Overflowing Lights // lee hae...

By kara_axo

300 24 16

street racing au / lee haechan things changed for Kora when she moved to Gwantoneon, a racing metropolis. sh... More



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By kara_axo

"Dude I swear-... this is the last time I'm getting you up today. Taeyong is going to personally beat your ass if you don't get up" I heard Mark say from what I assumed was the doorway. 

"Why the hell do I need to be up so early for? Race isn't until the evening, so I'm good" I replied making sure to muffle half the response in my pillow. 

"Something about going out to meet with some people" Mark explained. 

Finally opening up my eyes slowly, I could see the pink clouds that decorated the sky. 

"Remember when we were younger we used to call the morning sunrises cotton candy" I said, not paying mind to what Mark had said earlier. 

"Yeah, and I also remember Taeyong telling me to get your ass up and ready for the third time" Mark retorted. 

"You're no fun" I groaned as I finally sat up to get ready. 

"Aren't you and Doyoung usually the ones to deal with investments, meetings, and partners?" I ask Taeyong as he drove along the dead morning streets. 

The only people that lined the streets were weekend vendors setting up for the afternoon crowds, and drunks from the nights before. 

"You gotta learn about this stuff at some point Haechan. If you market yourself better, and actually care to mingle instead of repeatedly burning bridges..." Taeyong started as he kept his eyes fixated on the roads. 

"People just hate that I'm honest" I reply feeling quite proud of myself. 

"Do you know how many complaints I get about you and your sportsmanship?" Taeyong asks with raised eyebrows. 

"And how many of those are from Yeji?" I ask cocking an eyebrow. 

It was quiet for a second as I could tell Taeyong was either counting or hold back. 

"Too many..." he finally replies which causes me to chuckle. 

Taeyong finally pulled into what seemed like a small building that was settled in a tiny strip mall with forgetful businesses. 

"So am I to wait in the car?" I ask as I check my phone for any notifications. 

Taeyong chuckled lightly before sending a dead-pan glare. 

"I was kidding of course!" I say trying to lighten the mood, but I think it was too early. 

"When we get in, don't say a word. You just watch and see what's supposed to be done" Taeyong orders locking the car behind us. 

"To be seen not heard" I joke. 

"Exactly!" he replied happily. 

I was kidding... 

Approaching the doors I noticed we were heading into a travel agency. 

Wonder where we're going next? 

The place was like any normal office except with the tech from the mid- 2000's. 

Technology old enough to make you wonder if it still had the game Pong installed. 

"Margo!" Taeyong said ecstatically, making the wome]an from the back corner peak to greet us. 

"Hey Taeyong, who's with you today?" the lady asked, now standing up to greet us. 

"Just one of my racers, he's joining me as my little helper today" Taeyong explained. 

You've got to be fucking kidding me? 

Little helper? Who is he?...Santa? 

"Aw that's cute. But what are you here for today, booking new location?' she asked. 

"Not yet, but I wanted to discuss about your photography side business" Taeyong mentioned. 

"Yeah what's up, you need some prints?" she asked, glancing to her dinosaur of a computer and back to us. 

"I need an exclusive photographer for NCT, and you're one of the few street photographers I know" Taeyong mentioned. 

That YOU know, you're lucky to not know this other one... 

"Exclusive?" she questioned. 

"As in you work exclusively with NCT, and no other racing groups. You'd still be open for freelance and other projects, but no other racing groups" Taeyong explained some boundaries. 

Taeyong had always had a things for tight knit connections, which is ironic for the amount of people he knows. 

I still remember the amount of scouting he went through for Sungchan and Shotaro. 

"I don't know, I've gotten multiple offers from other racing groups such as Straykids and Ateez" she explained, in a tone that caught my interest. 

I can be stupid, but I could tell she was in bargain mode. 

"Margo, we're good acquaintances and I shouldn't have to explain as to why you should side with NCT" Taeyong replied, almost testing her. 

She pauses for a second looking me and then to Taeyong. 

