Legendary Devil Huntresses

By Anime0CC0Manga

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Team RWBY accidentally ends up in the world of Devil May Cry~ More

It's Raining Girls, Hallelujah~
A Devil's Home~
Settling In~
Everyday Life In This New World~
Let The Party Start~
Let's Have A N'ICE' Day~
Just Clowning Around~
Entertaining The Guest~
Broken Heart
Our Awakening~
We Meet Again~
Eye For An Eye~
Darkness Unleashed
Bad Sense Of Humour~
Lady's First~
Our Fears Is Our Real Hell
The Legend Meets~
Bittersweet Ending~
One Year Later
Party Crasher~
Bad Luck With Ladies~
Castle & Flaming Scorpion~
Nelo Angelo
Petty Bug~
Fried Chicken~
Boat Ride~
Secret Reveal
Final Boss
A Miracle~
10 Years Later~
Patty Lowell~
The Red Wasp~
Bad Luck With The Ladies~
Forbidden Love
Friend Or Foe?
What Are You In For?
Inner & Outer Darkness
The Invitation
The Real Party Begins
The Curtains Close
Good Morning And Good Night
Another 7 More Years
The New And Advanced World
Love And Peace
The Strong And Brave Holy Knight
The Grandson Of Sparda
Good Night
This Isn't Goodbye, But Goodbye
The Party Officially Starts
Let Us Dance
A New Mission In Life
The Rage Of A Mother & Wife
Meeting The Commissioner
Fire Kitty
A Duo To Trio
The First Maid
Small Talk

Love Is Red

578 15 54
By Anime0CC0Manga


In some type of random, unfamiliar bar, two certain individuals were in the middle of having a discussion, all the while having a drink being made by one of them

"So Rodin, why did you call me at this fine hour, I have you know that I was busy spending time with my Niece, did you know that she turns 9 today?"

At one side, sitting on the stool and suggestively licks a lollipop, was a beautiful looking woman, who seems to be in there late 20s or so, wore glasses, has unique clothing that seems to be connected to her hair, and seems to have some kind of special amulet on her chest, she was no doubt a nice eye candy, but she seems to be more than a lovely figure

"Tell me, Bayonetta, how much do you know of Sparda?"

On the other side, the one making the drinks and was named Rodin, he was a large muscular black man, with sick tattoos, a very stylish coat, sunglasses, and smoking a cigar that he lights up with his purple flaming thumb, he was obviously more than a simple bar tender, and he had no reason to hide it

"God Damnit, this story again, you know, when I visited your Hell again to make new contract with my pets, I've been hearing nothing but 'Legendary Dark Knight' this and 'Defeating Mundus' that, I mean sure, quite the gentleman when we first met, but holy hell I hate all the story and rumors about him."

The one known as Bayonetta lays her head on her fist, wearing a very annoyed expression when she heard about the 'Legend' and 'Story' about Sparda

"If that's the case, then I'm sure you are quite aware of his son's name 'Vergil', the same one who opened the gate of 'Temen-ni-gru' and nearly released all of Hell."

Rodin ignore her complaining, and continues to explain what she needed to know to understand the context of what he might say next

"Ah, right, I remember that, you know I would've gone there to give that naughty boy a good spanking, but those damn Angels were bothering me that day, so I unfortunately couldn't see how or why it ended."

Bayonetta sounded disappointed for not being able to make it to that fight when it happened, she felt like she missed something big that day

"Heh, I guess this is your lucky day, if you still feel that way."

Rodin reaches in his coat and pulled out a few photos, putting them all on the table and showed them to her, who looked at them in curiosity

"There's been sightings of Vergil, who is still around and causing trouble again, so many innocent and large amounts of property damage whenever he shows up somewhere, and from what I've been able to gather, he's not alone this time."

As Robin explain the situation, Bayonetta picked up one of the pictures and looked at it carefully, all the while finishing up the candy she was sucking on

"Isn't he supposed to be wearing a blue coat and have spiky hair?"

Bayonetta pokes the candyless stick at the photo, noticing that something was wrong with this image

"Most likely a disguise, or at the very least changing his looks to confuse the enemy."

