Zootopia: Hopps Heart

By JayAnimeZ

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This story is about a little bunny girl. Her name is Judy Hopps wanting to become a police officer, protectin... More

CHAPTER 1: Childhood
CHAPTER 2: Police Adventure Begins!
CHAPTER 3: Welcome to Zootopia
CHAPTER 5: The Sly Fox
CHAPTER 6: Help Wanted!
CHAPTER 7: The Hussle
CHAPTER 8: Big Mob Boss & Savage Night
CHAPTER 9: Heart Tells
CHAPTER 11: Hearts Beat Together
CHAPTER 12: Breaking Baaad!
CHAPTER 13: Predators and Prey

CHAPTER 10: Awaken Biology

182 4 0
By JayAnimeZ

Judy and Nick are at The imposing Cliffside Asylum sits on the edge of a waterfall.

Nick and Judy, hidden on the side of the road, spy from a hundred yards away. Nick and Judy sneak up to the guard gate, where two wolves are stationed. Using elaborate hand signals, Nick motions he's going to sneak past first. He gets around the gate, but as he gets close... a wolf sniffs the air... he's onto him. Nick reaches around and grabs a piece of wood to use as a weapon. The wolf moves toward Nick... but before he reaches him... Ooooooooooo!
A distant howl grabs his attention. It's Judy, cupping her mouth to make the howl sound distant. The wolf hears it and can't help but howl as well. Another guard approaches.

Wolf Guard: Gary, quit it, you're gonna start a

Gary The Wolf Guard: I didn't start it. (more howling from a distance.) Oooooooo!

Wolf Guard: Oooooooooo!

More wolves start to howl. Nick looks at Hopps, impressed.

Judy: Come on!

Nick and Hopps use the distraction to jump the fence and sneak into the complex.

Nick: You are a clever bunny.

Above, they notice a drainage pipe leading into the building. Nick and Judy emerge from the drain pipe into the creepy asylum. They're in a large, cavernous room, full of old medical equipment. It's like a combination of an old hospital and a turn-of-the-century zoo.

Judy: It looks like this was a hospital.

Judy shines her light down a corridor, at the end of which is a metal door with a blue light shining within. Nick walks near the door, about to open it... the tension builds and then... the door opens slowly, but nor Judy and Nick are opening the door. Judy and Nick hide somewhere.

??:Is anyone there?

Judy listens to the mystery person in the room. The mystery person starts to sniffing.

Judy: "Oh crackers he's gonna catch us."

The mystery person gets closer, and closer. Then he says.

Oh Carrots? Hmmmm. I love Rabbits and Fox's

Judy and Nick hear the mystery person, they both tense up.


Judy and Nick jump. Then they see it's Mike smiling and quietly laughing.

Judy: Mike!?

Nick: Wow.

Judy gives Mike a hug then hits him in the stomach. Mike grunts from the punch.

Judy: Why did you do that?

Mike: I wanted to mess with you. At first I started hearing footsteps from that door. Then I opened the door I heard more footsteps then I sniffed it out. I knew it was you and Nick.

Judy: How did you get here at all?

Mike: As I made my way back to the Skytrem. Mr. Manchas was gone so I started to sniff the area and I smelled Wolves and tire rubber. And it lead me hear.

Nick: Wow, that's impressive for you.

Mike: it was hard, but I'm glad you guys are were safe. From what happened with that Jaguar.

Nick: Yeah, we are luck.

Judy: Hey, I saved your life.

Nick: Yeah, Carrots.

Judy, Mike, and Nick went to the door and opened it. turns on her phone light again, and looks around the room with the others.

Judy: All this equipment is brand new.

Nick points down revealing claw marks on the floor.

Mike: Claw marks...

Nick: Yeah, huge, huge claw marks, I mean what kind of animal...

A tiger pounces against the glass, startling Nick. Judy Mike and Nick walk through the passage way seeing other predator mammals in cells, all in a savage state. They shine the flashlights up into the top left corner of one cell where two pinpricks of light are visible, and find Manchas in the cell, growling.

Mike: Mr. Manchas.

Judy turns to another cage as she spots an otter.

Judy: It's him! We found our otter. Mr. Otterton, my name is Officer Judy Hopps. Your wife sent me to find you. We're gonna get you out of here...

Mr. Otterton starts to come forward, sniffing and eyes black, before he pounced against the glass, making them jump back in surprise.

Nick: Or not! Guess he's in no rush to get home to the missus.

Mike: Wait, Judy! Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen... Not including Manchas, it's... It's fourteen. Chief Bogo handed out fourteen missing mammal files... They're all here?!

They hear a mechanical door opening. As the door opens, Judy Mike and Nick run and hide in an empty cell. Then, they hear a familiar voice.

Mayor Lionheart: (vexed) Enough! I don't want excuses, Doctor, I want answers.

