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She looks over at him curiously.
It's the colour of your eyes, he adds, as though the reason was obvious.
Ramo we're not naming our daughter after my eye color. She says with laugh. That's ridiculous.
It's not just because it's your eye color, he mumbles. He glances away, looking a little hurt and she realised he is serious about this baby name suggestion.
She reaches out, taking hold of his hand to draw his eyes back to her. Why hazel? She asks softly.
I used to dream about your eyes all the time, he shrugs, looking uncertain how to further explain and she rubs her thumb over his knuckles encouragingly.
He looks at her a lill wistfully. For so long I couldn't touch you know how I wanted, I couldn't say the things  i was thinking. But your eyes, those i felt like always had.i could Atleast look at them as much I liked. He smiles  a little at her own before he continues. They showed me all the things neither of us could say. They showed me the faith you always had on me, and in us.
He still manage to surprise her after all these  years together, after everything they have been through, still manage to make her heart race, still manage to make her feel like the luckiest person in the world. She is endlessly grateful that they finally found their way to each other.
Sibel settles her hand on the swell of her stomach.
"Hazel" she says softly calling her daughter's name for the first time.
Ramo's hand comes to rest on top of hers, as she drops a kiss onto her  temple.
" Hazel"
The End

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