Living With Romeo

By Aussie_Lynch

34.7K 1.9K 824

·Cover made by the wonderful @boyswithguitars· More

New Beginnings
Backyards and Breaks
Family Day Out
Last Dances and Last Chances
Walking Out and Moving on
The Good in Good Bye
Funerals and Forgiveness
Chaos and Concerts
Dancing and Drinks
Breakfast, Baby Boy and Bromance
Take Away
Fights and Foes
Guns and Guardians
29th of December
Malibu and Making out
A/N Tumblr
Celebration and Cruises
Birthdays and Blurting
Mocktials and Massages
The Ball
instagram and rdmas
Bums and Baths
Walk The Moon
Flights and Food
Easter Part One
Easter Part 2
Back home and Breaks
Dreams and Disaster
Parties and Planes
Ross' Big Night
The Effect
Lunch and Lips
Girl Friends and Girlfriends
Bridal and Brides
Wedding Plans
Pancakes and Pickles
Dinner and Disasters
Girls and Good Byes
Marshmallows and Melt downs
Good Bye Ross.
Faints and Feelings
Washing and Weary
Dinner and Dilemas
Cakes and Commitment
Las Vegas and Love
Just Married
Tweet, Meet and Greet
Coffee and Cuteness
Calls and Courtney
Breakfast and Bruises
The Talk with Rocky
Telling the Lynch's
Flight 2912
Panic and Passengers
Staying Strong
Bacon and Eggs
Sweats and Shopping
Bumping into Ex's.
Baths and Birthdays
Back on Tour
All Night
Authors Note

Love and Lawyers

488 32 12
By Aussie_Lynch

Amy's POV

"I know. I'm watching it right now." I say to Rydel who is on the phone with me. Rydel just called me saying that Ross was in a cafe or something and he had a gun. Well, that's all I could understand from her crying, and muffled speech. I turned the tv on and I saw a close up of Ros in the cafe with his hands on his head. Oh my god. His going to die. I grabbed my jacket and and handbag. I assumed Taylor, Alex and the Lynches knew. Ross can not join my father in Heaven. Not yet anyways. I ran out the door and ran down the the cafe.

"Ross!" I shouted trying to get through the crowd of Police Officers and the Public trying to get a closer look.

"Ma'am you can't pass here." The officer said to me.

"But I know him."

"So does everyone else." the officer said gesturing to a group of people who were to our left.

"Look. Please may I speak to him." I said to the officer.

"No! And that's my final word lady." he said to me and I rolled my eyes.

"What's that?" I pointed to someone in the crowd.

"What?" he asked me looking around.

I dodged the tape and ran under neath it.  "Oi. Get back here." The officer said as I reached Ross. I lunged towards him and hugged him.

"I-I'm so sorry." I whispered in Ross' chest.

"NO! You're not." Ross said to me. My heart sunk."You wanted me dead."

"I was sixteen! It was either you are me. And I was close to dying." I told him.

"It doesn't matter." Ross said and rolled his eyes.

"Just fuck off. There's no way you can help me now. I'm going to be in jail for my sons birthday. Not that I'll be able to see him anyways. You're always with him! I tried to make amends with you but it just wasn't going to work." Ross said and I stepped away from him.

"See pretty lady. You don't know him." The officer said and I rolled me eyes. "Now leave." he said and I looked at Ross one last time and he sighed. He was either fed up with me or he was actually sorry. I couldn't tell.


December 24th


"Mommy. Christmas is tomorrow!" Romeo shouted down the hall way. He was being chased by our dogs.

"I know it is honey. Which means you have to go to bed early tonight." I told him as he sat on the couch next to me.

"Can we go see Daddy today?" Romeo asked me. His asked me this question every day since Ross was put in jail. We haven't found him a lawyer yet to prove his innocence. I would but it take like five to six years to become a lawyer.

"I don't know honey." I said to him and kissed his cheek.

I walked over to our kitchen and cracked some eggs into the pan. They slizzled for a while. I looked around the corner and noticed Romeo had falled asleep next to the dogs. I smiled to myself and slid the eggs off the pan. I quickly fried up some mushrooms and bacon. I heard the door bell ring so I turned the stove off and answered it.

"Angelo." I said shocked. He is getting a whole heap more attractive everyday.

"Amelia. I can not believe it." He said and we greeted each other with a long hug. I definately missed his Italian accent. Not going to lie. It was pretty damn hot.

"Come in. Come in." I said. "Can I make you some breakfast or something?" I asked him and he sat down.

"A coffee would be good." he asked and I went back into the kitchen to make his beverage.

"Who are you?" I heard Romeo asked.

"I'm Angelo. I'm one of your Mommy's friends."

"How come I've never met you before?" Romeo asked him and Angelo replied with.

"I live in Italy." Romeo gasped. I walked into the room with my breakfast and Angelo's coffee.

"Mommy. Does Angelo relly live in Italy?" Romeo asked me.

"He sure does." I  told him.

"Where's that?" Romeo asked tilting his head in confusion.

"Well, it's across the ocean. Remember when Daddy used to watch the movie with you, Romeo and Juilet." I told him. "That's where he lives." I told him.

"He stole my name!" Romeo said crossing his arms.

"So, what brings you to Los Angeles?" I asked Angelo.

"Well, I've decided to become a laywer. I've already done about three years of university. So, I can now travel and study over seas. So I came here." Angelo smiled.

"You're become a lawyer? Since when?"

"Amelia. We've discussed this. Don't you remember?" He asked me with a worried face.

"I'm kidding." I said to him and continued to eat.

"All I need is a someone I can interview, you know. Someone who has been in jail or something before." Angelo said.

"Daddy's in jail. He went bang bang with the gun." Romeo said nodding as he chased one of the dogs around the room.

"Really? Do you think I could meet him?" Angelo said.

"You can meet him now if you want." I smiled. I can not wait to see Ross again.

"That would be amazing." Angelo said.

"Yay! We're going to see Daddy!"

I feel like I'm rushing these chapters.

Sorry guys.

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