Legendary Devil Huntresses

By Anime0CC0Manga

71.5K 1.5K 2.1K

Team RWBY accidentally ends up in the world of Devil May Cry~ More

It's Raining Girls, Hallelujah~
A Devil's Home~
Settling In~
Everyday Life In This New World~
Let The Party Start~
Let's Have A N'ICE' Day~
Just Clowning Around~
Entertaining The Guest~
Broken Heart
Our Awakening~
We Meet Again~
Eye For An Eye~
Darkness Unleashed
Bad Sense Of Humour~
Lady's First~
Our Fears Is Our Real Hell
The Legend Meets~
Bittersweet Ending~
One Year Later
Party Crasher~
Bad Luck With Ladies~
Castle & Flaming Scorpion~
Nelo Angelo
Petty Bug~
Fried Chicken~
Boat Ride~
Secret Reveal
Final Boss
A Miracle~
10 Years Later~
Patty Lowell~
The Red Wasp~
Bad Luck With The Ladies~
Love Is Red
Friend Or Foe?
What Are You In For?
Inner & Outer Darkness
The Invitation
The Real Party Begins
The Curtains Close
Good Morning And Good Night
Another 7 More Years
The New And Advanced World
Love And Peace
The Strong And Brave Holy Knight
The Grandson Of Sparda
Good Night
This Isn't Goodbye, But Goodbye
The Party Officially Starts
Let Us Dance
A New Mission In Life
The Rage Of A Mother & Wife
Meeting The Commissioner
Fire Kitty
A Duo To Trio
The First Maid
Small Talk

Forbidden Love

1K 16 82
By Anime0CC0Manga


  "So she's the same Trish that helped you defeat Lord Mundus?"

After such a epic battle at the Church, Lady, Trish, Weiss and Dante went back to the shop, which Ruby, Yang, Bianca and Phantom were also there, though Patty was gone for the day, and once they all made it back home, the Demonic Schnee and Devilish Rose decided to make some dinner/refreshments for everyone, while the Son Of Sparda was in the middle of explaining everything to the Full Human Hunter

"Yup, though after that, she just disappeared and left us alone, which hurted all of our feelings~"

Dante pretty much finished explaining everything that happened in 'Devil May Cry 1: RWBY Edition', making sure he didn't skim over any important details and cause any more misunderstanding

"Hey, after knowing your life is filled with nothing but lies, betrayal, regret and guilt, I like to think I deserve some alone time and wonder what I should do with my new free life."

Trish, while joining in the conversation once in a while, was in the middle of holding and looking at Bianca with curiosity, who just giggles and claps her hands, the literal Hellspawn thinking it was some fun game

"Well you could've join our Demon Hunting Group, I'm sure you would've fit right in~"

Yang offered a place to stay that could be the Fiendish Femme Fatale new home that came with a very fun job

"I appreciate the thought, but I'm not the type of person who can handle being surrounded by so many people, especially with those I hurted in the past..."

Trish no doubt still felt some regret and guilt in the past, though she tries her best to hide that fact from everyone while also trying to move on

"Well, that's a shame, but our offer still stands if you decide to change your mind."

Yang looks a bit disappointed, though wasn't to upset about it, she was still happy to know that the Bewitching Devil was doing ok and was glad she changed so much for the better

"Then what do you plan to do now, if not joining us?"

Lady, who seems to be warming up to and even like the Biker Blonde, was curious on what she will do next with her life

"Well, after visiting the Kitty Cat and her Litter, I think I'll continue my hobby of hunting my own Kind who is disturbing this world."

Trish just shrugs and sat Bianca back on her lap, she didn't have any major goals that she wanted to achieve, mostly just going with the flow at the moment while killing Demons along the way, which made a few laughs, seeing the irony on what she said and what she was doing

"Heh, so, when you say 'Kitty Cat', are you talking about 'Blake'?"

Yang wanted to make sure they were talking about the same person, while also deciding to take back her daughter, to which the Fiendish Femme Fatale nods while returning Bianca back to mother

"Blake huh? How long has it been since we last saw her?"

Before Dante could wonder about that question, the lights suddenly flicker before turning off completely, which did confuse and made a few tense up, though as soon as someone was gonna ask what going on, the front door opens, which let the light from the moon in the sky, while also seeing a familiar looking 'Shadow' loom over them

"A few months ago, which was around the same time Yang gave birth to Bianca."

A familiar voice replies to them, and when said voice was able to turn on the lights again, everyone in the shop was able to look and see Blake Belladonna, who looked more mature, no longer having that 'Dark Mysterious Depressed' look, she looked more happy, calm and very less Teen Blake, she doesn't even wear her black cloak, and was now a full on Priest, if anyone has changed the most from the original Team RWBY, it would be the Cat Faunus herself

"Dramatic entrance much?~"

Yang smiled, happy to see her Ex-Partner/Teammate again, and even teased her, as she begins to get up and walk up to her, after putting her child in her father's arm

"Don't blame me, '[Boon]' just gets bored easily, not to mention she can't do much without getting caught."

