The world before her eyes / N...

By coco-light

41.3K 1.4K 306

Sakura Haruno's life takes an unexpected turn when she stumbles upon tobi, an akatsuki member, and gets throw... More

26 ( ❗🍋❗)


843 38 2
By coco-light

Eren woke me in the morning with the blasted lamp on full power. I hated being underground, If it wasn't for someone waking us up I could hibernate in here. Eren was seated on my bed and shook me gently, whispering my name multiple times. I groaned and buried my head under my pillow.

"What do you want...lets sleep a little more, Levi isn't here yet." I murmured between muffles. I felt him shift around a bit.

"It's twelve in the evening...I don't think corporal will be coming anytime soon..." He muttered. I jolted up quickly with sleepy eyes, my messy hair hung crazily around my face as I looked around.

"Are you serious?! Why didn't you wake me up sooner!" I hissed.

His shoulders slumped. "I barely woke up right now, I-I was out the whole day yesterday right?"

I nodded, then narrowed my eyes at his tanned complexion. "Wait a do you know today's date?"

"I have a watch my dad gave me before he left." He stated with a small frown. I sighed, I shouldn't have asked that. "Let's go get breakfast?"

I nodded and stared at his attire. He wore his usual brown shirt and his white pants. I had to get dressed. "Give me a moment." He got up, giving me a chance to slip out and dig through my drawer, which was filled with different clothes, specially selected by the damned corporal. I grabbed a black v-necked, elbow-sleeved shirt and bright blue capris. This would do for now.

"I'll wait for you outside..." Eren started, but I cut him off.

"It's fine, I can change in the bathroom, I gotta brush my teeth anyway." I said quickly. He nodded and I made my way into the bathroom, closing the door behind me wearily. Wiggling out of my sleeping attire, I put my other clothes on, fitting into them perfectly. Levi really did have good measuring cognition. I grabbed my toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste into it. I brushed quickly, attempting to comb my hair with my fingers as well. I really needed a damned brush, I was just lucky that my hair wasn't very long. I spat into the sink and finished washing my mouth with water. It seemed I would have to just go out and buy one. I opened the door to get out with folded sleepwear in hand and eyed my brown boots. My black ones will look strange with pants so those would have to do. I sat down on my bed to roll some socks on.

"I'm pretty hungry...argh...didn't no one try to wake me yesterday?" Eren muttered sheepishly. I shook my head as I slipped into my brown boots.

"Mikasa wouldn't allow it, she's really protective of know." I stated and sat up. He nodded.

"I know it's annoying, hey, you might want to put on your cloak, just in case it's cold outside." He said, pointing to the green survey corps uniform on the bed. I frowned. It seemed that Hanji came in here to place it there. I was glad it was washed. I nodded in agreement and took it, draping it over my head to put it on. "Lets hurry, I'm starving." He chided as we walked outside into the hallway. Our boots made tapping noises as we hurried towards the cafeteria. "Race you there!" He shouted and sped up.

I smirked and literally flew past him, making him gasp in surprise and nearly stumble. "You were saying?" I called out to him once I got near the door, He cursed under his breath.

"Your fast...too do you get that fast?" He asked in confusion. I smiled.

"I naturally run that way, and I wasn't even pumping chakra into my feet."

He deadpanned. "You really are" I laughed at his expression.

"Of course! Let's go." I help open the door for him and closed it once I entered the treshold. It was kind of empty, which was no surprise considering it was late already. However, Connie was standing by the sink with Jean washing what appeared to be dishes. We approached them.

"Connie, is there still food?" Eren asked out loud hopefully.

They both turned around at the sound of his voice. "Tch, you two finally got out of that cave? We were beginning to think that maybe you two...uh..." Jean held up a hand to his nose as his cheeks grew red. Eren looked completely flustered and Connie burst out laughing.

