By Frozenfellow

23.5K 1.7K 660

Eun-mi was born in a house that despises women children and suffered her childhood. To add to her misery, her... More



876 59 18
By Frozenfellow

Meanwhile, at the party after Eun-mi overheard Taehyung's and Len-ah's conversation.

Eun-mi's pov:

As I went back to the party hall, I straight away walked towards the alcoholic beverages. I occupied a stool nearby and grabbed a glass of god knows what alcohol.

I wanted to calm myself. I know alcohol is not a great way for it. But anything that makes me forget about the recent events is ok with me.

On another thought, this isn't the time for me to forget what they did to me. I should think of a way to get back at them. I should make them taste their own medicine. I don't have much time. The rumours of me being infertile are spreading like wildfire. I should do something before the king gets to announce me unfit to be the queen.

I can go and tell everything to the king. But as Taehyung said to Len-ah, the king will only ask us to suck it up and continue to live to accept each other. Obviously, Len-ah will become Taehyung's mistress.

Though this will safeguard my rank in the palace, no one in the kingdom will know about Taehyung and Len-ah's wickedness. And they will get to live their life happily even though she can't be his wife. And I will be in the same position as now or worse, that I had to accept Taehyung because of the king.

How can I even live with someone who hates me for no particular reason? How can I accept him after knowing what he had planned on doing to me pretending to help me?

With all those thoughts surrounding my mind, I felt a drop of water running down my cheeks and landing on the alcoholic beverage I have been holding in my hand. Great, now I am crying.

Before anyone could see my crying figure, I wiped the tear off my face. But it seems like they want to test my patience too. They wouldn't stop flowing out.

I don't want to grab anyone's attention in the party hall. So I tried my best to put on my brave facade, wiping off the tears.

In a few seconds, I sensed someone standing by my side. I thought they were here to get some alcohol. But I heard a manly voice asking me with concern, "Are you alright, miss?"

I don't know what took over me. As I heard him asking, I immediately responded without looking at him what I thought with my eyes still fixed on the glass which is empty now.

"I have never been alright my entire life, mister", I said with a sad chuckle. Maybe alcohol is taking control over me. I should get back to my chamber, I thought.

But before I could even stand up from the stool. That person said, "Tell me what is bothering you. I might help you"

His words reminded me of Taehyung's words and anger seeped through me.

I scoffed and looked at that person finally to realise that he was the one whom I caught staring at me sometimes before I followed Taehyung out.

I glared right through his eyes and asked with my eyebrows raised, "And what do you want in return?"

He seemed to be taken aback by my question.

I guess he felt insulted.

"What do you mean by what I want in return miss?"He asked me, folding his arms over his chest showing his mighty biceps trying to intimidate me.

But he doesn't know that I am not afraid of open wrath. The fake concern is what scares me.

So I courageously retorted, "When someone says that they are going to help you, it's either they want something in return or that they are lying to you. Learned from my experience. You can't say otherwise"

He looked at me for a few seconds contemplating and later softly uttered, "I don't know what kind of people you've encountered and what you went through. But don't blame everybody for one's actions. I am not a person who seeks to benefit from helping others. I asked you since I really cared."

I can't stand people saying they care for me. They are all lying. No one cares for me. And now this mysterious person saying that he cares for me makes me furious.

"Who are you to care for me? It will be better if you mind your own business", I gritted out.

I know that I am being a bitch towards him for no particular reason. But I have so much in my pocket and I don't want to spend my energy in finding out if he truly cares or not.

On hearing my response, the man sighed and said giving up, "Fine. I am sorry for disturbing you. I really meant to help you. If you don't want it, fine by me."

I felt relieved that this conversation is now over.

I took a deep breath of relief saying, "Thanks" to him and started my way out of the party hall.

As I was walking away from him, I took a sudden halt when something clicked on my mind. I was perplexed whether to do it or not. Later decided to go with it. I inhaled a deep breath and took a u-turn.

I walked towards him and stood in front of him once again. On looking at me he gave a confused look.

I gathered all my courage and asked him, "Is your offer still valid?"

He raised an eyebrow and asked, "What offer are you talking about?"

I looked at the ground and almost whispered out, "The one where you said you would help me"

I lifted my head to see him trying to control his smile by biting onto his lips. He later said, "Of course it is. I would be glad to help you if you want me to. So the question is, do you want my help?"

Looking at his amusement, I wondered whether he could smile after telling him what kind of help I wanted from him.

But I have something important to ask him before asking him to help.

"Before that, the main question is do you have a wife or a girlfriend or someone you love?"I asked him strictly, indicating that I was serious with my question.

He seemed to understand the seriousness and instantly replied, " No. But may I know why you are suddenly interested in my love life?"

I just gave him a blank stare and said, "You will know it soon. Follow me"

With that said, I started to match out of the venue hoping for him to follow me. I did not turn back to see whether he was following me or not. I went out of the party hall using the back gate and walked towards my destination.

I could hear the sound of the boot clicking the floor following me, so I knew that he was indeed following me.

Since the guards were gathered around the party hall for the safeguard of the royals it wasn't that hard for me to reach my chamber without anyone noticing, particularly with a muscular man following me behind.

I slid open the door of my chamber and entered inside. I turned back to see the person standing outside in uncertainty.

I moved aside, giving him space to enter inside. He hesitantly got inside and I immediately closed the door after he entered.

I took a deep breath and turned around to face this...... mysterious man. I don't even know his name. I guess it's better this way. Let me just name him 'tripleM' for now.

So this tripleM looked at me like he was waiting for me to tell him something. Even though he tried to look calm, I could sense his anxiety. Well, I am terrified too.

I might regret what I am about to do later. But I don't think I have any other way to get those betrayers down. In whatever way I could think of, this is the only solution I could come up with. And I am not even sure if this is gonna work as I wish for it to.

But I don't want to give up without trying. If it's even a 1% chance to teach them the lesson, I would do it.

I stepped closer towards him while saying, "Stop me if you feel uncomfortable anytime"

He furrowed his brows in confusion and tilted his head sideways. Before he could ask me anything,

I kissed him.


A short chapter
Who is this TripleM (MMM)
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