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By trxshly

2.5K 43 393

๐‘๐„๐•๐ˆ๐„๐–๐’ : ๐‚๐‹๐Ž๐’๐„๐ƒ So, what is your OC like? Are they realistic and original, or clichรฉ and overpo... More

( 0. ) Intro
( 2. ) Azazil
( 3. ) Vanath
( 4. ) Hiroto
( 5. ) Jesse
( 6. ) Darin
( 7. ) Todd
( 8. ) Lael
( 9. ) Aiko
( 10. ) Rhys
( 11. ) Kami
( 12. ) Hosuh
( 13. ) Hunter
( 14. ) Kaho
( 15. ) Softbriar
( 16. ) Nami
( 17. ) Wakumi
( 18. ) Ambrosia
( 19. ) Crescent
( 20. ) Party Animal
( 21. ) Stormstar
( 22. ) Maemi
( 23. ) Roseanne
( 25. ) Disclaimer

( 1. ) Velvis

257 2 6
By trxshly

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 ;; slight mentions of manipulation, obsessive behavior, war, abuse.



My original universe. In this universe, there are three planets: Earth, Planet For Mythical Creatures 1 (PMFC1), and Planet For Mythical Creature 2 (PMFC2).

This OC is from PMFC1, kingdom of Aglaral (one of demons' kingdoms).

This planet is inhabited by five species: Vampires, demons, ghosts and spirits, mermaids, sirens, and werewolves (and other animal-like creatures). The other, "sixth" species are humans, who came to this planet over time.

The interesting aspect of this planet is that it has a specific style-a mix between the 18th-19th century (like still using carriages), and the 21st century (like still having mobile phones).
Be careful when mixing these centuries since they have many differences. Apart from that, this mix has a good fantasy vibe to it, while making the planet more accessible for various types of characters (ex. disabled, mentally ill, etc).

The planet is divided into various kingdoms for each species (except for humans).

On the first half of it, there are kingdoms with queens and kings, and an Academy for every creature (including humans), on the other half, there are kingdoms for Gods and Goddesses, churches, and special church-schools, that are divided into a church-school for future monarchs (kings and queens, Gods and Goddesses), and a church-school for every other human\creature.
So there's one kingdom with a king and queen and another with a God/Goddess for each species (apart from humans)? 

Religion: As for religion, inhabitants of PFMC1 need to serve the God\Goddess of their species.

Weapons and Aging: All of the species listed don't physically age after a certain age-point (except for humans, if they're not turned into a mythical creature).

All of the species listed are, technically, immortal, however, they can still be killed by magical weapons (guns, knives, potions, etc).

These weapons are magical, that not every creature or person possesses-only those, who are of a higher rank (army's generals, Gods\Goddesses, etc.), or those who are close to the monarchs (like priests, sometimes even butlers, etc.).

Because these weapons are magical, they can actually kill any creature (including humans). That's why only some people and creatures get to possess these special items.
Immortality can easily become an overpowered trait. However, you balanced this out well. It's also realistic that only those with a higher rank possess these weapons, since if they were available to the public, most (if not all) the population would have died.

Gods/Goddesses: When the heir to the throne is proclaimed as a God or Goddess, they have to "give up" their last name. This is done so that they won't get confused with other subjects and other monarchs, and to also show their high authority over their kingdoms.

Before they take the throne, they still have their last name, and after they "retire", they can choose whether or not they will "get" their last name back, or if they want to live without them from that day forward.

Demons: They currently have two kingdoms, Aglaral and Retier. There's no known king or queen, but they have a goddess, Velvis (formerly Velvis ???).

-Demons on this planet are powerful creatures with magical powers. However, the only downside is that when they use their powers too much, they'll grow weak, and in order for them to gain their powers again, they'll have to rest for some time.
Though this power has some drawbacks, it should have more. A few minor ones (dizziness, headaches, sore muscles, etc) would balance out the power well.

Though we all have some understanding of magical powers, it would be best to specify what magic can do. Does everyone only get one power? Do they use spells (like in Harry Potter)? Does everyone control the elements? Making a list of what magic can and can't do can help you with this.