Rodin shrugs, clearly he only knows on what he's been told and what he has seen, the Beautiful Lady just shrugs and drops the picture before standing up and started to walk off

"I'll check it out, but you're making it up to my Niece by helping her move out of her home."

Bayonetta then stands on top of the '[Magic Circle]', to which it started to glow and was about to activate

"Where is she gonna move to?"

Rodin tilted his head, to which she looked back and gave a small teasing grin


Was all Bayonetta said, before being surrounded by magic and disappearing completely, this made Rodin sigh and shook his head

"I bet she's doing this because she knows that place is obviously up to no good?"

Meanwhile, at a random empty desert, a familiar looking red car zip pass on the only road that exist on such a sandy place, and in that said familiar car, are four certain individuals who was just chilling and discussing the day that they just had today

"It Wasn't My Fault! They Attacked Me When My Guard Was Down!"

Ruby, the one sitting at the left side of the back of the car, was in the middle arguing with someone who was also in the backseat with her

"You Literally Have A Demonic Eye That Allows You To See And Sense Devil's! How Did You Let One Get The Jump On You!"

Weiss, the one sitting nexts to the Devilish Rose, yells back at her and wore a very angry face

"I Don't Know! OK!"

Ruby didn't know what else to say to the furious Demonic Schnee, who just huffs and cross her arms

"Freaking Dolt…"

Weiss was now giving the Legendary Devil Huntress the silent treatment and looked away, which made her feel like she got stabbed in the heart by her [Demonic Myrtenaster] and tries her best to apologize to her BGF and not make her mad at her anymore

"Heh, seeing those two argue is always funny to watch."

Yang, who was sitting at the passenger side of the car, couldn't help but laugh and enjoy what she was seeing between her Sister and her, hopefully, soon to be Sister-In-Law

"I wonder how it's gonna end this time, maybe by Weiss feeling bad about yelling at Ruby, or maybe Ruby taking Weiss to the pet park with Phantom?"

Dante, who was the one driving the car, also join in the teasing and also watch the Couples arguing through the reviews mirror, which allowed him to see a even more angry face of Fallen Snow Angel, which was now aimed at him


Before Weiss can make any kind of reply or threat towards the two Married Demonic Couple, a [Magic Circle] suddenly appear above them and a giant fist came out of it crushed the entire car, resulting it getting flatten and making a very large explosion that could be seen for miles


Fortunately though, the entire Demon Hunting Squad we're able to escape such a unexpected attack to them, though the Demonic Red Riding Hood wasn't to happy about what happened to their vehicle, to which the Ice Empress, despite arguing with her not to long ago, comfort her and said nothing to upset her more

"Whoa, what the hell just happened? It was like they came out of thin air and just disappeared?"

Yang was very confused, not knowing on what just happened and where the attacker even went, a feeling shared by the Devil Hunter, who rubs his chin and tilted his head, humming and thinking about this situation, which honestly didn't last long, because he suddenly pulled out [Ivory] and quickly shot away all the bullets that were about to hit everyone, which startled the girls and looked at what just happened, but it was enough of a distraction for a certain Beautiful Woman to appear at the center of the group and wasted no time attacking them all, quickly drop kicking both Weiss and Ruby with her feet, which has some big red guns connected to them, resulting in the two Demonic Mutate to be blasted away while being kicked, after those to were gone, she landed back on her feet and jump forward towards Yang next, who was able to recover from her distraction and suddenly growls in anger as her eyes turn red and hair burst into flames, she quickly summoned her [Satanic Celica] and through a hard punch towards Bayonetta, who smirked and suddenly disappeared before the fist can connect, which made the Famed Flame Brawler go wide eyes

"Excuse me dear, but why are you hitting thin air?~"

When the voice of Bayonetta spoke behind the Hellish Dragon, she quickly turns her head to look, but was immediately met with with a bunch of bullets that took the shape of a heart, these packed enough of a punch to send her flying away, while also piercing all over her chest, the Mysterious Stranger wore a smirk as she watch her fall down, coughing up blood, though she couldn't look to long as she was forced to avoid a few gunshots by the Son Of Sparda, who was now using both [Ebony and Ivory, she continues to disappear and reappears all over the area, nearly avoiding all the bullets that almost hit her body, this went on for a few more minutes before she suddenly appear and aimed her own red gun, which was called [Scarborough Fair, at the back of his head


