Legendary Devil Huntresses

By Anime0CC0Manga

71.7K 1.5K 2.1K

Team RWBY accidentally ends up in the world of Devil May Cry~ More

It's Raining Girls, Hallelujah~
A Devil's Home~
Settling In~
Everyday Life In This New World~
Let The Party Start~
Let's Have A N'ICE' Day~
Just Clowning Around~
Entertaining The Guest~
Broken Heart
Our Awakening~
We Meet Again~
Eye For An Eye~
Darkness Unleashed
Bad Sense Of Humour~
Lady's First~
Our Fears Is Our Real Hell
The Legend Meets~
Bittersweet Ending~
One Year Later
Party Crasher~
Bad Luck With Ladies~
Castle & Flaming Scorpion~
Nelo Angelo
Petty Bug~
Fried Chicken~
Boat Ride~
Secret Reveal
Final Boss
A Miracle~
10 Years Later~
Patty Lowell~
The Red Wasp~
Bad Luck With The Ladies~
Forbidden Love
Love Is Red
Friend Or Foe?
What Are You In For?
Inner & Outer Darkness
The Invitation
The Real Party Begins
The Curtains Close
Another 7 More Years
The New And Advanced World
Love And Peace
The Strong And Brave Holy Knight
The Grandson Of Sparda
Good Night
This Isn't Goodbye, But Goodbye
The Party Officially Starts
Let Us Dance
A New Mission In Life
The Rage Of A Mother & Wife
Meeting The Commissioner
Fire Kitty
A Duo To Trio
The First Maid
Small Talk

Good Morning And Good Night

464 13 40
By Anime0CC0Manga

[Time Skip/Flash Back]
"How horrible..."
Stepping out of a large truck, which looks like a medieval yet somewhat advanced vehicle, was a young looking man, maybe around 16 years old, who wore some kind of white soldier coat with black under clothes, had a normal sword on his hip, and had a combed back brown hair, this was Credo Belladonna, the adoptive son of Blake Belladonna, and he was beyond unhappy on what he was seeing right now

"To think such a thing could be allowed to happen in our day and age..."
Credo frowns softly, what he saw before him was a broken area, luckily it wasn't the whole city that was suddenly turned into ruins, but it was still big enough to see such destruction affect a lot of people

"Yay!~ Little Knight Credo Is Here!~"
Though unfortunately for him, all of this was enough of a distraction for him to not notice Yang, who just wore slightly revealing outdoor working clothes, coming up from behind and hugging him tightly, which immediately startled him and struggles to get out such a strong grip

"How's my favorite sparring buddy doing? Been doing lots of pushups Little Knight?~"
Yang giggles and gave him teasing pokes to the cheeks, the young Knight did calm down a bit, once realizing she wasn't a enemy, but still felt embarrassed and upset to be treated like this

"Stop using that nickname, It's beyond childish!"
Credo blush in slight anger and managed to escape from her tight hug, to which she gave him a teasing smile and pets his head, clearly not phased by his reaction

"Don't be so mad, I'm just happy to see you again Little Knight~"
He couldn't help but sigh in exhaustion, was already mentally tired from just being around Yang, though he decided to ignore this for now

"Just tell me what happened here, I was under the impression that a Devil was causing mayhem in this City."
Even though it was wrong to think in such a way, but Credo was slightly hoping that the Devil was still around, so that he and his fellow holy knights could defeat it and prove their worth back at home

"Well, there was a Devil, I think his name was Egosex? I think?"
Yang says as she taps her chin and tries to remember the name, this at first confuses the young Knight, but after carefully thinking about what she said, he gasps and his eyes go wide with shock

"Do you mean 'ARGOSAX THE CHAOS'?! The One Who Can Rival The Power Of Mundus And Combine The Mortal Realm With Hell By His Presence Alone?!"
Once Credo understood what was truly happening, he quickly got ready to call in his Brother's and Sister's of the Holy Knights and prepare for battle

"Rivaling Mundus? I think that's a bit of an exaggeration, especially since he went down too easily compared to that guy, even though we were holding back this time."
After Yang said this, the Young Knight couldn't help but get shocked by what he had just heard

"Y-You team of Mercenaries actually defeated the threat?..."
Credo, despite recognizing that Satanic Xiao Long, and her family, were stronger than most, still didn't expect, or even believe, that they were actually that strong, strong enough to defeat a world ending threat, all by themselves, and with the aid of the forces of Fortuna