"What's pay like?" she asks. 

"You get paid for works, no salary. Yet extra bonus for stay exclusive, and some benefits" Taeyong explains. 

Once again pausing, I could tell she was unsure. 

"Can I think about it and give you a call?" she asks, Taeyong nods silently before standing up. 

Matching his actions I follow him to the door as he waves silently and leaves out the exit. 

"So what do you think she'll say?" I ask as we approach the car. 

"It doesn't matter what she says, I'm not going with her" he replies entering the car. 

"You're shitting me, so why continue?" I ask. 

"I tested her. Little birdy in the car industry let me know she just blew her saving on a gambling addiction" Taeyong replied, starting the car. 

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask. 

"She's broke and has new debts, but is waring on a good job opportunity. Her and I have had business deals in the past and if she wavers this much in a job opportunity to throw other racing teams in my face, she's not loyal" Taeyong finally says explaining everything. 

"Is loyalty that important?" I question. 

"Not specifically loyalty, but considering I've helped her in the past to grow her photography career; I expect a type of respect instead of trying to bargain with me" Taeyong states. 

It was interesting to me to see Taeyong over time become someone running NCT to such a higher caliber. 

I still remember the racing group had just started back with only five members. 

"Also speaking of photographers, that girl....Kora, right?" Taeyong suddenly mentioned as he weaved in between cars on the road. 

"What about her?" I question 

"Have you settled that situation since your previous blow up?" he asks 

"Yeah basically" I answer, not giving too much information. 

"So you've done the shoot with her?" he asks. 

I could feel him glancing at me every now and then. 

"Not exactly" I say in a lower tone. 

"So how exactly did you settled it?" he questions, seeing a slight head tilt in my peripheral. 

"We made a new agreement last night at the club" I reply. 

"A new agreement?!...You couldn't even follow the first one!" Taeyong says laughing loudly. 

The response reminding me of Kora's exact reaction. 

The lights were so intense in 5up that one night, and added with alcohol my thoughts felt fuzzy. 

Yet I still focus on Kora's stupid eyes, as they practically rolled after everything I said. 

I could feel myself getting annoyed just by the memory. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Either way, the new deal is on" I explain. 

"Why do you say that? Who's to say you won't break it again?" Taeyong questioned, I could feel his tone being laced with a smirk. 

"Because I want to race, I'm done being on your private probation" I reply. 

"Good answer, you should want to race. I want you start taking this stuff seriously" he explained. 

"I do take it seriously" I reply. 

"Then start showing it" Taeyong stated. 

As he continued to speed down the road, my mind flashed back to 5up again. 

A slight smirk appearing on my lips. 

"She made me pinky promise, can you believe that?" I said glancing to Taeyong quickly. 

Taeyong looked at me with one of his eyebrows quirked up, and then back to the road. 

"Kora?" he questions. 

"Yeah, I felt like I was 11 years old again" I joked. 

"Shouldn't be any different since you act like your 13 years old" Taeyong replied in a quieter tone. 

Nudging him slightly for the response, we both kind of smile it off. 

The air was colder tonight, making me wish to race tonight. 

Whenever it was cold out last season I'd race with my windows down, leaving me an opening to flip off Yeji each time she tailgated my ass. 

Crowds had already gathered, and Dream members had just arrived so I knew the race was to start soon. 

"Yo Johnny are you racing tonight?" I ask calling to Johnny, obviously joking which caused him to chuckle. 

"Unless we're racing a 16 year old who just got their license, I doubt it" he replies. 

Johnny wasn't a racer under NCT, but he's still considered apart of NCT. 

I guess he met Ten at a race once as they strike up conversation, and I guess Ten introduced him to everyone. 

And it's been history ever since. 

"I'm pretty sure Jaehyun is racing" he adds, which made me wince. 

"You're shitting me right?" I ask. 

"Haechan you little shit, stop doubting me and my racing skills" Jaehyun called over near his car, which was of course accompanied by 2 girls. 

