One of a Kind {Regulus Black...

By turkishdelight228

213K 6.9K 9.8K

'We were the perfect love story between the sun and moon...until the world got in the way. And when the world... More

From the Beginning
Long Trip
Almost at Hogwarts
New Adventure
First Day (pt. 1)
First Day (pt. 2)
After the fight
The plan
Regulus Arcturus Black
Hagrid's hut
Astronomy Tower
Galton Scamander
Better than the Marauders
Ace of Cups
Marauder's Map (part 1)
Marauder's Map (part 2)
Marauder's Map (part 3)
Hogsmeade (part 1): Alone
Hogsmeade (part 2): Paisley
Cliffside Paradise
Midnight Ball
Clair de Lune
A/N: Timothée Chalamet 🧎‍♀️😫
Dear Sirius
Mushroom Path
Pre-game Drama
Slytherin vs. Gryffindor
Holiday Plans
First Snow Day
No-maj Town
A Black by Blood
Christmas Party of 1975
New Year's Secret
Back to Hogwarts
Hogsmeade (Again)
Yellow Rose


3.4K 107 185
By turkishdelight228

Sirius's pov

The day was finally here. I'm finally going home and I'm gonna be with all of my favorite people in the world.

"Hear ye hear ye!" I yelled formally, as the sun began to rise.

"Not this again," I heard Remus mumble.

"Fear not mighty Marauders, for we shall stay at the Potter's residence for the holiday break! We must prepare for the day!"

"Go back to sleep, Black!" Remus scolded, flipping onto his stomach.

"Y'know Moony, I've grown a fond over your scolds. They really warm my heart," I patted my heart as I stood by his bed.

"Okay, I guess I'm up," Remus groaned,  getting out of bed and entering the loo.

"One down, two more to go," I smirked. I approached Peter's bed and I squated down as I started to do the royal fanfare into Pete's ear.

"Oi!" Peter peeped up. He turned and saw my big beam and sighed (he knew it was an important day). "If there are no scones at breakfast today, I'm pushing you off the Astronomy Tower."

"Deal," I nodded. I then tip toed to James's bed and opened the curtain. "Prongsy-poo," I said in a sing-song voice. "It's time to get up." James grumbled in response.
"Wake up!"

James stumbled out of bed. "Bloody hell, Sirius...and I thought I was the early bird."

"You are, but I just can't wait to see Mum and Dad," I smiled.

"Well the train to King's Cross is at noon, so I don't know why you had to wake us up at sunrise to prepare," Remus sighed, exiting the loo.

"The sooner we finish packing, the sooner Pete can eat his pancakes, and the sooner we can leave," I explained.

"Scones," Peter corrected, "I want scones."

"That's what I said," I winked.

"Yeah, alright," James huffed, his inner Euphemia Potter ready to shine. "Okay, everyone, stack the clothes you'll wear during the break, I'll be sure to pack them. Remus, you're in charge of the map this trip, make sure you know where it's at all times. Sirius, pack all the fireworks, dungbombs, stink pellets, and any other prank devices you can find. Pete, grab all the gifts and put it in that sack." James was officially Euphemia and we all began to pack.


(Y/N)'s pov

It was 10 a.m. when I awoke. Lily and Mary were already up and out of bed. Marlene and Dorcas were cuddled together on Dorcas's bed with empty boxes of chocolate frogs beside them.

I slipped out of bed and put on a decent, cozy outfit for the day. I was finally going to meet James's parents and see the wizarding world in a different place.

I had packed the night before as long as the other Viragos so we could be prepared for the day.

"Morning, (y/n)," Mary and Lily whispered, as they stood in the center of the room.

"Morning," I whispered back, joining the two. The three of us looked at Dorcas and Marlene.

"They would look good together, don't you think?" Lily asked, tilting her head.

"I thought they were together," I said, confusingly.

"Not yet," Mary smiled. "C'mon, let's get some breakfast."


"(Y/n) you have to promise us that you'll call us when you visit the muggle town! Whenever you get the chance!" Mary exclaimed while taking a bite of her breakfast.

"Don't worry, I will," I assured.

"Good, because my older sister, Petunia, isn't the best company," Lily sighed.