"S-shut the hell up bastard! Nothing happened! We just share a room!" The brown haired boy shouted angrily, red gracing his cheeks. Jean snorted.

"What the hell did you just call me? Punk!" He got in Erens face so that their foreheads were touching. They glared at each other in hatred. I smirked, Jean was a pervert alright...

"Gee, I wonder who's head I should push forward first?" I said outloud to myself. They tore away from each other to gain distance from me. Connie was bending over while holding his stomach tightly now, still laughing.

"D-don't even try..." Eren mumbled as Connie reached under a drawer and pulled out a bag of bread and a carton of milk, as well as a small basket of fruit and meat tarts. I took the goods while Eren grabbed plates and cups.

"Humph! This isn't over you little shit, i'll get you." Jean whispered over to the boy. I sighed as Eren threw a few curse words at him.

"Guys, enough...lets eat, here jean." I reached to slip a green scroll into his hand before sitting down on a table. He grinned.

"Woo hoo! I gotta go, see ya brat! Sakura!" He howled in delight as he ran out the door. Eren growled.

"That bastard got that from Levi..." He muttered darkly and sat down, pushing a cup and plate towards me. I smiled and filled my plate with sweet bread, as well as pouring milk into my cup.

"You and Jean fight a lot?" I asked, taking a bite of the bread.

He frowned as he poured his own milk. "He starts it, I...I realized though...I was just like him back then, an impulsive fool who was too stubborn to see reason...I was blind."

My green eyes rose to meet his blue ones. "Oh?"

He shook his head. "Nothing...sorry, I'm just...I regret spending the last minutes with my mom fighting over some stupid thing."

My heart surged. "I'm sorry..." was all I could mutter. I knew nothing about Eren's past...but then if it was that delicate then I would have to wait for him to open up to me.

He nodded and took a bite of his sweet bread. "Yeah...I am too."

At that moment, Connie walked over to us and slumped down on the seat next to Eren. He grinned at me, which I returned warmly. "Hey, Sasha was looking for you, said you guys were going somewhere?" He reached to take a banana from the basket. I paused as I remembered my plans with the girls yesterday. Taking huge quick bites out of my bread and gulping down my milk, I reached to grab a banana as well and stood up.

"Oh right, thank you for telling me!" I turned to Eren. "I'll see you later then." I slipped out of the table and hurried outside. They were probably waiting for me by the stables...just like Ymir said. I squinted at the sun as the chilly wind ruffled my hair and sent my green cloak swirling around my body. If it was this cold, how were we going to swim? I sighed. Ymir had the strangest ideas... I made my way to the back of the building nonetheless, watching as fallen leaves swayed on the ground with the wind. I could see a line of trainees running with water pales in each hand. I winced, I was glad I didn't have to go through that. I sprinted once I saw the stables with a few people wearing their own green cloaks baring the wings of the scouting legion. I saw Christa first as she stood my a horse with hay in hand. Sasha was dragging a water bucket inside the stables, probably to wash down some dirty spots on the horses. Christa caught sight of me as I came closer to them.

"Good evening Sakura, were you asleep?" She asked as I peeled my banana.

"Good evening, are we all set?" I looked around to see Mikasa petting a horse a few inches away. "She's coming too?" Christa nodded.

"Yep, Ymir is inside the stables, you should go get a horse too." She stated with a soft voice. I nodded and stepped inside, making a face at the odd hay smell. It was like being in a least they kept it clean. I spotted Ymir leading a pretty brown horse outside it's personal place.

"Can I take just any?" I asked her outloud.

She turned to me and grinned. "I see your here now, yes take any, just don't put your finger in front of it's nose, it will think it's a carrot and bite it off." She whistled. "But then again it will grow back anyway."

I shivered and nodded. "Don't put finger on horse's nose, got it!" I made my way to one of the small doors and unlatched it, cooing the horse out. As if knowing, he walked out immidiately and stood straight. My eyebrows rose.