"It's actually nothing new for us, like last month we dealt with a Vag Face, Zit Bitch, and a TV, God those three were annoying, they just wouldn't stop cursing."
Yang couldn't help but rub her head and wore a slight annoyed expression from remembering such a headache, though the Young Knight ignored that and couldn't help but be in deep thoughts

"..... Then why were we summoned here?"
Credo couldn't help but now wear a very confused expression, bit understanding the reason or purpose of being here

"Well, as you can tell, this place isn't actually great to look at, broken homes and broken people, so we asked your mother to see if she could lend a few helping hands to clean up this mess."
What Yang said greatly offended the young knight, whether intentional or not, cause from his point of view, she was basically saying that he and all of the Holy Knights from Fortuna were nothing more than a clean up crew that picked up the mess from these glorified Mercenaries, that thought annoyed him, Angered Him, INFURIATED HIM!...

"..... Understood, Miss Xiao Long."
Despite the disgusting and ugly feelings that filled Credo's head and heart, he decided to stay calm and not stress about it, one of the reasons would be because the Citizens around him actually needed his help and as someone who was taught to help others he could not ignore that, but the main reason for him not giving in is because his mind was to clouded with doubt, confusion and lack of understanding of this new realization of the true strength of Team DRWBY, and he needed time to think and process this information

"Credo, what have you learned about our mission?"
Both the Young Knight and the Hellish Dragon turns and looks to see someone walking up to them, someone who was surprising tall, muscular, and definitely looks a bit intimidating, but her clothing makes her look like a 'Warrior Maid' or something similar, which also explains the air of professionalism and class, this was Angela Lansbury, the Captain that was leading this mission

"That this isn't a war, but a rescue mission."
Credo quickly gave a respectful salute and gave a quick easy summary of what was going on, to which Captain Lansbury nod and understood what he meant immediately

"Then we have no time to waste, Credo, please go gather and prepare the rest of our Brothers and Sisters, and inform them on what needs to be done."
The Young Knight gave a nod as he understands what his priorities are, after acknowledging that the order was given, Angela then looks at the Satanic Xiao Long

"As for you, please take me to those that require serious medical attention, so that I can heal them and appease their suffering."
Angela definitely spoke with politeness and professionalism, though if some listen or noticed the smaller details to the way she talks to the Famed Flame Brawler, there was something clearly hidden on how she truly felt towards the blonde

"Roger that General Maid Lady~"
Yang gave a teasing salute, either not noticing or caring about the smaller details of her true feelings, quickly turning away and begins to walk off and show where the injured are, to which the Maid Warrior follow, though as the two were leaving the area, Credo couldn't help but be left there and standing by himself, thinking about everything he just learned today, and how much it made him unsure about himself and his worth, and how much he can truly trust someone he used to know

Meanwhile, as the Holy Knights start to join in the search and rescue, and the clean up of this entire area of this part of the City, we cut back to the Legendary Devil Hunter himself, Dante, who was also helping out, mostly either killing any stray devil's or doing some heavy lifting, while surprisingly enough not wearing his usual red coat style today, just simple working pants, muscle shirts, and a red bandana over his head, the reason he was wearing all this because today was a hot sunny day today, and he just didn't feel like wearing a coat today

"Is everyone ok?"
Dante effortlessly lifted up a large piece of concrete and reveal a small family being stuck underneath, they were very relieved and beyond happy to be saved, quickly everyone took this chance to get out and escape the place they were trapped in, while also saying their thanks to the one that saved him, who just nods in response and gave them a calm reassuring smile, once everyone was gone, and making sure no one else was trapped underneath, he quickly lets go of the big rock and lets out a small sigh

"Man, the Sun is sure getting hot today."
As Dante started to wipe away some sweat from his brow, he was quickly hugged tightly from behind from a certain Sunny DG

"Did I hear someone talking about me?~"
Yang smiles brightly as she held the Son Of Sparda closely, who just lets out a chuckle from this

"So I'm guessing you already showed those Religious People where they can religious it up?"
Dante used his free hand to wrap his arm around his Hellish Wife's neck and brought her closer to his side, while still using his free hand to use a rag to wipe away some sweat

"Mhm, I told them our situation and pointed at a few places with either stray Demons or injured people, hopefully they can handle the rest on their own."
Yang tries to explain what she has done, though couldn't help but get slightly distracted by something after being pulled in close

"I'm sure they can, they were apparently 'Blessed' by Blake after all."
Dante noticed her being, 'Distracted', and decided to not help the situation, by grab removing his bandana and gracefully pushing his white hair to the side, clearly flexing and showing off, to which made the Famed Flame Brawler blush lightly