"How so?" Mary questioned.

"She's not really the fun type," Lily answered, rolling her eyes.

"You want to know who is the fun type?" I asked as I turned to Lily.

"If you say James, I will leave and eat with Moaning Myrtle."

"Oh, please, Myrtle can't be that bad," I responded. "But yes, I was going to say James."

Lily sighed, clearly annoyed by the mention of his name. "Listen, by "fun type", I do not mean immature."

"Have you even talked to the boy before?" Mary asked, helplessly.

"Countless of times," Lily said, crossing her arms and fixing her posture.

"We mean a real conversation. Not just him flirting and you rejecting or scolding," I emphasized.

"No," Lily answered, hesitantly and slowly. "But what would we have in common anyway?"

"You'd have to find that out for yourself," I shrugged.

"I think I'm okay," Lily smiled, proceeding to enjoy her breakfast as I looked around the Great Hall.

"Look who's here," I smirked as I witness the Marauders entering the Great Hall.

"If I look, I'll lose my appetite," Lily responded, not looking up from her meal.

"Whatever, James is strutting over here right now anyway," Mary replied. James had sat across from us, and placed his hands on the table.

"Mornin' Evans," James smiled as he winked.

"What do you want?" Lily groaned.


Lily scoffed and stood up to leave. "I've suddenly lost my appetite."

"Oh come on, Lily," Mary and I sighed.

"I'll see you two in the dorm when it's time to go," she responded and exited the Great Hall.

I turned to James and smiled.
"You're bold, Potter."

"I know. It's one of my favorite qualities." He proudly smirked. "Are you excited for the break?"

"How can I not be? I mean your parents sound amazing and I can't wait to see how you guys act together when you're not at Hogwarts."

"We're not so different, but I try to be more behaved around the parentals."

"Ohh, so only 2 pranks a day instead of 27?" Mary joked.

"Nah, Mum knows us too well. She knows every prank we have planned, it's terrifying."

"Have you ever been to the no-maj town?" I asked James.

"Not yet," he shook his head.

"We should go then. I can show you loads of no-maj things!"

"Yes, yes!" Sirius joined the conversation. "We should definitely go!"

"I thought you lot already planned to go," Mary questioned.

"It wasn't official," Sirius responded.

"But I guess we're going," James said.

"Yes!" Sirius and I said in unison, high-fiving each other.

Regulus's pov

I saw (y/n) and Sirius high five each other in the Great Hall. They must be excited for the break. I wish I could relate.

I never felt this nervous, but my relation with (y/n) affected my emotions greatly. Going home seems like a crime. What if Mother and Father found out about my connections with a muggle-born somehow? I'm a criminal. Breaking the law my parents built upon me. But how did Sirius manage to escape? Escape the authorities of our own Azkaban- our household.

"Regulus," Evan said, sternly.


"What's wrong?" Evan questioned, "You look like you've came in contact with a dementor."

"Just tired," I mumbled.

"Really? Are you not excited to go home?"

"It gets a bit lonesome there," I quietly responded.

"Cheer up, mate. You won't have to be around all these mudbloods and blood-traitors anymore," he snickered.


"I still have to return some books to the library before the break. See you, Regulus."


And just like that, I was alone in the Great Hall. Alone, again. I look up to Sirius and I can't help but feel that envious feeling I've gotten before. How come he was so perfect? So perfect that everyone in Hogwarts was obsessed with him, even the ones that despise him.

Everyone focuses on Sirius.



Before I knew it, it was time to go home. Although, I wouldn't necessarily call my household "home". It doesn't feel right.

I dragged my feet along the floor as all the students walked to the Hogsmeade station. Evan was with Mulciber behind me, but I rather not be part of their conversation. I just stayed low, like always. We finally arrived at the station and I was one of the first to abroad the train. I went to the very back and sat alone (again).


(Y/N)'s pov

"Okay, first thing you going to go when we get there?" I asked Sirius.

"Eat the meal that Mum prepared us, obviously," he easily answered.

The Marauders and I were just abroading the train as the Viragos were behind us. Lily gave me UK no-maj money as I only had American no-maj money and wizarding money.