Mayor Lionheart and Dr. Madge Honey Badger enter the room.

Dr. Madge Honey Badger: Mayor Lionheart, please. We're doing everything we can.Judy uses her phone to record their conversation.

Mayor Lionheart: Really? 'Cause I've got a dozen and a half animals here who've gone off the rails crazy, and you can't tell me why! Now I'd call that awfully far from "doing everything"!

Dr. Madge Honey Badger: Sir, it may be time to consider their biology.

Mayor Lionheart: What? What do you mean "biology"?

Dr. Madge Honey Badger: The only animals going savage are predators. The same can be said for humans reverting to their primitive state We cannot keep it a secret; we need to come forward!

Mayor Lionheart: [mock thinking] Hm, great idea. Tell the public. And how do you think they're gonna feel about their mayor... WHO IS A LION?! I'll be ruined!

Dr. Madge Honey Badger: Well, what does Chief Bogo say?

Mayor Lionheart: Chief Bogo doesn't know. And we are going to keep it that way.

Judy's phone rings. Her parents are calling her. She tries to turn it off but the ringtone echoed. Mike facepalms.

Judy: (whispers quitely)No, no, no!

Mayor Lionheart: Someone's here!

Dr. Madge Honey Badger: Sir, you need to go. Now! Security, sweep the area

Mayor Lionheart and Dr. Madge leave the room as the alarm sounds. The door of the cell Judy, Mike, and Nick are in, is about close but Mike holds the door with all his strength. Mike motions Judy and Nick to get out. They move quickly, then Mike moves letting go of the door. Making him to roll and trying not to get crushed.

Mike: Come on, let's get out here!

Judy: let's head to vent we came from Nick.

Nick: Ok Carrots!

Judy, Nick, and Mike start running to the door Judy and Nick came from, The Wolves open the door. Three Guard Wolves with tasers. Mike opens the door, motioning for Judy and Nick to go then Mike go to as he shuts the door. One of the Wolves hears a close door. He goes to the door, then opens the door nobody was there. (Wolf looks confused) Judy, Mike, and Nick slide down the pipe and fall out, going down the waterfall, Mike and Judy get in diving positions, Nick twisting and turning in weird positions while screaming, before falling into the water below. Nick emerges and looks for Judy and Mike.

Nick: Carrots? Kruger? Judy?!

Judy emerges in the shoulders of Mike holding her phone in the bag.

Judy: We gotta tell Bogo!

In Chief Bogo office, Chief Bogo looks at the Gazelle dancing app and sees his face on a tiger dancer.

Gazelle App: Wow, you are one hot dancer, C H I E F.   B O G O.

Chief Bogo grins, then he quickly puts his phone away as Clawhauser enters his office.

Clawhauser: Chief Bogo!

Chief Bogo: Not now!

Clawhauser: Wait, is that Gazelle?

Chief Bogo: No!

Gazelle App: I'm Gazelle, and you are one hot dancer.

Clawhauser: You have the app too? Aww, Chieeeeeef.

Chief Bogo: Clawhauser! Can't you see I'm working on the missing mammal cases?!

Clawhauser: Oh, oh, oh, yes, of course, about that sir. Officer Hopps just called - her and Officer Kruger found all of them!

Gazelle App: Wow, I'm impressed!

The ZPD swarm the Asylum. Chief Bogo, and Kruger exits bringing Mayor Lionheart in handcuffs with Judy walking beside them.

Judy: Mayor Lionheart, you have the right to remain silent. Anything-

Mayor Lionheart: [interrupting] You don't understand! I was trying to protect the city!

Judy: You were just trying to protect your job.

Mayor Lionheart: No! Listen, we still don't know why this is happening. It could destroy Zootopia!

Mike: Save it for your Defense, Mr. Lionheart!

Judy: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you...

The other officers bring in Dr. Madge in handcuffs. Other officers look suspiciously at Nick who is wearing shades, holding a Snarlbucks cup. He shows them his police badge sticker and walks off, taking a sip of his drink. We see the ZPD where reporters are gathered for an interview. Chief Bogo is at a podium giving a speech

Chief Bogo: Ladies and gentle-mammals, fourteen mammals went missing, and all fourteen have been found by our newest recruits, who will speak to you in a moment.

Judy: Ohh, I'm so nervous.

Mike: Okay. Press conference 101. You wanna look smart, answer their question with your own question and then answer that question. Like this:

Mike pretends to have a news reporter voice while pretending to hold a microphone.

Mike: "Excuse me, Officer Hopps, uh, what can you tell us about the case?"

in a flutey impression of Judy's voice

Mike: "Well, was this a tough case? Yes, yes it was." You see?

Judy: You should be up there with me. We did this together and Nick too.

Mike: Well, yeah but, you lead the charge during this case. You deserve it.

Judy: Thanks, partner.