Bayonetta pulled the trigger and the bullet pierced through the Devilish Human skull, which made the body fall forward


However, despite Bayonetta delivering such a devastating vital blow, the Demonic Hybrid was still alive and managed to catch himself, this surprised her, which was enough of a opening for him to aim [Ebony] and fired a fully charged shot at her chest, which hit her with enough force to send her flying back, right into his Satanic Wife, who was also able to recover and was now very angry, and the only way to release such frustration was to kick the one that made her feel that way such great might, sending her flying in another direction, right into the Fallen Snow Angel, who used her [Demonic Myrtenaster: Fire Dust Mode] and preformed a upward slash, which sent her flying high in the air, and once she was in mid air, the Silver Eye Devil jumped above the Attacker and aimed her [Crescent Devil: Sniper Mode] at her

"I have avenged you, my Car…"

Ruby then pulls the trigger and shot Beautiful Woman back down into the ground, which created a large crater and made a large dust cloud, once everything has settled down and the cloud of dirt went away, all the Devil Slayers surrounded and aimed their weapons at the Mysterious Stranger, who was on her knees and took a moment to catch her breath and spits out some blood

"Why do you Demons always like to attack and hurt others? Don't you have any other hobbies that don't involve violence?"

Weiss asked her rhetorical question, her expression was showing annoyance, especially after getting kick shot by some kind of 'Feet Guns'

"Actually, she's not a Demon, she's a Witch, more specifically an 'Umbra Witch'."

Dante quickly corrects the Demonic Schnee, which caught the attention of everyone, including the so called 'Umbra Witch' herself

"Oh, so you've heard of my 'People' before? I'm quite impressed~"

Bayonetta was slightly surprised to see someone actually know that she was a Witch and not some kind of Demon or regular Human

"I was forced to read a lot of books…"

When Dante said this, a certain Kitty Cat Priest sneezed, which interrupted her singing performance

"If she's not a Devil, then why do I see 'Demonic Energy' coming off her body?"

Ruby was slightly confused as she used her [Demon Eye] to see some kind of 'Devilish Aura' surrounding the Beautiful Lady, who wore a slight smirk and fixed her cracked glasses

"Maybe it's because of this?~"

The clothing of Bayonetta suddenly became more revealing, because it was actually made of hair and it came apart and went inside a '[Magic Circle]' under her, which distracted the Legendary Devil Hunter, and made both BGF look away and blush in embarrassment

"Wait, she can control her Hair?"

Though as for Yang, she was more fascinated and slightly jealous on what her Opponent was doing with her hair, which was summoning a very large Satanic Dragon like creature, named Gomorrah, who suddenly ate her from behind in one bite


The rest of the Team DRW(B)(Y) slightly panic and were about to help their Member that has gotten eaten, but was stopped when more [Summoning Circles] appears near everyone else


After Bayonetta summoned one 'Demonic Inferno', she quickly summoned more, Ruby was instantly grabbed and taken to the air by a large Devilish Bird, named Malphas, Weiss was caught and dragged underground by a huge Demonic Centipede, named Scolopendra, and Dante was trapped and webbed up by a gigantic Hellish Spider, named Phantasmaraneae, after they were all summoned, the Summoner just sat back and watch the 'Magic' happen

"Most don't survive long with facing me, so let's see if you are more than 'Most'~"

Bayonetta cross her arms and watch them get attacked by her 'Familiars', though was more interested in watching the Red Coat Devil, who didn't seem phase and watch the one called Phantasmaraneae bring him close to its mouth and was about to eat him

"You know, I know a certain Lava Spider who is single, I think you two should meet, though I hope you don't mind the small size?"

Though before Dante could be chomped down, he suddenly activates his [Trickster Style] abilities and instantly disappear and reappears above Phantasmaraneae, with his [Rebellion] resting on his shoulder

"Then again, it is a easy problem to fix~"

Before the gigantic Hellish Spider could do anything, Dante immediately stabbed his large sword into its head, causing the Phantasmaraneae to roar loudly in pain, which was instantly silence when he performed the [Overdrive] inside the Demonic Arachnid, cutting completely in half, killing it instantly, he jumped off the Inferno corpse and look at his Teammates, who was still dealing with the other Summons

"I wonder if they can handle it?"

