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Levi and I had reached an agreement while we talked sitting on the grass by the trainee fields. Because of our statuses and obvious age difference, which was small in my opinion, we decided to be intimate with each other in secret. I had no problem with that, hell I felt like a million bucks. Seriously, I was grinning like a fool. I felt like I was walking on clouds as I made my way back towards the wall. I sighed. Levi had to go off to get something done so I had to go back alone. It was getting late already, with the afternoon sun hitting, and I needed something to eat. I haven't eaten for the longest and my stomach was pleading for grub.

I sighed and continued walking down the dirt path that I took earlier. It was weird knowing Levi felt the same way...and surprising. All this time and we both had no idea. The humor was strong in that one. I hated his guts when I first got here because of how he treated me, but I didn't realize I was slowly likeing him as time went on. Was it because he reminded me of Sasuke? I snorted. Of course not, it was because he was everything Sasuke was not. He was everything I wanted Sasuke to be, as selfish as that sounded. I looked around me to see if I saw Sasha anywhere. Only she knew where all the food was. I nearly stumbled back in surprise when I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I turned to see a girl with the scouting legion uniform staring at me.


I nodded, a bit confused. "Yes?"

"Hanji want's to speak with you, she's waiting for you over at the walls end, they're still trying to find out how the titans got in." She muttered in a fast pace.

I nodded in understanding. "I was going to head over there anyway, thanks for the notice." I said as I skipped around her and speed walked away. I had no idea what Hanji needed to tell me that was so important. Couldn't it wait? I was starving.

I walked around a couple of buildings under construction and peered over at the wall. It wasn't very far away thankfully. I continued walking at a fast pace, passing by rushing people and eager to get to my destination. The faster I got there, the faster I ate and got some sleep. I needed proper rest too. I was about to round a corner and much to my surprise, I spotted Ymir limping ahead of me. I knew it was her...I could recognize that short ponytail anywhere. The question was why was she out here? Only one way to find out...I skipped over to her and stopped beside her, easily keeping up with her slow pace.

"Ymir! You're better already?" I asked, eyeing her arms. They were intact and renewed, as was her leg. Her limbs had regenerated and healed faster than I thought.

She glanced at me with a tired expression and snorted. "You bastard, I could have used some help back there."

I blinked at the comment, then looked away quickly. "Oh errrr, I thought you had it haha." I said while scratching the back of my head.

She rolled her eyes and continued walking. "So are you going back to the wall too?" I asked curiously in an attempt to start small talk.

She nodded. "Yeah, I have to explain why I didn't tell anyone about my condition now don't I." She didn't seem too amused at the task she had. If anything, she looked greatly annoyed that she was the center of attention among everyone. Ymir was the type to be in the background, spectating, not being spectated.

The world before her eyes / Naruto and Aot crossover / Sakura HarunoWhere stories live. Discover now