Senden vazgeçmem

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Senden vazgeçmem
Olur mu bu aşkı biranda silmek
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Senden vazgeçmem
( Ramo still singing with his closed eyes )
Dünya tersine dönse vazgeçmem
Gökteki güneş sönse vazgeçmem
(Ramo open his eyes, with a drop of tear falling down from his eyes)
Sensizlik inan ki ölümden beter
Çanımdan geçerim
(Singing this, His eyes showed the pain.But what pain? His face was stern)
Senden vazgeçmem
Senden vazgeçmem
Öslem vazgeçmem
(Ramo was singing this song to a girl who was sitting with her legs fold and admiring his Aşkım)
Artık bundan sonra sensiz olamam
Kendime başka bir dünya kuramam
(Ramo was running behind the girl on a jungle. He quickly ran, grabbing her by her waist and swinged her around in the same position)
Mümkün değil Benim
Sensiz yaşamam
( suddenly Ramo saw himself in a dark room, with just a spot light over him. He was confused)
Canımdan geçerim
Senden vazgeçmem
( The same girl is seen entering the dark room. Ramo tried to see who it was, suddenly she appeared in front of him, making him shocked.. it was his lady love Sibel)
Dünya tersine dönse vazgeçmem
Gökteki güneş sönse vazgeçmem
(Sibel went near him singing the lyrics of the song and encircled her arms around Ramo's neck. She hugged him for some seconds and then looked up at him while he kissed her forehead.)
Sensizlik inan ki ölümden beter
Canımdan geçerim
(Sibel touched Ramo's face while tears were continuously flowing down her eyes. Ramo quickly wiped them away, nodding is a no. She started moving back from his hold.)
Senden vazgeçmem
Senden vazgeçmem
(She went away from his sight leaving him flabbergasted. He came back from his imagination and turned around to see if it was real and if sibel was here with him, but to his dismay he couldn't, leaving him shattered.)
Senden vazgeçmem
Öslem Vazgeçmem
( Ramo ended the song with bloodshot red eyes.suddenly Shaheen came running to him and whispered something in Ramo's ears. Listening to whatever shaheen said , Ramo ran away from there and followed by his brother.
Ramo Quickly reached the hospital in a disheveled state. Messy hairs,clothes untidy and teary eyes. He ran inside to a specific room an stood outside to see doctors treating a person. He touched the glass outside the ward with tears continuously falling down his cheeks. His pain was visible seen in his state he was in. He felt hand on his shoulder but didn't bother to look behind as he was numb at that time. A wave of memories hit him hard. While remembering the past, he heard a voice.
This voice is none other then Gizem's sibel's younger sister and the girl inside the room with doctors checking her is none other then sibel.
G : abi
But no response. Though Ramo was present there, it seemed as if his mind, heart, soul were somewhere else.
G: abi don't take tension abla will be fine.
Gizem was also devastated seeing her only family, her sister attached to wires,breathing with an oxygen mask, needles pierced in her arms and monitors beeping. Doctors were continuously checking sibel.when gizem called Shahen telling him about her condition , he went running to Ramo, Ramo listening to  Shaheen and broke down.
R: How can i not be tensed Gizem? Sibel is in coma from past 6 months.Everyday, Every moment, Every minute , every second i wakeup with a hope that today everything would be fine and my gülüm will come back to me. But everyday these doctors decreasing my hope. Every day i die seeing her  like this and think maybe I should also die with her but sibel's face comes in between and tells me to not be selfish and wait for her.but for how long? How much more i have to wait and wait( in cracking voice ) i am done gizem, now I can't handel more. Today when shaheen told me that sibel's health was deteriorating I couldn't handle it. He was crying hugging gizem, I want my gülüm back gizem. I want her back. Plz tell her n she is your sister and also listens to you most. Tell her to not trouble us more and wake up. I promise i will not call her and will always listen to her. But plz tell her to get up.
G: making Ramo stand back again, Abi not only you we all need Sibel abla. You know that she loves to trouble b everyone and that's what she is doing right now. Don't worry she won't go anywhere leaving us. She has to live, for you, for her younger sister for her whole family who is waiting for her every day,I promise you. Plz take care of yourself, see how you look. It looks like you have turned into a know if abla sees you like this she will beat you okay.
Ramo nodded his head and  the trio waited for doctor to come out. It's been 2 hours but there was no sign of doctor.Another 15 minutes passed and finally the doctor came out. The trio bombarded him with infinity questions, not letting him speak. The doctor stopped them and asked them to say one by one.
R: Sibel? How is she?
G: why she was breathing heavily before ?
Sh:is anything serious?
D: see guys, it's critical . Sibel is  still not responding to any treatment. And by time passing, her condition is getting worse. I suggest you all to spend some time talking to her maybe she might show  some response while listening to her loved ones. That's all i can say right now. But plz i ask you to not  keep high hopes.
Saying this doctor went from there while the three ran to sibel's room and sat beside her. Ramo held her hand and kissed it while gizem kissed sibel's forehead.
G: abla get up and talk to me.your sister is waiting for you since months and now she wants you. I want your love, care and support. Plz abla don't be so cruel . You are the only one i have after our parents. Plz get up.
R: leave her gizem she won't listen bc she is stubborn, more than me she wants  all of us to beg in front of her to get up. She don't care about anyone expect herself. Leave it.
Shaheen:What are you saying? How can you talk like this to her?
R: then what should i do shaheen? You tell me. We are bending In from of her but still she can't  accept. I am tired shaheen..... i am tired  ...  gülüm plz  wake up. I promise I will not scold you but plz wake up.
Ramo tightened the hold of her hand and kept his head on her hand.

