Forever & Always

By Book_Dreamer875

524 66 0

What would you do if your mum left the country for three weeks? Bianca stays with her mum's friend and her tw... More

Author's Note - Please Read!
Introduction Quote
1: Moving In
2: The Box Full of Memories
3: One Eventful Day
4: The Date
5: Locked Out
6: A Stolen Kiss
7: Reoccurring Nightmare
8: Black Light Party
9: Birthday Shopping
10: Katie's Birthday (Part I)
11: Katie's Birthday (Part II)
13: Heartbreak
14: Party Time
15: Goodbye & First Song
16: School's Back
17: Water Fights & Unexpected Guests
18: One Eventful Day
19: New Student & Pranks
20: Home SWEET Home
21: Tattoos & The Truth
22: Thank You
23: The BIG Game
24: University Letter
25: Miss You Dad
26: Future Planning
27: It's About Time
28: Forever & Always
That is a wrap!

12: First Year Anniversary

15 2 0
By Book_Dreamer875

Edited: 01/07/2022

The drive home was agonizing. It felt like Mike was hitting every speed bump on purpose just to make me regret how drunk I got last night.

"How is the hangover?" Mike asked as he hit another speed bump.

"A bit better after some food and coffee however it is not helping when you keep hitting those stupid bumps. When I get home, I will have some pain relief, go for a run and have a nice shower" I said quietly.

"Sounds like you know what you are doing" he raised an eyebrow.

"It is not like I have never had a hangover before" I chuckled slightly.

"Also, mum called me this morning. She has to extend her trip for another two weeks. She said that she will call you tomorrow but she has already spoken to Julie and Julie said it is fine" he finished.

"You have got to be kidding me! She was supposed to be home next week and now you are telling me that I have to spend another two weeks without her. Mikey, I want to go home. I miss my own bed" I seethed.

"I know you do but mum really needs us to understand and be there for her at the moment Bee"

"I guess, it just feels like she is never going to come home" I murmured.

"You know that is not true" he sighed.

"Alright, I will leave you to it. Have fun tonight" he said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you Mikey"

"Love you Bee"

I was met with silence as I entered the house so I decided now would be the perfect time to start this hangover cure.

Step 1, go for a run.

Walking up to my bedroom, I quickly got dressed into a pair of yoga shorts and a sports bra before chucking my hair up into a tight and secure ponytail.

took some pain relief and plugged in my headphone as I took off full speed down the street.

Soon enough, I arrived back home with a layer of sweat covering my entire body. I was stopped short by wolf whistles. Turning around, I saw the three boys sitting in the lounge room.

"Morning boys" I smiled, deciding to ignore their childish behaviour.

"How exactly are you standing right now?" Matt asked.

"Greasy food, coffee, pain relief and a run" I laughed.

"And now a shower, so excuse me" I smiled walking upstairs and into my room.

To Will: Happy anniversary! Are we still on for tonight?

To Bianca: You too. I will pick you up at five.

To Will: Okay see you then x

I jumped into the shower and remained there for a little bit longer than usual, letting my muscles relax under the heat. Eventually, I stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped securely around my body.

I went into my wardrobe and put on a pair of shorts and a grey jumper that reads proud supporter of messy hair and sweatpants.

"What are you guys up to today?" I said, sitting myself down on the lounge in between Matt and Drew.

"Matt and I are going to stay here for a bit" Drew said.

"Sounds good" I said as my phone started ringing, "excuse me."

"Katie, you are awake. How is your head?" I laughed.

"Shut up, it is pounding" she whined.

"Have some greasy food, some coffee and a cold shower and you will be fine" I assured her.

"Uh huh" she groaned.

"Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you again for last night."

"You need to stop thanking me" I smiled.

"I am going to be sick, I have to go" she said hanging up on me. I could not help but smile as I walked into the lounge room.

"How is Katie?" Caleb asked.

"She is currently vomiting so not great" I chuckled.

"I am surprised that you are not vomiting" Caleb said.

"I am pretty good at managing my hangovers" I smiled, walking back into my room.

The rest of the morning went by super quickly. Drew, Matt, Caleb, and I spent time talking, laughing, and playing the PlayStation. I felt bad for judging the boys without knowing them because they really were incredible friends. I am so thankful that Julie allowed me to stay here so that I was given the opportunity to get to know them. I was very lucky to have them in my life.

However, once it reached four in the afternoon, I made my way to my bathroom and started getting ready for my date. Whilst waiting for the curling wand to heat up, I started doing my makeup. Just as the last curl was released from the wand, it hit five P.M.

I could not help but admire myself in the mirror. My hair was curled perfectly and my makeup looked stunning.

I slipped my black and gold dress on and was tying up the back when the doorbell went off.

"Caleb, I am not ready. Can you or one of the boys please get the door" I yelled.

"Yes, just hurry up" he mumbled.

I put my hells on and quickly added a pair of gold earrings.

I walked out of my room and into Caleb's room to say goodbye to Matt and Drew.

"Bye boys" I smiled

"Wow, you look amazing" Drew said, giving me a hug.

"Thank you. It is our anniversary so hopefully it is a great night"

"Have a good night" Matt yelled out as I left the bedroom.

Caleb's Point Of View

"I hate Will, I really do" I groaned standing up.

"Maybe you just do not like him because he is dating Bianca" Drew smirked.

"No, I do not like him because he is an idiot" I said, walking out into the hallway to open the front door.

I walked down the stairs and opened the door. Will was standing there in a suit, holding a bunch of flowers.

"I am actually sick of seeing you" he groaned.

"Well hi to you too" I said sarcastically.

"You are an emotionless player" Will said, glaring at me.

