Game of Prythian

By Cait2025

22.4K 674 95

In the beginning and in the end, there is darkness; Nothing more. Kana Archeron has spent her entire life be... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Part 2
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Thank you/SEQUEL!
Thank You!!!

Chapter Five

653 22 0
By Cait2025

Feyre's POV: 

Kana was just now able to ever so slowly move around the house on her own. It had been three weeks. And even then Nesta and I were prone to pop in at random times to see if she was truly okay.

Elain said she would start checking up on Kana. because I had work that I wasn't too happy about. Regina was pissed, "So you're telling me you and I have to sneak into the enemy's main headquarters to pull one of our spies out."

I nodded, Matt grunted from his seat across the tent. A summer court fae also stood in the tent. He was the one able to get in touch with the spy. Luckily he was also the fae to drag me out of the ocean two months ago.

His name was Brandelis. He joined the legion a few months ago after another summer court fae resigned to be with his mate while she was pregnant. The last time I checked he was guarding a town a day's ride away.

I sighed, and said. "That spy has the most valuable information anyone has ever received. We could crumble the whole foundation Amarantha's built from the bones of others."

Regina snapped her mouth closed at that. Matt questioned, "When do you leave?"

I answer standing from my desk chair. "Kana wants us to leave tonight, a few hours before dusk." Regina frowned and nodded, I could see her hurt that she had to leave her mate.

She questioned, "Who did this spy, I don't have clearance to hear about, get close to anyways? They have to be important if Kana is sending us."

I grinned, "Our spy got close to a very important fae. The High Lord of Night Court."

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I stood in the center of Kana's office. Hava stood decked in full armor at the door. It was rare to see her in such weaponry. Only when Kana deemed it necessary.

The High General spoke, "Hava and I have come to the conclusion that we have a spy in our ranks." I swallowed, she would ask me to do something horrible here.

"Feyre I need you to find a name for you legion asap. It is not being tossed around anymore, I need you all a name so you can be seen as a bigger threat and the legion with a dead commander. Not that they know you're alive." The Generals commands were never commanded lightly.

She always gave us a choice, and when she couldn't she made sure that if we messed up Hava would have a very strong word with us. "I'll think of it while I'm away."

Kana nodded, and sipped her tea. I went to leave but Hava still guarded the door. "Feyre," I turned and stared. Her gray eyes basically glowed, "Do not fail me."

I saluted. And bowed at the waist, "It is my honor to serve. For the good of all." Kana raised her tea cup as I turned away, "For the good of all."

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

On horseback we've been riding for six hours. And my ass was killing me. I said to Regina, "How much longer until we can stop?"

Regina smirked, "You've gotten weak Feyre, without two months on a horse, your legs aren't used to it anymore." I grumbled something not so nice and Regina laughed.

"We need to ride a few more hours, so get comfortable." Regina said. I pouted but faced forward and rode on anyway.

We laid in the grass and pressed ourselves close to the ground. Finally and the tunnel that would take us under the mountain. We realized it would be impossible to sneak past the wards. Regina murmured, "I guess we're taking the long way. We'll rest a few miles from here tonight, then we'll leave for the middle tomorrow."

I winced rubbing my leg as I arose. "How long of a ride is that." Regina smiled at me, "Oh don't worry you'll have a good week to adjust to being in the saddle again. I groaned and followed her away from the tunnel.

I questioned, "Why can't we winnow?" Regina glanced at me then, "Because Amarantha will sense me."

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Kana's POV:

I've been wearing my bone gauntlet everywhere. And I only took it over when the attacks got so bad not even it could help me. I noticed a few things as I wore it. 1: I was getting thinner. 2: it was because of the poison 3: It was also because the gauntlet took a lot of my energy. 4: I truly looked like I wouldn't live till thirty now.

I decided that instead of doing reports that didn't actually need signing. I would spend my day with the children. Perhaps it was a way to torcher myself. Hava stayed by my side even with my slow place. She murmured, "That gauntlet seems like a curse, Kana."