"Jaehyun I would never doubt your racing skills! I'm just worried that you don't understand that you can't flirt to win!" I joke back, which from Jaehyun expression I knew he was going to get my ass back at some point. 

Glancing back to Johnny a familiar figure stood out to me. 

Felix was walking around somewhere, and it seemed like something caught his attention. 

I knew that something was Kora, so she has to be somewhere near by. 

And as I spoke I could see her stupid camera lens aimed right at my car. 

Flashing my middle finger near the hood I saw Koras face pop up from the camera.

She had the kind of expression that my mom gives me all the time when I would say something snarky. 

As she walked towards me, seeing Felix noticing was enough to make me chuckle. 

She's clueless. 

"We have a deal remember?" Kora said moving her camera to the side. 

"Is this the photoshoot? Maybe I should get involved?" I joked laying lightly on my hood like a car model. 

Still keeping her camera at her side I hear the camera click a good couple of times, causing me to sit up. 

Looking to her camera she started giggling to herself. 

"You seem in a good mood tonight, racing tonight?" she questions. 

Causing my mood to falter, and I think she noticed. 

"Jaehyun's racing tonight" I stated. 

"So?" she questions with a shrug. 

"The man never races!" I saw with quite an exploded reaction, more than I intended to be honest. 

The action causing her to hand me a cig, taking it quickly. 

"You really wanna race huh?" she asked. 

"Yeah I need the money, not all of us easily have it at out finger tips" I practically spat out looking at Kora. 

Her expression seemed to have dropped, and I could tell she got offended. 

But I didn't care. 

"You really know how to be inconsiderate asshole" she remarks, before snatching the cig out my mouth and keeping it for herself. 

"You walked over here sweetheart" I retorted, which earned me a glare before she walked off. 

Her glare was kind of intense, the type where you didn't know whether to prepare for a punch or a kick in the groin.  

She walked off quickly on her way to Yuta, and it caused an annoyance in me more. 

All she does is hover around him, while he bends to every will for no reason. 

Saying all this Hatu bullshit, before treating her like a long lost sister. 

With the sound of the announcer coming over the intercom I couldn't help but feel myself sulking. 

In an effort to avoid Taeyong seeing I decided to spectate the set off from inside my car.

I wasn't necessarily surprised that Jaehyun ended up winning, but apart of me still sulked due to how badly I wanted to drive. 

While he raced I spent most of my time smoking cigarettes' and scrolling through my unanswered messages 

Mom: Please call me when you can. 

A particular one catching my attention before swiping to delete it. 

Looking to the crowds they all gathered Jaehyun's winning car, and it was now time to find out where the after party would be. 

Stepping out of my car I realized that I should've worn something heavier than a flannel, as the air was turning even colder. 

Johnny greeted me first pulling me in for a side hug as the rest talked about supposedly Jaehyun's good pull through across the line. 

"So where we heading to tonight?" Yuta asked holding some random girl at his side. 

"Ruby's?"Jaehyun mentioned, earning agreement from everyone,.. except me. 

I hate ruby's. 

Looking to my peripheral I saw Kora in a different group talking with Shuhua and the dreamies not to far from where I was. 

And not to far from them was Felix's eyes rested on Kora. 

He's making it too obvious. 

It's embarrassing. 

With me hating ruby's, and the joy of starting up trouble...

I release myself from Johnny's grasp and saunter myself over to Kora. 

Approaching her from behind I lean down slowly making to look Felix in the eye. 

"Wanna complete the deal tonight?" I whisper in a low tone. 

Kora almost shivered to my unexpected processes before turning around. 

"Hey Shuhua you mind if I finish some stuff with Haechan, and we hang out another time?" Kora asked. 

Shuhua nodded, before sending me a glare. 

The best part of the interaction was watching Felix pierce his eyes in my direction as we walked back to my car. 

That leaving me with a smirk as we drove away. 

"So why here?" I ask Kora. 