Gizem and shaheen also sat only the sofa near the bed

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Gizem and shaheen also sat only the sofa near the bed. Another half of hour passes. Suddenly Ramo's phone rang, he picked it up and went outside to talk. There sibel's finger showed some movement but no one noticed. Ramo came back again and start telling  sibel's about today. While he was talking about it, he felt a hand in his back of palm.
Ramo was shocked as he saw sibel's hand in top of his. She made a movement. He woke up Gizem and shaheen and immediately called the doctor. Doctor come and checked sibel. While checking ramo was praying to the god to make everything fine. Doctor came out with a good news.
D: Good news guys, she responded, well  it's a shock that she responded after months and the improvement is also good. It's all bc of you and your love  that has brought her back. She is still unconscious, we don't know when she might wake up but hoping it to be soonz
Seeing the reaction right now. Good luck.
He kept his hand in Ramo's shoulder and went off.  There ramo, Gizem and shaheen had smiles on their faces to hear the good news after months. They hugged each other and went inside sibel's room while ramo called everyone at home and told them about her recovery. Another 4 hours passed. These hours were like 4 years for Ramo. He was getting impatient to hear her voice after soo long. Finally ,he saw Sibel flickering her eyes, trying to open them. She held her hand and caressed it. Gizem and i , we're smiling looking at each other.  Sibel slowly opened her eyes to see a sudden wave of light hitting her eyes. She closed her eyes back and again tried to open them this time successfully. She saw Ramo sitting beside her along with Gizem and shaheen. Her lips  curved upwards into a small smile.
S: stammering...... Ramo.
R: Gülüm shhhh don't talk only take rest. We will talk later. You just woke up from coma. Finally god listened to all  of our prayers.
To which Sibel just smiled.
G: Abla!!!
Sibel looked at the owner of the voice and saw gizem who was in tears. She indicated her hand towards gizem, signing her to come near. Gizem held sibel's hand and started crying.
G: Abla promise you will not do any stunt again and you will take care of yourself. Do you know how scared we all were when we got to know your accident.
S: i am sorry ... I promise i will take care of myself from now onwards.
Hearing this gizem hugged sibel to which  shaheen and Ramo smiled.
Shaheen: Guys i am going to the doctor to look up to the formalities. Gizem you also accompany me.
G: Me... but why?
Shaheen indicated gizem towards Ramo and she understood. They both went meet the doctor leaving Rambel alone in the room.
R: All this happened bc of me. On that day if i wouldn't have told you to come quickly, you wouldn't had driven the car fast and the accident wouldn't have happened.
S: Ramo it's not your fault. In fact because of you I woke up. You know when you were telling me about that song and sang
"senden vazgeçsmem " for me, After that my body responded . It's because of your love and your voice i woke up. So don't blame yourself.
Ramo stared at her and hugged her instantly. Sibel kisses Ramo's cheeks and both joined there foreheads together.

 Sibel kisses Ramo's cheeks and both joined there foreheads together

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The End

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