Judy gives Mike a hug, then see looks at Nick

Nick: And well, am I a cop? No. No, I am not.

Judy: Funny you should say that, because Me and Mike have been thinking... it would be nice to have a new recruit for our squad.

She hands Nick an application. Then-- click-- the carrot pen to him.

Judy: Here. In case you need something to write with.

Chief Bogo: They appear to be in good health, physically, if not emotionally. So now, I'll turn things over to the officer who cracked the case, Officer Judy Hopps.

Judy walks up to the podium and reporters talk all at once, trying to get Judy's answers.

Judy: [points to a beaver] Uh, yes?

Action Gnus 5 beaver: What can you tell us about the animals going savage?

Judy: Well, the... the animals in question... (looks at Mike and Nick, who encourages her to say something.) Are they all different species? Yes, yes they are.

the reporters take note, Nick and Mike approve

Female reporter 1: Okay, so what is the connection?

Judy: Oh, all we know is that they are all members of the predator family.

Male Goat Newreporter: So, predators are the only ones going savage?

Judy: That is accu... Yes, that is accurate, yes.

Pig reporter: Why? Why is this happening?

Judy: We still don't know. But it may have something to do with biology. [After looking euphorically at his complete application, Nick takes notice in confusion]

Male reporter 1: What do you mean by that?

Judy: A biological component. You know, something in their DNA.

Oryx reporter: In their DNA, can you elaborate on that, please?

Judy: Yes. What I mean is, thousands of years ago, uh, predators survived through their... aggressive hunting instincts. (Mike, confused at what Judy is saying, looks at the screen behind her)

Judy: For whatever reason, they seem to be reverting back to their primitive, savage ways.

Mike and Nick see the savaged predators muzzled and Nick has flashbacks from his childhood, revealing his PTSD, and glares confusedly. Mike feeling his primitive emotions flooding him.

Mike: (Talking to himself) Oh..My..Gosh..

Beaver reporter 2: [offscreen] Officer Hopps, could it happen again?

Judy: It is possible, so we must be vigilant, and we at the ZPD are prepared and are here to protect you.

The reporters get frantic and crowd Judy with questions.

Female reporter 2: Will more mammals go savage?

Male reporter 3: What is being done to protect us?

Female reporter 3: Have you considered a mandatory quarantine on predators?

Chief Bogo and Bellwether look at each other. Bellwether goes up to Judy

Bellwether: Okay, thank you, Officer Hopps. Uh, that's all the time we have. No more questions. [Bellwether takes Judy away from the reporters]

Judy: Was I okay?

Bellwether: Oh, you did fine!

Judy walks up to Nick and Mike.

Judy: [relieved] Oh, that went so fast. I didn't get a chance to mention you or say anything about how we...

Nick: [darkly] Oh, I think you said plenty.

Judy: What do you mean?

Nick: "Clearly there's a biological component"? "These predators may be reverting back to their primitive, savage ways"? Are you serious?

Judy: I just stated the facts of the case. I mean, it's not like a bunny could go savage.

Nick: Right. But a Fox and a Dog could, huh?

Judy: Nick, stop it! You and Mike are not like them.

Nick: [gets angry] Oh, there's a them now?!

Mike: Nick calm down, she didn't mean to get you angry.

Judy: Ugh. You know what I mean. You guys not those kind of predators.

Nick: The kind that needs to be muzzled? The kind that makes you think you need to carry around fox repellent? (points to the fox repellent.)

Judy sighs in shame, then Mike see's it

Nick: Yeah, don't think I didn't notice that little item the first time we met.

Mike: But Nick she would never used it on us. Judy trusts us and I know she wouldn't

Nick: Whatever Mike,(Nick looks at Judy) so, l-let me ask you a question; Are you afraid of me?  Do you think I might go nuts? Do you think I might go "savage"? Do you think I might try to...eat you?

Judy steps back, revealed that she opened the strap, her paw just inch from the repellent. Nick looks at her, hurt.

Mike: Judy?...

Nick:...knew it. Just when I thought somebody actually believed in me, huh?

Nick gives Judy back the application and leaves

Nick: Probably best, if you don't have a predator on your squad.

Judy looks at the application that is completely filled out, looks up, sees Nick storming off, tearing off his sticker, throwing it away, and becomes more horrorstruck. With leaving Mike stunned

Judy: No, Nick, Nick! (She tries to follow him, but is blocked by the reporters)

Beaver reporter 2: Officer Hopps, were you just threatened by that predator?Judy Hopps: No, he's my friend.

Judy: No, he's my friend.

Rabbit reporter: We can't even trust our own friends?!

Judy: That is not what I said. Please-

Beaver reporter 2: Are we safe?

Rabbit Reporter: Have any other foxes gone savage?

The microphones are shoved closer to her, as questions are buzzed all around her, and Judy is taken by surprise. As it all fades to white.

(To Be Continued)

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