Rare, that she call me by my name. "I would rather live just a few years than not live at all, Hava." She nodded and said, "Nesta is worried."

"Of course she is Hava, I am her twin, and I am dying." I snapped at Hava and she verbally backed off. I sighed, "I'm sorry Hava, I didn't mean to snap at you."

Hava nodded, "Why are we going?"

I stared at my feet and saw the image of a little boy with my nose, eyes, and jawline. He had appeared to me in that form the first time and I had burst into tears. I knew even then that it was such a lie.

I didn't look Hava in the eyes, "I want children so bad, Hava." My voice was raw, I glanced at her and she noticed my tears then.

Hava seemed to remember who she was talking to then. I continued, "I've wanted children since I was a little girl. I can't adopt because when I die that child will just be thrown back into the system. If I dare to try it on my own then the poison would kill it before I could give birth."

Hava said nothing. No one was around when my tears hit the dirt. Hava glanced at me, "I never really thought about your poison that way."

"No one ever does." The truth was cold, like those nights in the rocking chair.

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Feyre's POV:

It had been a week, and we had just gotten to the middle of Autumn court. Avoiding those horrible guards was like trying to avoid germs. Almost impossible. On the third day we had to ditch our horses because some fae had been able to pick up the horses' scents.

Regina said she was taking us through Autumn Court because it would help prepare us for the Winter Court. In our bags we carried our armor that we had for winter, and many cloaks.

The dried food would run out after three weeks. Which meant we'd either have our spy and winnow home. Or we'd hunt on the way home. Pressed into the damp leaves we watched as a patrol unit passed through this sector.

We waited until they were out of ear shot. Then scurried up the trees, and used branches to swing from tree to tree. It was our fastest way of travel at the moment. Regina said, "Feyre, there is a good chance we are all gonna die."

"If I die because you're pissy about your mate not being here," I said back to her and dodged a branch. "I'll beat the shit out of you in hell!"

We both laughed and continued our way through the Autumn woods.

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Kana's POV:

I cradled a four year old to my chest and read her a story. I watched her little head droop and I knew she was asleep. I picked her up and she immediately adjusted adn set her little head on my shoulder.

Her tiny fist gripped my shirt. I smiled and took her over to her bed and set her down. I tucked her in quickly. The first thing I had done when the Illyrians had come was, make an orphanage.

The boys who were deemed 'bastards' had never slept in a bed before they came here. I wanted to winnow back up to those mountains and kill those Illyrian Lords. The only decent one was named Delvon. But he was still ahastle to deal with.

Hava was waiting for me when I came down the stairs of the cabin looking, two story orphanage. She said, "Do you want to see how the eldest of the children are training?"

I nodded and we both made sure to grab our cloaks from the rack. I swung my cloak around my shoulders and yanked the hood up before we left the porch. It was pouring. Hava said to me, "I don't think they are training anymore."

I grumbled, "The adults should be." Hava laughed and as we walked down the muddy road in our boots, I caught glimpses of the males and the children old enough to train running back into the house.

We made our way to the adult training grounds. And they were indeed still training. I set a hand to my mouth as I started coughing. Hava wrapped an arm around my shoulders. She said, "Let's get the hell out of this rain."

I nodded. Feyre and Regina have been gone for two weeks now. And none of us had received a word. Matt said Amarantha had a key on Regina's winnowing magic so they wouldn't be able to. But now even Matt was getting pissy.

A soldier was waiting for us at the gates. Hava set her free hand on her sword. The soldier saluted, "General, If I may have a word."

"Come in, soldier." I nodded at him. Hava didn't take her hand off of the sword. We entered the manor and Hava took both of our cloaks and set them on the rack to dry.

When we all entered the office warm tea was waiting. Courtesy of Hava's magic I'm sure. I sat in my chair while the soldier sat across from me. I questioned, "What is it you want to talk about soldier? You are the one who pulled my sister from the sea, correct?"

"I wanted to talk about going to help Commander Feyre and Captain Regina. And to answer your question, yes I am that soldier, General." Brandelis answered.