Blake looks and pets her moving shadow, who was now named "[Boon]", she lets out silent giggles and seemed to be much more of a trouble maker the last time they met

"Well, I can't blame her, you are a boring Kitty to hang out with~"

Yang wore a friendly smirk, to which the Hellish Belladonna reply with her sticking out her tongue at her, before the two gave each other a hug

"Hey! My Mom Isn't Boring!"

A new unfamiliar voice managed to cut in the conversation and catch the Satanic Xiao Long attention, letting go of Ex-Shadow Cat Ninja and looking down to see a 10 Year Old looking boy, who was pale, had serious blue eyes, wore a purple hoodie with headphones around his neck, and had some type of sling/cast around his arm, this small child clearly didn't appreciate anyone badmouthing his Mother, though unfortunately for him, as soon as he talked, a loud gasp could be heard from another room

"Is That Little Nero I Hear?!~"

Weiss suddenly came out the kitchen and saw both the Priest Of Darkness and her Son, who was named Nero, this made her very happy and gushed excitedly to see him

"It Is!~"

Weiss quickly use and summon her [Glyphs, which appeared under the Little Boy's feet

"Not again…"

Nero didn't look happy about what's gonna happen next, as if he's been threw this before, the Demonic Schnee then used her [Semblance] to quickly bring over the Young Child into her awaiting arms, which quickly wrapped around him and held him very tightly

"Look At You, You're Getting So Big And Handsome, Why Are You Growing Up So Fast?!~"

While Weiss smother the Son Of Belladonna, he tried his best to struggle and escape the grip of the Ice Empress

"Why Do You Always Do This!?"

Nero was getting very frustrated very fast, which made everyone chuckle from what they were seeing

"She has emerged from the dept and reclaim her favorite victim, the horror, heh."

Dante shakes his head and couldn't help but feel bad and laugh at the sad predicament his Nephew was in

"Just wait until she has her own set of kids."

Blake couldn't help but join in on the joke, while also looking at her Son in pity

"I feel bad for them already."

Both Dante and the Hellish Belladonna continues to laugh together lightly, like the good friends they were, even if they don't work together these days

"So, what brings you here today?"

Dante decided to bring up to big obvious question and look back up at his Ex-Devil Hunting Partner, who just responded with a tired sigh and sat nexts to him on the couch, while also removing the hood and expose her Kitty ears for some relief

"I was finally given a week-long break, thanks to the Holy Pope Sanctus, which was something I definitely needed, ugh…"

Blake lays her head back on the couch and wore a exhausted expression, the Son Of Sparda just put his Daughter on her lap in hope to make her feel better, which did make the Cat Faunus smile when she saw Bianca climb on her

"Sanctus is the leader from Fortuna, right?"

Lady decided to jump in the conversation, while also giving the Kitty Friend a welcoming side hug, no doubt happy to see her again

"Yes, he's also a suspicious looking old guy who might attempt to take over the world in the future."

Trish nods and confirms it, while also welcoming and saying hello to the Feline Friend she hadn't seen in a while

"I know we make jokes about his appearance, but if that actually happens, it means I'll have a reason to quit the 'Blessing People' 'Sing For Others' job, and have more freedom to spend more time with you all."

Blake was honestly hoping for any kind of excuse to quit her job and do something else with her life, which she hopes involve spending more time with her friends and family

"Does that mean you'll possibly rejoin our Demon Butt Kicking Squad again?~"

Ruby suddenly appears before the Priest Of Darkness, while offering drinks/snacks for everyone, she had hope in her eyes

"Sorry, but no, I still have no interest in making a living Hunting Killing Demons, that's not me anymore."

Blake chuckles, even though everyone has accepted her new life, a few will always try their best to convince her to join the Team again whenever she mentions anything negative or how hard it is to be living at Fortuna sometimes


Ruby cross her arms and puff her cheeks, which made the Ex-Shadow Cat Ninja rolls her eyes and reach her clothes and pull out something that would make the Silver Eye Devil feel better

"By the way, you're little weapon nut Apprentice, Nico, wanted me to give you this before I left, she hopes you would like it."

Once Blake gave the Demonic Red Riding Hood the big envelope to her, while also making sure she knew where it came from, the Devilish Rose couldn't help but wear a very interested face as she took it and opened it up

"WOW! She Actually Came Up With This?!~"

Ruby gasps in shock, her pouty mood was instantly replaced with amazement when she took out very detailed blueprints and pics of a certain 8 year old girl holding a few weapons, that seems to be prototypes of what was on the blueprints

"Mhm, of course her father, Uncle and my Son help her from time to time, but Nico did most of it by herself."

