Darkness unleashed

By Foolscap2122

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A creeping darkness begins to spill into Sanjo City and pulling all timelines into one, from ancient Rome to... More

A creeping darkness
Creature Chase
A looming darkness
Where did you come from??
Anyone else gonna fall from the sky
Darkness In Sanjo
Enemies all around
Aeon's Attack!
"Not Again"
Time's up
To Zeta Point We Go!
Alpha Droid Madness!
Fight or Flight Pt 1
Fight Or Flight Pt 2
A Medical Emergency
The Caverns
The Finale

Peace and Quiet????

137 5 0
By Foolscap2122

Warning: Some suggestive themes in this chapter

_-----1 week later-----_

"Shake a bone shake a bone shake a bone stew ride your own dinosaurs two by two" chanted Dr. Z as he shook the small fossils in his palm before tossing them onto a small map of the world

"Aha! The Czech again just like the last four times " cheered Dr. Z smiling eagerly "Now...what the hell was I doing this for again..." his smile fading when he realized he had forgotten why he was doing this

Dr. Z grumbled to himself as he tried to remember but wasn't successful he did however wonder if he couldn't remember being it very late at night and he was really tired

"I suppose I should rest now since I can't remember what the hell I'm doing...after I shake the bones one more time though" procrastinated Dr. Z as he picked up the bones on the small world map again he for whatever reason decided the room should be a little bit brighter

he clutched the bones in his left palm while looking for the light switch, the candles that were set provided some light but now enough, Dr. Z found a small rope to which he though was connected to the electrical to turn on the lights but was mistaken as it was the rope he used to pull to activate the Alpha Trio's unique wake up routine "Uh oh~" mumbled Dr. Z once he realized what he had done 

For a few seconds everything was still quite then-

Dr. Z could hear everyone who was staying in a room shriek in surprise, Dr. Z slowly inched away from the rope and dashed to put the candles out and hide the map hoping that to make it seem that he had nothing to do with this

Just as he put the last candle out a hole opened up in the ceiling, he looked over and watched as Ursula, Sheer, Reese, Zander, Foolscap, and Gavro fell from it hitting the floor with a loud thud

Dr. Z knew he was about to die and frantically rushed for the door before the ones who had dropped in had time to process what the had just happened Dr. Z rushed from the room only to bump into Helga

"Where do you think you are going" asked the android as they glared down at the Doctor, Dr. Z stumbled on his words a little mainly because of his fear of Helga and his shock of what he accidentally did

As Dr. Z poorly attempted to explain himself, Sheer charged out from the room Dr. Z was just in pissed off she glared at the doctor angrily "Uh love to talk but not right okay see ya byeeee" said Dr. Z in a panic as he rushed away from Helga hoping to outrun Sheer

Sheer chased after the small man in a rage of having her slumber disturbed and also having been thrown from her and Ursula's bed

The rest of the night was quite eventful to say the least, by morning everyone was tired having either been part of the fight that broke out or woke up from all the noise

Nearly everyone was at the breakfast table that morning, those missing were the Space Pirates, Seth and Max


"Say has anyone seen the Space Pirates" asked Zoe curiously "Nope I haven't seen them since last night" said Dr. Z who was covered head to toe in band aids and bandages "Ursula weren't you and Sheer sharing a bed" asked Zoe looking to Ursula

"We are but last night I fell asleep on the couch so I don't know if she's there or not" said Ursula "I bet their still asleep" said Dume as he shovelled some of his breakfast in his mouth "Perhaps, also Dume could you kindly refrain from talking with your mouth full it's disgusting" commented Elora " And Ed um you're sleeping Ream sighed as she stood up "I'll find where they are" she said as she walked out of the room

"Twenty bucks she's just saying that so she can go back to bed" muttered Dume


Ream walked over to the room Ursula and Sheer were sharing, Ream lightly knocked on the door before opening the door she peered inside but saw now one in the bed Ream wasn't sure that Sheer was here until she heard faint snoring she looked around again before looking up. Ream saw Sheer sleeping upside down like a bat

Ream sighed "Of course" she thought

She quietly closed the door and went to the room her brother and Gavro were sharing, she knocked on the door and opened it quietly she could see her brother sleeping upside down like Sheer, she wasn't surprised he did that all the time she then noticed Gavro doing the same beside Foolscap