"Oh! I'll owl your presents, be on the lookout," Marlene told the Viragos.

I had already decided that I was going to ride to King's Cross with the Marauders and on the ride back to Hogwarts, I'll go with the Viragos. Hopefully one day we can all ride together, but with Lily's opinions about the Marauders, that won't be soon.

"(Y/n) come on," Remus called. "Our comparment is right here."

"Your compartment?" I questioned.

"Yes," James said, "we chose 78 because that's the year we graduate."

"That's when out lives change," Sirius added.

We sat in the same positions like when I first met the Marauders. I sat across from Sirius while James sat next to him, and sat next to Remus as Peter sat furthest from me.

"This brings back old memories," I smiled.

"Yeah, memories about you threatening me," James scoffed.

"That was one time," I responded. "Definitely not the last though."

"Haha, very funny," James said, sarcastically.

"Anything from the trolley?" The trolley lady asked.

"Oh, yes, I'll have one Chocolate Frog and a Cauldron Cake please," I ordered.

"Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Two Bertie Bott's and that'll be it," Peter said. The lady told us the total and James offered to pay as we had no hesitation to let him.

"Bertie Bott's? You guys are disgusting," I admitted.

"Oh come on, these beans are extreme not disgusting," Peter responded.

"You can get any flavor! What if you end up getting fresh Hippogriff poop!"

"Oh look at this one!" Sirius smiled. It was green covered with dark colored dots. Sirius popped it into his mouth but quickly spit it out. "Ugh! Gross!"

"What was it?" Jamed asked.


"Eww!" We all yelled in unison.

"Let's try this one," James picked out a brown bean and showed it to the rest of us. "Oh no, I hope its not Hippogriff poop!" He exclaimed, sarcastically.

"Oh, shut up and put the bean in your mouth," I smiled as I rolled my eyes.

James popped the bean into his mouth and beamed. "Pumpkin pie!"

"What?! That's no fair!" Sirius pouted.

"You try one, (y/n)!" Remus exclaimed.

"Um, I'll pass thanks," I replied.

"Are you sure? This pink one is calling your name," Peter teased.

"Gross, if anything that can be goblin piss," I responded with a sour look on my face.

"Oh yeah?" James said.

"Yeah," I replied. James threw the pink bean at me and I threw a piece of my chocolate frog at him.

"Rude! This is my nice jumper!" James scoffed, brushing the chocolate off his sweatshirt.

"That is supposed to be nice?" Remus snickered.

"Sod off, Moony. Mum made it."

"I got one too, but y'know, I don't have to wear it according to Mum," Sirius shrugged.

"Lucky," I sighed.

"The sweatshirt is adorable, James. Such a momma's boy," I smirked.

"Awwwww James-y Wamesy is a little momma's boy!" Sirius exclaimed, putting an arm around James.

"Fuck all of you," James said with a straight face.

"We love you too, James," Remus snickered.


It wasn't a long until the Marauders fell asleep and I was left alone with my thoughts. I was thinking about joining Regulus, but he could be sitting with Evan, either way it would be too dangerous. I could've joined the Viragos, but I rather stay with the Marauders. I looked out the window and it was very foggy. The weather was the complete opposite than it was the first time I went on the Hogwarts Express. My eyes searched the compartment, and beside the window, I can see faint letters imprinted on the wood.

"SiRiUS wAS hERe"
"J + L ♡"
"fUcK YoU"
"not nice ^"

'I'm friends with a bunch of idiots, and Remus.' I chuckled to myself and decided to add my own little twist to the vandalism.

"you guys are stupid."


Regulus's pov

I sat lonely in the back compartment. The train was silent so the Marauders had to be asleep. I wish I could sit with (y/n), but I don't want to risk it. I just proceeded to sit alone.


I was reading a book about lycanthropy when the train stopped its motion. I made my way upfront and exited first, meeting up with Mother so I can head home.

It's been the same since 1st year. I would be the first to abroad and exit the Hogwarts Express, then I would find Mother so we could apparate back home. There Kreacher would take my trunk to my room as I wash up. Mother and Father would greet me, from there they have "important business to take care of" and I would be excused to my room. I wish it was different, but unfortunately that schedule is engraved into my life.

