Zootopia: Hopps Heart

By JayAnimeZ

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This story is about a little bunny girl. Her name is Judy Hopps wanting to become a police officer, protectin... More

CHAPTER 1: Childhood
CHAPTER 2: Police Adventure Begins!
CHAPTER 3: Welcome to Zootopia
CHAPTER 5: The Sly Fox
CHAPTER 6: Help Wanted!
CHAPTER 7: The Hussle
CHAPTER 8: Big Mob Boss & Savage Night
CHAPTER 10: Awaken Biology
CHAPTER 11: Hearts Beat Together
CHAPTER 12: Breaking Baaad!
CHAPTER 13: Predators and Prey

CHAPTER 9: Heart Tells

150 4 0
By JayAnimeZ

Judy leads the ZPD to the sky tram

Judy: I thought this was just a missing mammal case, but it's way bigger. Mr. Otterton did not just disappear. I believe he, and this jaguar, they... they went savage, sir.

Chief Bogo: Savage? This isn't the stone age, Hopps. Animals don't "go savage".

Judy: I thought so too... 'Till I saw this.

Judy moves the leaves to show Manchas but he's no longer there, and Mike is gone.

Judy: What? They were right here!

Chief Bogo: The savage jaguar?

Judy: Sir, I know what I saw. He almost killed us! And Officer Kruger was holding him down

Chief Bogo: Or maybe any aggressive predator looks "savage" to you rabbits. And maybe Kruger didn't want to work with you after all of your delusions. ZPD Let's go!

He starts to leave; Judy tries to stop him

Judy: No. Wait! Sir, I'm not the only one who saw him. Nick!

Nick is standing in between two gigantic officers.

Chief Bogo: You think I'm gonna believe a fox?

Judy: Well he was a key witness, and I...

Chief Bogo: Two days to find the otter, or you both quit. That was the deal. Badge.

Judy: But sir, we had...

Chief Bogo: BADGE!

Judy reluctantly starts to unclip her badge, until Nick speaks.

Nick: Uh, no.

Chief Bogo: What did you say, fox?

Nick: Sorry, what I said was "NOOOO!" She will not be giving you that badge. Look, you gave her and Kruger... a clown vest, a three-wheeled joke-mobile, and two days to solve a case you guys haven't cracked in two weeks? Yeah, it's no wonder that her and her partner needed to get help from a fox. None of you guys were gonna help them, were you? Here's the thing, Chief. You gave them the 48 hours, so technically we still have...ten left to find our Mr. Otterton, and that is exactly what we're gonna do. So, if you'll excuse us, we have a very big lead to follow, a case to crack. And go find Officer Kruger. Good day.

After another gondola pulls up, Nick walks to the sky tram. Judy tries to say something to Chief Bogo, but stops and follows Nick. Chief Bogo watches them in silence. Nick opens the door for Judy, motioning her to get in.

Nick: Officer Hopps.

Judy and Nick enter the gondola and it departs. Chief Bogo and the ZPD watch them and leave. Judy seems stunned. She looks at

Judy: Thank you Nick.

Nick: Never let 'em see that they get to you.

Judy: So... things do get to you?

Nick: Oh, I mean, not anymore, but I was small and emotionally unbalanced like you once.

Judy: [sarcastic, rolls her eyes and looks away] Har har.

Nick: No, it's true. I think I was eight or maybe nine, and all I wanted to do was join the Junior Ranger Scouts. So, my mom scraped together enough money to buy me a brand new uniform, because by God I was gonna fit in, even if I was the only predator in the troop, the only fox. I was so proud, but..it was all a sick joke...I learned two things that day. One: I was never gonna let anyone see that they got to me.

Judy: And two?

Nick: If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point in trying to be anything else.

Judy: Nick, you are so much more than that. (Judy places her paw on Nick's arm. Nick looks at her and pulls back.)

Nick: It's fine, I'm over it anyway.

Judy: But, I'm glad your talking to me serious, and I'm sorry about what happened to you.

Nick: It's fine. What about you and your partner.

Judy: Mike? What do you mean?

Nick: Your Partnership, and what is he like?

Judy: Well, he's brave, honest, and helpful. When I was little, I got bullied by a kid, and he came to my rescue me I was so thankful to him. And he's was so supportive to me when we were going through the Police Academy. He's so kind.

Nick: Sounds like you really care about him. Huh? (Nick looks at Judy.)

Judy: (hesitation) Yeah.

Nick: Do you like him?

Judy: (Judy looking down and thinking but feeling confused) I.. do.. (she blushes) and I wonder what happened to him?

Nick: I don't know Carrots, how about we go up to Chuck in traffic central? Chuck, how're things looking on the jam-cams? (Gets the idea) Wait, the jam-cams..

Judy: The jam-cams?

Nick: Yeah! There are traffic cameras everywhere, all over the canopy! Whatever happened to the jaguar and Mike...

Judy: The traffic cams would have caught it!

Nick: Bingo!

Judy: Oh ho, pretty sneaky, slick!

Nick: Yes, however, if you guys didn't have access to the system before, I doubt Chief Buffalo-Butt is gonna let you into it now.

Judy: No... but I have a friend in City Hall who might!

