Similar paths (Bakugo x OC)

By MaddyJ1902

7.9K 251 24

When class 3-A gets a new "Teacher's assistant" (Madison Wallace) Everyone is shocked when they find out more... More

16 *smut*
31 *the end*


216 7 0
By MaddyJ1902

-Bakugo's POV-
"Um Bakugo? Can you please come with me." Aizawa comes into the classroom and I look up to him. "Madisons awake but we need you to translate for us..." He says and I perk up. "She's awake!" I smile and jump up. "You don't have to be so enthusiastic." Ochaco mumbles. "You didn't have to pull out her fucking implant." I glare at her and everyone looks at us. "I'm going." I mumble and walk to Aizawa.

"I just need you to ask her what happened and tell her what we plan in doing to help her hearing." He says and I nod. We get to Recovery girls office and I see Madison on the bed. "Bakugo!" She smiles at me and crawls to the end of the bed. "Can you translate for me? Please!" She yells and I flinch. "Lower your voice you're screaming." I sign to her and she blushes. She clears her throat and nods. "Ok sorry." She says and I smile a little. "What happened?" I ask her and she nods.

"In the bathroom Ururaka came in and she told me to stay away from you. She called me a slut and then pushed me. We started fighting and she grabbed my implant and pulled it out." She explains. "She djd what!" I yell and she stares at me. "She said she didn't like me hanging around you." She says and tears up a little. "Did Shinso really tell all the guys what we did?" She asks quietly and I shake my head. "Kaminari. Shinso only told him." I sign to her and she bites her lip. "Do people really think I'm a slut?" She asks and I stare at her.

I look down and sigh. Some of the guys have talked about how easy she is especially after Shinso but nothing crazy. "That's not important right now."
I sign to her and she frowns. "You're not helping!" She huffs and falls back on her back. "When I see your girlfriend I'm killing her!" She warns me and grunts. "Ok tell her was have a plan please." Aizawa says and I pull Madison up by her arm. "They have a plan." I sign and she quirks and Eyebrow.

"Eri. We can use her quirk and she can you your hearing back!" Aizawa smiles at her and she just stares at him. She looks to me and I oh. "Ummm E-R-I. Rewind quirk. Give hearing back." I sign and her eyes widen. "Like permanently?" She asks and Aizawa nods. "Get her Zashi." Aizawa says and Mic goes into the hall way and brings Eri comes in cautiously. "Are you sure daddy? I don't wanna... I don't wanna hurt Madison." Eri says looking down playing with her hands. "I've got you. Nothing will happen, you've been training for this." He picks Eri up and Madison lets him put her on her lap. "Go ahead." Aizawa says.

Eri looks to Madison and nods. She closes her eyes and her little horn glows. She puts her hands on Madisons head and they sit there for a minute. Madison gasps after a second and Eri pulls her hand away, her horns stops glowing. "Are you ok!" Eri asks in a panic. "I can hear you..." Madison says and looks up to Aizawa. "I-I can hear! Like with out the implant." She covers her mouth and starts smiling. "Oh my god.." she hugs Eri and laugh. "I CAN HEAR!" She cheers and I smile. Aizawa lets out a relived sigh. "Oh my god oh my god!" She jumps up and looks in the mirror on the wall.

"You're joking! I can hear!" She squeals and I stare at her. "Bakugo I can hear again!" She hugs me and I blush. I hug her back and she giggles in my ear. I feel my face redden more. Her giggle was like music. I felt my  stomach swirl around as I smell her. I know thats sound weird but her my face was in the crook of neck. She wasn't even wearing perfume but she smelled so sweet. "Oh hold the fuck up." She pulls away from me and walks to the bed. "Where the fuck is my knife." She moves the sheets around till she grabs her knife.

"I'm out." She moves past us out of the room and we all glance at each other. We run after her and she goes into the classroom. "GAHH!" Ochaco screams as Madison launches her knife at her. She misses her just by a hair but thats whats she meant to do. "I have every right to blow your god damn brains out." Madison grabs Ururaka's by her collar and everyone around the two scattered.  "Ok Madison I'll-" "You don't want to fuck with me Ochaco... I don't like you.." she pulls another knife from her pants and holds it to her throat. "You think I won't slit your fucking throat in front of all these people." Madison asks and we all just stare. What the fuck can we even do?

"P-please don't kill me..." Ochaco begs and Madison throws her in the ground. "I'm not going to dumbass. Like I said I have standers and you're not worth the prison time." She grabs Ochaco by her hair and lifts her up to look at her. "Kiss my boot." She says and puts Ochacos face to her foot. "Wh-what?" Ochaco asks and Madison smiles. "Kiss it." She says and Ochaco kisses her boot confused. "And say how gracious I am for not painting your brains all over the side of the building." Madison smiles a sadistic smile. I smirk at her as Aizawa walks to her. "T-thank you Madison-" "my names not fucking Madison to you bitch." Madison punches her in the face and Aizawa grabs her pulling her away.

"Alright that's enough!" Aizawa puts her over her shoulder and starts walking out. "You call me fucking Mommy bitch!" Madison laughs and flips her off. "I'm a fucking god compared to you bitch! Remember that I'm on your ass now! I reserve the right to kill you remember that!" Madison laughs in the hall as aizawa carried her away. "Ok so she's terrifying." Deku says wide eyed. "IM A FUCKING GODDESS!" I hear Madison and I laugh a little. "That was... scary?" Kiri says to me and I smirk. "That was fucking sexy..." I mumble and he chuckles a little.

"Nobody's gonna stand up for me!" Ochaco asks and I roll my eyes. "You deserved that." I say and she stares at me. "You can't just claim me. I'm not your property." I tilt her chin to look up at me. "Madison is right. You're a bitch. I'm a fucking God... don't mess with me, or her ever again." I whisper and she stares at me. "Haha!" I flip her off and walk out of the classroom. I feel fucking great! I feel like I won something, like I'm on top if the fucking world... I've gotta talk to Madison... After seeing her like that, hearing her happy, seeing her cry... after everything I know 100% that... I like her... I like her a-lot. 

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