"These horses are trained since they are specifically bred for the survey corps." Ymir said as she led her horse out. "It knows to walk out and wait for you as soon as soon as you unlatch the bind to the door."

I whistled. "Nice." I moved to grab the saddle hanging by his stall and the reins, putting them on the horse. Once they were secured, I lifted myself up and gently kicked, sending it jogging forward. Ymir and the others were waiting outside, already seated on their own horses. I smiled brightly at them. "So we go already?

Ymir nodded, her dark brown pony-tailed hair swaying in the wind. "Yup, i'll lead, you guys follow behind." She stated to us.

"Alright." Sasha said with sleepy eyes. She looked a bit tired, most likely from her frequent trips to the fridge at night. Ymir kicked her horse and held on to the reins as it ran forward. We did the same, following close to the brown haired were heading towards the same empty path Levi and I took yesterday. The one leading to Petra's town, however, we didn't go directly in the middle of it, we cut around it and into the blank field east of it. My body hopped up and down as my horse ran, I could see Mikasa right behind Christa while Sasha rode by my side, if not a little more forward. I kicked to go faster and held on as my horse sped up. It may have been chilly, but the sun was still up. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to swim after all. We cut around a bundle of bushes and continued on for several minutes. I squinted in the sun. The beating wind was starting to affect my eyes and make them water.

"How much longer?!" I called out after a moment of silence.

Ymir glanced back at me. "Almost there! What? You're getting tired?."

I shook my head. "No, It's the wind, my eyes are getting watery."

Mikasa shot me a quick glance. "I know what you mean..." She was squinting too, her raven black hair swaying violently in the wind. We continued onwards for another few minutes until we came across a big forest. It was smaller than the one outside the wall of course, but it was big enough to get lost in. There was a small skinny path on the side of it.

"Lets speed up!" Ymir called. We obeyed and followed suit as her horse took off. I observed the woods carefully from my perch. Would no one really look at us swimming in our undergarments? I was still a little uneased with that...but I would have to trust Ymirs word for it. We entered the path soon after, our horses hooves pounded hard on the dirt floor as we ran past the many trees, making them become a green blur. I shivered against the coldness of the air. I was really glad I brought my cloak after all, and it still had Levi's scent. A faint smell of champaign and sweet mint. I blushed, wanting to rip it off. I couldn't be thinking in such a way about that bastard...I wasn't thinking clearly. We made a sharp turn and headed into a ragged road with random set trees. I held on to the reins and maneuvered around the incoming trees. I had to be careful now. I followed as the others made another turn into a closed-in path.

"Alright slow down!" Ymir called. We did and I leaned back to inspect the view. It was very closed in all right...I didn't really know how far in we were, but it seemed to be somewhere in the far middle. I could see a small clear lake with rocks surrounding it and a small River-like waterfall. It was pretty. We got off our horses and tied them up to the trees, making sure the rope was long enough to let them roam. I made my way towards the lake quickly, my boots pounded on the soft earth which each step. Sasha followed after me.

"It's really warm because of the sun, that's why we come before night falls." She stated smiling. Mikasa and the others walked towards the waters edge as well, stripping off their clothes. I did the same, slipping off my boots and socks with ease. I felt the ground under my bare feet and smiled. It was soft to the touch, and had a very nice damp texture. I slipped off my jeans next, then my green cloak and black shirt, folding them neatly. I held on to the cloak for longer, relishing the feel and choosing instead to set it on top of a nearby rock. It wasn't to preserve the smell or anything...I pouted, a faint blush on my cheeks. I just didn't want to get my uniform dirty. My clothes were nothing special, but my uniform was. I moved to set my folded clothes on the small patch of grass away from the water and next to the others clothes. My boots rested by the tree trunk. My slim body shivered as I stood in my undergarments and I turned around to start walking towards the waters edge.