Dante rubs his chin and thinks about what he should do next, but while doing so, everything around him turns purple and blue, and everything seems to be standing still, as if time has stopped completely

"You most certainly can, that's for sure~"

Bayonetta calmly walked up and in front of the seemingly frozen Son Of Sparda, wearing a light teasing smile and aims her [Scarborough Fair] at his face

"Though I have to wonder, how much can you still take before being put down, for good~"

Though, just as Bayonetta was about to pull the trigger, [Ebony] was suddenly aimed at her first, much to her startling shock

"You're gonna have to try a bit harder if you want that question answered~"

Dante wore a mocking smirk as the entire purple blue surrounding was suddenly mixed with some silver colors, he then instantly pulled the trigger without hesitation, to which the Umbra Witch did the same after quickly recovering from her surprise, both got shot in the face and stumbled back some, once they regain some balance, they both stood up straight and aimed their weapons at each other again, while having to spit out the bullet that they both caught in their mouth

"Hm, haven't used [Quicksilver] in a while, still got it~"

Dante smirks as he looked around himself, noticing that everything was stuck in time and frozen in place, all except for the Beautiful Woman, who was still slightly shocked by his ability to slow down time, but it didn't bother her that much and actually looked more excited than ever

"You're a naughty boy shooting a girl like that, you need to be taught a lesson!~"

Bayonetta, who was also still teasing and mocking, pulling out her living snake like whip [Kulshedra] and smacks it around, clearly ready to continue this fight she started, a feeling shared by the Son Of Sparda, and without saying anything else, the two charges at one another and started their next round of brawling, though as this was happening, back at the real time, Gomorrah, the Satanic Dragon, was struggling to keep its mouth closed, but it was suddenly forced open by non other than Satanic Xiao Long, using nothing but brute strength alone

"Jesus Christ, take a breath mint."

After Yang made a gagging face from how bad it smelled inside the Inferno Summons mouth, she quickly jumps out and landed a few feet away from Gomorrah, who lets out a loud roar in rage before shooting out [Crimson Fire] at the Famed Flame Brawler, though despite a powerful attack that was able to burn through the Earth crust, she remained unaffected and looked completely fine

"Ew, I can still smell your nasty breath in your fire!"

Yang then bends down and jump forward with enough strength to send herself flying through both the fire breath attack and into the Satanic Dragon mouth, and then exited from the back of his head, to which killed the beast instantly and fell over dead, the Satanic Xiao Long lands on the ground, behind the dead Inferno Summoned, which slowly disappeared, she stood up straight and looked at her steaming body and clothes

"Thank God that I asked Ruby and Weiss to make my clothes fireproof like me, I can't go home naked like last time."

Yang felt thankful for having clothes that can survive through a lot of damage, though before she could continue thinking about something embarrassing that always ends up in her being nude, she suddenly felt the ground shake and crack under her, this made her go wide eyes and quickly jumped back, just in time as well, since Scolopendra was tossed out from underground and landed harshly a few feet away, though once it recovered, it got back up and dangerously glared at the one responsible for doing such a thing to it

"To think I would fight another Summoner."

What came out the hole was Weiss riding her own Summon made out completely out of Dust, more specifically a [Lightning Dust: Gigapede, which crackles in electricity and roars out lightning

"I would be lying if I said wasn't excited for this opportunity~"

Weiss wore a smug smirks and quickly pointed at Demonic Centipede, to which the [Gigapede] took this as a sign to attack, letting out another loud roar and flew towards the enemy, who did not back down and also charged ahead, both clashes and wrapped around each other, the Inferno Bug used all of it's sharp claws to stab into the Dust Creation, while also using its fanged jaws to bite down into its neck, unfortunately it didn't even flinched, since it was no real living creatures, it did not feel pain, in fact, it used this opportunity to send all of its electricity that was stored inside and send it all into Scolopendra, which did feel pain, and all the electrifying attacks caused it immense agony, and while it was suffering, the Demonic Schnee landed on the head of the Beast and gently placed her crystalized leg in between it's eyes

"I can't wait to add you into my collection~"

And without saying anything else, Weiss extended her Dust Infused Leg into something long and sharp, which pierced and killed the Demonic Centipede without hesitation, once that was done, she quickly jumped off the disappearing corpse and landed back on her own creation, to which she pets and praises

"You made me very proud~"

The [Gigapede] growls in delight from all the love given, though before Weiss could continue to share her praise, she heard a loud bird screech, which made her look up and noticed a certain Devilish Bird having trouble dealing with a certain Devilish Rose

"Why Must I Always Hurt Cute Birds!"

