Similar paths (Bakugo x OC)

By MaddyJ1902

7.1K 242 24

When class 3-A gets a new "Teacher's assistant" (Madison Wallace) Everyone is shocked when they find out more... More

16 *smut*
31 *the end*


723 16 4
By MaddyJ1902

"Alright Madison, Are you ready to go?" Aizawa stands in the teachers lounge and I look up at him. "If I have too." I stand and stretch out. "You do if you wanna get paid." He says and I roll my eyes. "I have a lot of things I can do ti get paid Erasuer." I wink at him putting on my belt and he rolls his eyes. "I don't care." He says with a yawn making me laugh. "Once I got paid half a million! HALF A MILLION! Just to scare someone, Oh man I wish you never caught me you damn buzz kill." I say as we walk out together. "Do you want me to arrest you?" He ask with a smirk. 

"Aww you wouldn't arrest little ole me would you mister?" I blink my eyes at him and he chuckles. "I can and I will if you don't shut up." He says and I laugh. "Whatever." I yawns and follow him to his classroom. I'm the new "Teacher's Assistant" to class 3-A. I know right it's amazing. I'm so so so excited to just be watching a bunch of little gremlins all day yay! Sense my sarcasm. 

I'm no teacher, I'm not anything really, just a badass, sexy, hot ass bitch who is very skilled! But I'm no teacher. And I'm certainly no fucking baby sitter! Technically I'm a vigilante, I've been targeting and getting people for other people for the last 10 years. Yeah since I was 9. I'm only 19, youngest vigilante in Japan I think. I know like I said I'm amazing. I'm also (Get ready for this one)... I'm also Deaf! Yep Deaf, and I'm still a kick ass broad! God I love myself. If you can't tell already my Ego is just THROUGH THE ROOF, Don't worry I have my faults as well but I like to focus on the things I'm good at. 

The only reason I'm here right now with Eraser head on my way to teach a bunch of grimy little bastards is because I got caught. I was doing my job like normal, I've never killed anyone, I've never hurt anyone either. I'm more of a threat. I CAN kill. I CAN hurt. But I don't it's against my morals. But I do steal, and I threaten people for other people, and I get a lot of money doing what I do. Or what I did. But Eraser caught me, Along with a whole BUNCH of heroes. I was doing my job like normal, I was staking out my target ready to go and scare the bastard, but then BAM I was wrapped in this stupid scarf thing and here I am. 

"Alright were here."Eraser says and was stand in front of a large door. "Oh my god my first day of school! Are you proud of me Dad?" I ask dramatically draping onto eraser's shoulder throwing my head back dramatically. "Stop it." He laughs and pushes me off him. "I'm not your dad." He says and I laugh. "GASP really?" I say and he rolls his eyes. He opens the door and we walk in. "Did you just say Gasp?" He ask and I nod. "It's called dramatic affect Eraser." I say and he rolls his eyes. 

"WOAH~ Who'a the hottie?" A little boy with purple balls on his head asks staring at me. I stare at him and quirk an eyebrow. "You said this was a 3 year class?" I ask Erasuer and he nods. I look at the rest of the student's a nod. "Oh so you're like... a prodogy or something?" I say to the small boy. "WHAT NO I'M 19!" He yells at me and I giggle. "Sure you are little one! Here I think I have candy somewhere, you want a lollipop?" I ask with a little baby voice as I bend over to pat his head. 

"SHE'S MEAAAAAAN!" He yells running to the back of the class while a few student's laugh. "Awww their so cute when they're young." I say whipping a fake tear form my eye. "Do you ever take anything seriously?" Eraser asks me and I scoff. "Of course I do! I take my job very seriously. Not this job cause this is a joke but you know." I say with a shrug and he rolls his eyes. 

"Why are you madam mademoiselle?" A boy with a shiny... aura around him beamed at me. This class is fucking weird. "My name's Madison." I say and look at all the kids. They all had very unique features, I mean in a world with quirks nobody looks a like but still. "She's a new teacher assistant. She's like a baby sitter." Eraser says and I roll my eyes. "I'm not a baby sitter eraser. I'm being held here against my will." I say and he chuckles at me. "Well it's either this or it's jail, once again the choice is yours." He says and I suck my teeth. 

"Jail! What did you do?" A boy with blond hair and lightning bolt in his bang said. "Nothing, Just a few minor crimes, Stealing and whatnot." I say and Eraser head steps up. "This is Madison Wallace. She's Japan's youngest vigilante. She's an incredibly skilled swords man, and she very agile. It took up 5 years to corner and catch her off guard." He says and I smirk crossing my arms. "She's never hurt or kill anyone, she's not a villain. She's stolen things for other people, and just been sent to threaten or scare other people. By both Villains and Heroes." He explains and I nod. 

"Unlike some vigilantes I have standards for what I do and who I work for. I refuse to work for the league of villains, and no big name heroes. I keep my face away from media and I only work at night. I'm not a huge fan of camera's." I say and stretch out. "I honestly don't know how these fuckers found me but they said they can either send me to jail for 5 years or I can come and help guard the most troublesome class in UA and make a nice fat pay check every week for the next 5 years so I went with this shit." I say and the class chuckles.