Because of this, demons are divided into two categories: Strong Demons (demons that are powerful) and Weak Demons (demons who have lost their powers, and have to rest in order to get them back)

But there's one more, third category: Outsider Demons. These demons were casted out of their kingdoms (because, for example, they betrayed their ruler, or didn't like their current monarch, which is also considered as "betrayal"), and some of them are seeking revenge for being thrown out. Not every Outsider Demon does this, only those, who were extremely offended by it.
This works very well with the story!

-Demons' eyes don't turn red on this planet.
Is there a reason why a demon's eyes don't turn red? What happens when a demon's eyes turn red?

-Generals of demon armies get a special marking on their face (cheek, specifically)-a black cross. That shows their devotion to their God\Goddess (or other monarchs), and partially it also shows their higher rank above other normal soldiers.


Name: Velvis (formerly Velvis ???).
Very nice name! It's unique, catchy, and not too complicated. Sounds delicate as well.

Meaning: None.

Nickname: None.

Title: Goddess Of Demons.

Velvis needs more titles. These could originate from her achievements, combat style, appearance, personality, etc.

Age\Date of birth: 48 years old. 2nd of December, 1972.
Her age makes sense for her title. I don't see many older characters either, so good job on the originality too!

Zodiac: Sagittarius.

Gender: Female.

Sexual and romantic orientation: Heterosexual, heteroromantic.

Origins: Planet For Mythical Creatures 1, kingdom of Aglaral.

Species/Race: Weak Demon (formerly a Strong one). 


Overall: Tall, slim. Her skin is a bit fair. Long (mid-back-length), wavy, black hair, made into a braid with a white ribbon, orange eyes.
This is a description that gives a general idea of Velvis's appearance. However, though this is optional, try to include smaller details as well (like moles, scars, freckles, etc). Including the posture and expression also helps add onto her personality, making Velvis memorable.

Clothing: She usually wears a black dress covering her knees, and simple black high-heels. She also wears a pair of white gloves on her hands, and a white bow on her neck.
Again, this gives a general idea of how Velvis's clothing looks like. However, describing smaller patterns on her clothing and it's style (vintage, grunge, modern, etc) will make Velvis's outfit more memorable.

Distinctive features: Her eyes-just like any other demon's eyes-don't turn red at all on this planet.


Overall: On the surface, Velvis seems like a kind, and a cheerful girl, which is sometimes perceived by others as a fact that Velvis is "unfitting" to be their ruler simply for being "too kind" (or, at least, people who have only seen her for the first time, and never after that get this impression). However, this is just a "mask" that she wears per her parents' orders to give her subjects a "good and reassuring image of a good ruler". But while it is a "façade", it's only a partial one, since Velvis, at least, is caring towards and protective of those she loves (her parents, more specifically), and will do anything to keep them safe.
With Velvis being a demon and all, it does make sense why being overly kind and cheerful would be considered unfitting. But this gives Velvis some charisma, which is useful in hiding her true self.

It's also good that Velvis has people she cares about! A lot of characters like her usually hate everyone (which is unrealistic and cliché), and her caring and protective attitude towards her parents shows that Velvis isn't heartless.

Under this partial "façade", she is an intelligent individual with a small portion of short temper. Velvis' intelligence helps her in the current situation to carefully plan their next moves towards the Outsider Demons, and also calculating the invaders' moves.

Her bad temper shows whenever she hears someone telling her that she is "obsessed". Then, Velvis can snap, and be outright a bit violent towards any person who dared to utter such nonsense, in her own opinion, since she refuses to believe the fact, that, in reality, she is obsessed with her own goals and...her reign as a Goddess.

That leads to Velvis' darkest sides hidden within her-selfishness, hypocrisy, and obsessive behavior (which, however, she refuses due to her dislike of such a trait).

She is, once again, a secretly egoistical and a two-faced woman, who wants to keep her own reign, and is even willing to make sacrifices to the war, as long as that doesn't harm her own goal of sustaining her reign.

However, that side is hidden by Velvis feeding hypocritical lies to her subjects of "doing good for the people of her kingdoms", while making sure, that only she with her family and her reign over them isn't ruined. She could care less, if some people will be sacrificed to the current war-as long as she has her power, she will gladly make that sacrifice. It's also a reason why she is the one to give out orders to the armies and to think of new plans currently.

This bitter and unsightly attitude is hidden by a cheerful smile and kind words, with which Velvis manipulated her own subjects (who have known her for long enough) into thinking that she is a reliable ruler who will protect her people, and will keep them out of harm's way. Those, however, are tinted with lies and with a selfish desire bordering with an obsession of sustaining her own power, and they aren't sincere and honest-just like Velvis. Her goal is making her blind and deaf to the desperate pleas of her subjects dying on the battlefield.

