whispered in Hailies ear. "I do all the time" Hailie whispered. I laughed. Marshall let him go.

He sat back down. "Sorry" I said to Marshall. "I would do anything for you two. Your my favorite girls in the world." He said. Chris came up to us. "Sorry about that." He said. "Just keep him away from me" I said with anger. "I will" Chris said. Then he walked back to his group. "He was in my gang, Chris" I whispered to Marshall so Hailie wouldn't hear. "He's really nice" I said. Marshall just looked at me.

        After we finished our pizza, we went to the car. "Marshall sorry I swore in front of Hailie, its just-" he cut me off. "Its fine I just feel bad for you." He said. I knew why. We drove to the school. It was right across from the plaza. "Oh ya, my Mom said we can have dinner at my place. She's ordering KFC" I said to them. "Yesss" Marshall said in a childish way. We all laughed. We got out of the car and went to the office. "Hi Ms. Perry!" I said. "Hey Arabelle. You came today!" She said. "Yep" I said with a smile. The principles came out. "Oh my god Arabelle" they both said. They gave me a hug. "This is Marahall, my foyonce Marshall and his daughter Hailie." They shook hands. "Wow people weren't lying. You are dating Eminem." Mr. Fishe said. "Only 4 of my friends know I'm getting married to him" I said. "Well go tell them. They've been dying to see you" Ms. Gam said. "OK" I said. We walked out of the office. "That was weird" I said. "Tell me about it" Hailie said. I texted Sam:

"Where the fuck are you. I'm here."

She texted back.

"Our spot. Me, Lana, Alex, Jordan, Diezel, Aidan, Zach, James, Sydney and Gabi.

"OK I'll be there in 5."

I looked at Hailie. "Hey, why don't you hang with Gavin and his friends. Their just over there." I asked her. "Sure." She said. She ran to them. Marshall looked at me. "I love you" he said putting his hand on my cheek. "I love you too." He pushed me against the wall and we started making out. I put my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. I could feel his hard bonner. "Not here" I whispered. He stopped and smiled. We went in one of the teachers bathroom. It was close to my spot. He shut and locked the door. I giggled. "I wish I could fuck you" he said kissing my neck. I was rubbing his hard dick. "I want Shady Jr." I whined. He laughed. "He's all yours" he said. I went down on my knee's. I pulled down his jeans. He was wearing no underwear. "Really Marshall" I said. He smiled. I put his dick in my mouth. I started sucking the shit out of him. He was breathing heavily. "I'm cumming" he said. And he did. It was on my lips so I licked it off. I stood up and we started kissing. We heard a knock on the door. "Shit" I said. "Don't worry, its me Lana." "You scared the fuck out of us" I said. "Hurry up" she said. He pulled his pants and we walked out.

        "How did you know we were in here" Marshall asked Lana as he put his arm around my waist. "I caught you guys making out and then you went in the bathroom." We both looked at each other and smiled. "Com'on let's go to our spot" she said as she ran there. "Com'on" I said grabbing his hand. We both ran there.

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