Ruby couldn't help but feel bad and guilty when fighting Malphas, who was still trying to kill her, whether by it's sharp bird claws or by using its bird beak, but no matter how many time it slashes or peck at the Legendary Devil Huntress, she would always dodge or block the attack with her weapon, this frustrated the Inferno Crow so much that it did a quick dive and attempted to stabbed the Silver Eye Devil with its crescent moon shaped horn, sadly, not only did she avoid that attack, but also quickly pulled out her [Crescent Devil] and place the blade part of the weapon around its neck and stood on it's back

"I'm Sorry Birdy!"

Ruby whines sadly before pulling the trigger and completely decapitated Malphas, separating the head from it's body and letting it both free fall from the sky, the Demonic Red Riding Hood jumped away from the corpse before it hit the ground and disappeared, landing near her other two female teammates, who walked up to her and made sure she was ok

"Am I cursed to murder all feathered friends?..."

Ruby looked so sad and defeated, though before the Satanic Xiao Long or Demonic Schnee could comfort the Devilish Rose, the ground started to shake and rumble, which made the three tense up and quickly looked behind themselves to witness a very large Inferno Female climb out her [Summoning Circle] and stood above them

"Congratulations for meeting my standards in fighting my 'Mistress Of Atrocity: Madama Butterfly'~"

The three Corrupted Girls momentarily looked away and saw Bayonetta standing on top of a large bolder and watch them all with a amused smile

"Be sure to entrain her, she does love to play, 'Rough', hehe~"

That was all Bayonetta had to say before quickly jumping away and avoiding a sword swing from the Red Coat Devil, who cut the ground below her, though missing that attack did not stop him from following her and attempted to do more to her, though as those two have their own battles, the small three membered Group of Demon Slayers looked back at the one known as Madama Butterfly, who lifted up her heeled foot and slammed it down on them with enough force to crack and turn the ground into a large crater, as if a nuke or a large meteor crashed landed their, though despite such a powerful stomp, the Famed Flame Brawler was able to stop it and hold it up enough to not crush them, though she was struggling and was forced on one knee, but even so, it was enough for both the Fallen Snow Angel and the Silver Eye Devil to move away and attempt to attack the Mistress of Atrocity, the Demonic Schnee made the first strike by sending her [Lightning Dust Gigapede] at the Giant Woman, it lets out a loud roar and shot out lightning from its mouth, landing a direct hit on her, but it did nothing, she quickly reaches out and grabs the Dust Summon with her hands and wasted no time ripping the creature apart, which made the Ice Empress go wide eyes in shock, then the Inferno Lady used it's corpse to smack away the Summoner and crash landed into a large cliff

"Hey! No One Hits My BGF!"

This made Madama Butterfly look and see Ruby jumping up and towards her, eyes glowing a bright light before shooting a powerful blast of 'Pure White Light', to which the Mistress of Atrocity block said blast with her arm, which turns it into solid stones, though when she stopped, she was slightly exhausted and pants softly, and because of this, she couldn't recover fast enough to dodged a punch that came from the Inferno Lady stoned fist, that hit her straight into the ground, which both buried the Devilish Rose and broke the stone covering that was on her armed, once she pulled back her fist and gave it a quick look over, making sure it was ok and back to normal, she turns her attention back at the Hellish Dragon that was under her heels, who was still struggling to keep it up, and begins to add more pressure and force into her foot, which made the one that was under her starting to buckle and slowly gets crushed, and no matter how much strength she uses, she could not stop it, which made her sigh, not in defeat or giving up, but more in annoyance

"Alright, you win, you're stronger than me in base…"