Because of her facade, it would only make sense that people rely on Velvis. Her intelligence and heartless feelings towards her people gives Velvis a higher chance of succeeding in battle, and her success makes Velvis seem trustworthy. If anyone tried to show others the bad side of Velvis, most likely others wouldn't believe them, since Velvis appears kind and thoughtful to her people (or most of them, at least) and is a skilled manipulator.

You also mentioned that Velvis was caring towards her parents. It would be better if you go into more detail on that by expressing how Velvis shows her affection. Is it more through actions, or words? Is she more quiet and reserved, or fun and outgoing around them? This helps flesh out Velvis more.

Apart from that, this is a well made personality with positive and negative traits. Well done!

Strengths: Is good with sewing, and with hand-to-hand combat (although she isn't the strongest one). She is also very intelligent and quite strong mentally, so it would be difficult to break her down, or manipulate her (but still possible, if the person would do so slowly). These things are compensating her current "position" of her being the Weak Demon.

Weaknesses: She isn't skilled in weaponry knowledge and weapon-handling (though her parents did try to teach her how to handle them, and she would much rather prefer to use her own hands to fight). She is also blinded by her own selfishness, to which she succumbed, and can be slowly manipulated, if the manipulator know all the tricks.
The fact that Velvis isn't skilled with weaponry gives her a good disadvantage, since it's one (and probably the only) way to kill mythical beings.

Goals: To stop the war that's currently in her kingdom. Or, at least, that's her current minor goal. Her biggest ambition is to sustain her power and reign over her kingdoms-after all, it is what she was prepared to do.

-Stargazing. Surprisingly, a person like Velvis actually likes stargazing, because, in her opinion, it's very interesting how mysterious and far all those stars (and even potential galaxies) are.

-Philosophy. She is always glad to find someone to share her thoughts and ideas regarding life and other deep themes. Plus, she always loved the philosophy subject in the church-school for future monarchs.

-Conspiracy theories and astrology books. Velvis is especially fond of all those different theories that there are some other galaxies and planets in them. Ever since she read about one conspiracy theory, she wanted to know which others are there, quickly making it her hobby of sorts. Astrology book also quickly caught her interest, and she thirsted for more information.

-Sewing. Her other hobby. She finds it very relaxing, hence, when she has the time to do so, she simply sits somewhere, and, sewing something, sets her mind off of her daily chores.
Always good to know that Velvis isn't completely heartless, and still has things and people she genuinely likes. She could use more likes though.

-Obsessive behavior. She just...doesn't get this sort of behavior. Whenever she sees a person behaving like that, she finds herself disliking it, and questioning as to why would a person take their liking to the point of becoming obsessed. This is ironic, considering Velvis' own desire is an outright obsession at this point. This is why Velvis is so infuriated when someone mentions her being obsessed, and justifies it with just a normal desire to rule-just like any normal ruler would.
A good reason why Velvis hates when people mention she's obsessed, and why she doesn't see herself as obsessive.

-Pointless arguments. Because of Velvis' intelligence (which is not, however, the highest out there), Velvis likes to get into "normal" and sometimes even philosophical "arguments" or debates. Whenever she hears someone fighting over something pointless (maids bickering about whose turn it is to clean her room, for example), she just sighs in annoyance. She thinks that when you do get into an argument or a debate, at least make it "normal", reasonable, and, if debating, get some proof of your claims. She doesn't understand someone not doing those simple requirements for a normal argument and a debate.

-Rudeness. It's a genuine dislike of hers. She and her family were always polite people, and even if Velvis hides the nastier traits of her, she still remains polite in almost every situation. She just doesn't like people who are outright rude for no reason at all, which is why she considers the Outsider Demons to be a very big threat-not only did they took advantage of her state and started to brew chaos in Aglaral, but they also rudely went into her kingdom without an invitation, when her parents "kindly" kicked them out by using force.
Despite being a manipulative, selfish, and obsessive person, Velvis can for sure still be polite. This makes her more charismatic, giving Velvis an advantage. Because Velvis is polite, it makes sense for her to dislike people who are plainly rude and pointless arguments.