"Ohhhh red bra and underwear? It looks sooo cute on you" Ymir eyed my body and winked, standing in her own blue and black spotted undergarments. Christa elbowed her hard.

"Did you invite her to drool over her you pervert?" She grumbled, clad in white undergarments.

Ymir smirked."Not just her, you too." She laughed, unbuttoning her bra. My eyes nearly bulged out of my sockets.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed loudly, watching her literally get naked. Christa gave me a confused stare as she too, slipped out of her undergarments.

"It's called skinnydipping, it feels better that way." She said smiling. I gawked at her, trying hard not to look at her body. Well we were all girls, but Ymir was here for gods sake! Mikasa and Sasha were already in the water, splashing around and swimming.

"No way! I'm not taking my underwear off...that's crazy!" I looked around nervously, my phobia of a peeping tom lurking nearby not quite gone.

"Let her, if she doesn't want to then she doesn't have to, she's probably self conscious about her flat chest, we should respect that." She half-smirked at me. I couldn't believe it...that bastard!

Ymir shrugged. "suit yourself." She ran into the water, hair wild and free. Christa joined her and splashed inside. I watched as they smiled and laughed, swimming at ease in the water. My frown was deepening and I pouted. Damn Mikasa! Was she making fun of me?! Well I wasn't going to be outdone by that scheming bimbo. Talking crap to me...I'll kill her... My anger deepened. I slid my hands behind me and unbuttoned my own bra, letting it slid down easily. I slipped off my underwear as well, putting my underclothes on my pile on the grass before running at full speed into the water. I dived, feeling the surprising warmth engulf me. Once I sprang up to take a breath Sasha was grinning at me.

"So you joined us, yay!"

Ymir smirked and dove under, making me turn my back to her. The pervert...I shot a glare at Mikasa as I brushed my pink-plastered hair away from my face.

"We should spar sometime, just me and you, hand to hand." I said evily. Hell...I was going to kick the crap out of her for that comment.

She huffed. "It's wouldn't be might kill me with one punch..."

I smirked. "You bet your ass I will! If you have something against me just say it! Don't go opening your mouth or sending me mean looks!"

Sasha and Christa shared glances. Mikasa stared. "Your the one who's all over Eren! I know what you're doing! Fine! A fight it is then!" She sneered. I smiled.

"Delusional freak, I have nothing on Eren, It's settled then, we will settle this in a fight." I muttered darkly.

Ymir sprang up. "Cmon! This is a time to have fun!" She shouted, splashing mikasa and me. I ducked under the water. They were right...It was better to skinnydip. I felt so was just us. I sprang up and floated around on my back while Christa tried to imitate me. Sasha dove from high up on the rocks.

"Bet you guys are too scared to do this!" She yelled. Ymir and I exchanged challenging glanced and got out of the water to race to the top where Sasha dove off from. We jumped, cannon balling with a laugh. When I landed I made a face as water accidentally shot up my nose. I sprang up whining painfully.

"Arghhh! My nose!" I shouted.

Christa winced. "Ouch...I hate it when that happens." She murmured. Mikasa smirked.

"Serves you right."

I glared at her. "Hope it happens to you too, witch." I splashed at her.

She returned the glare. "Hope you suffer much more in your dives." She splashed back. We were engaged in a splash war now, hurling insults until we were too tired to continue. I chose to float and relax on my back with Sasha in the deep, the lowering sun barely hitting us. It was getting a bit dark now.

"You know...I think Erwin and the Corporal have been acting really strange recently." Sasha muttered lowly. I paused.

"Oh?" I said, biting back laughter.

"Y-yeah...maybe...maybe it's just me but...i've been experiencing strange...encounters with them." She paused, thinking of how to say it without giving herself away.

I changed the subject quickly. "Me too...I've been having someone on my mind a lot lately...I hate it, I feel kind of sick."

Sasha eyed me curiously. "It sounds like you're in love."

I almost chocked on my own saliva. "With Levi? Hell no!" I shrieked.