"Evening, Regulus," Mother said, slightly nodding her head.

"Evening, Mother."

"Are you ready to go?"

'No, Mother,' I thought, 'I don't want to go. I don't want to be here. I want to be in the cottage with (y/n). I want to be anywhere else than that household.'

"Yes, Mother," I responded, even if it wasn't the truth.

Rule 1. Always obey the rules. Even if the situation requires to do something that is the exact opposite of what you want to do. Never say "no" to Mother and Father.

Sirius was a rule breaker since day 1.

Mother wrapped her arm around mine as I gripped onto my trunk. We arrived to the inside of my household, right by the front door, and Kreacher scurried over, grabbing my trunk and carrying it into my room.

"Your father and I have important business to take care of. Your father won't be able to see you till supper. You're excused," Mother said as soon as we arrived.

"Thank you, Mother," I said.

My head hanged low and I dragged my feet all the way up to my room. It was the same as always. Kreacher is very precise as he leaves everything where it was but still gets every nick of dust. It's a skill that not all house elves have.

"Master Regulus, how's school so far?" Kreacher asked as he entered my room.

"Less boring than usual," I answered. "In fact, I've never felt so alive."

"Really? Why?" Kreacher questioned.

"I've been...less lonely," I responded as I slightly smiled.


(Y/N)'s pov

When we arrived at the station, I was the one responsible to wake all the boys up.

"Guys, we're here," I said, calmly. "Don't make me hex you."

"Five more minutes," James grumbled.

"Fine, I guess you don't want to see your parents," I shrugged. Sirius and James's eyes popped open and they leaped up. The two boys grabbed their bags and raced to the compartment door, competing to be first to see James's parents (and I guess Sirius's parents too).

"Out of the way!" Sirius grunted.

"Me first!" James grumbled.

"I'm the guest!" Sirius exclaimed.

"You practically live there!" James yelled in response.

"Shut up!" Sirius said as he managed to slip out and James chasing after him.

"Remus, Peter, it's time to get up," I said.

The other two Marauders woke up quickly and grab their bags. Unlike Sirius and James, the rest of us took our time to exit the train. Once we exited, there was a middle-aged couple with two chaotic Gryffindor boys. There was a woman and a man. The woman had a warm smile and dark auburn, soft, curly hair. The man had messy brown hair and small oval glasses slipping down his nose. The man too had a welcoming smile on his face. No doubt, the couple was Mrs.  and Mr.Potter, Euphemia and Fleamont.

"Remus! Peter! Aw, my boys!" Mrs. Potter beamed, hugging the pair. Mr. Potter welcomed the other boys, shaking hands with Remus and patting Peter's back.

"Mum, Dad, this is (y/n) (l/n). She's the transfer student I told you two about," James said, introducing me to his parents.

"Ah, a pleasure to finally meet you." Mrs.Potter smiled, shaking my hand.

"You too," I beamed. "I've heard many wonderful things about you guys. Thank you so much for accepting me to stay, Mrs.Potter."

"Please, call us Euphemia and Fleamont," she laughed.

"So, how did you manage to become friends with these troublemakers?" Fleamont asked with a little chuckl.

"Well...let's just say it started with a coincidence."

"I see," Fleamont nodded his head.

"Well, should we get going?" Euphemia asked.

"Yes, please! I'm starving!" Sirius groaned.

"Luckily, I already have a meal in mind to make," Euphemia smiled.

"Yes!" The boys cheered in unison.

Remus put his hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Euphemia is the best chef you'll ever meet."

We all moved to a more spacious location, but as we did, there was a young boy trying to sell Daily Prophets.

"The Dark Lord is uprising!" He yelled. "It's right here in the prophet! Buy one! Show it to your friends!"

But we didn't take a moment to pause and buy a prophet, or even listen to the boy. It didn't seem so important at that moment.


We arrived by apparition, and the Potters lived in a comforting house, filled with warmth. Euphemia led me to the guest room upstairs where there was a giant king bed with a neat sheet set and a gigantic quilt. There was a white vanity and a few windows to lighten the room. I placed my luggage and began to unpack a bit. I hanged clothes and took out everyday essentials. Down the hall was James's bedroom, where I heard all of the boys laughing. I walked down the hall and knocked on his door.