Blake nods, which amazed the Legendary Devil Huntress even more, as she admires everything she was seeing

"I'm definitely gonna have competition in the future soon~"

Ruby was excited and very happy, which made everyone smile to see this

"I'm sure you'll be able to teach her everything that you know and continue the 'Weapon Dork Legacy', Sis~"

Yang hugs her Sis from the side, a mix of teasing while also proud that her Young Sibling was able to find someone to not only share her knowledge with, but in a way, continue something that the Devilish Rose was passionate about through someone else

"I can't wait for that day to come~"

Ruby couldn't help but feel proud and honored in a way, which made the Hellish Belladonna chuckles, as she leans on the couch and looks at everyone in the entire room, and seeing how much everyone changed and mature so much

'My only regret from leaving is not experiencing how everyone will continue to grow and change…'

Blake sighs sadly, but still wore a happy smile, even with the small regrets she does have, she was still happy to be living the life she has, while also appreciating the people she surrounds herself with, she wouldn't change that for the world, soon, the entire Squad that was back together again, at least temporarily, continue to hang out and have a nice night together, Lady and Trish bonds even more and realize how much they had in common, Weiss had the very annoyed Nero by her side and shows off the many clothes that clearly did not match his edge personality, [Boon] was somewhat the same, but the She-Shadow was hanging out with the Baby Devil Bianca, who giggles and enjoy the company of the Shadow Friend she played with, Ruby started telling stories of the many recent she and her teammates had, which was all dramatic and over exaggerated, Dante and Yang just chill with one another and listen to the crazy story with amused expressions, and Blake just sat there and simply wore a joyful expression as she watches everyone having fun, which was very true, though before everyone could continue having a nice simple day, the front door suddenly opens, catching everyone's attention

"Rude, to have a party and not invite me in it~"

It was Morrison, who came in the shop, took off his hat and looks at everyone with a friendly smile

"Oh? And if it isn't the one and only 'Bureiku Beradon'na', if I knew a Famous Priest was gonna be here, I would've wore my 'Tuesday Pretty Good' suit~"

Morrison walks up to them and gave Priest Of Darkness a teasing smile, who giggles and waves hello at him

"You know very well what my real name is~"

Blake sticks her tongue at him, who chuckles and nods in response

"So Morrison, since you're here, I'm assuming it's another 'Demon Hunting' job?"

Dante pours some alcohol in a glass, and skillful toss the drink to him without spilling any of it, to which he caught with ease, no doubt use to doing things like that

"Mhm, this time a special request coming from the Mayor of Capulet City, who is paying a lot to hire your service in 'Demonic Killing'."

Morrison explain the situation, while taking a swing of his drink, what he said interested a lot them

"From the Mayor himself? This must be a very important job."

Weiss was surprised by someone with higher social status to request their services

"This must mean we're getting some big bonuses today~"

Yang got excited at the possibility of getting some major cash from someone that was no doubt and most likely rich

"Oh Oh! Do you think he'll give us the key to the City or cut some ribbons with large scissors after we save the day?~"

Ruby, while she doesn't really care about recognition or being famous, she always wanted to save people like Mayors or Presidents, mostly because she just want to experience being saluted, given metals and all that, like all those heroes in this worlds TV shows and stories

"So I'm assuming that you guys are interested?"

The Four Pro Demon Hunters let out thoughtful hums and think about the job they were given by Morrison, though before anyone could give a proper answer, a certain Kitty Cat decided to speak up

"Do you know what we should expect from this job?"

Everyone was surprised to see Blake suddenly take interest in the Job Request given by their Information Broker

"Huh? But I thought you said you weren't interested in the 'Demon Hunting' business?"

Lady tilted her head in slight confusion, a feeling and thought shared by everyone

"I'm not, but I can't help but suddenly feel nostalgic when hanging out with you guys~"

Blake suddenly stood up and was instantly surrounded by shadows and darkness, her Priest clothing was suddenly replaced with something new but familiar

"Heh, you're right, this does feel nostalgic."

Dante smile as he couldn't help but suddenly realized how much he missed the time he and the Cat Faunus hunts some Demonic Monsters together

"Oooh I love the design, did you make this yourself?"

Weiss, as well as Lady and Trish, took a moment to admire the clothes the Shadow Cat Ninja was wearing

"Yeah, very useful and saves a lot of money."

Blake nods in response and shows off it was made from literal shadows, which made them even more curious and thought about using their own powers to make clothes

"Yay, my hoodie buddy is back~"

Ruby giggles happily as she stood nexts to the Bride Of The Son Of Sparda, both wearing hoodies and did a cool pose just for the fun of it, clearly embracing the silly moment


Blake smile and chuckles, the Famed Flame Brawler lets out a hum and took a moment to think about what's happening

"Hmmm~ Dante, we'll hold down the fort for today, go show our Kitten a great time~"

Yang decided that it was her Ex-Partner's turn to have some one on one time with her Satanic Husband, most groan at her suggestive wording, but also agree, while a full 'Team DRWBY' would be nice to do again, they just decided to let only the Red Coat Devil and the Hellish Belladonna take on the mission, as a way to rekindle a old bond they use to have in missions*

"Yelp, looks like it's been decided Morrison, me and Blake will take the Job from the Mayor guy."