"I don't know, alright lighting" she replied with a shrug. 

"I was excepting something a little more artistically speaking, considering most photographers have a muse or expectation" I say. 

Kora was getting her lens set up taking some tester shots. 

"How many photographers have you met?" she asks tilting her head at me. 

"Street racing photographers? Like 5. And honestly all assholes" I responded. 

"6 now" Kora muttered lowly. 

"Are you saying you're an asshole?" I question almost chuckling, as Kora doesn't seem like the type to self insult herself. 

"Unapologetically so" she replies. 

Guess I was wrong. 

"Quite honest from someone who acts to pretentious" I comment. 

Kora clicked the trigger of her camera  a few times, before moving to a different angle. 

"Pretentious, or confident?" she questions back, turning to quirk her brow at me. 

"I am confident. You are pretentious" I reply. 

"No, you are cocky. I am confident in my specialties" Kora explains. 

"And what are your specialties?" I ask in a curious tone, the question making Kora pause what she was doing. 

"Kicking perverts asses is one of them" she replies. 

"I was just asking your specialties! You didn't have to make it sexual!" I say almost deflecting my intentions earlier. 

"Either way, you don't seem like the fighting type" I add. 

"You're actually not wrong about that" Kora replies. 

"Well not physically. But I have no issue with confrontation" she adds. 

"Yeah I know that...." I retort due to my prior experiences with her, this earning a chuckle from Kora. 

"So how long have you been racing for?" she asked, now taking photos from the back. 

"Too long" I reply. 

"Lost track of time?" Kora asks, earning a hum of agreement from me. 

"What about you and photography?" I ask. 

"Could say the same about too long.  Surprised I haven't gotten a different job now" she says mumbling under her breath. 

"Oh so you photograph full time?" I question. 

Kora hums silently, and apart of me is starting to understand why she got so upset by my comment earlier. 

"So how are commissions going to work by the way? Do you send them my info or do you want me to reach out to them?" Kora asked, reminding me about the rest of the deal. 

"I'll have Taeyong get you good commissions, he knows people who will pay good" I explain. 

"Does he run everything?" she asked taking a second away from her camera. 

"All of NCT wise. He's been branching out with some international racing groups like SuperM if you've heard of them" I mention. 

"Oh shit! They're pretty successful out west" Kora mentions with a slight smile. 

"Yeah. Taeyong and Mark who you met 5up are apart of SuperM" I say, earning a nod from Kora. 

"And you're apart of 127, U, and Dream?" Kora questions. 

Turning to look at her, it made me smirk a little. 

"Looks like someone was doing their research about me" I comment cockily. 

"Very funny. More like I was looking into the racing groups in the city" she retorts. 

"Sure. It's okay, you can admit you're curious about me" I say, earning me an eye roll from her. 

"I think that anyone who's curious about you, doesn't have the best intentions" Kora comments as she focuses through her camera lens again. 

Walking quietly over to her I lean down slowly, and I could tell she could pick up on my presence. 

"And what are your intentions with me?" I whisper softly in her ear. 

The actions visibly had an effect on her. 

Her finger was frozen over the trigger of her camera, yet her eyes still stayed focus through the lens. 

As she removed the lens from her eyes she turn around slowly to look back at me. 

Her eyes loved to challenge mine, yet her expression stayed calm. 

"I could ask you the same thing" Kora replies, our lips practically inches apart. 

Will she give in? 

As she earns no response from me she quick to turn around earning a light hit across the face from her hair. 

The action making my expression drop. 

"You call me lover boy, but you're just as much as a flirt" I reply, making Kora laugh. 

"I'm a flirt? How so?" she questions. 

Her expression looking up as if she was testing me. 

"I think everybody and their mom knows that Felix has a thing for you" I reply. 

"How does that make me a flirt?" she questions. 

"We're just friends from my perspective, and not to mention I've heard you've gotten with half the city" she adds, making me chuckle. 

Taking a step closer towards her, she remained calm on her exterior. 

