Ramo OS

By sibelramzankayaa

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Rambel short stories. More

Pool Romance💦🔥
Happy Birthday Gülüm
Hot Chocolate
Hollywood Sign
Date Diaries
Mafia Love
Bossy wife
Self Destruction is not a solution
Bossy wife 2.0
Senden vazgeçmem
Banters & Snuggles
Sugar kisses & PHD
A Trip
A moment at sunset
12 kisses
Daddy, Where do babies come from?
New Book
Cotton Anniversary
I am here for you
Happy new year
Good Morning
New Book alert🚨

Mafia love 2.0

135 2 3
By sibelramzankayaa

Yildirim's Mansion

Sibel is seen standing in front or large mirror setting her hairs perfectly, putting on a smile smirk on her face. She dressed herself in black, along with black stilettos and black purse, matching with her outfit.
Sibel went towards a cupboard and opened it, grab a black pistol loaded with bullets.she dumped it in her purse and walked out of the room in a style.

Kaya's Mansion
Ramo  is gelling his perfect hair standing in front of his mirror, smiling to himself. Decked up in black suit,he was all set to step out.

At a farmhouse in isolated area
The lights were dim, the windows were open from where the cool breeze entered, making a hushing sound.Along with hundreds of candles lit in the room, which were only their to witness sibel and Ramo, who were coming from opposite sides with a smile, hiding their guns.Both walked, their hazel and Grey eyes meet each other.small smile adorned on their lips. They stood in front of each other.
Ramo held Sibel's hand and twisted her hand making her back touch Ramo's chest. He took out his gun and traced the gun on Sibel. Starting up from the back of her plam, dragging it up towards her neck, while sibel throw her head back feeling the shock that ran through her whole body.
Sibel turned around and held Ramo's collar  with her left hand, while her right hand went inside her purse to take out the gun.she held the gun in her hands and traced it on Ramo's face, starting from his forehead bringing it down to his cheeks and ending the tracing on his neck.
Ramo held Sibel from her waist and dragged her forward, making their chests collide with each other. Their faces were just an centimetre apart.Both could feel each other's breath along with their heartbeats which were beating at the fastest speed. Both throw their guns somewhere around the room. Ramo tucked a strand of sibel's hair behind her ear and kissed on her forehead making her close her eyes in ecstasy.Not more feeling his touch on her forehead, she opened her eyes to standing there with smile. Replying back, also stood up on her tiptoes and gave Ramo a peck on his forehead.
Ramo held Sibel's hand pushing her backwards and swung her in a circle back again, caging her in his arms. He made sibel came out of his hold and picked her up from her waist in his arms and swung her around in the same position. While Sibel who was in the air, threw her hands in the air, feeling the cool breeze hit her face making her smile. Ramo stopped his motion and walked till bed in the same position, throwing her on soft mattress which welcomed sibel and Ramo by its softness.Ramo came on top of sibel and the night grew darker.
Next day, Ramo woke up p feeling some silky long stuff hitting his head.sitting on the bed, he saw the most beautiful view of his life, his love sleeping neer him. Last night flashbacks came in his mind and a smiled crossed his lips. He stood up from his bed , wearing only his pant, leaving naked from the top, showing his perfectly build body and abs.He walked towards the balcony which was connected from room and looked outside, to look at the magnificent view.
Sibel woke up feeling the sun rays hit her eyes.she woke up only to see the side of her bed empty.she frowned but then glanced at a shadow in the balcony.she smiled. She stood up, covering her naked body with the white silk duvet and walked outside, only to back hug the love of her life. Ramo smiles feeling the familiar touch and formed sibel to himself, taking her lips in a wild yet passionate kiss.
Ramo is riding his favourite car along with a pair of arms encircled around his left arm. He smiled kissing sibel's forehead, who was sitting right next to him to which Sibel smiled and gave him a cheek kiss. She quickly looked outside the window to prevent Ramo from seeing her red cherry cheeks covered with blush and love. A paper is kept on the backseat, which was ignored by Rambel.Maybe deliberately. The words on the paper stated something like that:

Wanted:The most terrific mafia leaders of the world Ramzan kaya and Sibel yildirim to be found guilty of killing more than 500 peoples.police given on the spot kill orders from the Supreme Court.
Sibel and Ramo hugging each other on a highway when they took out their partners respective gun from their back pocket and shot the policeman which were behind their partner, all ready to shoot Rambel. Both of them had s satisfactory smile on their faces. Ramo killed people who were behind sibel and Sibel killed the man who pointed gun on Ramo's back.
Ramo and Sibel came out from respective rooms and stood in front of each other, binding there hands tightly, looking at each other with a smile face. They looked at the huge photo frame hung on the wall behind them. They looked at each other again and then walked out of the farmhouse sitting in the car.
Ramo was driving his car on a fast speed as 5-8 police cars were following them. Sibel looked at ramo with fear depicting in her eyes. Ramo looked at her eyes and blocked them, assuring her that everything would be fine. He again raced up his car and took it at a cliff, which they called Rambel spot.
Both of them sat in the car for sometimes, staring others as all their past, memories flooded in their minds. Their childhood friendship, their high school love, their propose day,their killing each other enemies,their protecting each other and their surrendering to the police. They stepped out of the car, with a proud smile and happy faces.

"Proud because they never let their love lose and happy because they started their loves story together and today it will end together "
Both faces each other and took out a ring from their pockets, still hearing those loud noises coming from the back as there surrounded with many police cars and policemen holding them at gun point.But Rambel had a huge smile on their faces. They made each other wear the platinum ring in each other's respective ring fingers and joined their foreheads together holding and combining their hands which were adorned with rings.
Bullets were fired at their backs, Ramo and Sibel both hitched as they felt pain shot on their whole body as multiple bullets kept piercing in each part of their body.
They both fell on the ground side to side,threw theirs head on their sides, smiling at each other with their hands still together and finally closed their eyes Forever.
Somewhere in heaven both sibel and ramo were hugging each other. As they finally became one, maybe not on the earth but surely did in heaven.
The End

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