This Won't End Well

Por acevrb

30.3K 1.6K 6.1K

Gon just got dumped by his girlfriend of two years over text. Forget getting your heart broken- his just got... Más

1: How To Use Cherry Garcia Ice Cream and Avatar to Drown Out Your Emotions
2: How To Make "Friends"- The Gon Method (not guaranteed to work)
3: How To Force Your Neighbor To Have Lunch With You
4: How To Shop For Couches With Your Picky Neighbor
5: How To Build A Couch (while your neighbor hands you stuff)
6: How To Cure "Boredom"
7: How To Shop for Groceries- Gon Style (a.k.a, everything goes wrong)
8: How To Get Patched Up
9: How To Lose Your Appetite
10: How To Get The Power Back On
11: How To Break-Up Sibling Rivalry
12: How To Take Your Neighbor To Lunch
14: How To Swim
15: How To Overthink Everything
16: How To See The Stars
17: How To (attempt to) Drive
18: How To Start World War III From The Comforts of Your Own Home
19: How To Get Patched Up pt.2
20: How To Call a Cease Fire
21: How To Succeed When The Universe Has It Out For You
22: How To Make Pancakes At 3am
23: How To Conduct an Interrogation
24: How To Just Talk
25: How To Have a Impromptu Therapy Session
26: How To Have a First Date
27: How To Wake-Up Right (highly recommended)
28: How To Kick Someone When They're Down

13: How To Chase Off a Harasser

938 58 276
Por acevrb

Minor TW: suggestive dialogue, sexual harassment, unwanted advances (I just wanted to warn those who might be uncomfortable reading stuff like this or it brings up unpleasant memories/thoughts)

Gon and Killua walked into their apartment complex lobby, talking about some random topic. Today, the desk was staffed by a worker. They were short and stout, and their grey hair was cut extremely short, rivaling a pixie cut.

"Oh, you're the new tenet! Last name... Zoldyck? Right?" They called out to Killua, waving a piece of paper in the air. Gon and Killua gave them a curious look before slowly walking over to the counter.

"Who wants to know?" Killua asked cautiously. He eyed the worker up and down before his eyes landed on the piece of paper they held. Both Gon and Killua looked at the name tag pinned to their shirt. It read: Aslan with a small (They/Them) scribbled under their name.

"Well, uh, I was wondering if we could speak in private?" They asked, holding out the forms to Killua, who reluctantly grabbed the sheets.

"What's this about, exactly?" He grumbled, looking at the young worker with an agitated expression scrawled on his face.

"Your rent payment...." They trailed off, rubbing the back of their neck sheepishly.

"What about my payment?" He growled, staring at Aslan fiercely. His eyes were narrowed, and his lips were pursed into a menacing scowl. If looks could kill, Killua would be in jail.

Gon nudged the side of his shoulder with his, offering him a smile. Mostly telling him to calm down and not give the kid a heart attack. Killua grumbled something under his breath and rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong with my payment?" Killua asked in a slightly less threatening tone.

"We've never had this happen before, but uh, someone came by this morning and offered to cover all ongoing rent costs for you. As well as the water and electricity bills," They said through a plastered smile.

"Did the asshole who offered to pick up my bill have long, black hair and eyes like a demonic goldfish?" Killua griped, rubbing the bridge of his nose in agitation.

"I- uh- I dunno if I'd put it that way but... yeah?" They said their answer was more like a question.

"Fucking- ugh-" Killua seethed under his breath. "No. Don't accept his payments or whatever. Keep it on the original payment method," He ordered.

"Right. In that case, I have a few more articles of paperwork for you to sign," They said, pulling back a small swinging door to the back room.

"Of course you do," Killua muttered under his breath, following the worker to the backroom.

"I'll wait here for you, Killua," Gon said through a smile before the worker shut the door behind them.

Gon leaned back against the front desk, randomly twiddling away on his phone.

Bastards of Apartment #512

Hey- I'm hanging out
with Killua today

Simp #1 (Leorio):
Ofc u r


Simp #1 (Leorio):
It's not like you've spent
every damn day with
him for the past two
weeks or anything

Yeah bc
we're friends??

Simp #1 (Leorio):
Yeah OKAY and Kurapika
and I are just roommates

Gon's face scrunched at the implied accusations before almost throwing his phone onto the counter. He didn't want to run the risk of turning into a tomato just from looking at the screen. God, Leorio was embarrassing when he wanted to be.

Gon's train of thought was derailed by the sound of the lobby door opening. A tall man walked in, a few inches taller than Gon. He wore white jeans, tight around the waist and looser towards the bottom. A bedazzled belt cinched the jeans, pulling them in tight and accentuating the man's hourglass figure. He had on combat boots with bright pink laces and a sheer, skin-tight, long-sleeve shirt that was pink as well. He'd seen the man around the complex a few times, but Gon had never talked to him before. Kurapika and Leorio had warned him to stay away from him at all costs, but he never really understood why.

Gon watched the man saunter across the floor, running a hand with painted nails through his pink hair. He couldn't stop staring, even though he knew it was rude- he couldn't look away. It was like looking at a terrible car accident. A hot pink one, at that.