Dante completely accepted and was quite happy about the decision that has been made, standing up and getting some gear ready

"That's good to hear, I'll be outside and have the car ready to go."

After some quick goodbyes, Morrison took his leave and wait for the two that took the job outside, the Demonic Human took a moment to prepare and talk to his Satanic Wife and Daughter, all the while the Kitty Cat walked up to her Son, who was still trapped in the Demonic Schnee's arms

"This sucks, why do you have to go and do something cool, while I'm stuck here with this Ice Empress?…"

Nero was the only one who wasn't happy about all this, the Feline Mother just wore a small calm smile, as she removed her hoodie and his, both revealing their black cat ears for all to see

"When you get old enough, I promise you that I won't stop you from becoming something I used to be, in fact, when we get home, I'll even help you make that weapon you've been secretly working on~..."

Blake nuzzles her Son, who puff his cheeks in embarrassment, but nuzzles back

"You weren't supposed to find my [Blue Rose]..."

Nero was still pouty, but wasn't complaining, the Feline Mother just responded with petting his Kitty Ears and kiss his cheeks goodbye

"Weiss, if he's been bad, take him shopping for new clothes~"

Blake then stood up and begins to walk away from the excited Fallen Snow Angel and the horrified Grandson Of Sparda

"Ready to take back your mojo?~"

Dante stood by the door and wore a teasing expression, to which made the Shadow Cat Ninja smirk

"You make it seem like I lost it in the first place~"

Blake put her hoodie back on her head and was ready for some action, which made the Legendary Devil Hunter chuckle

"Good to have you back Kitten~"

Was all Dante had to say to that, and with that, the two said their final byes and exited the shop and finally began their new fun mission they couldn't help but get started with…

"Miss Angelina, your meal is ready."

Meanwhile, at a very fancy room, which was inside a big Mansion, there was a Young Lady with glasses, who was named Angelina, sitting on her bed and holding a basket of flowers

"I don't want to eat…"

Angelina replied to the maid that was by the door, not looking up to her, which made her frown

"Please Miss… If you don't, I'll be in real trouble with your Father."

The Maid was beyond worried for Young Lady's well being, to which she ignores and seemed to be more focused on looking out her window and noticing a car pulling in, which made Angelina frown

"This is a pretty swank pad."

Inside the big fancy living room of the Mansion, Dante, Blake and Morrison were sitting on the couch and couldn't help but noticed how everything was so expensive in this one room

"Even though I could probably afford my own Mansion, I honestly prefer a small home instead of all this."

Blake, while she does admire what she was seeing, didn't seem to interested and somewhat dislike the idea of living in a place like this

"Wait a minute, how much money do you have?"

Dante couldn't help but noticed what his Partner just said and looked at her

"I don't know, I don't really count it, but I did have to store it in my personal [Shadow Dimension] once I realized that my whole house was too small to hold my cash."

Blake said nonchalant, clearly she didn't care about the money she had or how much she had

"What the fu-"

Before Dante could even question on how a Priest made more cash than all of Team DRW(B)Y income combined, he was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a door opening and revealing a new person entering the room

"Hello, sorry I'm late, the meeting dragged out longer than I thought it would."

A Adult Male, who wore clothes that made look very important, walked in and put away his coat, while also apologizing for any inconveniences

"But I do thank you all for coming, my name is Mike Hagel, a pleasure to meet you all."

Mike gave a warm welcome and made sure to show everyone respect and hospitality

"Greetings Mayor Mike, my name is Morrison, and these two behind me are the ones I recommended to you, their names are Dante and Bure-"

Before Morrison could introduce the Cat Faunus, she quickly stood up and interrupted him, and began to shake the hands of the Mayor

"Please call me Blake Belladonna, it is nice to meet you."

Blake decided to use her real name instead of her fake one, most of the reasons is to make sure no one knew she was Bureiku, but also because she wanted to be seen as her real self instead of someone else, which made the Devilish Hybrid smile lightly at that

"Thank you both for coming, I really appreciate it."

Mike started to show off her gratitude while also shaking hands and welcoming everyone to his home

"Please, skip the formalities, just tell us the job you want us to do, so that we can finish it with extreme unnecessary style."

Dante cross his arms behind his head, he was getting bored from all the waiting and talking, and while the Shadow Cat Ninja was more respectful, she couldn't help but agree, she is really excited to get things started


Mike was confused by this, to which made the Information Broker step in

"You have my word, these two are the best of the best."

Morrison reassure the Mayor, and explain how the two in front of him are the best on what they can do and then some

"I see…"

Mike, while still a bit skeptical, decided to trust the man next to him, he reaches in his coat and trying to get something

'I wonder what kind of mission we'll be given? I do hope it's some big evil Demon that wants to take over the world, that would be a nice workout, but I wouldn't mind something small and mysterious, I always wanted to play detective~'

As Blake tries to imagine the many possibilities on the type of job they'll be given, which made her even more excited and can't wait to get started, her thoughts were completely stopped when the Mayor pulled out a picture and place it on the table

"Please, kill this Devil that's dating my daughter."