I folded my hands and set my chin on them. "What makes you think that you can provide Regina and Feyre with abilities they don't already have?"

He handed me a file he had been carrying. I snatched the file from him and flipped through the pages. I paused, "Holy shit."

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

Feyre's POV:

The third week was coming up, and I can gladly say. I still had all my fingers and toes. At least I think I did. Regina and I shivered our way along. And she pointed, "See that mountain range? That's where they are."

I huddled closer to Regina. I was freezing. Regina shook me, I could barely hear her around the ferocity of the snow storm. "Feyre are you okay?"

I shivered in answer, and we both pressed closer to one another. I said loud enough for her to hear me, "I'm freezing, I don't have the natural regeneration to keep me warm like you do."

Regina winced, our chapped lips had been bleeding from the cold. We walked for who knows how long. And fae popped up in front of us, gripping our arms. Regina went to kick him and we winnowed. We were no longer in winter court. No, we were in a cave, with a very hot blazing fire.

Bradelis yanked his hood off. "The next time you go to kick somebody please make sure they're an enemy first."

I stuck my hands out to the fire. "Thank you friend." he nodded and threw another cloak on top of me. I almost crumbled under the weight of it.

"You could have frozen to death out there." Bradelis declared. Regina nodded and sat next to me, close to the fire. Regina thanked him. I set my head on her shoulder. Regina asked, "I assume Kana sent you. But why, what are you going to do while we pull out the spy?"

Bradelis smiled, "I'm going to be a beautiful distraction."

My exhaustion dragged me under. I dreamt of a horrible fate, that damn wyrm trying to eat me alive again. And then there was a fae male. Dark hair and a sharp jawline, with violet eyes that shine like stars.

But before I could get a full glimpse the wyrm burst through the wall separating us. And it was more pissed than the last time. I jumped from a high place, and landed on my arm in a way where I knew it would cause a problem.

But I ran and ran, until the dream ended and I woke up sweating. I sighed and brushed my hands across my face. My braided hair was a ratty mess probably. Regina glanced at me from where she was laying, "Are you okay."

"No," I mumbled. "No, I don't think I am."

Regina frowned and I glanced at her, dropping my mask. Regina's eyes widened again, and she said nothing. Bradelis walked in with a string of birds. He glanced at the both of us, "So what's changed."

Regina said, staring at my bank face, "Everything."

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Reaper's POV:

I stood in front of the lines of Illyrian females who wanted to become soldiers. Over the weeks they had become stronger, strong enough that I wanted to take today to train with them.

"Today I will show you how to harm, in a way that will not kill." I said loud for the lines to hear me.

I waved a friend forward. "I hope you don't hold a grudge for this."

He smiled, "I won't hold a grudge Reaper if you pay for a bottle of very fancy wine for me?"

I nodded. "I can do that."

The male charged quickly and I ducked. I hit a nerve in his armpit quickly, then one near the rib cage and continued for a few more hits then flipped away. I watched him try to pull his arm up.

He laughed, "What the hell did you do?"

I motioned to his useless arm, "That is what happens when you hit numerous nerves in a quick amount of time."

A soldier asked, "So you could basically stop anyone with this because we are smaller than most of our enemies?"

I nodded. I waved for the practices to start. I showed them where the nerves were yesterday. I watched them perfect their art over the next few days.

A female named Emerie approached me. "This is Valkyrie training isn't it?"

I curtly nodded, "It is."

Emerie glanced at me, "Why are you training us in the strongest female warrior group in history."

"It wasn't my idea so I have no idea darling." I answered. Emerie set her hands on her hips, a warrior indeed. "Then who did so I can talk to her."

"What makes you think it's a she." I questioned smoothly. Emerie snored and tapped my arm with her hand. "The only people to have clearance to give this kind of order are all female."

"Fair enough," I said and nodded at her in respect. "Nesta Archeron gave the order." Emerie gaped at me for a second. And she waved her hands in the air, "Wait you mean like the real Nesta Archeron? I thought she didn't even exist?"

I arched a brow at her. Emerie continued, "The fae rumors claim that she's a cauldron blessed. At least that's what the priestesses at the temple's are claiming."