"..... You always look stylish in your coat, but it's always nice to see what's underneath once in a while~..."
Yang trace a free hand across her Devil Husband chest and stomach, feeling up his abbs and very tone muscle

"Heh, is my Hellish Dragon looking to start a fire?~"
Dante quickly lifted up the chin of the Hellish Dragon, making her dreamy purple eyes look into his light teasing blue ones

"I'm already burning up~"
Yang also used her other hand to cup his face, and slowly brought his to her own, to which he did not resist

"Then maybe I should put out the flame~..."
Both her and Dante slowly brought their face closer to one another, eyes closing and lips about to touch, though before the fire that could burn hotter than hell itself could start

"Can I help? I know a place to get some water!~"
The flames were quickly put out by familiar someone, both Demon Slayers quickly pulls away and see that it was Patty that suddenly came in and unknowingly interrupted a loving moment between the two

"..... We'll pick this up later tonight."

"You better~"
Both Dante and Yang smack each other's ass, before turning their full attention to the Blonde Child, who was also accompanied by her Blonde Mother, holding her daughter closely and wore a expression of calmness and happiness

"Sorry, I didn't mean for my Daughter to interrupt your work."
Luckily it seems Nina and her kid didn't seen what they were actually doing, which was good since they won't have to explain what they were doing and how weird it was

"You're fine, just finished up here and was about to go to the next location to help with."
Dante had no issued being interrupted by the two Human Blondes, not like he was doing anything important at the moment, besides probably making a new sibling for Bianca, but they can obviously wait for that for later, when they weren't busy and were somewhere more private~

"Unless you need something that we can help with?"
Yang let's go and pulls away from her Husband, she assumed that the two needed their assistance with something and decided to stop playing around and get ready to do whatever she needed to do for them, the same goes for her the Son Of Sparda, though the Blonde Lady quickly shook her head no

"No, we didn't come here asking for your service, we actually just came to say thank you, thank you for defeating that Demon, thank you for saving the World, and, most importantly, thank you for protecting my Daughter."
Nina said this with a warm and truly happy expression, holding her Daughter closely and was very glad to be with her, to which the Blonde Child felt the same way

"You've done so much for me, whether intentional or not, I can't think of any way to repay you for what you all have done for me, and everyone close to me."
Before Nina could think of any possible ways that she can repay Team DRWBY while also expressing even more gratitude, she was quickly stopped by the Demonic Hybrid, who just place a hand on her shoulder, which made her look up and see both of their warm and reassuring smiling faces

"Don't think about it too much, just go on and be happy with the new life without any more Demonic troubles."
Dante clearly was fine without being paid for his service, since all that matters to him at the end of the day, was killing Demons and saving what he can, and being happy with those he was able to save

"That, and making sure this little Firecracker is raised well with a loving Mother would also satisfy us greatly."
Yang reached out a hand and ruffled the hair of the Blond Child, who chuckles and quickly hugs them both very tightly

"Thank you for taking care of me and letting me stay at your home. I'll be sure to invite you to all of my birthday parties forever!~"
Patty was truly happy that she was able to meet such amazing people, she always wants to remember their kindness and never forget about them, they were clearly like family to her

"I'll be sure to bring the Pizza and Cake, my Little Squirt."
Dante and the Hellish Dragon returns the love and hugs, as they, and no doubt the rest of Team DRWBY, view Tiny Lowell as part of their family, that they will forever protect and love with all their hearts, it was a lovely sight to behold

"And maybe some Strawberry Sunrise and Sundays~"
Patty smiles at the thought of Yang and Dante, as well as the others, continue to be part of her big happy family, soon, after all that wholesome moments, and probably some cute teasing here and there, Patty and Nina quickly said their goodbyes, no doubt wanting to find a brand new home and start over with their 'Daughter Mother Relationship', though they did promise to visit and hangout whenever possible

"You know what Dante?"
As Patty and Nina started to walk away, Yang, who was watching them leave with her Devilish Husband, couldn't help but realize something

Dante looks at his Satanic Wife, tilting his head and was curious on what she had in her mind

"I love living in your World~"
Yang held onto the arm of the Legendary Devil Hunter and just lovingly lay her head on his shoulder

Dante was honestly not expecting her to say that, let alone know how to respond to hearing what she said

"I mean, I always loved living in your Dimension and Earth, I felt that way after spending so many years here, with you and my family."
Yang quickly let out a satisfied sigh and looks at her Husband with a warm happy expression