As soon as Mike said this, a strong silence filled the room as the two Pro's looks at the picture and saw not a Demonic Creature, but a young handsome man, this instantly killed the Kitty Cat's good mood

"This man is a Devil?"

Dante raised a confused eyebrow as pick up the picture and gave it a closer look

"Yes he is, I've seen it with my own eyes."

Mike pulls out more pictures and gave it to them, each one is of the supposed Devil Man using his so called 'Demonic Power', but instead of using them for cruel evil, he instead use it to revive flowers and heal others, including the one that looked like Angelina, this was enough to make the Hellish Belladonna clench her hands tightly while holding the picture

"Interesting, interesting, hm, what kind of bad things did this Devilish Man do, besides falling in love with a Pretty Lady?"

Dante narrows his eyes slightly at the Mayor, who wasted no time pulling out his last price of evidence, which was a booked labeled 'Murder Mystery In Capulet City'

"Have you heard of the many people that went missing in my City?-"

As Mike started to explain the many bad things that was happening in his City, while showing even more evidence of said crime, The Bride Of The Son Of Sparda was ignoring everything that was being said, and held onto a picture of the Devil Man and Angelina, who was hugging and kissing one another, this was enough to make her slowly shake and unknowingly released some [Black Aura, the Shadow named [Boon] gets worried and quickly hides, no doubt scared on what her Owner was thinking and feeling, though before anything drastic and bad could happen, a hand was placed on her head, making her snap out


Blake shakes her head, regaining her composer and look up, seeing the the Legendary Devil Hunter petting her head

"Come on Blake, it's time to hunt down this Brad guy."

Dante then removes his hand from her head and begins to walk out the room, to which the Shadow Cat Ninja get up and follows*

"Oh, right, yes, the Demon Killer…"

Blake still trying to calm down and focus on the job at hand, though as the two Pro Demon Slayers prepare to start their missions, they were completely unaware of a certain Angelina watching the whole thing and wore a very worried expression

'Oh no, Brad…'

Meanwhile, in the middle of the City, when the Sun is getting close to setting, both the Red Coat Devil and Priest Of Darkness were jumping and running on top of buildings, making sure they weren't seen by anybody, they did this parkour for a few more buildings, before finally stopping at their destination

"Down there, is where Brad likes to go when he wants to be alone, he always shows up and never misses a day coming here."

Dante casually sits down at the edge of the building, while pointing at a spot that has a really good view of the entire City and it's bright colorful lights

"Got it."

Blake wore a very serious expression, as she pulls out her [Hellish Shroud] and had both blades ready to cut and tear

"... Don't act like you weren't having PTSD back there."

After a few moments of sitting around in silence, Dante decided that it was time to bring up what just happened back at the Mansion, no doubt noticing how she was internally freaking out*Blake said nothing about it and just looks away, as if not wanting to admit to anything, which made the Son Of Sparda sighs and looks up at the setting Sun

"This really does feel like the old days, huh?"

Dante wasn't upset with his Partner, in fact he somewhat expected something like this when the Mayor brought up 'Devil' and 'Love', no doubt it would've reminded her about her past, of her and, "HIM"

'This has to be the fourth time a Devil fell in love with a Human Woman, what an interesting world we live in.'

Dante couldn't help but laugh to himself, finding it completely amusing that to find someone else who shares their situation before, it makes it wonder if it was destiny or luck that the two would meet

"... I moved on, I accepted that fact, don't worry about me letting my emotions get the best of me."

Blake clench her fist very harshly, enough to make her palms bleed, and what she said was no lie and completely serious about this, which made the Red Coat Devil frown, cause he seeing someone that would not hesitate or show mercy, and while that would be fine and all in any other situation, he knew that not only was this different, but he also knows that this was not his old Cat Faunus talking

"Look, we're not gonna kill him just yet, we need to talk to him and see what's actually going on, ok? No quick insta kills this time."

Dante tries his best to keep things under control, a Mission like this requires more than being violent and putting a bullet between the enemies eyes

"I.. I know…"

Blake knew this, she was very aware of this situation that they are in, and tries her best to keep calm and keep a level head, she wanted this to go smoothly and not end in disaster

"Good, now, wants some Pizza while we wait?~"

Once Dante made sure he got through to her, he decided to lighten up the mood by pulling out a few boxes of Pizza that he magically pulled out of nowhere, which actually the Cat Faunus giggle and smile softly

"That would be nice, yes."

With everything said and done, both Blake and her Partner continues to wait around on the top of the building they were on, and just eats some Pizza together, enjoying each other's company and start to talk about what they've been doing since the last time they met, it was a sweet and simple bonding moment between two friends, though when the Sun disappeared and the Moon has risen, their peace and calm went away when the Kitten's 'Kitty Ears' started to twitch, interrupting her time with the Devilish Human and looked down to noticed a certain someone

'He's here!'

