Family? [SBI Royalty AU]

By late_winter

126K 4.3K 2.4K

What happens when an orphaned 16 year old avian crashes into a tree and is found by Prince Wilbur Soot? Secre... More

The Accident
Medic Ward
The Sky, The Stars
The Bittersweet Smell Of Rain
The Ram and His Son
Green Eye, Red Eye.
Midnight Talk
How Long Has It Been?
The Aftermath
Dragon Wings
First Encounters
Beautiful Garden
So This Is War
Two Immortals
Wooden Blades
Fox Doctor
Mushroom Forest
Dark Metal, Dark Memories
Little Warrior
Piglin Child
Tears of a Toddler
Melodies Of A Guitar
T̶h̶r̶e̶e̶ Two Lovers Intwined
Do You Remember?
A/N but im stupid
A/N sorry
A/N: Well shit.

Terrifying Thoughts

2.8K 109 75
By late_winter


Tommy stood hardly breathing, below his feet was the corpse of Phil.

His body was covered in blood and he had a large gash begginging at his chest and ending midway through his stomach.

"Phil?" He whispered, kneeling next to the body.

"Phil wake up." The avian said, beggining to shake the king.

"Phil please wake up." The blonde was beginning to cry, tears pricked at the edge of his eyes.

"Dad wake up!" He screamed, shaking the older avian with as much force as he possibly could.

"Tommy?" Wilbur asked from above him, the teen looked up eyes filled with tears.

"Wil he won't wake up! Why won't he wake up?" Tommy sobbed, still shaking Phil's corspe.

"Tommy what did you do?" Technoblade asked, voice full of terror.

"I didn't do anything! I want dad back! Why won't he wake up?" The teen cried, now gripping his dads arm.

"It's all your fault." They both said in unision.

It was all his fault.

[Tommy's POV]

Tommy shot up. He was lying in his bed at the castle. It was all a dream right? Phil was ok right? The avian pulled his knees up to his chest, trying to close his eyes and attempt to calm himself. The image of the king's lifeless body flashed across his vision. The blonde's eyes shot open, he tried to keep himself from crying.

It was ok.

Phil was ok.

Wilbur was ok.

Techno was ok.

The royal family was ok.

He was ok.

"Tommy?" Phil called from outside, voice muffled by the door.

Tommy jumped out of bed, dashing towards the door almost tripping over his silk pjamas in the process. The teen practially ripped the door off it's hinges, crashing into Phil for a hug to make sure he was in fact real.

"Woah mate whats the matter?" The king asked, holding the boy close to him.

The younger avian tried to explain what he saw, but all that was heard was crying and words that didn't make sense.

"Toms calm down," he whispered moving Tommy backwards a little so he could put his hands on the boys shoulders, "Try again ok mate?"

The younger avian breathed in, avoiding the gaze of the older. He still couldn't get the image of his dead eyes out of his mind.

"Nightmare. Again. It was different this time. It wasn't them it was you I don't want you to die Phil!" The boy sobbed, tears beginning to form at the edge of his eyes.


"Oh you poor thing." The king muttered, pulling the teen back in to give the blonde a reassuring hug. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon ok?"

The blonde nodded, staying very much attatched to the king.

"C'mon. Wil and Tech are waiting for us in the dining hall." He stated.

The began walking together, Tommy refusing to leave Phil's side head leaning against his arm. In truth the boy was still extemely tired still, but the thought of seeing another person he cared about dead at his feet terrified him.

The king pushed open the dining hall doors, inside sitting at the table was Wilbur and Technoblade calmly chatting to each other. The brunettes eyes looked over to the pair, smile flickering slightly at the sight of Tommy.

Wilbur hates him.

Wilbur hates him.

Wilbur hates him.

Wilbur hates him.

Wilbur hates him.

Wilbur hates-

"Tommy, mate?" The older avian whispered breaking the younger out of his malicous thoughts. He was shaking, face buried into the king's arm.

He was tired.

He wanted to sleep again.

He felt sick.

He felt dizzy.

He felt like he was about to faint.

The teen smiled at Phil, trying to signal he was ok. Tommy pushed away from the king's arm and began to stumble towards the seat Wilbur had showed him a few days ago. He would be fine. He was a big man.

[Wilbur's POV]

Wilbur looked over as the skinny boy stumbled over to the seat. He was paler than usual and looked extremely tired. The prince watched as the avians eyes fluttered shut, his body beginning to fall towards the left. The brunette didn't think, he pushed away from the table and jumped up from his chair running towards Tommy. It was like the day he found him.

He didn't hesitate in helping the boy. This boy was Wilbur's sun. The day the avian said they were like brothers was the happiest he had ever been.

And the prince had destroyed it all.

Tommy had thick walls, it was difficult to be let in. When you are it's a very dangerous thing, the wrong thing could send you right back outise, the walls now covered in thorns.

"Is he ok?" Techno's emotionless voice cut across the silence as the brunette held the blonde in his arms.

Wilbur remained silent, lifting himself Tommy off the ground.

"Wil where are you going? Is he ok?" His father asked, trying to block his path.

"I'm going to the medical ward. He fainted he needs help." He stated, swerving around Phil.

He nudged open the doors to the dining hall, swiftly walking out before anyone could stop him. Right now all that mattered was Tommy being ok.

Wilbur walked through the doors to the medical ward, it was practically empty only a few people were in. Most with broken bones after falling off a horse or something else.

"Fundy!" The prince called, in response a ginger fox-hybrid looked up from a counter where he was working. Upon seeing the sleeping boy in his arms he sighed.

"Again? What happenes this time?" Fundy asked, walking towards the pair.

"He fainted, no clue why." The brunette hummed, handing Tommy over to the medic.

The fox took the boy, placing him onto a bed.

"Judging just by the look of him it's lack of sleep and stress." The medic mumbled, checking the avians tempreture.

"Stress?" Wilbur inquired, watching Fundy's every move.

"Yeah stress. The kids gone through a lot. Being injured, adopted by the royal family, the arguement you ranted to me about at 12AM a few nights ago. It's alot to go through within the span of a month." The fox explained, finally getting up from the resting child. "Yeah. I'd say it's from stress."

[Tommy's POV]

It's so dark. Why is it so dark? Wheres dad? Wheres Techno? Wheres Wilbur?

It's cold. Tommy doesn't wanna be cold. Not again. Phil had finaly started to thaw his icy heart he didn't want to become how he was before. Someone who shut themselves away refusing help from anyone who decided he was worthy of even a slither of opportunity.

Tommy wanted Wilbur. He wanted to apologise for everything. The things he said about Phil, the night that the prince was forced to carry him back to his own room after unloading his trauma onto him. Something the brunette never asked to help with.

He wanted to apologise to Phil. Tommy had scared him so much the night he had a stupid nightmare and couldn't breathe making it so the king had to help. Then the next day he cried that he saw him dead,that must be alot for him to deal with knowing someone he trusted imagined him dead.

He wanted to apologise to Techno. He had made the other prince ruin his formal clothes all because he was throwing a hissy fit over not wanting to get out of the rain.

Tommy was useless.


And utterly.




i do actually plan on doing a techno and tommy bonding chapter but this kid needs therapy i know i said i wanted to introduce new characters but i think tommy calling phil dad is somethinh you want more then backstory on the eye scar

remember to eat and stay hydrated!

word count: 1319

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