Sirius opened the door, "(Y/n)!" He exclaimed, "How do you like it here so far?"

"I feel...included," I responded, not knowing the right word to describe how I feel.

"Come in, we're just about to finish unpacking," Peter smiled..

"Hey," I said as I walked inside. "Are you all staying in here?"

"I mean, yeah," Remus shrugged.

James's room was big as a dorm and was filled with old broomsticks, quidditch gear, quidditch posters, and a few no-maj items, as well as memorable pictures of his family and friends.

"Master James," a sweet house elf called, standing by the door. "Welcome home."

"Thanks Twinkie, but you don't have to call me "master", y'know," James smiled.

"I don't mind," Twinkie said, "Master Euphemia wants you all to head down to the dining table. She doesn't want everyone's supper to get cold."

"Yeah, okay, we'll be right there," James nodded as Twinkie scurried away.

"So, what's the plan for this week?" I asked.

"Relax (y/n), I didn't even have my dinner yet," Remus chuckled.

"Never too soon to make Holiday plans," I shrugged.

"We're ready for the holidays already, we have our presents and everything," Peter replied.


"Presents...right." I said, unsurely. "We have 3 more days till Christmas, we can still look around...We can go to the no-maj town tomorrow!"

"So soon?" Remus questioned. "We can go later in the week, after Christmas."

"No, no we can't!" I said a little to loud and a little too quickly. I cleared my throat, "Well, I can't. I'm too impatient, y'know?"

"Alright, so, tomorrow we go to the muggle town, then we start preparing for the Christmas party. After the holiday, we can do whatever till the end of the break. Sounds good?" Jamed suggested.

"Sounds great!" I beamed.

"Good, now let's go eat," Sirius said, sternly.


"So, (y/n), how are you liking Hogwarts?" Euphemia asked as she stood beside me.

"It's great," I smiled. "I've met so many wonderful people, and Sirius."

"You're right, I'm not wonderful," Sirius said, shaking his head and taking a moment to pause.
"...I'm fucking fantastic."

"Language," Euphemia scolded.

"Sorry..." Sirius whispered.

We all laughed.

""So many wonderful people"?" Euphemia quoted, suspiciously. "Seem to fancy any boys?"

"Oh no," I shook my head.

"What? What about Galton?" Peter questioned, confusingly.

"Pete!" Sirius exclaimed.

"That man is irrelevant," Remus shook his head.

"He has a girlfriend!" James shouted.

"Oh," Peter said, cluelessly. "Sorry

"It's alright," I assured. "There's no one."

"She's friends with Evans!" James beamed.

"Oh, James," Fleamont sighed, "when will you leave that girl alone?

"Till that girl is mine," James responded in complete seriousness.

"I want some grandchildren and I can't have that if my only son is chasing after a girl who despises him," Fleamont said, only half joking.

"Don't worry, Fleamont, you never know what the future holds," I smiled.

"You're right, (y/n)," Euphemia agreed. "Love comes unexpectedly."


The rest of the night, I was able to learn more about Euphemia and Fleamont as they were able to learn more about me.

We all headed to bed a little earlier than usual for the next day. I had a feeling that this holiday break was going to be perfect.

But first...I need to find the best presents for the Marauders.

A/N: sorry if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes! i didnt double check because i didn't want you individuals to wait any longer!! i don't really like how i ended this chapter but it's like i publish a new chapter every 2 months. sorry for the wait (as always). I CAN'T WAIT TO WRITE THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS- these are the chapters ive been waiting for!!! thank you all for being so patient <3!

it's officially november!!! happy holidays!!! (im kidding ;) -IM ACTUALLY NOT- IM LISTENING TO CHRISTMAS MUSIC RIGHT NOW-)

but anywayssss, i hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! thank you so much for all the love <3

i can't believe 2021 is almost over... it's almost the one year anniversary of this story!!! i started around my birthday (february). it's crazy how much this story grew!!!

that's all i need to say!

thank you for reading, i love you, and stay safe!


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