"Are you calling me a player?" I ask looking down at her sternly. 

My tone was enough for her eyes to freeze. 

"So what if I am?" Kora asked. 

A smirk couldn't help but stretch across my face as I looked down at her. 

"You like trying to get a reaction out of me" Kora states with a slight smile. 

"Yeah, it's interesting" I reply tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

She'll give in. 

She has to. 

But before anything else could, a soft ring tong was heard slightly muffled. 

Koras eyes flickered to her bag as she grabbed her phone and picked up the obvious phone call. 

"Hey what's up?" she said glancing to me and off somewhere in the distance. 

"Wait- I thought you were going to go home-" she started saying in a slightly confused tone. 

"Oh god-... okay, okay. Just stay put and text me where you are in the building" Kora says before hanging up. 

"I guess Jaemin and Jeno invited Shuhua to Ruby's after the race, and now she's stuck with drunk Jaemin and Jeno because the rest of the guys went off into a private room and doesn't know where" she says explaining. 

"Let's go" I say with an eye roll. 

"I hate Ruby's" I say in annoyed tone. 

"Why? Because the guys all get wasted?" Kora asked as I sped down the road. 

"Yes. But also the whole atmosphere of Ruby's is off. I swear there's something about that club that makes people drink, and lose their shit" I reply. 

"Oh, like the ambiance?" she asks. 

"No like a I deadass think they put something in the air. Last time I went there I was going to stick around for an hour max. Next thing I knew I was getting an uber home from Doyoung and I was missing all of my money" I explain. 

"Oh shit. Like bad stuff happens at Ruby's" Kora comments. 

"Exactly" I reply. 

The entrance of Ruby's was like a fever dream, as it's the only thing in my memories that isn't foggy. 

Kora and I walked side by side as she checked her phone for Shuhua's location, while I instead was anticipating the club. 

The music was literally pounding through the building as if it was trying to escape. 

Finally reaching the door to the club we slide it open and are immediately hit with over whelming bass and crowds. 

"You have actually got to be shitting me" Kora yells in my ear. 

The atmosphere of the club was already occurrent, yet this time I was sober to notice it. 

"Free drink?" a barely clothed woman offered holding a tray. 

Shaking my head, I was quick to move Kora away. 

"Don't take any drinks, don't talk to anyone except the people we're trying to find. Where exactly did Shuhua say she was at?" I question to Shuhua. 

"She said second floor near the entrance of the private rooms and is basically holding Jaemin and Jeno down from leaving" Kora explains. 

"Okay so let's get their quick. Best route to get there quick, but also without being distracted is around the crowds and going to the main staircase behind the glass chandelier to get to the second floor" I explain to Kora who nods. 

Following close to one another we maneuver through people on the out rims of the first floor. 

The fog machine had to have been turned on earlier before he had a arrived as it left a foggy affect on the club. 

Each time we got closer to the staircase I made sure to check that Kora was by my side. 

Finally reaching the stairs, a drunk body laid at the bottom making us lunge over him. 

Climbing up the steps we switched sides every now and then as crowds decided to dance on each step. 

"Haechan!" I suddenly heard Kora call, looking to my side I noticed she was gone. 

Looking back I saw a straggler, some male has decided to grab her and get her to dance. 

Maneuvering a couple steps down I was quick to grab her waist "fuck off buddy" I state to the guy, before practically dragging her up the stairs. 

Once on the second floor I tried my best from my memory to try and remember where the private rooms were located. 

But before I could think further Kora tapped my shoulder. 

"They're over by that booth before the curtained entrance!" Kora shouted beside me, while pointing around the side. 

"Good eye!" I saw as we make our way quickly to Shuhua. 

The booth was filled with a couple of other people, which they didn't seem to pay mind to Shuhua and the two drunks. 

When finally seeing us the look of relief on her face was almost funny. 

"Finally" Shuhua breathed out, letting go of Jaemin and Jeno. 

