Reunited [[discontinued]]

By horriblyxvoid

6.5K 123 59

This story is a sequel to the story "Fixed" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Please Read
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

334 4 4
By horriblyxvoid

I was waiting at Hayes' house waiting for everyone to arrive. I couldn't wait to see the boys, it's been a long time, too long.

I walked around the Grier's pool outside impatiently. I paced back and forth. "When are they getting here?" I looked over at Hayes who was sitting on one of the chairs by the pool. "They should be here any minute now," he said looking up from his phone.

I continued to pace until I heard the door open. I looked through the glass window and was able to see inside.

"They're here!" I yelled running inside. I didn't even have time to see who's arms I had jumped into, but then realized it was Cam.

"I missed you so much," I said with my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Missed you too Tori," he said hugging me tightly.

"Where's Taylor? I didn't even get to see him at the hospital when he broke his arm," I said as Cam put me down.

As soon as I spotted him I yelled, "Taylor!" running over to give him a hug. "What happened to you?" He said looking at me after the hug; he noticed how bruised up and cut I was.

"I'll explain later, but the last time I saw you was when you left on your 4-wheeler and you never came back, well actually it was my idea to go find you," I laughed.

"Well I got my cast off about 2 weeks ago," he said. "That's good Taylor, I really missed you guys.

I then gave a hug to Aaron, Carter, and Shawn and told them I missed them lots.

"Matthew is still getting our bags down from the car," I heard the voice laugh behind me.

"Johnson!" I yelled wrapping my arms around his giving him the biggest hug ever.

"I missed you Tori," he said into my hair. "Missed you too," I said excitedly.

I let go and looked around. "Where's Jacob and Mahogany?" I asked.

"Mahogany had things planned already and jacob's on tour at the moment," Aaron said.

I saw Gilinsky come out of the bathroom and ran into his arms; my hands were wrapped round his neck and lifted my legs "missed you lots Gilinsky," I said into his chest.

"Missed you too princess," he said letting me down.

"Matt hurry up with their luggage!" Nash laughed.

"What am I the maid now?" I heard his voice from outside. I couldn't help but run outside to see him. I haven't seen him in forever and he was like an older brother to me.

I stood by the door looking at him. "Matt!" I yelled. He dropped the bags he had in his hands and opened his arms telling me to give him a hug.

I ran towards him and leaped into his arms because of how tall he was. I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist like I did with Cameron, except Matt spun me around.

"I missed you a lot Matt," I said into his shoulder. "Me too," he said putting me down.

Matt's POV
"Me too," I said placing her down. "Let's go inside," she smiled.

"You go, I'll be there in a minute," I said to her. "Okay," she said turning around to walk back inside. I noticed her wrists as she turned around.

She's been cutting again. "Tori," I said stopping her, and she turned to face me. "Yeah?" She smiled.

She was in a good mood right now and i didn't wanna make her mad or anything so I let it go. I liked seeing her happy.

"Uh, can you tell the boys to come help me with the bags?" I asked, and she agreed and ran off.


Tori's POV
"Cameron Dallas is my boyfriend.." Shawn continued to sing as he strummed his guitar.

Once the song was finished I got a call from my mom. Oh shit I forgot I had to be home for supper.

"Bailey we have to go," I said.

"Oh yeah we're having Christian over for supper," she said getting up from the couch.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of Christian and I was also terrified just hearing his name.

"Who's Christian?" Gilinsky asked.

"My moms boyfriend," I said annoyed.

"I'm glad your mom found someone," Shawn smiled.

"Yeah whatever I have to go," I said making my way towards the door.

Third Person POV
"What's up with her? And what happened to her?" Johnson asked.

"I don't even know," Nash said not even looking up from his phone. "She's been acting weird lately."

"She fell at school," Hayes told all the boys. "How'd she fall? Were you with her?" Matt asked.

"Uhm no," Hayes said feeling guilty.

"When was the day she called you and you said she was crying?" Nash asked finally putting his phone down and running his fingers through his hair.

"It was the day-"

"Wait what?" Hayes asked confused. "Oh right I forgot to tell you," Nash said.

"Do you know why she was crying? And when?" Hayes asked concerned.

"Well I was about to say when, but you interrupted, but it was the day before her birthday and I remember because the jacks and I were wishing her a late birthday. And she just told me that she stubbed her toe on the door," Matthew finished.

"Wait," Matthew said just realizing something. He now knew why she was crying and it wasn't because she stubbed her toe. It was because she cut her wrists that day.

"Nash can I talk to you for a minute?" And nash agreed so they went out in the back.


Once Matthew finished telling Nash everything he noticed Nash had a worried look on his face. "There has to be a reason to all this," Nash said running his fingers through his hair as he paced back and forth.

"She was gonna tell me something the other day, but she never told me," Nash said.

"We'll just have to talk to Hayes and Bailey maybe they know something we don't," Matt stated.


The whole time at the Smith's dinner, Christian gave Tori glares. She awkwardly tried to avoid him; she couldn't help but say, "can I be excused?" She asked getting up from the table already.

"Uhm sweetie we have a guest," her mom said giving her the look. "Please," Tori begged with a worried look on her face.

Once her mom agreed, Tori walked out of her house and went straight to the Griers.

I'll update the next chapter tomorrow or on Thurday but I'm not too sure when. ily all 🍃🌟💦👼✨

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