Without saying another word, Yang instantly changes into her [Xiao Long Trigger] and quickly shoved the foot away with complete ease, which made Madama Butterfly stumble backwards and lose balance, to which the Armoured Hell Fire took this opportunity to jump forward with insane new power and speed and wasted no time punching the Mistress of Atrocity on the cheek, sending her flying back a bit and hit the ground, Satanic Xiao Long lands back on the ground

"But let's see if you're stronger beyond 'Base Me'~"

Yang got in a fighting stance and was very ready to continue the fight, and she wasn't the only one, as both the Devilish Rose, who came out the ground in her [Rose Trigger, and the Demonic Schnee, who came out the side of the cliff in her [Schnee Trigger, they were also ready for battle and joined their team member, also in their fighting stance and eager to continue to 'Round 2'

"How long has it been since we've used our '[Triggers]'?"

Ruby twirls her [Crescent Devil] as her black/white eyes glows and leaks out some powerful aura

"I believe when we fought Mundus."

Weiss aimed her rainbow color [Demonic Myrtenaster] as all the crystal's around her body beginning to change colors and sharpens

"This big lady is definitely giving out that kind of 'World Destroyer' vibe, especially when it comes to her title."

Yang slams her [Satanic Celica] fist together and her flames grew brighter and bigger, after they were all ready to continue, they all saw Inferno Lady slowly sat up and spat out a tooth before glaring at the Trio

"I think we've made her mad…"

Was all Ruby had to say before they all dashed forward towards the Giant Woman weapons raised and ready to continue the fight, with their Opponent doing the same, bringing up a fist full of powerful magic and bringing it back down upon them


Back with Dante and his fight with the Umbra Witch, he quickly aimed [Ivory] in the mouth of [Kulshedra, that try to bite into the Red Coat Devil, and blew it's head away with hesitation

"Oh my, now isn't that just rude, killing another weapons~"

Bayonetta pulled back her now dead weapon and pout

"Hey, I did you a favor, living weapons are very annoying~"

The Magical Lady looked up and saw Dante coming down on her, with his [Rebellion] about to cut her in two

"I can't deny that, some just don't know when to shut up~"

Bayonetta smirk and quickly pulls her magical shotguns, called [Onyx Roses, and shoot his sword out his hand, and after he got close to her, now completely disarmed, she kicked him away, with the same weapons now attached to her feet, and blast kick him far away, while putting some bullet holes in his body, he skits on the ground a bit before landing back on his feet and pulled out two [Sub Machine Guns]

"Let's see who's the better Gunslinger~"

Dante spoke in a mocking and challenging tone, which made the Beautiful Woman huffs and aims her two shotguns back at him

"I accept your challenge~"

After Bayonetta accepts this challenge with absolute confidence, and without wasting anymore time, they both begin to fire at one another, and when they did, all the bullets begins to clash with one another, never missing a shot and never stopping, and while they continue firing at each other, they begins to walk closer, walking and shooting, never stopping and never letting up, not until they were literally face to face, both guns pointed at each other's head, pulling the triggers, but unfortunately both guns were jammed and no bullets came out

"Oh, looks like we pulled the triggers a little too hard?"

Bayonetta pulled back and looks into the chambers of her [Onyx Roses, see what was wrong with it and seeing if she could fix it

"Damn, wanna call it a draw for now?"

Dante sighs in disappointment and puts his guns away, to which the Umbra Witch does the same

"Sounds good to me."

Once Bayonetta agreed that she and the Son Of Sparda we're both equally good at shooting, they both instantly pulled out their next pair of weapons and wasted no time attacking and blocking each other

"You sure do love your big sword's, compensating for something?~"

Bayonetta teases while blocking and holding back with a large sword from the Demonic Hybrid, which was called [Vendetta]

"I recommend keeping the dirty jokes to yourself, my Wife can get jealous and territorial."

Dante quickly warns the Magical Lady, while using a free to grab her wrist and stop her flaming claw like gauntlet, named [Durga, from stabbing into his stomach

"Ah, my apologies, I didn't mean to mess with your marriage life."