"Why?" I questioned harshly. If people were spreading rumors about my sister I wanted to know why. Emerie answered quickly, "So apparently their are things made from the cauldron in certain temples scattered around prythian and apparently they all keep saying the same name over and over again. 'Nesta Archeron Death-Incarnate' sounds really freaky."

I glanced at Emerie, "How many people know about this?"

Emerie said innocently, "Like literally everyone accepts the human-lands apparently."

I nodded. "Thank you, Emerie." She nodded and ducked away. I left quickly after that. I managed to phase into my room without getting caught. The armor slithered back into my gauntlet. Exhaustion was a heavy knife against my throat.

I stepped toward my bed and swayed. My vision blurred, exhaustion and the poison won the fight. 

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Feyre's POV:

This was a suicide mission. I stood on a cliff overlooking the barren plain of Winter Court. It was probably once one of the most beautiful sights in Prythian.

Amarantha had ruined that too. Regina stalked up beside me, "Are you ready, to see it again I mean."

"Absolutely not." I grumbled. I was sixteen when I had orders to sneak into Prythian. My mission was to gather intel on a Commander from Winter Court. I had never made it to Winter Court.

No half way there a beast found me. I fought the damn thing for days, in the end I was too tired to kill it. So I trapped it. Trapped it in a way it should have never been able to get out.

I saw ice cracking and breaking. I nodded at Regina, "Winnow me in as close as you can get. Then run as if hell itself is chasing you."

She nodded quickly, "Yes, Commander." She Winnowed us, I was about forty yards above an entrance door to the court beneath. Regina was already gone, winnowing far, far away from the destruction about to unfold.

I sighed and tested the daggers in my sleeves again. A beast stepped forward out of the entrance. "You passed the wards little weakling. Amarantha would like a word with whoever is trying to sneak into her court."

"Who said I was sneaking in? I'm just gonna walk right through the front doors." I said and jumped. I pulled a dagger and lodged it deep in the beast's throat. I saw rock breaking.

I ran and ran hard. The screech that would alert the whole mountain sounded. It's call was still just as frightening years later.

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Rhysand's POV:

The whole room flinched when the roar of a beast that had haunted Prythian for ages called. Amarantha hissed, "There is a human amongst us. She just crossed the wards hunt the b*tch down."

Her trusted guards left quickly. Why would a human be here? A spy perhaps. That made no sense though. I remember the night that horrible news had come. Amarantha had me service her the whole night at the news.

I now knew what a lie it was. My mind had unknowingly watched as a beast no one in Prythian had ever survived chased down a girl. A child, the girl wasn't even grown into her woman's body yet.

It was so clear, from the small pictures I've had before. Small human fingers painting small blue corn flowers on a table. A rocking chair that held a fae, with ghostly white hair. The dull fire she sat beside.

A string of rabbits.

All small things. But nothing like the dream. I knew then why the girl was so strong. Because she was to become something. There had been a rumor many years ago, that a Suriel had told a beast that a girl would slay it and become a powerful fae through her good deeds.

And the beast did not want to die.

So it hunted her through the forest of spring court for days. Until finally the hero girl trapped it. And fled back to her home to prepare for the day it would break free.

The beast had broken free. But so had the girl.

A scream cut through the tunnels that made the hair on my neck stand up straight. It took a lot to frighten me. But this beastly girl did. Not that she was a girl anymore.

The mountain shook. The whole mountain shook. Amarantha gripped the arms of her false throne so tight the stone cracked.

"What is that?" She hissed a bit breathless.

The ceiling cracked open and a small human girl flew through the whole like her life depended on it. I watched as she gripped the chandelier holding on tight.

She mumbled something about a female owing her a few coins. I tried not to snort. Amarantha's dress shuffled as she stood. She shouted, "Tell me you human spawn what do you think you can possibly accomplish by coming here."

I saw it then. A woman. She was indeed a woman now. Hanging to a chandelier with one arm, she chucked a six foot long bone spear at amarantha.