"See something you like?" The man cooed, now looking Gon up and down with lidded eyes. Gon snapped back to reality, instantaneously looking away and deciding not to say anything. As if he could be any more embarrassed. He reached for his phone and absentmindedly pretended to busy himself with it.

The man walked over to Gon, leaning his arm against the counter and looking directly at him. Gon nervously kept his eyes glued to his phone as if that would save him.

"It's okay if you look at me. Most people tend to," He taunted. Gon still refused to look at the man, but he could tell his lips were pursed into a smile. "Haven't seen you around before. What's your name?"

Gon opened Killua's contact on his phone and quickly typed a message.


Hey! Not trying to rush you
but could you by any chance
come out here soon?

"Hmm? Playing hard to get, are we?" The man's voice was smooth and dripping with charm like venom. He slid closer to Gon so their arms were almost touching. Gon gulped back all the uncomfortable feelings stirring inside him. "That's okay. I like having people to play with."

Gon tried to calm himself, taking a shaky breath. This is fine. I'm fine. He's just being friendly. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.

"C'mon, just talk to me. Don't be rude, darling," He cooed, caressing Gon's shoulder with his hand. Gon immediately jolted back, finally sparing the man a glance.

"S-sorry. I think you have the wrong idea. I'm not interested," Gon nervously stammered out, looking back repeatedly at the door Killua had vanished behind. He could really use one of Killua's soul-shattering death stares right now. Where is he?


Hurry up aha

"Not interested? Oh dear, give me five minutes alone with you, and I can change that," The man purred, moving closer to Gon and reaching out to touch him. Gon stepped backward again, avoiding his grasp.

Gon had never been in a situation like this. Well, at least not with a man. His skin was burning with anxiety and fear, making him sweat and his hair stand on end. He glanced around the room, praying for a distraction of some sort, playing for Killua to come back. His voice caught in this throat, leaving him speechless and powerless. He didn't know what to do.

"I- uh- no," Gon said, still backing away from the man. "I-I'm waiting for someone."

"Oh? A special someone? A girlfriend? A boyfriend, perhaps?" He hummed, moving closer and closer to Gon.

"Oh- yeah, I'm just waiting for him. He shouldn't be much longer," Gon stammered out, his fear making his voice splinter. He knew Killua wasn't his boyfriend, obviously. But there's no way he was going to correct the man in front of him.


come out now theers
a creepy guy n idk
wht to do

pls Killua

The man reached out a hand towards Gon, who couldn't avoid it because he was texting Killua. He wrapped his finger around one of the belt loops of Gon's jeans and pulled him closer. Gon squirmed in his grasp but couldn't escape, causing a small, fearful whimper to leave his throat.

"Doesn't bother me if you're off the market. The best fruit is always forbidden," He cooed, licking his bottom lip before biting it slightly.

Gon looked up and put his hands against the man's chest, pushing him away as best he could. "No- I don't-"

"Hey, asshole! What's going on?" A familiar voice called. Gon looked over to see a very pissed Killua emerging from the room, trailed by a cowering Aslan.

The man instantly let go of Gon, putting his hands up in defense. "Ah, so you're the boyfriend," He taunted. "You have good taste," He purred, winking at Gon as he did so. Gon felt utterly nauseous at the comment.

Killua looked back, shooting Gon a confused look. Gon just gave him a pitiful attempt at a smile in return.

"Unless," The man started, stepping away from Killua and walking back towards Gon. "He's not actually your boyfriend, and you just said that as a gambit. In which case, leaves you open for me," He smirked, leaning in close to Gon.

"I- uh-" Gon started, unsure where he was going with the sentence.

"Nope. We're... we're... dating," Killua stated, trying his best to seem convincing but failing. He walked over to the vibrantly colored man and Gon and stood between the two, his back to Gon.

"Yep..." Gon awkwardly trailed off, unsure how to act in this situation.

"Really? Is that so?" The man murmured, smirking at the two doubtfully. And who would believe them? It took Killua three tries to even say the word 'dating'.

"Yep..." Gon chimed in again, his vocabulary now reduced to a singular word.

"Are you sure there's not enough room for one more?" He purred, looking at the two with an unwavering smirk.

Killua looked at Gon hesitantly before looking back at the man in front of him. Fuck it, there was no other way out of this, apparently.

Killua looked away from Gon and reached his arm over his shoulder, pulling him close. Gon glanced at Killua, surprised at the sudden contact. Gon wrapped his other arm around Killua's waist and pulled their hips together- gently, as to not make him uncomfortable. Killua glanced at Gon before drawing his attention back to the man in front of him. Gon reached for Killua's hand that was draped on his shoulder and intertwined their fingers, lifting it up for the man to see.

"See? Dating. Now, back the fuck off, asshole. And don't ever come near us again," Killua growled, pulling Gon closer in the process.

"I'm not convinced. But I can tell when I'm not wanted," He sighed, turning on his heel and letting his back face the boys. Really? Both boys thought simultaneously.