She stared at me in stunned silence before responding. "Y-you're in love with the Corporal? No way..."

I turned my head towards her so hard I got a whip-lash. "I don't love that cleaning obsessed bastard..." I murmured with an unsure tone. She smiled.

"Sounds like you are...but isn't he a little old? Well I guess It doesn't matter as long as he looks young."

I sighed. "I don't love him...hell no...wait, how old is he anyway?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know but he ought to be older...I mean, to be a Corporal, have you ever heard of a teenage Corporal?"

I shook my head. "Guess not..." We floated in silence for a while before hearing Ymirs voice.

"Heyyyy! We're leaving now! It's getting dark!" She hollered. Sasha swam up and called back.

"Coming!" She turned towards me. "Aren't you going to head back too?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I'll be staying here for a bit more, tell them to go ahead without me, but leave my horse." I drawled. It was nice to have some alone time.

She nodded. "Of course! See you later then." I heard water ripple as she swam back. I could see the others getting dressed as well and getting the horses ready. It wasn't long before I heard horses hooves as they rode away. I closed my eyes in contempt, relishing the peacful silence washing over me. I floated for what seemed to be hours, even though in actuality it was only minutes. I brought my hands to me face. My fingers were already wrinkling, and it was getting cold. Perhaps I should have gone with them. I floated up and started swimming to shore slowly, taking small butterfly strokes to savior the moment. Once I got to the waters edge I walked out shivering, crossing my arms over my chest to keep warm. Jogging over to the spot harboring my clothes, I froze. My horse was gone. Groaning loudly, I clutched my wet hair in frustration.

"Those idiots..." I murmured darkly. It was probably Mikasa. The scheming little...ugh! Now I had to run...I squinted in the shadows of the ground, feeling around the grass. Because it was getting dark, it was harder to see now. I felt the grass, looking frantically. I shivered with the caressing air. It was damn cold...

After a While I stared hopelessly at the floor. My clothes were no where in sight, only my boots. Did that dark haired twat take them on purpose? I was really worried now, how on earth was I supposed to get back with no clothes on? I turned back towards the rock that held my cloak. At least I had that but...where the hell were the rest of my clothes?

I felt around again, scanning the whole area this time, and froze. I could see a figure holding what appeared to be a long object in it's hand up above the hill,my breath stopped, I felt fear rush through me as a piercing scream left my mouth, more from embarrassment than from actual fear. I rushed into the water at full speed to cover myself, staying down for a good minute. No...who was out there? I thought I was alone. I cursed Ymir in my head. She lied to me! The lack of air is what forced me up and I rose with a deep breath, quickly brushing my heavy hair away from my face. I scanned the spot where I saw the figure. It was empty now...there was no one. I swam towards the larger rocks quickly. It was really dark now, the sun was completely falling. I shivered as I felt around the hard surface of the rocks to move across them as silently as possible. If someone was out there to hurt me I had to be careful. My hands were cold...I was cold...I was naked. I was in no condition to fight dammit. Still, if I had to I would get out there and swallow my pride. I stopped once I was underneath a large rock and smushed myself against it, shivering against the cold, dark water. What now? Was I to stay here the whole night? I couldn't do that. I could turn into a titan and...what? Go into town to scare everyone half to death? I couldn't do that either. I was in a hopeless situation. I closed my eyes shut and cursed under my breath. I could have cried right about now. I never hated my life so much...why did there have to be some axe weilding psycho out there? Maybe...maybe he took my clothes and let my horse free? I shivered violently. I was too vulnerable to waltz out there in this state, I needed clothes.

