Avengers preferences

By crazykatycurtis

444K 9.7K 2K


Authors note
A quirk you have that they love Part one
A quirk you have that they love Part two
Their song Part one
Their song Part two
The nickname you give them
The nickname they give you
The pet you get together
His favorite outfit on you
Valentines Day Part one
Valentines Day Part two
When he gets jealous...Part One
When He gets jealous......Part two
How they like your hair
Couples Activities
What you guys fight about
Authors note
Authors not
The first time their kid swears Part one
The first time their kid swears Part 2
You get kidnapped Part one
You get kidnapped part two
Your favorite thing about him
You get rescued: Bruce
You get rescued: Bucky
You Get Rescued: CLint
You get rescued: Loki
You Get Rescued: Sam
Important Announcement
You Get Rescued: Steve
You Get Rescued: Thor
You Get Rescued: Tony

His thoughts before he asks you out the first time

12.1K 337 129
By crazykatycurtis

Bruce: Come on, you can do this. You got this. She's smart, you're smart, this'll work. Now if I could only stop sweating so much! I look like I just went swimming! Maybe she'll think I just worked out...Girls like guys that work out, right? I don't even know anything about women, as a species in general. They're so confusing...No! Stop Bruce! No science right now, just focus on the chemistry.Yeah, the chemistry! I can do this! Go for it!

Bucky: Wow, she's so amazing! I don't think she'll like me.... Who are you kidding Buck, she'll love you!! Who doesn't? I'm sure she won't mind that I'm an ex assassin, and that I have metal arm. Stupid metal arm. Why does it have to be so loud?!? You would've thought they could maybe make it stealthy...... Focus on the girl, Buck. Focus. Breath. Oh damn she's looking at me, did I just blow it?!! Oh hang on, she's walking over here. Kay, let's go for it!

Clint: Alright, I got this. She'll fall for me, I'm sure! No doubts about it! Now all I need to do is shoot this arrow over to her desk....Okaaaay. Oh shit that guy walked in the way. Hang on, now he's talking to her! It looks like he's getting friendly, but she looks uncomfortable...It's now or never, Clint, go for it!! 

Loki: This is a stupid dare, I hate Tony so much right now! If I was in Asgard, where I should be, I wouldn't even need to ask her! She would just naturally swoon over me.....Strange the way women don't swoon here on Midguard. Come on, Loki, be honest with yourself at least; you're scared. Just look at her! She could probably kill me if she wanted to. Stupid Tony.....

Sam: Charm, check! Shades, check! swagger, check! Here it goes! I hope she says yes, otherwise those dinner reservations will be a waste.

Steve: I sure wish Buck was here to tell me what to do. I don't Tony's advice was very good. Ya know what? I'm just gonna forget everything he said, I probably will anyways once I start talking to her. Oh boy, she looks so precious the way the sun hits her hair...If only I could draw angels...

Thor: Now if I could only remember what the metal man said about maidens, I'm not sure i know how to do this here on Midguard. Maybe I should follow the example of the screen pictures, oh what's the name? Oh, right, movies! Those colorless ones are nice. Alright, just follow them. Take a deep breath, and go for it!

Tony: I should have another drink. She looks pretty, pretty scary! HAHAHAHA Tony you smooth ol' guy! That was funny! She'll love me, I mean, who doesn't? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA everyone loves me, that's right, because I am FABULOUS!!!!!! Alright just one more drink, then I'll go over there and talk to her.

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