When Blake looked, the Demonic Hybrid also looked, and what both of them saw was their supposed Demon target Brad, who just stood there at the edge and looks at the lovely light of the City below him

"Alright, remember Blake, no killing or fighting unless necessary, we still need to talk to him, ok?"

Dante quickly reminds his fellow Demon Slayer on what needs to be, all the while taking this moment much more serious and focus than usual, he wants no mistakes or problems with this Job they were given

"... Blake?"

Dante noticed that his Partner had not replied to him, which made him quickly turn his head and immediately noticed that the Shadow Cat Ninja has already disappeared

"Damn It Blake!... God just like the old time…"

Dante couldn't help but sigh as he jumped down and takes chase, meanwhile, with the Devil Man named Brad, he just continue to look and admire the view before him, wearing a expression that shows how at peace and relaxed he was, enough so that he was completely unaware of a familiar shaped shadow coming out from the darkness, blades and deadly shapes were formed and pointed at Brad's own shadow, with clear and obvious intent to kill, the Shadow Cat Ninja could end this very quickly and without hesitation, and was about to do it to, but couldn't when someone suddenly came running in and into the Devil Man's arms

"Please! Let's run away together!"

As soon as Angelina jumped into the picture, the hidden Cat Faunus was forced to pull away and just watch

"What's wrong all of a sudden?"

Brad looked at the Human Woman with obvious confusion, not understanding what was going on with her

"Try to calm yourself down and tell me what's going on."

Brad spoke in a soft tone, trying his best to ease the tension the Young Lady was feeling

"I think my Father has hired someone…"

Angelina hesitate a bit, as if slightly unsure if she should say it, but once she knew what was at stakes, it no longer stopped her

"To Kill You!"

Angelina she was beyond worried, and held him tighter, clearly worried about the Devil Man's safety

"Kill me? But why?"

Brad tilted his head, not getting why someone would do such a thing

"Because Of Your Strange Power! My Father Thinks You're A Devil!"

Angelina felt like crying, she was so upset and angry that he and her were forced to be in such a unfortunate situation that they are in

"Does he now?..."

Brad looks down and let out a small sad and disappointed sigh

"Let's Run Away Together!"

Angelina was already making plans on how they could get away from this and live a life without worry, especially from her own Father


Brad didn't look convince that her plan would work, and tries to be the voice of reason in this situation

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you get wrapped up in all of this."

Brad brushes the Young Lady hair back, noticing how messy it was from all the running and panicking she was doing

"But I-"

Angelina wanted to protest, clearly still very worried about the Devil Man's life being in danger

"Don't worry about me, Angelina, I'll be alright."

Once Brad finished fixing her hair, he pulled out another rose from his pocket, to which he used his power to bring it back to life

"Someday your Father will understand too."

Brad wore a loving gentle smile as he placed the flower in the Young Lady's hair, which made her blush softly


Angelina was quickly interrupted by the Devil Man giving her a soft and loving kiss in the lips, ending her worries and only left her in complete silence

"You should be going home, I'm glad I could see you."

Brad meant every word he says, and while the Young Lady wanted to convince him or even just consider the idea of them escaping and running away from all this, but she said nothing and did nothing, cause all she could really do is hope and trust his lover, so without saying another word, she just gave him another big hug, before letting him go and walk away, still worried, but no longer freaking out, to which relieved the Devil Man to see her much more calmer, and after that whole ordeals was over, he took a moment to look back at the City lights and the star that shines above, which made him let out a warm smile that showed no regret

"What a lovely night…"

And with that, Brad turns away and started to walk away from the area, unknowingly leaving behind a shadow that wore a very said expression, and once the Devil Man was completely out of sight, she came out from hiding and just sat on her knees on the ground, sitting in silence and letting tears fall and run down on her cheeks*Blake did nothing at the moment, not even when her Partner walks up to her from behind, while also looking at the directions on where Brad went

"Well, I guess now we know we don't need to kill him, I would've felt bad for that chick if we did."

Dante wanted to lighten the mood, but he unfortunately said the wrong thing, as the Kitten suddenly fell on her hands and knees, and started to sob softly, which startled the Devilish Human

"H-Hey are you ok?"

Dante kneels down next to her and held her close, trying his best to calm the broken down Cat Faunus

"I haven't changed… In fact I think I've gotten worse…"

Blake voice was filled with so much hurt, she whimpers as she tries to hide her face in her hands, feeling so much shame and regret

"I wanna move on, I wanna be happy with the life I've made for myself and my family…"

Blake was so unstable at the moment, that she kept flickering in and out of her own [Belladonna Trigger, could barely hold it in

"But how can I, if everyday I'm always reminded, I can never move on if I can never forget!"