-Music. She would much rather prefer to read a book then listen to music. She just never really felt drawn to any kind of it. All the songs she listened to seemed a bit boring and simply not good to her, hence never listening to music in her castle. When she hosts some special celebrations (like a ruler should do, as her parents would say), and when music is played, she is forced to endure it for the whole celebration.

Velvis could use some more dislikes.

Favorite Drink and Food: Simple water, fruits.

Hobbies: Sewing (especially something space or astrology-based, like a dark-blue fabric covered with stars, imitating the night, starry sky), reading (especially astrological books and conspiracy theories).

Victories: When she will fight off (and also take some hostage) all of the invaders in her kingdom, and win the war.

Losses: If Velvis would ever be stripped of her right to the throne, or be outright overthrown by her enemies, that would be her grave loss.

Habits: She sometimes drums her fingers on the table, without even realizing it.

Fears: She fears the potential scenario of her reign being practically snatched away from her, and so, she will do everything in her power to prevent it. In fact, she is sometimes paranoid by this fact, and, when asked by her maid, for example, she claims that she just "saw" it happening right before her eyes. This fear of her is even bigger now that the Outsider Demons broke through, because she lost her powers at the "wrong time" (because she did predict that the invaders will eventually come back for revenge), and sometime Velvis is outright a bit hysterical because of it.

Velvis's fears make sense, and fit well with her overall character. However, she needs more fears, both minor (heights, a certain animal, the dark, fire, etc) and major ones (failure, betrayal, losing her loved ones, death, etc).

Addictions: None.

Desires\Wishes: Stopping the war at any costs, and, once again, keeping her power.

Strong memories: When the war in Aglaral started, and when she took the throne.

Passion: Has a passion for astrology and conspiracy theories, and also philosophy.

Obsession: She is refusing to believe this fact, but she is obsessed with her reign and her current life as the Goddess.

Personal secrets: Her bad parts of her personality are her secrets, per her parents' request, so that she doesn't "ruin" her "reliable ruler" image, but now, that she's in war with the invaders, she isn't willing to keep it a secret anymore-at least for the time being, and at least to Rellien (or her subjects, seeing as she is ignoring their deaths). When everything goes back to normal, she will return to wearing her "mask".
She is also unaware of her secret obsession.

Interesting how Velvis's facade is slowly fading away (for the time being). When everything goes back to normal, I wonder what her people will think.


Family Status: Both of her parents are alive, and now both of them are staying in the castle under Velvis' protection. She put it onto herself to protect them. But in the past, before the whole war broke out, she actually talked with her parents about different topics whenever she got some free time, or wasn't currently sewing.

Occupation: "Godly duties"-talking with other monarchs, visiting some places for information or other purposes, ect. But currently, she has the position of the "highest general" for ordering armies, and a planner for planning new strategies.

School: Chur-school for future monarchs, graduated.

Faith\Religion: She's a Goddess herself, so...none. Aside from the fact that she believes that there could be some other galaxies besides this one. It's just unknown where exactly it is located at.

Culture: Smoking, alcohol and drugs don't really matter to her, but she does think that it is a way to sometimes forget about all your problems. However, she would never try itself, because, well, she doesn't need it.
She actually likes art, and has a very good eloquent speech, and tries not to curse.

Sports: The basics-running, jumping, etc.

Education: High (by demon standards).

Favorite teacher: Miss Anna Garater, her teacher of astrology and Mr. Frederic Jilliens, her teacher of philosophy.

Lifestyle: Attends to her duties (in the past), trying to stop the war (currently). In her free time, she sewed, spoke with her parents, or read books, furthering her knowledge.


Magical: Normal magic (currently lost), teleportation.
Normal: Talent for sewing, and good hand-to-hand combat skills.

Teleportation and hand-to-hand combat make a good combination if used correctly, and this makes up for the fact that Velvis cannot use weapons.


Physical disabilities: None (except for not having any magic as of now except for teleportation)

Mental disabilities: Mild paranoia.


-Her parents, Garia (formerly ???) and Xete (formerly ???). It's safe to say that her parents and the strict rules she was raised in as the future heir pretty much dictated her personality, and made her into the person she is today. But despite this, Velvis loves her parents, and they also love her, and she would also go to great lengths to protect them. However, her and her father's opinions differ.