"And you are a prick."

Just as Will was about to say something else, Bianca descended the staircase looking absolutely breath taking. I stared in awe as she walked closer to us. That dress was beautiful, it clung to her body in all the right places. She looked like a goddess.

"You look nice" Will said, giving her a kiss.

"Thanks" she said, frowning slightly.

"Bye Caleb" she said, giving me a hug.

"You look more than nice; you look gorgeous princess" I whisper into her ear.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"These are for you" he said, passing Bianca the flowers.

"Thank you. Caleb, do you mind putting these in a vase?" she asked

"Sure thing" I smiled, taking the flowers out her hands.

"Thank you".

Bianca's Point Of View

The drive was short and quiet but after twenty minutes, Will pulled up at a small restaurant.

He came around and opened the door for me, helping me get out of the car.

"You look really sexy tonight" he said, placing his lips on mine.

My body was pushed up against the car as Will pressed his body against mine. His lips moved down my collar bone leaving small little kisses on my skin.

"Come on, let's go inside" I said, interrupting the kiss and intertwining our fingers.

He places his hands over my eyes and leads me inside.

"Okay are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes" I smiled.

He removed his hands from my eyes and I stood their shocked as I looked around. It looked like one of the dates we went on a couple of weeks ago.

In front of us there was a circle table with a white tablecloth over it. There was rose petals and candles all over the white tablecloth with three roses in a vase in the middle of the table. There was also a bottle of champagne in a cooler next to the table.

As I spun around, I notice that there were fairy lights all over the walls around us.

"This is amazing" I smiled as my eyes teared up.

Will picked out a rose from the vase and passed it to me.

"Thank you" she smiled, pecking his lips once again.

"Good evening, my name is Justin and I will be your waiter for tonight. Here are your menus and I will be back in just a few minutes to take your order" he smiled politely.

"Have you been here before?" I ask Will

"Yeah, a few times" he smiled, while fidgeting with my fingers.

"What do you suggest?"

"The ravioli is good" he says.

"Great, well I will get that" I said, closing the menu. I trusted Will's judgement.

"Are you ready to order?" Justin asked.

"Yes, we are. Can I please get the ravioli and for desert can I please have the ample crumble?" I ask politely.

"I will just have the same as her thank you" Will said closing his menu and handing them to Justin.

"No worries, your food will be out shortly" he said, walking away.

"I cannot believe that we have been together for a year" I said shaking my head disbelievingly.

"It has been the best year of my life" I smiled.

"Mine too baby" Will said.

"I love you" I smiled leaning over to give him a quick peck.

"You too" he said.

"I am sorry again for everything" Will apologised.

"It is okay, I forgive you. Let's just leave that in the past. I love you with all of my heart and I just want to keep creating great memories together".

"That sounds amazing"

"How is everything at home?" I asked

"Yeah, it has been good, how about you?" he smiled

"Everything has been great. I am enjoying being with Julie, Caleb, and Tori. I do miss mum though."

"That is good. I bet that she is missing you too" he squeezed my hand.

"How is everything going with your uncle?"

His eyes instantly turned sad, "he has started chemo."

"I hope everything will be okay" I said, giving him a tight smile while squeezing his hand.

"Dinner is served" Justin said, placing our food down in front of us.

"Wow that was so quick, thank you so much. This looks amazing"

Just as we were about to start eating, Will's phone went off. He pulled it out and looked at it before standing up from his seat.

"I just have to take this, sorry" he said, walking away.

"Be quick, you do not want your food to go cold" I smiled sadly.

A few minutes later Will came back. "I am really sorry but I have to go."

"Why, is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Everything is fine, I just need to go home. Someone needs me" he scratched the back of his head.

"Is your family alright?"

"It is a girl from school" he answered.

"Someone from school? Are you kidding me! Tell them you will talk to them later" I yelled in frustration.

"Bianca I cannot do that; I need to see them. We need to talk about something" he groaned.

"It is our one-year anniversary!" I tried reasoning.

"I am sorry" he stated.

"Well go ahead because obviously they are more important than me" I said as a tear dropped down me cheek.

"I will call you" he said, leaving me some money for dinner.

'Don't bother' I muttered to myself once he had left.

I pick up my clutch and grab my phone out of it, dialling Caleb's number.

"Bee, what is wrong?" he asks worriedly.

"Will left me here" I cried as I sat down at the table.

"He did what? Where are you?"

"At this small restaurant called Al Fresco" I sniffled.

"I am coming to get you; I will be there as soon as I can" he said, hanging up.

I ate some of my food before leaving the $100 bill on the table. I walked outside just as Caleb pulled up.

Caleb jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped and ran straight over to me, sweeping me up into his arms.

"How could he just leave me here?" I sobbed.

"Bianca do not waste your tears on him" he said, holding me as I cried.

"He must be stupid to leave someone as beautiful as you by yourself" Caleb said, giving me a kiss on the head.

He escorted me to the car and I angrily took off my shoes and my earrings. "He left me to go and help someone from his school!" I yelled frustratingly.

"Who leaves their anniversary dinner to go and help another girl."

"An idiot who does not see what is right in front of him" Caleb sighed, shaking his head.

Pulling up to the front door, I turned to Caleb "thank you for coming to get me, I cannot thank you enough."

He smiled sweetly, "anything for you".

Walking into the house, I went to my bedroom but just as I was about to step inside, I saw Drew and Matt watching me cautiously from Caleb's room.

"Yep, I got ditched" I raised my eyebrows, showing a fake smile as I gave them the thumbs up.

"We are here if you need anything" Matt smiled sadly.

"Thanks guys, I just want to forget about this night altogether."

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