Bayonetta bows her head in apologies, to which the Devilish Human waves away and forgave her, and once some things were understood and forgiven, they both jumped back and bounce back forward, quickly continuing their attacks, the Legendary Devil Hunter swung his big weapon with such power, which did force his Opponent to be careful, but since it was such a heavy weapon, his attacks were slow, to which the Beautiful Woman was able to easily avoid and get close enough to leaves some flaming deep cuts, which did make him wince, but ignore it and used the chance of her being close to him by hitting her away, which did send her flying back, but quickly recovers and dashed back into the fight, and when she was back in action, the whole things repeat, the Umbra Witch is quick and can perform multiple attacks, while the Red Coat Devil is slow but whenever he lands his hit, it leaves a lot of damage, resulting in both being equally hurt

"Ok, this is getting us nowhere."

Bayonetta got a little annoyed with this 'Back And Forward' repeat pattern thing and decided to changes things up, which is by turning the [Flaming Claws] into something more, 'Electrifying', and once doing that, she grabbed [Vendetta] with both hands and send a very strong electric current through the blade and into its wielder, who yells in pain, and since he was now unable to properly defend himself, she took this chance to let go, step back and jump kick towards Son Of Sparda, both stabbing and electrocuting him from the inside, while also sending him flying away, unable to stop or avoid it, and just lay there on the ground after hitting the ground hard, usually such a defenseless position would be targeted without hesitation, but unfortunately the Umbra Witch couldn't help but fall on the ground and tries to catch her breath, now both were defenseless and we're taking a moment to recover, though, despite being able to move, that didn't stop their banter and pulling out their next weapons

"I-I'll admit, you're the toughest opponent I-I have ever faced, N-Not even Jubileus was t-this difficult to p-put down~…"

As Bayonetta continues to speak with the Red Coat Devil, she slowly puts on her [LT. COL. Kilgore] on both heels and her hands, which they looked like some kind of rocket launcher tonfa

"Y-You're not so bad y-yourself, you could probably d-defeat Mundus without any effort~..."

Dante also praised and acknowledged the strength of the Magic Lady, while also grabbing his [Missile Launcher] and aimed it at her

"D-Damn, you defeated him already? H-He was actually my next target after this~"

Bayonetta pouts from missing a chance to fight the big bad, she quickly aims all of her bazookas at the Demonic Hybrid and charge them up with some of her magic

"W-Well next time something big happens, I-I'll be sure to call you up~"

Dante promised as he also charged some demonic power into his rocket launcher, and without saying another word, they both shot their weapons at each other, the Beautiful Woman shooting multiple mini rockets towards her Target, while the Devilish Human shoots a single large missile at his Attack, they were both very uneven and unbalanced, but even despite that, it was enough for it to hit each other but not the one that was supposed to be hit, caused once a single Mini hit the Large One, a big explosion happened that started a chain reaction and exploded the other rockets, sending shockwaves, fire and smoke everywhere, coughing could be heard once this happened

"M-Michael Bay would be proud."

Once the smoke and fire finally clear, leaving nothing but another burnt crater on the desert ground, the coughing Dante was finally up, recovered enough to stand on his own, wave away any nearby smoke, tilt his head to avoid a bullet shot, and used his arms to block a kick, that had some kind of ice skates on the feet

"I'm more into Robert Eggers movies personally."

Bayonetta gave her own opinion, before using her [Odette] to slowly freeze the arm of the Legendary Devil Hunter, to which he instantly noticed and quickly pushed her away and up in the air, who took this chance to take out her gun-nunchucks, called [Sai Fung, and shoot multiple shots at him, who narrowly avoids each bullets and used the last one to break and free his arm

"Hey, are you really gonna hit a man with no weapons?~"

Dante shows himself without any weapons and pretended to be defenseless, to which the Magic Lady obviously didn't fall for, as dashed towards the Son Of Sparda, after landing back at the ground, shooting more shoots from her Gun-Nunchucks and ice from her skates, to which they all hit with successful shots

"Don't act like you can't handle a me without them~"

Bayonetta then jumped back up and slams the back of her heels straight down, though before it could even hit the ice, the Red Coat Devil broke out of the ice with raw power alone, which sent the Umbra Witch back and lands a few feet away from him

"Maybe I can, maybe I can't, want to find out which one is which you 'Witch'?~"

