The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅

By JoonsFix

42.1K 2.2K 212

When Evlyn lost her job everything around her started to crumble. She'd been out of work for months and was d... More

Welcome to The Maid


1.1K 66 3
By JoonsFix

Evelyn woke up earlier than usual to fix a nice breakfast for the three of them since Jimin had to catch an early flight, he was going to Paris for work. Since he was still on his "diet" she made veggie omelets with fresh fruit smoothies for all of them. It was just after 5am and his flight was scheduled to take off at 7:45am.

"Good morning kitten" Hobi's raspy morning voice vibrated in her ear as he hugged her from behind

"Morning baby," she leaned back to accept his kiss on her cheek "Sit, everything is done"

"Looks good" he slid into his chair with a big yawn

"Good morning beautiful and handsome" Jimin chimed, he pecked Evelyn's lips then Hoseok's "Thank you for getting up so early and making breakfast"

"You're welcome" she set their plates and smoothies in front of them then sat down with her food. "Jimin you better eat every single bite, it's all veggies"

"Yes ma'am" he smiled, cutting into it with his fork. They ate pretty quietly, two of them were still waking up. "Kitten, have you heard from Gabby?"

"No, why?"

"She said something about planning a girl's trip to Miami and wanted to know if you wanted to go," Hoseok answered

"Ooh that sounds like fun" she drank the last bit of her smoothie "If she asks me to go I'd be down, as long as you're both okay with me taking the time off"

"Baby we already told you that you don't have to "work", you can take off whenever you want" Jimin said collecting everyone's plate

"I know but it gives me something to do, besides who will clean and cook if I don't?" Both men looked away with pursed lips making her giggle "Exactly so let me do what I do"

"You know we appreciate you for it." Hobi smiled, leaning back in his chair "While we are all together there is something we need to discuss"

"And what is it?" she inquired

"Do you think you will be comfortable going without me and Jimin?"

"Yeah... should I not be?"

"No, no it's just, hmm how do I explain it? Uh, okay, so you know that everyone in the group is either bi or pan right?" she nods "And you identify as straight but you've made out with both of the girls before and they may want to make out with you again"

"That's putting it mildly" Jimin mumbled

"Oh, okay. I mean I don't have an issue with that, they like to have fun and sometimes girls make out even if they're not gay. It's not that big of a deal"

"Right, but Gabby and Minah don't just make out with each other- they fuck and they may want to fuck you" Jimin expressed plain and simple, Hoseok was just dragging it out "Ow! Why'd you hit me?"

"Wait a minute, is she planning to seduce me on this trip?"

"Jimin, you have no tact. Kitten, it's possible. They both expressed how much they like you, of course you don't have to do anything you don't want to but we just wanted you to know so you wouldn't be surprised or ambushed by their advances. If you that makes you uncomfortable then don't go"

Evlyn didn't know what to say, she was still getting used to being in an open relationship with two bisexual men and their close friends. The cogs in her brain were spinning like a hamster wheel. She had to admit that ever since that night she's wondered what it would be like to be with a woman, not that she was totally against it considering her current relationship but this would be a new lane on her sexual path, which was pretty boring until a little more than month ago. Evlyn didn't oppose the idea completely; she just imagined that when the opportunity presented itself they'd all be together like last time.

"I know this would be new, unexplored territory for you but I, personally, think it would be fun" Jimin said, pulling her from her thoughts "We've known Minah and Gabby for a long time and we trust them. They would never try to force nor would they treat you any differently if you declined the offer. They are gentle and caring with each other so I know they would be the same way with you"

"He's right. If exploring your sexuality is something you really want to do, outside of Jimin and Jungkook, Minah and Gabby are the go-to people. Minah's knowledge and experience from working in the sex club is fascinating and helpful. Gabby's love, enthusiasm and appreciation of sex makes her a great lover; she always makes sure everyone is comfortable and enjoying themselves" Hoseok further explained

"And you're both okay with me having sex with them without you or the rest of they guys there? I thought that violated a rule"

"One, yes we are and two it doesn't violate the rule if the participants are the same sex. Since it'll be just the girls AND all of the boyfriends are aware of the potential sex it would be okay" Hoseok answered.

"So what do you think?" Jimin asked with his eyebrows raised

"Looks like I'm going to Miami" Both of her boyfriends sighed in relief.

"When she tells you, pretend you don't know. I'm not sure if she wanted it to be a surprise of not" Hoseok said

"No problem"

"I have to get going, I will text you before take off and when I land" Jimin gave both of his lovers kisses, with lots of tongue, before he departed for the airport.

Hoseok decided he was taking the day off so he went back to bed asking Evlyn to join him which she did. The two spooned comfortably as they drifted back to slumber land just as the sun was rising.


"Hey Gabby what's up?" Evlyn answered her phone

"I have a question for you"

"Then I have an answer for you" she giggled

"Do you want to go to Miami with Minah and I?" Gabby was nervous she would say no


"Uhh I was thinking in like a week, we could do an extended weekend with just us girls"

"Sure, why not. I could definitely use a trip to Miami"

"Yay! It's gonna be so fun, okay I will plan it all so don't worry about anything. Just pack your bag" Gabby pumped her fist in the air victoriously

"Are you sure? I can help out"

"I got it beautiful but thanks. Tae and Kookie are funding the flight and hotel so you're good babe"

"Wow, please thank them for me that's so nice" she was truly thankful for their generosity

"Absolutely. I'm not going to keep you any longer. I need to call Minah and tell her the trip is a go and get everything booked. Talk you later"

"Alright bye-bye"

Evlyn was really excited for the trip. Ever since the fiasco at her previous job she had not been feeling like her usually fun, carefree self and she was hoping this weekend getaway would help with that. While excited to party in Miami like the rich do she was also secretly looking forward to what Gabby and Minah might have in store for her.

"Kitten, have you seen my airpods?" Hoseok yelled from his office up on the second floor

"No" she yelled back

"Ugggh!" he growled.

Evlyn bounced to her bedroom to go through her clothes to see what would be worthy of the clubs and beaches of Miami "Hmm I don't wanna wear any of this"

"Found them" he yelled, jogging down the stairs "Where are you?"

"My room" he popped his head in ten seconds later "I just talked to Gabby and told her I would go on the trip"

"Oh yeah, was she excited?"

"Very" she replied without looking at him "She told me not to worry about anything and pack my bag, apparently Jungkook and Taehyung are paying for the flight and hotel"

"It's what they do baby, they spoil her the same way Jimin and I want to spoil you and Namjoon spoils Minah"

"I see, come here" she waved him into her closet "I don't know what to pack, nothing seems nice enough"

"Well we have two options here, one, we can go shopping right now and buy you all new stuff or two," he threw his arms over her shoulder "shop when you get there"

"That sounds expensive" she said mainly to herself "You'd take me shopping?"

"Uh yeah! You hardly let us do or buy anything for you so I would actually love to take you shopping" he said tilting her head back

"I just don't want you or Jimin to think I'm with you for your money, you already pay me a ridiculous salary and provide me with room and board"

"We already know you are not a money hungry gold digger, baby neither of us has ever suspected you to be that type of person." He kissed the corner of her mouth "However, as a woman with two super successful and rich boyfriends you should not have to want for anything so get used to being spoiled"

"Thank you Seokie" she smiled big and wide "Let's go shopping"

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