At City Hall, Bellwether is following Mayor Lionheart, carrying a large pile of folders

Bellwether: Uh, sir, if we could just review these very important... Sir!

Bellwether almost steps on a mouse

Bellwether: Oh, I'm so sorry. Sir!

Mayor Lionheart: Okay! I heard you, Bellwether, just take care of it! Please. And clear my afternoon, I'm going out.

Bellwether follows Mayor Lionheart, trying to keep the folders balanced and gathering the scattering papers

Bellwether: Oh, no, but sir, you do have a meeting with Herds and Grazing, sir, if I can just...!

Mayor Lionheart enters his office and lets the doors slam right in Bellwether's face, making her spill everything.

Bellwether: Oh, mutton chops.

As Bellwether picks up her mess, Judy and
Nick appear.

Judy: Assistant Mayor Bellwether? We need
your help.

Bellwether: Where's Office Kruger?

Judy: That's the other reason we are here.

We're in Bellwether's cramped little office. Judy and Nick hover over her while she sits at her computer.

Judy: We just need to get into the traffic cam database.

Nick subtly touches Bellwether's wool puff.

Nick: (mouths, to Judy) So fluffy!

Judy: Hey!

Nick: Sheep never let me this close.

Judy: You can't just touch a sheep's wool...

Nick: It's like cotton candy.

Judy: Stop it!

Judy swats Nick, but accidentally hits Bellwether's puff.

Bellwether: Where to?

Judy: Rainforest District, Vine and Tujunga.

the computer screen. Showing Judy, Mike, and Nick running from Mr. Manchas.

Bellwether: There! Traffic cams for the whole city. This is so exciting, actually. Well, you know, I never get to do anything this important.

Judy: But you're the Assistant Mayor of

Bellwether: Oh, I'm more of a glorified
secretary. I think Mayor Lionheart just wanted the sheep vote... (then, cheerily) But he did give me that nice mug.

She motions to a mug that reads World's Greatest Dad Assistant Mayor.

Bellwether: Feels good to be appreciated.

Mayor Lionheart: (Intercom) Smellwether?!

Bellwether cringes.

Bellwether: That's a fun little name he likes
to use. I called him Lionfart once. He did not care for that, let me tell you. It was not a good day for me. (pressing intercom button) Yes, sir?

Mayor Lionheart: (Intercom) I thought you were going to cancel my afternoon?!

Bellwether: Oh, dear. I better go -- (to Hopps, while leaving) Let me know what you find. It was really nice for me to be--

Mayor Lionheart: (Intercom) While we're young, Smellwether!

Bellwether finally opens her big heavy door and leaves.

Nick: You think when she goes to sleep she counts herself?

Judy: Shush. Okay, traffic cams...
(looking at computer) Tujunga, Tujunga... we're in. Now we can find out what happen to Mike and Mr. Manchas.

Nick and Judy watch the footage from the night before. When Mike was holding down Mr. Manchas, Judy and Nick were holding on to the vine to swing to safety. Judy and Nick see that the Jaguar kicked Mike off the edge then Mike falling to somewhere. Judy turns to the camera sees him falling but then disappears in the next camera shot.

Judy: Where did he go?

Nick: I don't know. (Nick gets an idea) Wait! There could be a secret camera somewhere in the trees.

Nick takes the mouse, moving it around. To a secret camera where it catches Mike grabbing a branch on a tree.

Mike's POV

Mike screaming as he's falling. But then he calms down he look around he see's branch come up. He grab's it, and holds on to it.

Mike: (panting) Oh, Grimius! That was close!

Mike pulls himself up then. And carefully walking on the branch. He finally finds a road.

Mike: I hope Judy and Nick are ok and safe? I didn't see them when I was falling. I'm going back up there. I got get to Mr. Manchas before he hurts anyone else.

Mike runs fast back to Mr. Manchas.

Judy and Nick's POV

After Judy and Nick finding that Mike is ok They go back to the jaguar. He's still going nuts. Then a Black Van skids up, and some Wovles hop out.

Judy: Who are these guys?

Nick: Timberwolves. Look at these dumdums.

The Wolves suddenly capture the jaguar with a net. Judy gasps, shocked. Nick is unfazed.

Nick: Betcha a nickel one of em's gonna

The wolves howl...

Nick: And there it is. What is it with
wolves and the howling? It's like--

Judy: (light-bulb moment) Howlers! Night howlers! That's what Manchas was afraid of... wolves! The wolves are the night howlers. If they took Manchas...

Nick: ...I bet they took Otterton too.

Judy: All we gotta do is find out where
they went.

She clicks the monitor... but as the wolves drive off, they disappear through a tunnel and don't come out the other side.

Judy: Wait. Where'd they go?

Nick: You know, if I wanted to avoid
surveillance because I was doing something illegal-- which I never have-- I would use the maintenance tunnel 6B... which would put them out... (He clicks on another camera. Nothing... then... the wolves emerge in the van.) ...right there.

Judy looks at Nick, impressed.

Judy: Well, look at you, Junior Detective. You know, I think you'd actually make a pretty good cop.

Nick: How dare you.

Judy: (goes back to clicking.) we track the wolves through alleys and back roads.

Nick: Acacia alley... Ficus underpass...
South Canyon...

Judy: They're heading out of town...
Where does that road go?


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