While her father believes, that war is the only solution to deal with Outsider Demons (because he and Xete were the ones to cast them out), Velvis thinks that they need to take the invaders' survivors hostage after the war. She believes that they can be useful to them in some way.

Despite this small disagreement with her father, the three of them still love each-other, and care for each-other dearly.
She never felt jealous towards them, when they were the monarchs, but, nonetheless, was very pleased when she finally got the throne for herself.

The both of them do know about Velvis' nastier personality, however, ignore it-her father thinks that "little selfishness" is always a good thing, while her mother was also a selfish individual-she just made a better job at hiding it, then Velvis does.
It wouldn't be really realistic that only strict rules made Velvis the way she is. They might have helped Velvis sharpen her manipulating skills so she could get out of trouble, however, Velvis probably also felt inspired by her parents being monarchs and all, wanting to be one too, to the point of obsession. So, Velvis began copying and inspecting her parent's reactions/actions in different situations, and mixed them with her own personality. Velvis could have also gained some other traits by nature, and through other experiences.

Amazing that Velvis has a good relationship with her parents, and that they're simply alive! Most characters' parents are somehow gone, and if they're still alive, their relationship isn't the best.

-Amriel. She always considered him a good and reliable friend, however, that alone-she never felt attracted to him in a romantic way, because she doesn't really care for romance as of now. She saw Amriel as a close friend to her, because she could always talk about different topics with him, too. That's what she enjoyed the most. But that relationship quickly shattered, as soon as Velvis got a feeling at one moment, that something about Amriel is...off. She currently doesn't know about his obsession, but is willing to talk it out with him after the whole incident.

-Her subjects. She pretends like she wants to protect them, and is doing everything "for their sake". That, however, isn't true, and, as stated earlier, she doesn't really care that much about them, and will not lend them a helping hand in the war, even if they plead.

-Others (monarchs, inhabitants, ect.) She feels neutral towards them, really, and the whole reason she said to other kingdoms to stay out of this situation, is because she doesn't want them to intermingle with affairs that don't concern them.

-Leren Reveille and Eloi Carden. She enjoys their company, actually. She doesn't know why, but...there's simply something that she likes about these two.
Quick questions: are they more like friends or acquaintances to Velvis? I know you stated that Velvis hangs out with Leren and Eloi because they match her vibe, but there has to be another reason why Velvis likes them. A logical reason would be that they share similar interests, and do activities together based off that or that Leren and Eloi always have something enjoyable to do.

-Outsider Demons. She considers them a big threat to be disposed off, simply because she fears they may overthrow her, and then everything, for which she worked to achieve, will be ruined, which is unacceptable by her. Back in the past when her parents kicked them out as the previous monarchs, or outright tortured them if they were too persistent on staying, she didn't even bat an eyes, and wasn't going to help them-she, just as her parents, who taught her, thought of them as disgusting traitors for openly stating their opinion about Velvis, and even insulting her, unlike some other demons, that kept their bad opinions and impressions about her to themselves.
Good and logical opinion. Love how Velvis dislikes/fears them because they may overthrow her instead of disliking Outsider Demons because they are bringing destruction upon her people. It matches with her personality.

-Rellien Neree, her personal maid. The two of them have a...one-sided friendship. While Velvis sees her as a good friend, that just sometimes "says something she shouldn't have", Rellien sees Velvis as...a bit dangerous woman. After all, she was the one to witness Velvis' bad parts of her character. She is the one to sometimes tell Velvis that her desire borders with an unhealthy obsession with something so abstract as a reign. She is also the one that Velvis lashes out on whenever she hears those words come out of her mouth, however, "sincerely apologizes" after that, and, with an innocent smile, says that Rellien is a "dear friend of hers", but should keep her mouth shut about this "taboo" topic. One could describe their relationship with two words-one-sided, and, to some extent, abusive.
In the backstory section, you stated that Rellien is smart and cooperative. Since Velvis has snapped at her numerous times, and told her to not talk about that topic, Rellien still did (and more than once). This is out of character for the description you gave Rellien, but can easily be fixed. Maybe Rellien is cooperative, until someone is in danger/might get in danger.

Love interest: None, she is not interested in romance.


Much like with Amriel, Velvis' parents wanted her to become the next Goddess Of Demons, and they also send her to the church-school for future monarchs. They also put her through a lot of training, lessons, and overall rules for her to become the next Goddess. Velvis was determined to finish it all, so she could be a fitting ruler.

