
By LazyLucario

195 6 0

Violet's been living in loneliness for the past three years being stuck with a broken heart with her daughter... More

Note(plz read)
Friends Forever
Can do
Road Trip
The Surprise
Back on the Road
Painful Reunion
Mother, Daughter Talk
Leaving so Soon?
Smoke and Sunrise
We're Just Friends
See you Soon
She Likes Girls
Hanging Out
Under the Stars
Staying Behind
Peculiar Scar
Real Relationship
Clem and Moo
Family Reunion
The Hootenanny
A Coyote's Wail
Cobra's Venom and a Wild Lynx
Sneaking Out
On the Trail
Most Wanted
For a Price
Not Without my Son
The Plan
Framed Memories
Don't Eat the Dinner
The Test
Runs in the Family
I Still Love You
No One's Leaving
Your Place isn't Here
Truth and Confessions
Old Demons
With you
The Date
Back from Hell
Eres mi Deseo

Down Comes a Raven

3 0 0
By LazyLucario

The morning sun had made Moo's stomach sicker as he shakily walked Smokey down the sidewalk. He didn't know why he would pull something like that, Violet was his childhood best friend not one of those whores he picked up once in and a while.

He felt so terrible, but yet, he almost didn't regret it.

She's grown into a beautiful girl, too beautiful for him and still so innocent in his eyes; she wasn't like other girls, and that was one of his favorite things about her.

He just glared in disgust when he saw a long haired brunette walk towards with a flirtatious expression holding her pregnant belly.

"Mattie, how's it been?" she asked with a light giggle.

"I've been better without you," he growled, "What the hell do you want anyway?"

She touched his bicep as he snatched it away, "I was wondering when the next time you're gonna tie me up in your bedroom again."

"Um, never, never, and maybe, hmmm, never," he chirped sarcastically, "Last month when we did it your boyfriend found out and almost killed me!"

"But you broke his limbs, didn't you? Besides, since he can't walk he can't find out."

She then went for a kiss but he ended up shoving her lightly almost forgetting she was pregnant. She looked up at him with a wide-eyed while he narrowed his eyes into angry slits.

"Listen to me and listen to me good, my dick will never go inside that filthy cunt of yours again," he hissed with venom in his tone, "You and your fucking psychotic boyfriend deserve each other."

He pushed her out his way leaving her speechless by his rejection then he turned back around with a more softer expression.

"I feel horrible for that kid you're bringing in this cruel world, and on top, having shitty parents like you two."

He sighed in frustration continuing to walk Smokey to a nearby stop sign in patch of grass for him to go. He let go of his leash to let him do his business freely then took out a cigarette, lighting it up with a match, and began to smoke. He just stared blankly at the open roads as people walked with their children and goods from the supply center.

He frowned sadly at some of the happy young couples flirting and laughing with each other without a care in the world. He missed that feeling of having someone beside him he truly cared about instead of just being this sex toy to girls, his heart really did ache every day because of it.

As he continued smoking he choked on some smoke when he heard his name being called behind him.

"What the fuck, dude?! You come back to town and not see me?"

He turned to fine a thin but muscular girl with a long dark haired mullet with streaks of white hair, her tight black tank top revealed her many tattoos and a small white birth mark on to of the left side of her breast, she also had piercings on her head and a shiny nose ring just like Moo's.

"My bad, sis," he chuckled, "You were just sooo busy with your man candy."

She scoffed taking the cigarette out his hand smoking it, "Such shitty excuses, I guess since you've been gone for a few days you just had to have some kitty."

He rolled his eyes with a frown, "You know I've been trying to kick those habits, Raven."

"And, surprisingly, you've been doing really well," she patted his shoulder, "I'm proud you, but how are gonna handle that situation there?"

"I have hands, don't I?"

She shrugged, "Fair enough."

Raven was Moo's half sister, both of them had shared their late father with Victoria being his mistress and Carolina—Raven's mother—being his wife. The two were the same age and looked acted very much similar to each other making Victoria for sure that Moo was the son of her lover rather than her ex-husband. Both Victoria and Carolina became single parents when raising the two because Carolina's husband passed away months before her birth and Victoria's leaving her for another woman.

The two really loved each other with Raven longing for a sibling and Moo longing for a sibling his age. They spent most of their time together when they were younger, she was also friends with Violet alongside Moo becoming this small friend group. Raven became devastated on Violet being sent away and, a few years later, Moo being taken.