Ream chuckled softly before closing the door and going over to Max's room

As she reached for the door handle she heard a very loud thud she froze for a few seconds before slowly opening the door "Max are you okay" asked Ream softly , she noticed Max on the ground nearly on his head

"Agh guess I fell asleep" groaned Max as he sat up, he turned and looked at the bedroom door he saw Ream "Oh morning Ream, I'm not late for breakfast am I" asked Max as he stood up "Not at all they just started" said Ream smiling a little

Max smiled and rushed past Ream to get to the breakfast table and get some food

Ream sighed and walked down the hallway towards Seth's room she hesitated a few feet from the door she didn't like the feeling she felt when she was near this door. It was always so ominous

Ream ultimatly decided to not go any closer to Seth's room since she didn't really feel safe going there, she headed back towards her brother and Gavro's room she opened the door again and looked in the room

"HEY SLEEPY HEADS WAKE UP" she hollered which scared the two men nearly out of their skin

the two freaked out and fell from the ceiling landing safely on the bed with a slightly muffled thud "Ow, that hurt" groaned Foolscap as he sat up "Ream you do realize there are better ways to wake people up right?"

"Oh I know but waking you up is a chore all on it's own" teased Ream before leaving the room giggling "Oh yeah well...." snapped Foolscap as he tried to think of a comeback but it was to no use

"Dammit she got me" grumbled Foolscap "That's great and all but um...can you please get off of me.." asked Gavro "huh" said Foolscap before looking down and realizing he had been sitting on Gavro's abdomen

"ACK Sorry" panicked Foolscap as he jumped off of him going a little red in the face and the tips of his ears turning red

Gavro sat up blushing a little, the two awkwardly looked at each other before getting off the bed and heading to the dining room

Ream cautiously opened the door to Sheer's room and snuck in she picked up the pillow on the bed and tried throwing it at Sheer as a joke to wake her up, she mainly did this due to the fact she only had one wing and was unable to reach Sheer up on the ceiling

Sheer caught the pillow heading for her, Ream gulped a little knowing full well she fucked up

Sheer's pale yellow wings slowly retracted revealing her shadowed face and her single red eye glowing with anger "Oh shit" mumbled Ream as she backed away

Sheer hissed angrily and threw the pillow back at Ream, Ream ducked avoiding the flying pillow before making a dash for the open door. Sheer dove from the ceiling as she flew out of the room chasing Ream down the hallway and towards the dining room

Ream slid into the dining room and rushed to hide behind Gelly and Aki

Sheer burst into the room not long after scaring the hell out of everyone

"Well 4 of the 5 are present" muttered Spectre "Where's Seth"

"In his room, I think" said Ream as she stepped out from behind Gelly and Aki

"He'll come out eventually" said Dr. Z "he always does"


later on after having breakfast everyone just kinda went off on their own

Some had gone topside to spend sometime on the forming beach, others just went back to their rooms, and Dr. Z had gone back to his lab to attempt some new move cards

The ones topside on the beach were having a bit of fun

The dinos had been summoned in chibi form so that they could play around and not have the zoomies later, Chomp and Maximus were roughhousing again while Spiny, Tank, Paris, Armatus and Terry messed around in the shallow water

Ace and Gigas were sleeping beside their owners mainly because they were a bit afraid of the water still

Max and Rex were wrestling a little by the water, Rod, Dume, Goma and Jim joined in on the fight as well, Zander had gone off somewhere with Reese. Zoe tried to follow them but was stopped by Gelly 

Ed was fanning Ursula with a big palm leaf while she sunbathed

Sheer, Gavro and Foolscap were just watching the chaos unfold while under the shade of Ursula's unoccupied beach umbrella

"How much you two want to bet the red heads gonna get drowned" asked Sheer "A hundred credits" said Foolscap "Five credits, my bet's are on Dume getting drowned by Goma" said Gavro

"I suppose that as well" said Sheer before glancing over at Ursula, Sheer's eyes widened a little at the beauty of Ursula "*whistle* She's hot" said Sheer softly "Who's hot" asked Foolscap confused

"Never mind" said Sheer not taking her gaze off of Ursula "Ohhh Ursula-" Foolscap's words trailed off as he caught sight of Ursula "oh...Oh....OH" he said as his face flushed a light pink