Blake, quite literally, exploded in raw emotions and power, now in her Black Shadowy Form, which continue to cry in white tears

"I'm such a horrible person…"

As Blake continue to sob and feel so, terrible, a demonic hand held onto her again, which made her weakly look up and saw that the Son Of Sparda was forced to be in his [Devil Trigger] after that power burst

"There's no such thing as moving on, no matter how many times we think we do."

Dante spoke softly, as he pets and brush back the hair of the Living Mass Of Darkness, clearly trying his best to calm her down

"It's like that saying from Shakespeare or whoever makes inspiration quotes."

Dante lets out a hum, looking up at the moon as he tries to remember something

"W-What quote?"

Blake's teary eyes look at the Red Devil, wondering on what he was going with this

"It's better to have loved and lost, then never be able to love at all."

Once Dante said that quote, it made the Hellish Belladonna go silence, looking down and said nothing as she thought about on what she's been told, and after a moment of complete nothingness, she quickly turns off her trigger and begins to wipe away her tears, which made the Legendary Devil Hunter smile and did the same, glad to be able to make her calm again

"Come on Blake, let's go home, we shouldn't be dealing with this kind of affair."

Dante quickly picks himself and the Kitty Cat up and back on their feet, and when he was sure that everything was fine and calm he turns around and begin to walk away, the Shadow Cat Ninja stayed behind for a bit, as she looks down, more specifically, looking down at her hand which had a ring on it

"Love and loss…"

Was all Blake had to before looking away and quickly ran off with her Partner… Meanwhile, back at the Mansion, Angelina was at the front door of her home, with Brad by her side, deciding to actually follow her and make sure she arrives there safely

"I swear, I will do everything I can to make sure that Father doesn't take you away from me!"

Angelina looks at the Devil Man with pure determination, which made him smile and chuckle, though before they could say their goodbyes, a loud sound could be heard from the inside, which confused and worry the two, both bursted into the home, and saw a Butler in the middle of witnessing some Demonic Symbols glowing brightly on the floor, with a bleeding out but barely alive Mayor Mike on top of it


Angelina was about to rush in, but the Devil Man quickly stopped her and held her back

"What Are You Doing?! You Promised To Leave This Family Alone!?"

Brad yells angrily at the Butler, this confuses the Young Lady on how he know them, but couldn't ask after a large Demon came out of hiding and looks down at the two

"Oh, you brought another sacrifice for our Master, hehe, he'll most definitely love this pretty little offering~"

The Large Demon was about to reach out and grab the Young Lady, but the Devil Man quickly stood in front of her in a very protective manner

"You Will Not Touch Her!"

Brad growls in a very monstrous and demonic way, which surprised Angelina, though despite his threat, the Large Demon just simply smacked the Devil Man away, sending crashing into a wall, and letting fall in now injured state

"You were always a weakling, a disgrace to the rest of our kind, but don't worry, once our Master comes in to take over the world, I'll be sure to let you keep the remains of your Human pet~"

The Large Demon lets out a very loud and evil laugh, as he was about to grab the Young Lady, who had no chance of escaping and could only watch in horror


As Brad yells in despair, [Rebellion] came flying in and went through the chest of the Large Demon's chest before stabbing the Butler in the wall, both killing and pinning him there, this startled the Devil Man and Young Lady

"Well, good to know that we didn't waste our time coming here."

Both turn and look to see Dante Blake walking in the destroyed entrance of the Mansion, this surprised the two, though the Devil Man expressed more than that

"The Infamous Demon Slayer Dante, and the Bride Of The Prince Of Darkness Blake…"

Brad couldn't help but feel fear for actually seeing these two in person, he even flinched when the Shadow Cat Ninja glanced and narrow her eyes at him

"That is a very unnecessarily long title for me…"

Blake huffs as she looks away and back at her Partner, who stepped on the barely alive Demon and aimed [Ivory] at its face, who just responded to this with a evil crackle

"It's too late you abomination half breed and no good for nothing promiscuous woman, the ritual is already completed and there is nothing you could do to stop my Mas-"

A loud bang from the gun and a bullet to the head quickly stopped the arrogant Demon, which made the Son Of Sparda sigh in relief from the peace and quiet, once that was done, he put away the gun and look back at the glowing demon circle, which revealed a large hand, the size of a house, and tried to pull itself out from the portal that opened on the circle

"Your turn Blake, I'll handle the rescuing thing."

Dante didn't look interested and quickly wave it off, so he turns around and walks to those that need to be moved out of the way, while the Cat Faunus nods and walked up to the Giant Devil that was half way out of the portal

"D-Doesn't your partner need your help?"

Angelina asked the Red Coat Devil, who was dragging the Mayor and the Devil Man near her, she was completely worry as she saw the Shadow Cat Ninja stand in front of the Huge Monster who let out a very loud roar, the Devilish Human only reply to the question with a smirk

"For thousands of years, I lay dormant! Who has disturbed my-"

Before the Giant Demon could even say his first word in this new world he entered, a quick slashing sound could be heard, interrupting the Big Devil and made the bystanders go wide eyes

"Go back to sleep in your own home."