It was too quick for even fae eyes to register fast enough. The spear missed by a good inch. And mud splattered all over Amarantha's dress. I heard my brother's voice then. A calling for a different age. If you don't marry her you stupid prick, I will.

I wanted to laugh. The ceiling caved in, by a beast looking to stop its own demise. The chandelier fell too. The fae were running. And so was I. But I was running toward the danger, not away from it.

I winnowed and was gripping her by her arm. Then winnowed to one of the up levels. Or where it was, we were both falling. And she was limp. I winnowed to the outside of the mountain.

Mean. I had to be cruel. I had to scare her, Amarantha would find her if I didn't. I stood at her feet where she laid. A trickle of blood was creeping down her forehead.

Her groan was agony. An effort not to kneel in her presence and help her. She set a hand to her head, and her eyes were certainly not focusing. And then they focus. And she crawled back away from me.

I went to hold her mind. To keep her still, she had shields stronger than most fae knew how to make. I blinked, the only sign of my shock.

She took her chances and rolled, rolled toward me. I gripped her arm, she embedded a knife within my thigh with the opposite. I roared and winnowed back into the mountain. A reflex after so many years.

I luckily winnowed to a place where no fae were currently at. She stripped her knife out of my thigh and ran. I let her. I turned and met a dead man. "Brutius?"

He shook his head, "That male died a long time ago." The fae ran after The Huntress. He ran after Feyre Archeron. Now all I had to do was catch up. The wyrm roared, and then I knew why she had run. It was after her.

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Feyre's POV:

I ran. Blood splattered my hand from where I stabbed the High Lord of Night court. I wanted to cry. There was no reason for my sadness. But I wanted to cry because of all these faces.

It was not their fault. Not their fault a sick female wanted power. I heard it's screech and slid to a stop. It burst through the wall before me. It turned sharply. It's teeth were just as scary as last time.

I ran, pulling myself off the ground. I knew I wouldn't be fast enough though. Someone latched onto my shields. I piled whatever I could against my walls. Regina found her way into my mind, but another was still digging. Regina blow the west side.

But- Regina tried to resort. I yelled at her, Blow the west fucking side!

She did the loud boom stuned any fae near. And the ground beneath me started to crumble. I ran where Brandelis was waving me on. He shouted, terror a liquid venom in his voice. "Hurry!"

The last few yards the ground gave out. I jumped. Brandelis was hung over the edge, ready to pull me up. I felt the wyrm's teeth scrape my legs. And it brought me down just enough.

Our fingers scraped. And I continued falling. The High Lord of Night Court caught me a second time. We winnowed into a hilly wooded area. We were still in the middle. But now that the explosives had gone off, the wyrm would probably destroy the whole mountain searching for me.

The lord stood above me. While, I tried to catch my breath laid on the ground. He kneeled and rolled me over with a force of magic. I tried to snarl at him, to kick. My shields had been broken through.

He held my mind steadfast. I whimpered as he gripped it a little harder. He fingered the scraping on the back of my legs. "You know these will probably fester."

He let me keep the ability to talk. I hiss sharply, "You don't have to play with me High Lord. I'm aware of your kindness."

He backed away from me. "Kind?" He smirked. "You think I am kind. I kill feyre daring. I'll let Amarantha have her way with you and then perhaps she'll give me the leftovers."

Fear plagued my mind. I murmured, "Your mask is good, Kana's is better."

The Lord blinked, he smiled cruelly at me. "Most are terrified to look me in the eyes, little one." He tilted his head. "One of my brother's would have liked you."

Feyre blinked, and she said softly. "Kill me, High Lord. Continue playing your game. Just know that I don't blame you for it, Amarantha is a cruel woman. Just let me live long enough to kill her and set you all free, please."

He squinted. He pressed a finger to my legs, I screamed. He pulled back quickly. He stood and knelt next to my face where I could look him in the eyes. He murmured, "I will make you a bargain Feyre Archeron. I will heal you, and in exchange you will spend three weeks out of the month with me."

"No," I snapped quickly. His brows raised. "Amarantha will kill me, so I'll die either way."