"Haechan!" Jaemin said excitedly while pulling him into a hug. 

"How did they end up this drunk and especially you alone with them?" Kora asked Shuhua. 

"They weren't too bad, but they went to a private room and came back plastered. I have no idea where the rest of the guys are" Shuhua explained. 

"Let's worry about that tomorrow. Let's just get these idiots out of here" I said grabbing Jaemin over my shoulder. 

Shuhua and Kora grabbed Jeno by each shoulder and practically forcing him to walk. 

Jaemin of course being the goofy drunk he is, decides to move his feet in every direction except forward. 

Earning a few kick in the shins from me. 

"Stop kicking me" Jaemin slurred in my ear. 

"Stop walking like you have two left feet" I complain back. 

Luckily when having drunks on your shoulders it kind of helps clear the way down the stairs, yet Jaemin was being an asshole. 

"If you keep stopping your feet, so help me I'll toss you down these steps" I yell in Jaemin's ear. 

"Do it, I'll just fly away!" Jaemin said cockily. 

His tone making me pause. 

"Haechan don't do it!" Kora yelled from behind me. 

"I was kidding obviously" I said before groaning as I practically carried Jaemin down. 

Still taking the out path away from huge crowds we trudged through until we were finally in the hallway we first entered through. 

"Holy shit" Kora breathed out as we all took a break from holding the drunks. 

"I could use a drink" Jeno complained. 

"Can I kick him?" Shuhua asked in an irritated tone. 

"I'll turn around, and whatever happens.. happens" I say with a slight chuckle. 

"God my boyfriend is going to kill me" Shuhua complained as we stood next to my car with Jaemin and Jeno still in our hands. 

"Why?" Kora asked confused. 

"He didn't know about the race tonight, and I said I was just stopping at your place for sushi as I didn't expect to be out all night. So he's freaking out on me and wondering where I'm at" Shuhua explained. 

"Oh shit. Look let's just get these idiots in the car and I'll help Haechan with them. You just go deal with that alright?" Kora suggested. 

"Seriously? Will you guys be alright?" Shuhua asked. 

"I mean the extra help would be-" I started, but a jab in my side from Kora shut me up. 

"It's fine, don't worry!" Kora said with a reassuring smile. 

After what felt like a minute the elevator doors dinged open. 

Kora now held all of Jeno's weight on her shoulder, while I still held Jaemin. 

"So do you y'all stay in the same dorm building?" Kora asked, as the each floor passed a ding went off. 

"God no. This is where the dreamies live, which I stay on the couch every now and then. But I stay in 127's dorm which actually isn't far from here" I explain, getting a nod from Kora. 

"Oh, but that's nice that you guys aren't that far from another" she comments. 

The elevator doors swung open once again and we trudge down the hall to the dorm doors as I punched in the key code before swinging it open. 

Letting Kora in first with Jeno she kind of stood there for a second, confused as where to place the drunk guy. 

"The first room on the right, and toss him on his bed or something" I stated. 

Kora opening up the door before watching her jump quickly and holding her chest. 

"God you scared the shit out of me!" making me walk over to investigate. 

Watching Kora toss Jeno on the bed, I saw Chenle and Jisung on the floor playing Jeno's games.

"I live here! I should've been scared of you!" Jisung said. 

"Shut up, she just helped me drag these idiots out of Ruby's and here" I said. 

 "Are you going to stay here and watch them?" Chenle asked, making me laugh. 

"God no, I did my work" I replied. 

Dragging Jaemin to his room, I tossed him on his bed before leaving. 

Kora was standing around the slightly barren living room as the boys didn't mind to decorate much. 

I mean if you considered a couch, and bunch of folding beach chairs a living room... 

"Quite interesting interior decorating" she said, both of us chuckling. 

"We can hear you guys!" Jisung called from Jeno's room. 

"Yes, and we think the lawn chairs look great!" Chenle added. 

"Oh my god shut up, we're joking!" Kora called back. 

