¿Home? (Little Mix/ Jesy Nels...

By MixerJesy

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Ava is just a little girl who wants to feel loved and protected, she just needs a warm and safe place that sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Ava Evans Smith
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

340 13 0
By MixerJesy

It's been a crazy three days. As expected, the girls where thrilled when Jesy told them the news, they can't wait till she is here, and they get to meet her. Jesy has had a crazy three days, mostly because she has found herself looking at children's furniture and toys without even noticing. Her mom had been crazy, but she had been helping her a lot with everything so it's okay. Of course at times it was a little hard, the truth is Jesy's insecurities will come out and make her doubt if she's really capable of doing this, if she's really ready for it. But she is, she knows she is.

Well there's not going back now, the day had finally come. She had to be at Broomfield Hospital in about three hours, there she was going to meet with Kristen. Speaking of which had been really helpful these days, sending Jesy updates on how was everything at the hospital. Also explaining to her how was all of this going to work out from now on, the procedures they had to follow, etc, technical stuff. Some people would say "well, that's her a job" but you could actually tell she loved what she did, and that she really wanted this to go well

For Jesy three hours never spent so slow, seriously, the longest three hours of her life. She decided to keep busy, maybe like that time would go faster. Took a shower, ate something, and just found things to do until it was time to go. Then she called an Uber, because, fun fact, she can't drive

When she arrived, there was a lot of people, more than she expected. As soon as she got out of the car, she started looking for Kristen, it didn't took long she was pretty easy to recognise. The social worker was tall, with long, blond hair, and is always dressed elegantly, mostly because of her job. She was next to the hospital doors checking her phone. When she saw Jesy, immediately put her phone down and walked towards her

"Jesy! Finally, it's nice seeing you again" she said smiling, but of course Jesy couldn't tell that, well it's hard to know with the mask as you could guess

"I know! It's been a long time" the last time they saw each other was about 2 maybe 3 months ago "I imagine it has been crazy, with all the restrictions and all"

"You have no idea how much did I have to do, and how many people did I have to talk to so you can come and take it from here" she answered laughing while they entered the building "don't get me wrong, I really enjoy talking to you and we can grab a coffee sometime, but I bet what you really want to know about is the reason we are here" the social worker said. 

She had done this procedure hundreds of times, Jesy seemed nice, like a woman she could be friends with, and she would really enjoy a coffee sometime but she was not here because they were friends, and she knew the wait and not knowing could be stressful so she was trying to speed this up. Jesy just nodded with a light smile, she was really thankful that was Kristen who brought that up 

"Ava Evans, three years old, been in the system since she was a year and a half, mom Olivia Smith, died in labour, dad William Evans, drugs abuse, isn't capable of taking care of her, no more family members, that's pretty much it" Kristen said taking a folder out of her purse "this is her file, everything since she entered foster care is here, important dates, medical reports, everything. I recommend you to read it alone... take your time, it's not easy to read or watch" Jesy nodded looking at the folder and saving it in her purse 

"As I was saying, there's no much about her family, she was placed with the Thomas about a year ago. Everything seem fine, medical reports in order, loving family, mom, dad and kids, everything we, as social workers, look for when it comes to place a child" said as they entered the lift "Well, apparently someone wasn't doing his job, and decided to stop doing the regular visits" now sounding annoyed "more medical stuff started to appear, and you know, kids get sick and injured, I get that but something... just wasn't right here, so I sent the social worker to do a visit, he didn't find anything weird, so we dropped it... next thing we now, we received a call from a neighbour that heard screams from the house" getting out of the lift  

"..." Jesy was speechless, the lump in her throat wouldn't let her speak. Her mind was trying to think about possible scenarios where whatever happened wasn't so bad, but she couldn't. Each one of them was horrible, she needed to get out of her thoughts, they weren't helping the lump in her throat. She didn't wanted to ask, but she knew she had to "What happened?"

"Luckily we arrived fast enough, our guess was that he pushed her down the stairs" suddenly that lump on her throat, and the sadness that had taken over her was replaced by anger, she was furious "we found her on the ground, wasn't responding, just crying a lot, broke two ribs and had a deep cut on the back of her head, without counting the amount of bruises the doctors found all over her body" Jesy could tell she was not the only one angry, but also could tell how sad Kristen was because of this, what prompted her to put her hand on Kristen's shoulder and give her a little smile. Jesy knew Kristen smiled back even though she couldn't see it "things like this shouldn't happen, he is been abusing her since god knows when"

"Where is he now" the brunette asked, he should be locked up she thought to herself

"He is facing criminal charges, so till that is solved, he is in jail, but who knows" she said, suddenly stoping in front of a door "we are here, she is in there, let me talk to her a little bit" here we go

Hope you like it, finally it's time to meet Ava
Let me know what do you think and if you have any suggestions on the comments
Thank you for reading ♥️

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