He frowned and murmured, "Very well." He stood and walked away from me.

I gritted my teeth. "But I will make a bargain with you, High Lord." He paused and looked over my shoulder. "I will let you heal me, in exchange when this war comes to an end, you will help me change the ways of the past. And I will spend a week a month with you doing just that."

"Why would I care about things like that?" he sniped. I smiled cruelly, "The Illyrians are yours are they not."

He went deadly still. Then fully turned to face me, and was over to me in seconds. He grabbed my jaw and held me so he could look me in the face. "Why would you know that?"

"Because My sister and the Reaper went up into those mountains a few weeks ago. Offered the females a chance to train, become warriors." I paused and smiled, silver lining my eyes of a beautiful change. "And now there is a legion of only Illyrian females."

The High Lord said nothing. He smiled cruelly, "You have yourself a bargain Feyre Archeron."

I felt his magic curl around me. A splitting pain cut through the world, and then darkness.

There was a soft glow, I cracked open my eyes. Fire. "Are you okay, you scared the hell out of us."

Brandelis. I mouthed, "Water." he nodded and was back in seconds with a canteen. He pressed it to my lips, and I drank wholly. I sighed and pushed myself up. I wiggled my legs around, not even a hint of pain. Regina stated coldly, "What did you bargain with him?"

"How do you even know I bargained?" I asked smoothly. She pointed to my hand. I glanced down and my eyes went wide. Brandelis set a hand on my shoulder. My hand shook a bit.

"The bargain is none of your business." I said quickly. "We didn't give away anything important so it doesn't matter."

Regina nodded cooly. "We can't winnow. But that giant fucking worm destroyed the whole cauldron damned mountain. Which means Amarantha is moving the whole court to spring court. So she can prepare to attack the human lands."

A cold voice spoke into my head. So you don't have shields. I blinked and Brandelis gave me a weird look. I waved him off, and murmured I was fine. Pulling a blanket with me I went to stand at the edge of a cave. Different colored leaves scattered the ground. We'd made it to somewhere in Autumn Court at least.

No, no I don't have shields. I answered back, staring out into the forest. A hand tapped somewhere in my mind and I flinched. The High lord said, then how did it take me so long to get into your head, Feyre darling?

Don't call me that and It's none of your damn business. I grumbled back to him. He withdrew from my mind, and I went back inside the cave. Regina stared at me worriedly. "We need to go. Not everyone in the court can winnow. Plus they'll need war supplies, so it'll take a few months for them to truly show up."

Brandelis nodded and I took the blanket and folded it quickly. We scurried around packing. I hefted the heavy bag over my shoulder. We hiked. And the air was cold.

Hours later Brandelis spoke, "The High Lord of Night Court saw me. He thought I was my father."

Regina asked softly, "Who was your father?" Brandelis smiled at her, "He was High Lord Tarquin's cousin, Brutius."

My head whipped to him. "Doesn't that mean you have sway with Tarquin? We could bribe him for intel."

Brandelis shook his head. "Tarquin, Varian, and Cresseida don't know I exist."

I nodded understandingly. We continued our hike. That night we camped out obviously. There was a good chance that we could pass as people from Under the Mountain. I licked my fingers clean of the juices from the rabbit.

Regina grumbled around a mouth full, "How did you even find these? Not even Brandelis and I could hear them.

"Practice." I said and laid out a map across my legs. Annoying cawing broke through the forest. A small bird landed beside me. And I wanted to swat at it. The High Lord interrupted, I wouldn't swat at the bird.

Why? I questioned as it crept closer. He answered, Crows, or rather Ravens as you might call them. Are incredibly smart. They are like a family even if they've never met a different crow before. It's said they repay kindness tenfold, while those who are mean to them will have the same injustice done to them a thousand times over.

I felt the Lord's presence disappear. There was a small scrap of meat left on the bone. I handed it to the crow, it gently took it from my hand and flew off.

"You know more of those birds will come around." Regina grumbled. I nodded, "It's okay," I murmured. "We both know what it's like to go hungry anyways."

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