"You ready to get back to your place?" I asked, which Kora shrugged and nodded. 

Pulling up to the entrance of Masue Village, I put the car in park. 

With both of us paused for a second, I couldn't really tell why. 

"Do you think the photos turned out good?" I asked. 

"Of course for our deal I mean-" I add. 


"Probably" Kora responded. 

Reaching for her bag and looked around for anything else she paused for a second. 

"Do you want to come see them?" she suddenly asked. 

"The pictures?" I question. 

"No my pet unicorn. Yes the pictures" she chuckles. 

"You can check them out for yourself" she adds. 


Why not though?

I could be doing something else...

Like what?

"Sure" I reply. 

When walking up to Umi Sushi I noticed how it was still busy even this late at night. 

Which wasn't necessarily unusual. 

When some of the guys and I first started racing we used to sometimes come here after our little wins. 

I followed Kora through the crowds, but a part of me couldn't help but notice Yeji's glare from one of the inside booths. 

Oh great she better not try anything. 

"Kora there you are! Can you help-... Who is he?" an older woman asked.

She looked tired, like really tired. 

"This is Haechan.. a friend of mine. Just going to go over some photos with him" Kora replied, which made me chuckle. 


"You got out of helping me tonight. But grab some ramen it's on the stove, as well as dumplings. Especially you boy, you look like you need a meal" She said pointing to me. 

"What-" I questioned. 

But Kora was quick to lead me past the counter and into the back kitchen. 

"Oh good, Ben is on his smoke break" Kora commented, as she grabbed two bowls from a shelf. 

Filling them up with noodles, she grabbed herself a dumpling before putting two in mine. 

"I wanted one" I state. 

"Too bad, should've said something quicker" Kora replied, causing me to chuckle. 

Once again following her through a tight short stair case to the second floor  was careful to not spill any of the food. 

"What does it mean to look like you need a meal" I questioned Kora as we climbed the steps. 

"No clue" Kora replied chuckling quietly. 

"It felt like an insult" I say holing my chest, making kora audibly laugh. 

Reaching a door at the end of a hallway Kora scrapped for a key in her, obviously trying to open the door. 

"This hallway looks like I was get mugged outside of it" Ii commented. 

"The only person who'd mug you here is Yasana" she replied. 

"She does look like a tough old lady" I retort. 

Finally opening up the door I was met with a pitch black room, other than the neon lights illuminating the room slightly. 

Kora hit a lamp in the corner on the floor to reveal an almost empty bedroom. 

"Holy shit I know you were not shitting on the dreamies dorm when your place looks like this!" I say trying not to laugh. 

"Shut up! I just moved in!" Kora said placing her stuff on the floor. 

"Just sit on the mattress and eat your ramen, and pull the photos up" she said in almost a demand. 

Using one of her pillows against the wall and sitting on the mattress I sat propped up holding my food. 

Grabbing her camera from bag, and her laptop from the corner she turned them on quickly. 

"Just sit tightly" she commented. 

"Kora, I'm not timing you" I reassure her which makes her pause for a second. 

With her computer screen flashing she typed in her password before pulling her camera in through the USB cord. 

Pulling a little side table to her side of the mattress, she took a seat before placing her ramen on the table and the laptop on her lap. 

"Alright so I'll probably do some minor edits due to lighting, contrast, and all the silly stuff but..." she started before pulling up a photo of the car. 

"Oh wow-" was all I could muster with my face full of food. 

Holy shit those are good. 

The image had good angles, and considering with edits it still looked defined. 

"Yeah, not too bad" she replied. 

"Show more" I stated. 

Putting the slideshow setting on she grabbed her ramen and ate as we watched the photos. 

"So what's the plan, what do you do with these?" I ask. 

"With these photos... I'll probably market on social media and my website for marketing" she replies. 

"Is that what you usually do?" I question. 

"No.., I mean commissions make me the most money. But half of my other profits are brought in from racing reports. Such as taking some simple photos from the races and reporting on them" She explains. 