Now, Raven tried not to think about that, she glad to have her brother back and though she missed Violet everyday she came to terms at the fact that you can't change the past.

She turned to him in concern, "You haven't been doing it again, have you?" she looked down to his scarred wrists.

"You got nothing to worry about," he wrapped his arm over her shoulders, "I don't do that stuff no more, you know I could never do that you."

"Please, if you ever need to talk I'm here even though I can be the worst fucking counselor."

"Thanks," he went to hug her as she hugged back.

As went back to watching Smokey he widened his eyes almost forgetting about Raven thinking Violet was dead. He knew how much she loved Violet and no reason to keep her a secret from her like with Marisol.

She was as much as her best friend as she was to Moo.

"Hey, Rave? You remember Violet, right?"

He saw her eyes going round before she looked down frowning sadly, "Why did you bring her up?"

"Hey, don't look like that," he cooed, "I actually have great news."

She just raised a brow.

"She's alive, she's really alive and doing well."

Her body instantly jolted up turning to him with a pale expression, "This is a fucking joke, right? She can't be!"

He laughed, "She is, Raven, she saved me and me and Storm brought her back with us, she's at my apartment right now!"

"I still think you're fucking around with me but I'll come back with you just to make you feel better."

"Alright, but just so you know I'm going to be the one to make you feel better."

Once he whistled for Smokey to come back, he grabbed his leash leading Raven back to his apartment.

While Moo was away Violet ended up rummaging through Moo's refrigerator finding sliced smoked ham. She made sandwiches that included lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles with a side of homemade fries she made out of the bag potatoes in the cabinet. She wanted him to take a little break from cooking for them, it was the least she could do after all the generous things he's done for her.

She tiredly sat in one of the chairs as Rosie came in resting by Violet's feet. She looked up thoughtfully at the image of Moo's handsome face near her's, his actions didn't even make her flinch but comfort her in some way. Then she frowned thinking about how Moo could've just been simply thinking about someone else in that moment, besides, he didn't hesitate to pull away when he soon realized what he was doing.

He couldn't possibly like someone likes me, she sighed slumping her shoulders.

But she was still happy they were at least still best friends, that really should be all that matters.

She whipped her head around hearing the front doorknob jiggle around before it opened with Moo stepping along with Smokey and a woman she didn't recognize.

"Hey, sunshine," he chirped walking in the kitchen, "Smells like you've been busy."

She smiled, "I thought you might be hungry so I just made a little something if you didn't mind."

"You know I don't mind."

As she handed him a plate she looked around his waist seeing the strange woman sitting on the couch petting Smokey.

She looked up at him furrowing her brows in a bit of jealousy, "Girlfriend?"

He blinked in confusion, "What?"

"That girl, is she one your girlfriends you've been talking about?" she asked bluntly eating some of her fries.

"Oh!" he stepped aside letting her see the woman fully, "That's Raven, don't you remember her? The girl that always wore the dresses, super hyper, flowers in her hair; my sister?"

She raised a brow watching the woman now smoking a blunt, "Her? Are you sure that's the same Raven? You must be blind."

"Well you said I didn't look the same when we first met up, didn't you?"

"You got me there."

"Look, she may not be the same but she still missed you," he grabbed her hand, "She's out there thinking I'm full of shit."

Violet looked towards her way with an unsure look, "You really think she'll remember me?"

She jumped when Moo pulled her from her chair leading her to the living room, "Positive."

When he took her to her Violet gulped when she saw that her attention was mostly on her rather than Moo and her expression was a bit of an annoyed one rather than friendly.

"'Kicking those habits,'" she imitated Moo's voice terribly, "But yet, you have a blondie here to show to me."

He rolled his eyes, "No, idiot, this is Violet, don't you remember?"

"This cutie? I'm not buyin' it."

He put Violet in front of him then took down a picture of him and Violet when they were kids off one of his shelves putting the two side by side.

"How about now?"

She first refused to even look at it until she took a small glimpse. She got grabbing it from his hands staring at it fondly then looked back up at Violet with squinted eyes.

"You do look a lot like her," she observed looking back up at her then narrowed her eyes, "But if you're really her would you care to tell me why you got sent away?"

Moo blinked knowing that what Violet told him was very personal to her. He didn't know if she was even willing to tell it again without tearing up.

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea," he quickly stopped her from going any further, "She's really sensitive about that topic."

"It doesn't even have to be long," she urged, "Just short and sweet like herself."

Violet saw a bit jealousy in his frown, "Raven, I keep telling about this, quit trying to make people spit out their own shit, it's her bus—!"

