I am here for you

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Ramo Ramo! Her cries wake him, he feels disoriented and rubs his eyes when she repeats"Ramo". The panic pitches her voice almost to a scream and he scrambles to get up.
Sitting up in bed, her arms hugging Her pulled up knees , sibel  has tears racing down her cheeks. He rushes forward, wrapping his arms around her. She collapses into him, clutching his shirt, huge body- shaking sobs racking her body, each coming in a wave. And with every sob, she lets out a low whimper. He curves his body around hers, pulling her close as possible, doing the only thing he can do as her world comes crashing down.
He's not sure why now exactly but he's not surprised she is falling in to pieces. If anything it is probably better to let it out than bottling  up your emotions. Something he is no stranger to, and it brought him absolutely nowhere.
He is still not prepared for the way its cracks his heart. Seeing her in so much pain slices right through him.
He holds her tight, softly cradling her head with one hand, letting his other run circles around on her back. His voice is laden with emotion when he starts whispering in her ear. It's okay to cry, you have been through so much. But you're safe, i am here for you, i am always going to be here for you. He softly rocks them in a soothing motion.
The uncontrollable sobs slow down a bit and she touches the damp patch of his heart.
Don't worry about it, he mumbles and softly presses her head back into his chest. She hiccups, she gulps for breath of air, she splutters, she weeps while he runs his fingers through her strands of hair, tells her he'll always take care of her and he waits.
Her breathing is ragged but slow, a few tears roll down until she eventually stop crying. Her face is still wet and takes in a sharp breath every now and then.
That is when he ask her" nightmare " he feels her head bobbing up and down and that is all he needs.
Keeping a hold of her as he moves to reposition on the bed, he slides his way down until he leaning against the headboard. He props up the pillow a bit and uses the arm still around her waist to pull her in.
She lets him shift her around and lays down alongside him, her head on his chest. The heaviness of her emotional outburst weighs upon her, leaving her drained, listening to the secure sound of Ramo's heart thudding in his chest, her eyelids grow heavy and she slips away in a dreamless sleep.
Ramo absentmindedly runs his fingers along her brown hair. Its is soft and it slips through his fingers like silk. He runs them from the top and slides down to the end. He strokes it lovingly, over and over again. When he realised she's asleep he doesn't stop but closes his own eyes until he dozes off too.
If the slam of the front door isn't a telltale sign, then ber red - rimmed eyes certainly are.
Ramo stand up as she approach his workplace but halts in front of it.
He cocks his head to the side and waits. When she rounds his desk, he opens his arms and let her seek refuge in his chest.
Small sobs escape while he squeezes her right tight, rubbing his hand up and down her back, stroking her hair with the other. He leaves a sigh, he hates seeing her like this" I am here for you" he tell her. Whatever you need.
He hold her with one arm but grabs the armrest of his chair with the other to pull it close and he slowly lower himself down, pulling her into his lap. Her head resting on his shoulder, crying softly, as he just holds her and waits. He see several chats pop-up on the screen of laptop and a call from Dogu from the corner of his eyes but he ignores them all.
It isn't until the crying stops, and he speaks up again. Want to tell me what happened?
Sibel shurgs and nervously fidget with her sling. I told her everything, she closes her eyes. And then the image, I couldn't stop them. Tears well up again, They overwhelmed me and i panicked.
Ramo swallows , that really sucks.
Uh- huh, my therapist was great though. She calmed me down and we talked about triggers and copping skills.
I am really glad you trust her sibel. I am sure you can get on top of this.
She says it's going to be a long road. Sibel inhales sharply, today it's two week, she looks up at him, and no sign of improvement. I am so sorry She lowers her eyes again.
(She had traumatic shooting experience and she's in shock)
Ramo put his finger underneath her chin and makes her meet his eyes. Stop say you are sorry. Non of this your fault. His thumb grazes the skin of her chin.
Sibel nods and places her head back on his shoulder. He shut his laptop down with one hand and hold her. They sit there for the longest time.
The End

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