"How do you not get caught from police on reports?" I ask confused. 

"Gwantoneon stations are literally trying to dig so deep during racing seasons, it's insane" I add. 

"Tell me about it" she replies with a huff. 

"But basically I had an old friend who helped me set up a private server that basically scans their email. If the I.P. address is following towards any familiar or old I.P. addresses of enforcements then they're immediately reported to other racing servers and blocked" she explained. 

"So I get some money from subscriptions through my server, and considering I'm close with the developer of the software, he gives me a cut every time I recommend someone" she adds. 

"Have you been caught yet?" I ask. 

"Not yet. How about yourself?" Kora asked. 

"Yes, but never charged. Doyoung knows some inside forces that gets the stuff handled luckily" I explain. 

"Oh shit, that's good. I swear the amount of rescheduling goes into matches is insane" Kora commented. 

"No joke, I swear it wasn't always like this" I commented. 

"Of course it wasn't always like this. Remember Yabanka's? That place used to be what Gwantoneon is now, but got shut down due to law enforcement" Kora stated. 

"Oh my god, I remember Yabankas. Understandably so though, they never tried to keep the information under wraps until it was too late and enforcement caught on" I added. 

As the slideshow ended it felt weird. 

"What about your other work? Do you work just with cars?" I ask. 

Kora shrugged lightly. 

"Cars are cool, are they my whole life...?..not really. I've taken some shots around the places I've visited, such a Tokyo" she explained. 

Pressing on her files clicking on labeled Japan, a new slideshow now started. 

"What was Japan for?" I questioned. 

"Racing tournament, actually where I met Yuta" she states. 

"That's how you met Yuta?" I questioned. 

"How else did you think we met? He was a crazy racer that had no photographers. And I was new to the community so no one wanted to take a chance on me. So we both kind of met each other and it worked out great" Kora explained. 

"You guys hook up?" I ask. 

She was quick to jab me in the side. 

"No you idiot! He's like my brother" she said causing us both to chuckle. 

"Noted..." I said in a gesturing tone, obviously joking. 

Smacking my arm playfully we laughed over the exchange.

"So then what's your favorite color?" I ask

"Probably green" Kora replies. 

"Boo, green is so boring" I reply. 

Earning a slight chuckle from Kora from my attitude. 

"Alright fine what's you favorite color?" Kora asks. 

"Probably red or black" I reply. 

"Oh hell no, you cannot be hating on green when being a fan or red!" Kora says. 

"What's wrong with red?" I question. 

As this point it was past 2 am and what started as Kora and I watching photo albums in her laptop;  had not turned into us laying on her mattress at separate ends as we asked the most useless questions. 

"Red is a red flag, considering it's the color of the flag!" she replies. 

"That doesn't even make any sense!" I say causing us to laugh. 

"Come on, obviously green is more of a red flag" I state. 

"Okay wait can we just agree that anyone who favorite color is traffic cone orange is a red flag?" Kora asks. 

"Of course, if I met someone like that I'd walk on the other side of the road" I reply making us both laugh. 

"That's kind of like people who put milk before the milk" she adds. 

"Oh my god yes. That's so fucking weird when people do that!" I exclaim in agreement. 

As our laughter erupted in the room we never heard silence for the whole night. 

Even when the questions faulted, Kora always had a way of starting up a new one. 

I never knew someone would ask me if I preferred roller skating over biking. 

Or if I could re-watch a movie for the first time again what would it be. 

And I never would've found myself asking just as odd questions back. 

I don't know why I continued going to grab bowls of ramen that night until the kitchen was complete closed, and Yasana yelled at us for eating too much; which of course had hiding our chuckles quietly.

One more question. 

One more answer. 

That's all I could remember. 


It has been SOO long since I updated, but I got busy with my first semester! Hope you guys are good and healthy and I'm happy I got some time to continue this series as I really like it! Thank you guys for the views, votes, and comments I appreciate and see every single one. ~ <3 k

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