Sucking some air, I gained courage. I could use my cloak at least. I could pull it down to hide my bottom if it was long enough. I moved slowly, pressing my hands against the cold rocks and gliding across them silently. I had to do this quick. I continued to move slowly, looking around wildly, pausing every time I though I heard a noise to listen. I stopped, hearing footsteps. Was it the axe man? I shivered. I had to attack him before he attacked me. I moved quickly now, trying hard not to make the water move, using my hands to glide. The footsteps were heading towards the rock where my cloak was. My heart sped up. Was he going to take that as well? I couldn't let him. I moved quickly until I got near the edge. I was suddenly engulfed in light as a beam hit my face. He had a flashlight.

"Sakura?" Armins voice called out. My heart sped up. was only Armin. I laughed uncontrollably.

"Armin! Thank goodness! You found me! Help! I'm stuck here!" I said pleadingly, lowering my body so that the water was at my necks level. I could hear another set of footsteps. Levi appeared behind the blonde boy.

"What the hell are you doing? Get out of there NOW, Hanji has been going crazy looking for you, you were gone for three whole hours, why the hell are you out swimming this late brat?" He stated in a pissed off tone. It was obvious Hanji was not the only one looking for me. I didn't care if he was pissed. I was saved.

"Three hours? Holy crap! It felt like minutes I swear! How did you find me?" I was laughing nervously now, my jaw was shivering with the cold.

"Sasha told us you were here, said you guys went swimming but you stayed behind, she got worried because you were taking so long, what do you mean you're stuck there?" Armin murmured.

I blushed madly, wanting to cry. "I...I don't have clothes, I don't have ANYTHING on me...someone took my clothes..." I whimpered. I could see Levi's eyebrows rise and he moved his own flashlight down towards my body. "S-stop it!" I shrieked, covering my chest with my arms. He sighed.

"Idiot, I was trying to see if you're lying." He muttered, face hidden. Armin gaped at him with a faint blush.

"There was a man with an Axe watching me! He was standing on top of the hill! I got scared, he had a weapon!" I wailed.

Levi smirked. "That was probably Erwin, he comes here frequently to cut trees, what were you doing out here naked anyway?"

I blushed. Erwin? It was only Erwin..."I was...floating" I breathed.

I could see Armin's face go deep red. Levi held an amused expression, sliding off his black coat. "I see, I'm sure he had quite a view." He muttered. Armin said nothing.

I held back a growl. If it wasn't for my situation, I would hurl myself at him to choke him to death. "Can you look for my clothes?" I pleaded as I eyed Levi gripping his coat. Armin muttered something to him and Levi nodded.

"About that, were you wearing red? We found some tattered underwear not too far off from here." He stated.

I growled. Bastard, he had to say that color specifically. "Someone must have taken them to tatter them up, it was Mikasa, we had a little dispute before she left." I muttered, clearly pissed. Armin looked surprised.

Levi shrugged. "If it's bothering you that much, I can have a talk with her, here, put this on and get out of there before you turn into a popsicle." He tossed the coat by the rock. I bit my lip.

"Turn around, both of you, and I can handle Mikasa." I instructed harshly. They did as they were told and turned, giving me a view of their backs. "Don't you dare look!" I warned as I slipped out quickly.

"Don't flatter yourself." Levi grumbled. I bent to pick up the coat quickly, draping it over my shoulders and buttoning it up. I could smell whiskey and mint, his scent. I hated the way it made my heart race. I grabbed my boots and put them on, holding my cloak as well.

"Alright...take me back." I stated. They turned around, Levi's flashlight shone on my legs and he watched as I tried pulling it down. It was barely enough to cover my bottom. glared at him and he moved the beam away from my legs and into the dirt.

"Just making sure it fits." He mumbled, face blank.

"Pervert..." I whispered as the three of us started walking.

He didn't say anything. Just mumbled something about me getting sick for being in the water at this hour. I pouted, I was going to punch Mikasa into tomorrow after this, I was fuming. Really...For Levi out of all people to find me like this. Why couldn't it just be Armin? I sighed heavily, shivering in the cold. Not even Levi's coat protected me. We walked onward...back to headquarters.

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