"I watched my grandma get shot and didn't do anything about it!!" Violet blurted making the two look at her in shock.

"W-what are you talking about?" Raven asked hesitantly.

She sighed, "You know I had to stay with grandma most of time and she was really down when grandpa died. One day she grabbed her riffle and shot herself in the chest right behind me. Since she was already dead I thought there was point in calling in for any help, she was already gone. When I told my mom she screamed at me telling me I was fucking nuts and insane, then, the next day, she shipped me off to the boarding school she recommended my dad."

She saw Raven's mouth gape while Moo just shook his head in disappointment. Even with a summary like that it was still a lot for Raven to take in, she felt bad having Violet to tell her personal business just for her to prove she was really her.

And there was no way Moo could have her make up a crazed story like that.

Before Moo could yell at Raven she spoke, "I . . . I'm so sorry that happened to you."

She shrugged, "I guess it happens to the best of us."

Moo turned to glare at his sister, "You never listen, I told you over and over this was her!"

"Well when your brother tells me every week that you find a random blonde, says it her, and fuck them after they've been proven wrong you tend not to believe them the millionth time."

"Err . . . shut up," he grumbled as he blushed brightly.

She turned to Violet jumping into her arms hugging her tightly as she hugged back, "I'm so glad to see you again," she whispered in her ear, "You just don't know how much I missed you."

Violet smiled, "I missed you too."

Raven pulled away putting her hands over her shoulder staring at the blonde fondly looking at all her features just admiring her beauty. Her crush for Violet never stopped even now when she has a boyfriend, but the two did believe in polygamy so he really wouldn't care anyway. Now that they were older she really wanted to

ask her out and prayed that she wasn't already taken.

Especially by Moo.

Moo didn't like the way his sister was looking at Violet and decided to clear his throat, "So, now that you two remember each other I bet Raven has some things to take care of."

"Actually, I don't," she looked at him in annoyance as he returned the look, "And since I don't I invite you two over to my place so we can catch up a bit."

"That sounds cool," Violet smiled making Moo instantly snap his mouth shut beginning to protest, "I guess we can squeeze in some minutes, can't we, Moo?"

He didn't really like where this was heading, the two may have been friends but Raven's crush on Violet wasn't no secret from him.

But there was no rush in anything today, they were completely free and Moo didn't want to say no to Raven's request for Violet might get suspicious or even think that he was trying to keep her all to himself.

He didn't want to but he had to.

He looked back at Violet forcing a smile, "I guess we can squeeze in some time, but only for a little bit, you know we have to leave soon."

Violet nodded while Raven frowned, "I'm fine with that."

Violet almost forgot how big Raven's house was after all these years. She also forgot it was set in a gated community, but most of the houses had been destroyed with hers and five others remaining in mint condition. The houses that were two storied and had bricked siding, two large pillars at the double doors, and a matching granny flat on the side. Raven's parents had been wealthy doctors and surgeons just Moo's mom, only after Raven's father died Carolina obtained all of his inheritance but spent almost all of it on Raven.

When they arrived at the doors Raven jumped out the cart and sprinted towards the doors knocking heavily.

"Mamá, are you in there?" she called out worryingly.

Less than seconds later a voice called out, "Sí, mija, come in."

She sighed in relief opening one of the doors for Violet and Moo, Violet mostly. Violet inhaled the same cinnamon scent that still lingered after all these years and breathed out heavily in satisfaction.

"Oh, you brought guests, I see," she chirped walking over to Raven with her walker kissing her on the cheek, "If I knew that I would've made snacks."

"No, mom, I told you don't over work yourself."

She scoffed, "No need to baby me, that's my job ya know."

As Violet looked at Carolina though she didn't see her that much as a kid but she did remember her being one of the most beautiful women she's ever seen with her long flowing dark hair, acid green cat eyes, plump lips with a sharp facial features, no sign of age, and topped off with a curvy figure.

Violet could just stare at this woman for hours as so with Moo, but, back then Moo called her something else that Violet still didn't know the meaning of.

A 'milf' . . . ? I gotta ask him later what the hell that is.

But the thing she wondered the most was why she needed a walker to get around now.

Age, I'm guessing.

"Hola, Matéo!" she greeted excitedly rushing to him kissing him on the cheek, "It's always nice to see you."

"I'd have to say the same," he chuckled looking down at her large cleavage without her noticing.

She turned to Violet with kind eyes, "How's it going, señorita, I haven't seen you around these parts."