Blake turns away and begins to walk back to the group, ignoring the Giant Demon falling to pieces and was more focus on her [Shadow Claws] and flicks the blood from her nails, the Devil Man, Young Lady, and the Mayor, who just woke up after being healed, looked at the Kitty Cat with disbelief expression

"You! You better treat her well!"

Blake, once she was in front of everyone, quickly pulls out her [Hellish Shroud] and points it at Brad, to which made him flinch

"You! Don't let love make you an idiot!"

Blake then points her long blade at Angelina, which made her shake

"And You! Leave them alone and only call us if we're actually needed, UNDERSTAND?!"

Blake then lastly threaten Mike, using [Boon] to bring fear to him and everyone else, to which they nods and listened very carefully, no wanting to anger her

"Hmph, be sure to send our money to Morrison after you all recover."

Blake quickly puts away her weapons and begin to walk away, Dante, who watched the whole thing with amusement, justs gave them all a simple salute before following the Kitty Cat, both the Devil Man and Young Lady could only watch as they disappeared, the Mayor was just unconscious again after being threatened

"Who are they?..."

Angelina, after a moment of gathering enough mental strength, couldn't help but finally ask on what just happened, to which made Brad chuckle and smiles, as he held her hand softly

"Proof that we can exist…"

Soon, a week has gone and past, and now Team DRWBY, Boon, Bianca and Nero were now hugging one another and saying goodbye at a airport, which a private plane was there and waiting for the Priest Of Darkness and her Son to enter

"Be Sure To Call Us Every Day When You Go Back Home!"

Ruby was overdramatically cries and was hugging both the Cat Faunuses very tightly

"We will, don't worry."

Blake chuckles and pat her back, though her Son couldn't say anything as he was having his back crushed

"Let Us Go Already!"

Nero tries to fight back and struggles against the strength of Legendary Devil Huntress, to which she did let go, giving him a moment to catch his breath, before was instantly replaced with the Demonic Schnee personally hugging him now


Nero begin to fight for his life again

"I'm gonna miss you so very very very much Nero, be a good boy and listen to your Mother, ok?~"

Weiss pets his head and nuzzles against the Devilish Cat Boy cheeks, making him blush in more embarrassment and frustration, which made the Hellish Belladonna giggles and rolled her eyes

"Have a safe trip back home, ok? We'll miss you and prepare the next time you visit."

The Kitty Cat looks up and see Yang walking up to her and hugging her with one arm, while the other held the Baby Bianca, who reaches out and kissu her cheeks, to which the Priest Of Darkness smile and return the favor

"Also, if the Old Man actually begin his 'Evil Plan', call us up, don't want you hogging up all the fun~"

After continuing the 'Evil Pope Joke', Dante also gave his byes and hugs to, which made the Kitty Cat held them both closely and tightly

"Until next time~..."

Once all the heartfelt goodbyes and loves was done, both Blake and Nero got on the plane, gave their final waves before taking off into the bright blue sky, and the entire team just was the two disappear into the clouds and continue to wave

'Until next time, you'll come back stronger.'

Dante smiled, before he and everyone started to leave the area and get back in the car, all the while talking about what to do next time the two visit, while also hoping one day they could visit them… In the private jet, both Blake and Nero sat in the seat together and waited for them to go home, the Three Way Hybrid just wore his headphones and enjoyed listening to the rock music that was playing, while also playing air guitar, which made the Feline Mother smile when she saw this, though slowly wore a frown as she looks away secretly pulls out familiar white handle from her [Shadow Dimension, she looked at it with a sad expression

'No such thing as moving on, huh?…'

/Flash Back\

Before DMC3 Teen Blake Belladonna walked into the library, quickly picking out a book that interested her, before going to a spot that she likes to read at

"Hey Vergil."

Blake stood in of a table, the same table that a certain Prince Of Darkness sat at, wearing his brown cloak over his Blue Coat, and was in the middle of reading a book

"You're late, Miss Belladonna."

Was all Vergil to say, which made the Cat Faunus shakes her head and chuckle

"Don't be so dramatic."

Blake quickly went to the chair that was next to him, to which he used his hidden weapon to pull out the chair and let the Kitty Cat sit nexts to him, which made her blush softly from such a kind gesture before sitting next to him, opening a book and started reading, both now we're sitting in silence and just simply reads, though while on the surface, it looks very normal and nothing important, though under the table, Belladonna held onto Vergil's hand tightly, the same hand that held the infamous sword Yamato

/End Flashback\

The Now Blake, after a few more moments of looking at the sword, put it away and just held onto her Son closely and tightly, who didn't resist, since he enjoys his own Mother's hold much more than anyone else's

"I love you Son."

"Love you too Mom."
  Fuck, over 8000 words? Damn new record for me, lol~

(BTW, random question, what kind of personality should I give Bianca when she gets older? I still haven't thought of one yet, hm~)

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