Dante wore a teasing smirk as he got into some kind of defensive stances, this made the Magic Lady huffs and puff her cheeks, before accepting the challenge and dashed forward again, doing the same attack again, which is shooting more bullets and ice spikes at him, who took it head on again, but this time it did nothing as he was able to deflect and break it all without damage, much to her surprise, but that didn't stop her, since once she got close enough, she unleashed one of her special combos that used both [Sai Fung] and [Odette] with such speed, strength, skills and precision, it was very flawless and left little to no room for errors, her offensive prowess was definitely top notch, though despite that, the defensive capabilities of the Demonic Hybrid was no laughter matter, cause even though the Beautiful Woman attacks with such ruthlessness, he was able to block, deflect and cancel it all with the same amount of effort, his 'Guard' was impenetrable and his 'Shielding' was impossible to break, and at the moment, it was a very clear stalemate, that was, until the Umbra Witch noticed something

'Is he getting faster?'

After Bayonetta could even realize what was happening, the Son Of Sparda suddenly released a bit of his [Aura] to push back and knock the Magic Lady off balance, to which he takes advantage of by instantly getting closer to her and aiming his hand at her stomach

"[Royalguard] baby~"

Dante gave a teasing wink before doing a combination of a [One Inch Punch] and [Royal Release, which had enough power to not only make her cough up blood, but also send her flying back with enough speed and strength to sending her crashing through multiple large boulders, shattering it into pieces, before finally stopping when she crashed into a nearby cliff, which splits it in half completely, the Red Coat Devil chuckle as he stood up straight and blows the smoke away from his fist

"Maybe I should've held back a bit?"

Though before Dante could determined on how far he sent the Beautiful Woman away, the rest of Team DRW(B)Y suddenly crashed landed behind him, which made him look and see the three very tired and slightly banged up, but had no serious injuries and were still completely find

"Fuck, and they call me a 'Monstrous Woman'."

Yang was softly panting as she held up her fist and was ready to continue, this made the Legendary Devil Hunter tilt his head and look up to see Madama Butterfly, who was covered in multiple deep cuts and bruises, run towards them with a pissed off expression

"Do you need help?"

Dante offered his help and pulled out his next weapon, which was a long thing sword called [Merciless]

"But aren't you busy fighting that 'Umbra' Lady?"

Ruby looked back at her Team Leader in innocent confusion, which was a hard feat to do when she was in her [Rose Trigger, the Demonic Hybrid was about to respond to such a question, but was interrupted by a certain someone pushing two cliffs apart and away with just her bare hand and with such little effort

"I'm gonna take that as a no…"

Weiss lets out a small sigh as she, and the others, held up their weapons and aimed it back at the Inferno Lady, who was now charging up some magic power into one of her feet

"Damn, I always have bad luck with the Ladies…"

Dante shakes his head in disappointment, which was sadly enough of a distraction for the Umbra Witch, who was now no longer holding back, to suddenly appear above him, which made him go wide eyes and tries his best to quickly get ready to block and defend any attack that might be send her way

"I'll be sure to make you one of my favorite pets when you get sent back to Hell~"

Bayonetta wore a very sadistic and dominating expression, before holding up her sword, called [Shuraba, and swinging it down with extreme power and speed, the same amount of power that could be seen in the Mistress of Atrocity, who brought up her foot and brought it back down on the entire Devil Hunting Squad, who tries to defend with all the power that they had left in them, though before they could finally end one another or continue a very dramatic battle, something very unexpected happened

"So, um."

Out of nowhere, Rodin suddenly appears at the center of everyone, and suddenly stopped both attacks of Bayonetta and Madama Butterfly, much to everyone shock, surprised and even more confusion on what was going on

"Yeah, I accidentally gave you the wrong info about the Target, my bad."
I'm planning on using Lucia as some kind of representation of the 'New Generation' of Devil Hunter's, like Nero and Bianca, I think it's fitting, also I hope you don't mind me changing her character a bit and origin, it's more fun this way~

(Unless you guys have a problem or suggestions, I'm all ears and ready to listen, ALSO, Bayonetta and Dante are around the same Power Level, just thought I'll clarify that)

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