"But things like that, meeting Patty, helping Nina, and just, well, just doing good, I just can't help but be reminded how much I'm a part of this place, and how much I accepted and feel accepted here."
Yang then looks away from him and looks at the sky, which was slowly turning orange to black, as the Sun was setting and the Moon was rising, the clouds disappearing and the Stars are shining

"I can't express enough how glad I am to exist here."
Yang just close her eyes and just took a moment to enjoy the presence of just being here, the feeling of peace and satisfaction was a loving sansation

"...I'm glad that you exist here as well."
Dante couldn't help but also feel the exact same way as his Wife, holding her closer to him and cherishing her life and being with him, he could never imagine what he would be like without her

"..... Well anyway, enough sharing our feelings, let's continue cleaning up and go home before it gets late, don't want Bianca tries to eat Morrison again~"
After a minute or two of comforting silence and just taking a moment to enjoy the mood right now, the two decided to quickly split apart and continue what they were doing, which was clean up, help others, and be home just in time before their Demonic Daughter gets upset and take out her rage on Morrison, which made the two laugh from remembering that time, but with that in mind, both Dante and Yang started to leave and go to the next area to visit

"Hmmm... Speaking of cleaning up, I wonder how Credo's is doing?"
A few hours has passed, which was long enough for the Sun to complete set and be replaced with Moons and Stars, and when the night has began, the whole search, clean up, and Demon Hunting was over, which means the Holy Knights had no reason to be there anymore and were in the middle of packing up and doing last minute searching, just to make sure everything was ok, but despite doing a lot of good today, which is something they don't regret or anything like that, every Fortuna Civilians couldn't help but feel like they were nothing more than a trash collector, collecting and cleaning up after someone else's trash

"To think those Mercenaries had the gall to call the amazing Holy Knights of Fortuna to do their simple, 'Chores', I have never been sullied in such a way in all my life."
One of the many Fortuna People that felt such a way, was Angela Lansbury, who couldn't help but mumble angrily while in the middle of walking around, as if looking for something or someone

"For the Savior's sake, Lady Bureiku needs to stop letting her pure heart be taken advantage of like this and let those scoundrels use her, it will get her in deep trouble one of these days."
Of course, Angela wasn't to upset for being sent here by her Lady Bureiku, especially since the people here genuinely needed help, it was in her code of honor to help the less fortunate after all, but that still doesn't excuse for being used as nothing more as a clean up crew

"Though that's a discussion for another day, for now it's time to go home."
Once Angela decided to calm down and decided to save those thoughts for later, she decided to continue walking and looking that certain someone she was trying to find, to which she was able to do, finding the one she was searching for, who happens to be Credo's, kneeling down and seemed to be praying

"Ah, there you are Credo's, I was wondering where you were, come now, we must leave before it gets-"
Angela was about to speak and explain to the Young Knight on what was going on and what they were about to do now, but stopped when she got interrupted by him

"They're unworthy..."
What Credo said was enough to stop Miss Lansbury from her thought and look at him in surprise

Angela was now confused on what the Young Knight even meant by that

"It's one thing for them to be that unnecessarily powerful for no good reason."
Credo then slowly gets up and slowly step aside, which allowed the Lady Captain to see who he was praying to

"Oh my goodness..."
What Angela saw that made her gasp in horror, was three dead bodies, of a Mother, a Father, and a Child, which were covered by the white jacket of the Young Knight

"But not to use it with any kind of responsibility or care, they're a disgrace to those that actually earned said power and use it with true elegance."
Despite saying all that, Credo did not show any kind of hate or rage, in fact, he acted more like he just realized something and needed to do something about it

"Come Angela, we suddenly have a lot more to do back at Fortuna."
Credo quickly then started to walk off, which snapped Miss Lansbury out of her shock and suddenly watch him leave

"W-What do you mean by that, what are you planning?"
Angela, even if she felt the same amount of rage and hate as Credo's, she still didn't understand what was going on with him and what he was suddenly planning and thinking about

"..... Correcting the wrongs, and fixing what's right..."
HMMMMMMMMMMMMM... Hey guys, be honest with me, what's your thoughts of me, or even 'YOU', making a side short story of RWBY X DMC: Lemon Only Addition? Huh Huh? What That Demon Do~
(Anyway, please leave some comments, suggestions and advice for this story, also I'm doing a comic of this story, you could find it in GOODLOSER from DeviantArt and Emerald.16 from Instagram, twank u wuv u all~)

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