"Woah, how old are you?" A girl with pink skin asks. "just turned 19." I say and some of them gasps. "you're the same age as us? How long have you been doing... that?" A girl with a large pony tail asks. "Since I was 9. When I got to high school I was skipped a grade and I graduated a year early. The School had no idea I was doing what I was doing. But they were all a bunch of idiots so it's not surprising." I say with an eyeroll. "W-well what do your parents think! I can't imagine they like what you're doing." A tall boy with glasses says chopping his Hand through the air seriously. 

"Well first of all calm down Kung fu and put your hand down. Second of all me and My parents were in an "accident" when I was younger." I turn my head to the side showing my cochlear implant. "Someone tired to kill all of us when I was 8. They tried to blow up our house. Both my parents died in the fire while I managed to escape the house but not before my ear drums were blown out. I'm deaf because of it now." I say and look to everyone. 

"That's why this half of my head. I didn't like the implant on my hair so I just shaved this part before 2 years ago when I finally got my implant. Before that I just had a hearing aid from the hospital " I say and everyone ohs. "That's awful I'm so sorry.." A girl with short brown hair says. "It's just life. I think ll of you need to accept a hard fact especially going into the line of work you're going into. You're going to watch a lot of your friends, and colleagues, maybe even your family die. You yourself are putting yourself at risk everyday. Some of you probably won't survive but that's just a fact. Do yourselves a big favor and harden up a bit, don't get too attached to people, you'll only get hurt." I say and everyone nods looking down. 

"Have you lost a lot of people?" A boy with spiky red hair asks and I nod. "Pleanty. I've pissed off a lot of people." I say and he nods with a small frown. "Good advice but also remember you're not gonna wanna cut everyone out from your life." Eraser says patting my shoulder and I roll my eyes shrugging his hand from my shoulder. "So you're a pretty successful... Vigilante right?" A green haired boy asks me and I look at him. "I'd say so yes." I smirk and he nods. 

"So what's your quirk then?" He asks with an enthusiastic smile. I chuckle and shake my head. "I don't have a quirk." I say and his eyes widen. "Really!" He yells even more happy. "yeah, Quirkless from birth. That's why I'm so amazingly fantastic." I say and hear a fake laugh from the room. "How is some quirkiness wanna be supposed to be "Guarding" us! That's actually humorous." A spiky headed blond boy says and I smirk at him. 

"Is It really that funny?" I asks and he nods. "Hilarious. There is no way you're can protect us better than we can protect ourselves. Well at least I can do better that is." He smirks at me and I nod. "Really? You're a big strong boy, who doesn't need any help at all is that like your whole little... thing." I say looking him up and down in his desk. "Yup." he winks at me and I smile. "No fighting." Aizawa says putting a hand on my shoulder pulling me back a bit. "I'm not fighting.." I pulling my favorite knife from my belt. "Just proving a point." I close my eyes and lunch the knife at him. "WOAH!" He yell and it flies just past his face grazing his cheek lightly making the tiniest cut in the world. 

"I can launch a knife from up to 50 meters away without hitting you. I have perfect 20/20 vision, and I can kill you in a matter of seconds, Spiky." I say and walk through the classroom towards him. "You may have a quirk, and you may be stronger than me physically because you "A man" or whatever." I bend in front of him and grab his chin tilting it up to face me. "But I am better than you in every other way... And if you try to fuck with me I will take you down in a matter of seconds absolutely obliterating your ego..." I reach over him our faces so close they were almost touching.

"Don't fuck with me... little boy." I grab my knife from the wall where it landed behind him and pull away from him. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME BITCH!" he grabs my collar and I cup his cheek. "Little boy." I purr at him and I'm grabbed from him. "I said no fighting! Both of you. God damnit." Eraser throws me over his shoulder bringing me to the front of the class. I flip off the boy and he huffed incredibly annoyed that he can't do anything to me. "haha." I laugh mocking him a little as Eraser puts me down. "Stand there and shut up. You're here to work not fight." He say and I boo. "Then where is all the fun?" I ask leaning against the wall. 

"It's no fun. Now be quiet." He says and I huff. I lean against the wall while he starts talking to the class. I notice the spiky headed blond boy staring at me. I wink at him and he rolls his eyes look away from me. I see in the side of his ear a little something in his ear. Is that a hearing aid? I move behind Eraser and get a better look at the boy. It is a hearing aid. He looks at me and I stare at him. Of course I know sigh language. before I got my implant I learned to read lips and use my hands to speak to my teachers and peers. I sigh to him "Are you deaf bastard" He looks at my hands and rolls his eyes. 

He sighs back to me "Y- E-S" He used only letters, so he knows how to read but not sign? "Can you sign?" I mouth to him. "N-O." he signs and I oh. he must know a few things and the alphabet... This just got a whole lot more interesting... I smirk at him and nod. This just might be a cool year. 

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