They also told her to wear a "kind mask", and to "preach" to her subjects about their protection, so that she could give a "reliable ruler" image to her subjects.
So Velvis's façade formed when she was still a child? This gave her a lot of time for improvement, and no wonder Velvis is seen as a reliable and good ruler.

When she met Amriel at the church-school, she was glad to make a friend with whom she could talk about philosophical and simply any other topics. However, she never felt any romantic feelings for him, and considered him just a friend. As stated earlier, however, she is planning to talk with him about the off feeling she gets around him.

As for her meeting with her personal maid, she met her when they had to get new personnel for their castle, since some of the servants were asking for freedom, and to let them go, so they don't overwork themselves. That's when Velvis met Rellien-she was one of the maids brought to the castle by Velvis' informants, and she instantly caught her interest. Rellien was smart and cooperative, which pleased Velvis to such an extent, that she chose her to be her personal maid.

Even though their relationship was stable, when Velvis used some force to "shut her up about the taboo topic" that she wasn't aware of, she started to get scared of her. But she couldn't escape, since Velvis always kept an eye on her. Plus, she, as a maid, was expected to always serve Velvis, and listen to every one of her commands. That is why she stayed with her abusive "friend", and never spoke about Velvis' obsession ever again, since she knew what would happen to her.

Velvis was a powerful, Strong Demon, when she became the Goddess at the age of 30. Under the pretense to "protect her subjects from possible invaders" she created a magical "shield" over Aglaral, as her parents advised, because it was this kingdom that the Outsider Demons were kicked out of, after all.

However, it was eating up her powers, for she had to daily strengthen the "shield", so that it won't be easy to break. Because of this, she lost her powers after impressive 18 years of, presumably, "protecting" her subjects from harm, and had to rest to get it back.
This was when the Outsider Demons decided, that it was time for them to go through these magical walls, that were now easy to break, and take their revenge on their previous monarchs that casted them out. This is how the war in Velvis' kingdom started. Back then, she specifically ordered other kingdoms to stay out of this situation.
Good reason as to why the war started. Since Velvis came from the royal family, and was heir to the throne, obviously she was trained enough to be this powerful. As far as now, Velvis doesn't seem overpowered judging by who she is.

In the current situation, Velvis is the one to give orders to the armies, and she is also carefully planning their next steps to victory.
Don't see anything wrong with the backstory. It's original and realistic! 

I'm assuming that though Velvis didn't have much friends, her kind attitude made people take a liking to her, so Velvis wasn't too distant from society.


- Her favorites colors are purple-the royal color, and dark-blue, as the night sky-she considers it a mysterious color, just like the sky and the stars on it.

- Because of her preference, her room's walls actually have a starry sky pattern, so whenever she can't go outside to watch the sky from there, she always comes to her room.

- She doesn't have a favorite musical genre, since she would much rather prefer to read a book instead of listening to music, nor does she have a favorite season-she believes that every season is beautiful in its own way, surprisingly.

- Even though Velvis does look frail appearance-wise, she, because of her good fighting skills and training she underwent, would throw some good punches and kicks. When Rellien told her about her being obsessed, she slapped her across the face, however, never after that, since she kept quiet.

If Velvis is frail, she would have less physical power simply because of that. And because of all the training she went through, Velvis would have developed muscles. A realistic body type would be that Velvis is slightly muscular, but has an overall slim figure.

- If Amriel confesses to her after the war, she would, probably, reject him, due to not caring for love and romance.


Apart from some missing information and minor mistakes, Velvis is an original, interesting, and complex character. Her universe is creative, aesthetic, and definitely a place I'd like to visit.

Velvis is a skilled manipulator, convincing everyone that she'd sacrifice her life for them. Sadly, this is not the case, and Velvis only wants to continue her family's reign, and would do anything to do so. However, ever since the war begun, Velvis's façade is slowly falling apart, and may disappear all together if the war gets worse. When everyone sees the real her, there's plenty of conflict that could happen, and Velvis might even have to face her biggest fear: losing her reign.

Overall, Velvis has a lot of potential. Many conflicts could happen, which is good, because these are what make others continue reading/roleplaying. Velvis's likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc also make her appear more relatable and realistic.

So make sure Velvis doesn't go to waste, and as I stated before, she has a lot of potential!

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