Before she could answer Raven spoke for her, "This is Violet, mom, don't you remember? The small blonde me and Moo used to hang out with all the time? This is her."

Carolina looked up thinking of who she was talking about until it struck her like lightning. She remembered more of Violet than Violet remembered her, Carolina loved her so much that she even wanted to keep her. She became heartbroken when the blonde was sent away and wanted to forget about her just like the way her daughter did.

"Adios mios!! Look at you!" she cried ecstatically grabbing her shoulders, "You're so gorgeous just like your mamá."

She smiled back, "And you still look like you haven't aged a bit."

Carolina rolled her eyes, "Mija, I'm sixty-three, I may not look it but I sure do feel it."

"One of the reasons why you should sit down," Raven protested trying to grab her mother's arm only for them to be swatted away.

"Disparate!" she growled making her way into the kitchen, "Please, please, make yourself at home while I make snacks."

Raven groaned in defeat letting her mother do what she wanted.

Moo scrunched his nose in annoyance when he saw Raven gently grabbing Violet's hand leading her to the couch.

"So, life at the school, what's that like?" Raven asked.

She shrugged, "Honestly, it was hard when the adults left us, lots of kids died or ran off to only God knows where, kidnapping assholes showed up, yada, yada, yada. That's most of it."

Raven gawked, "That's kind of wild."

"Yeah, it's also how my eyes got . . . messed up," Violet winced rubbing her patched eye.

"You're still cute," Raven complimented making Violet blush and Moo roll his eyes, "You in a relationship?"

She frowned sadly shaking her head, "Once, but I choose not to talk about it much."

"I respect your wishes."

"Of course you will." Moo grumbled crossing his arms turning away from the two.

Then Raven got closer planting a mischievous smirk placing an arm over her shoulders as Violet's heart began to speed up.

"So, have you done it yet?"

Violet looked in every direction hoping she wasn't about to ask what she think she was about to ask.

"D-d-done w-what?" her stuttering voice caught Moo's attention.

"Ya know, your virginity, you became a freak in the sheets yet?"

The made Violet's face burn brightly red with embarrassment and Moo's blood boil wondering why she ask someone's business like that

Her shoulders tensed afraid Raven would keep pushing if she didn't answer, "I-I, I don't e-e-even—"

"Or you can tell me would you rather sleep with a dude or gal," her face got closer to the point where their noses were almost touching, "I fuck both by the way."

Moo had more than enough of this bullshit.

"Alright!" he loudly interrupted catching Raven's and Carolina's attention, "Vi, you can wait outside and we can go run some more errands when I get done with Raven." he turned to his sister with fiery eyes.

She mentally sighed in relief removing Raven's arm away from her giving her a sheepish smile, "It was good talking to you again," having nothing else to say walking rapidly to the doors.

When she out Moo viciously grabbed Raven's forearm, she tried to pull away but his grip got tighter as she tried to struggle. He took her into a random hallway where they were out of Carolina's earshot so he can berate how he wanted.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You're completely out of control!" he snapped.

"You're overreacting," she scoffed not caring about Moo's fury, "What's wrong with asking her has she fucked or not? I'm sure that was the first thing you asked when saw her again."

"Because that's her business! How many times do I have to tell you; and no, smartass, I didn't because I'm not a perra entrometida."

She scowled at the comment, "Well excuse I'm getting in the way of your little spree with her, tell me, why is she staying at your apartment?"

"Because she wanted to, Raven, she's free to stay wherever she wants," he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "She's my friend, my best friend at that. Why would I want to ruin that? I want nothing to do with her."

The lie hurt him so much that he winced a bit at the pain.

"You're being such a cock block right now, you know that? If you don't want her why you let me and Josh have her?"

"She doesn't wanna be with anyone right now, she told me before we got here, respect her wishes and find another person to have a threesome with."

He started to walk until Raven grabbed his arm tightly catching his attention.

"Say whatever you want but I know," she hissed, "You wanna fuck her, you wanna fuck her hard, apparently I'm just getting in the way as always, right?" she let go of his arm heading to the living room turning back at him, "Do what you have to do, you just don't have to lie to me, there's somethin' going on with you around her."

He frowned looking down heading to the door, "I'll see you around, Raven," he said having nothing else to say walking out.

Raven sighed heavily falling on the couch pulling out a blunt and a lighter about to smoke. Carolina soon poked her head around the corner her smile falling when she saw Moo and Violet gone.

"I guess they're not staying for lunch then," she sighed.

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