"Who are you staring at now ya horny kai's" asked Gavro sitting up and looking over at where the other two were staring "Oh...well okay whatever" he said lying back down on his side and trying to sleep

"Oi Foolscap, I saw her first mine piss off " hissed Sheer as she snapped around glaring at the slim man

"What?! She's hot" protested Foolscap "No, my human" hissed Sheer, Foolscap pouted a little and lye back down huffing "Oh don't get so pissy you brat you got Gavro" said Sheer turning back around to look at Ursula

Foolscap went a bit red in the face as his ears flushed red as well, Gavro's eyes snapped open "Huh what I heard my name what'd I miss" asked Gavro sitting up "Nothing" said Foolscap not really moving from where he was

Gavro shrugged and lye down again

the three remained silent for a while before Foolscap noticed something skittering in the sand

he sat up and carefully picked up the small sand coloured creature, the creature had pincers and was blowing a bunch of small bubbles from its mouth

Foolscap stared at the creature in his hand "What the heck are you" he wondered as he gently poked it's head "What's what" asked Gavro "This thing, I don't know what it is" said Foolscap turning around careful not to drop the creature

"Ugly ass thing" muttered Sheer as she took a quick glance at it "Keep it Foolscap, you have a quite a lot in common" mocked Sheer "Sheer" hissed Gavro annoyed

Sheer rolled her eyes as she ignored the two men behind her, Gavro sat up "well whatever it is I think you should put it down it doesn't look too happy" said Gavro a little concerned

"Ah it's fine I think" said Foolscap the creature blew more bubbles at them "Why's it doing that" asked Foolscap "Probably because it's scared or angry" said Gavro shrugging

Foolscap looked at the creature he was about to pet it's head gently but was stopped when it pinched his finger "OW LET GO LET GO LET GO" screamed Foolscap as he freaked out and shook his hand around " I told you to put it down" sighed Gavro

"I KNOW I KNOW BUT PLEASE GET THIS LITTLE BASTARD OFF OF ME " screamed Foolscap as he swung his arm around hoping to fling it off

"The hell are you guys screaming about" called Ursula "Something pinched Foolscap's hand I think it's fucken hilarious" laughed Sheer "Foolscap stop swinging your arm around you're gonna piss it off more"

Foolscap frantically swung his arm more trying to get it off

Eventually Foolscap got it to let go of his finger, he threw the crab at the water hoping it would stay away

"Owwwie that hurt like hell" whined Foolscap as he noticed his finger turning red around where the creature had pinched him

"What was it" asked Zoe walking over to him "I don't know, some sort of pinchy creature thing" said Foolscap "A crab"

"I guess"

"Is your finger broken"

"No it should be fine in a bit"

Foolscap headed back over to his spot in the shade while Sheer was laughing her ass off "Great show Foolscap, next time you ought to find a bigger one or something more deadly" laughed Sheer "Sheer cut it out, it's not that funny" said Gavro Sheer kept laughing at what had happened for a while


After sometime things had calmed back down to what they were again

That was until the dinos started getting a bit too hyper

All the dinos ran around  either tripping people or jumping on them

Gigas hopped on Gavro's chest before jumping off and onto Foolscap's head before running off again "Grrrr that's it GIGAS" yelled Gavro angrily

Gigas kept running around as Gavro chased him,  soon everyone was trying to catch their Dino

They would have recalled them back into cards if they had their Dino holders, alpha scanners and summoners but they had left them inside due to the fact of they were near water and not sure if they may get wet and break

Eventually the dinos ran in the water and swam pretty far out well except for Ace, Ace wasn't quite over his fear of water yet

"Chomp! Get back here" called Max "Paris! Don't make me come out there" yelled Zoe annoyed

"Terry! Get your ass back here now" snapped Ursula "Same goes for you Maximus get over here" snapped Sheer

Their dinos didn't listen and instead swam further out

"I'm not going in after Gigas" grumbled Gavro "probably gonna have to" said Sheer taking her boots off

"Hell no"

"Yes you will unless you want him to drown"



"Damn it"

Gavro growled as he took his boots off not wanting to be weighed down by them in the water nor wanting them to get too wet

At some point the dinos had gone out too far and started panicking, Maximus slipped under the water causing Sheer to actually get worried

She dove in the water to try and get to Maximus before anything bad happened to him, the other dinos slowly paddled back to shore well almost all of them Gigas remained stuck in the water