He walked off to the stairwell and began his ascent to his apartment. Killua and Gon simply watched him retreat, Gon still holding in a breath from their latest encounter.

"Are you okay?" Killua asked, turning his head to lock eyes with Gon. They were the same height, so their eyes met at a perfect level. Gon nodded his head once and hummed lightly in response. He was definitely still shaken up, but he felt better now that Killua was here.

Gon just stood there, gazing at Killua, who was giving him a reassuring yet worried look. He felt guilty going along with the excuse they were dating. He didn't want to make Killua feel uncomfortable.

That's when he realized. Or when both of them realized. Their arms were still snaked around each other, and their fingers still intertwined.

They both pulled back almost immediately when they realized. Gon gave Killua a nervous smile and laugh while Killua just looked at the ground, unable to meet Gon's gaze.

"Okay, let's go," Killua stated, walking off towards the stairwell. Gon hummed in agreement and started trailing behind Killua before giving Aslan a small wave goodbye, which they returned.

They trudged up the stairs without a word. He didn't know about Killua, but Gon's mind was running rampant with the thought of how close Killua and he were only a few moments ago. Killua's arm draped over his shoulder, Gon's arm slung around his waist. It felt- nice. Not just reassuring because they were in an intense situation. It made him feel happy and safe. 

His stomach felt jittery and warm, and his heart was beating like he downed twenty cans of Red Bull. He was fighting a smile, or maybe a fit of laughter; he couldn't tell which. The only other time he'd felt like this was around Retz.

"Hey, idiot? Did you hear me?" Killua griped, lightly shoving Gon in the shoulder.

"Hm? No, sorry," Gon replied, smiling softly.

"I said we're back at my apartment. What do you wanna do?" Killua asked, gesturing to his door. And he was right. They stood outside his apartment, Killua swinging his keys around his finger.

"I dunno. Can we just sit for a while? It's hardly even two, and we've been through kinda a lot today," Gon sighed, running a hand through his hair and down the back of his neck.

"Yeah, okay. Fine by me," Killua said, opening his door and stepping inside. Gon joined him, shutting the door behind him. They both stumbled over to the couch and plopped down, letting out deep breaths as they hit the cushiony surface.

They sat side by side in silence for about ten or more minutes, both their heads having fallen back, digesting everything that happened. It was never a dull day for the two.

"Are you okay?" Gon asked quietly, his voice hardly above a whisper.

Killua waited for a few seconds before he replied, deliberating on his answer. "Yeah. Guess so," He decided, his voice matching Gon's volume. "You?"

"Guess so," Gon replied.

"What'd that guy even say to you? I only caught the very last parts," Killua questioned, fiddling with his hands in his lap.

Gon took a deep breath in. "Basically, he thought he had a right to fuck me because I looked at him," Gon mumbled. He felt really gross about the entire thing, for lack of a better descriptor. He'd never been so scared and uncomfortable. He'd always thought that this kind of thing could never happen to him, and even if it did, he'd push the person away instantly and know just what to do or say. But, I guess it's not that easy, he thought.

"That's fucking stupid. How could you not look at him? He's dressed like a whole ass circus freak," Killua said, a hint of anger evident in his voice.

"Ha, yeah," Gon replied. He tried to be lighthearted about it, but he was still upset. And this was obvious to Killua.

"Sorry I left you," Killua offered, voice hardly above a whisper.

"What?" Gon said, taken aback by Killua's words.

"I mean- if I would have just asked you to tag along or stayed in the lobby with you, this wouldn't have happened, and I-"


Killua turned his head to see Gon looking at him with a soft smile tugging on his lips. "Don't apologize for something that clearly isn't your fault. You had my back when I needed it, just like I had yours. That's enough," He said. Killua's lips curled into a soft smile before he quickly turned his head away. Gon let out a light laugh. "And you really did have my back- wrapping your arm around me like that. Real smooth," Gon said through growing laughter.

Killua turned back to look at Gon with wide eyes and an incredulous look. He shoved him in the shoulder and scoffed. "You were the one who wrapped your arm around my waist and practically held onto me for dear life!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"You initiated it!"

"You added to it!"

"I wanted to make it look as convincing as possible!"

"Uh-huh sure- whatever you say," Killua cooed, standing up from the couch and waltzing into the kitchen. Gon was left on the sofa, very flustered and struggling to find a comeback. "Whatever, just turn on the TV and find us something to watch."

"Fine," Gon grumbled, turning on the TV and finding a random scary movie. "Bring snacks."

"What do you think I'm doing in here, dumbass?" Killua scoffed from the kitchen. "Here," He called, throwing something at Gon. It landed in his lap with a thud.

"Thanks," Gon said, opening the bag of whatever snack Killua had thrown at him.

Killua hummed in response and returned with more snack options, sitting next to Gon on the couch.

WC: 2,776
A/N: okay if you couldn't gather from the description and the way I had him say "fruit"- the guy harassing Gon was Hisoka
You guys I had this idea a while ago but I executed this entire chapter so poorly 😭 I might edit and rewrite this chapter but we'll see if I forget about it or not
Anyways- hope you guys have a good day <3

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