Gavro growled as he resentfully went in the water to get Gigas

He swam over and let Gigas climb on his head before heading back, he got back on the beach safely

Once he did Gigas hopped off of his head and onto the ground, Gavro growled a little since he was now soaked to the bone. Gigas shook the water off of himself before looking up at Gavro and slowly lowering his head


Gavro had gone back inside and back to the room he and Foolscap shared to go dry off and hope to find something he could wear in the mean time while he other outfit dried

Gavro had been unable to find anything he was really able to wear since it was too small, at some point Ed stopped by and lent him his extra sized hoodie to wear in the mean time

The hoodie didn't quite fit but it was good enough besides it was only his abdomen showing he didn't really care, he had manmaged to find a spare pair of pants that fit him as well so he was set for that

Afterwards Gigas slowly crept into the room while Gavro was sitting on the bed drying his hair with a towel, Gavro noticed Gigas creeping in

Gavro sighed and patted the part of the bed that was beside him, Gigas hurried over and hopped up onto the bed and walked over to Gavro's side

Gavro gently pet Gigas' head before gently hugging him, Gigas grumbled happily and he snuggled into the hug

"Gigas I'm not that upset with you, but please next time listen to me I don't want anything bad to happen to you" said Gavro softly

Gigas pouted a little but licked Gavro's nose gently before nuzzling him gently, Gavro smiled softly as he hugged Gigas again


Sheer had managed to change into some new dry clothes that had been lent to her by Ursula

Sheer was strolling the halls of the Backland before coming across the laboratory where Seth always used to be

Curious, she entered the room and looked around everything looked similar to how Seth kept his little office space when he was on their ship

A bit messy, lots of electronics, a bunch of crumpled up paper and....

"What the hell is that" wondered Sheer as she picked up the small laptop that was still on a Screensaver

She hit a button on the keyboard which unlocked the screen of the computer, she looked at what was open on the computer and was confused

"This looks like a half finished report on something called...Black T-Rex" muttered Sheer as she slowly scrolled through the report reading what it said

"Beta experiment has succeeded, I've finally done it I finally created my Black T-Rex.

I managed to speed up Black T-Rex's evolution and they are now able to properly use Death Fire without causing harm to self.

With this success I see a future that is filled with my evolved dinosaurs and nothing is going to stop me not even that Ancient...." read aloud Sheer as she scanned the report

"Seth never mentioned anything like this to us, is this Dinosaur another ace up his sleeve or did this already happen, I can't tell there's no date of entry" muttered Sheer as she looked to see when the report was made

Sheer the started looking through the paperwork on Seth's desk hoping to find something, instead she found more things of interest

"Copied stone plates....wait didn't Seth make copies of those stones so myself and the others could transport here a week ago...what the hell....wait what's this" wondered Sheer as she picked up a black and red card on the desk that was beneath the paperwork

Sheer examined the card and discovered it was a move card titled Death Fire

"This may come in handy" she thought with a smirk as she tucked the move card away

Sheer thought she should leave now but before she did something else caught her eye on the desk, she picked up a USB Stick on the desk that had Experiment Beta written on it in small handwriting

Sheer examined it, "This feels important but....if it was so important wouldn't it be locked up somewhere" thought Sheer

Sheer felt uneasy about this all of a sudden, she held onto the USB stick and rushed out of the room

She hurried back to her own room and shut the door locking it behind her, "Sheer are you okay what's the rush" asked Ursula as she noticed the pale woman rush in so quickly

"Huh oh everything's fine" lied Sheer as she quickly hid the USB stick in her dress in the same spot as the move card

"Uh huh, anyways please try not to make much noise I'm going to sleep " said Ursula

"This early, it's only 5:45" said Sheer "Yes, I only got about two hours of sleep last night and a woman needs her beauty sleep"said Ursula as she turned the lights out and settled into bed

"That I can agree on" said Sheer before yawning "I guess I'll go to sleep to, it's not like anything eventful will happen"

Sheer kicked off her boots and took the move card and USB stick from her dress and put them in the small drawer beside her before getting into bed

"Night then, and also please don't hog the blankets it gets cold in here" said Ursula "Fine, same goes for you too" said Sheer

Ursula smiled a little and rolled her eyes before going to sleep

After a few minutes Sheer also went to sleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Next chapter should hopefully be soon...


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