Dramione - Fire and Ice

By EmilieJane29

48.7K 1K 357

Though the trauma of the war is ever so present, Hermione Granger is ready for a normal year without the worr... More

Chapter 1 (Hermione)
Chapter 2 (Draco)
Chapter 3 (Hermione)
Chapter 4 (Draco/Hermione)
Chapter 5 (Draco)
Chapter 7 (Draco/Hermione)
Chapter 8 (Draco)
Chapter 9 (Hermione)
Chapter 10 (Hermione)
Chapter 11 (Draco)
Chapter 12 (Hermione)
Chapter 13 (Hermione/Draco)
Chapter 14 (Draco)
Chapter 15 (Hermione/Draco)
Chapter 16 (Draco/Hermione)
Chapter 17 (Hermione)
Chapter 18 (Draco)
Chapter 19 (Hermione)
Chapter 20

Chapter 6 (Hermione)

2.8K 69 24
By EmilieJane29

After the discussion with McGonagall, Hermione found herself feeling fatigued and ready to sleep again. Malfoy had explained this was another effect of the Imperius curse and McGonagall excused her from classes for the rest of the day.

She was surprised to have fallen asleep immediately - in her bed, mind you - and not wake until the next morning. However her body and mind felt more refreshed and at ease. It was terrifying to have gaps in her memory from the previous night - the only recollection on account from Malfoy. Harry had tried to argue how Malfoy could be lying, but he couldn't explain why he would have brought it to their attention then in the first place. 

As Hermione changed and put on her school robes, she contemplated what more happened last night besides jumping off the astronomy tower. Malfoy hadn't mentioned how she awoke in his bed wearing his clothes. She had also been cuddled up against his side with his arm around her... but it had to have happened while they were both asleep. 

Her logical brain was having difficulty putting her feelings and thoughts into the same box - he had cared for her... he had danced with her. And when Malfoy placed a curl of her hair behind her ear she read more emotion in his eyes than ever before. They were cordial and sort of friends - nothing more... but why did heat flush her cheeks when she thought of him?

She groaned before putting her book bag over her shoulder and making her way down the stairs. 

"Good morning, Hermione."

Malfoy was waiting for her in their common room, his own book bag over his shoulder. 

"What are - why do you call me Hermione now, Malfoy?"

"We're friends are we not?" he said, a crooked grin now on his face, his silvery eyes twinkling at her.

Why was her heart pounding more than ever? 

"Yes... yes we're friends," she finally said, pursing her lips and fiddling with the strap of her book bag. 

"How did you sleep?"

They exited the common room, making their way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Very well, actually," she replied, sneaking a glance at him. 

He looked confident and relaxed, wearing his usual attire of black slacks and a white dress shirt, his Head Boy badge pinned to the front. His hair was tousled and not slicked back in that annoying pretentious manner it once was years before. He looked as he always have since they've been back to school and yet something was different. Was it because she knew of the muscular chest hidden underneath his shirt?

Soon she was looking into silvery eyes and had to quickly look away. 

He chuckled next to her and Hermione blushed from being caught.

"Something on your mind?"

She sighed. "I was hoping for an uneventful year at Hogwarts." This wasn't exactly a lie. Someone had tried to kill her. Harry did some investigating on the Astronomy Tower while she slept and owled her to confirm he found her shoes near the banister. 

They made their entrance into the Great Hall and found many students already seated; however when Hermione started making her way to the Gryffindor table, Malfoy was still at her side. 

"What are you doing?"

"McGonagall said to be with you at all times."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm sure I can manage staying safe while eating my biscuits and gravy."

He looked over at her with a smirk. "Are their rules Miss Granger on houses being unable to sit at different tables aside from the start and end of the year feast?"

She pursed her lips, unable to recall any such rules. 

He flashed her a grin and ignored the furious expressions of many Gryffindors when he sat down next to her. Malfoy also happened to be sitting next to Neville Longbottom who dropped his spoon loudly into his bowl of cereal. 

"Alright, Longbottom?" he said, looking over with an eyebrow raised.

"Ye - Yeah," he replied, giving Hermione a bewildered expression. 

"You have some nerve," said Seamus Finnigan, pointing a butter knife at Malfoy. 

"I'm glad you're alright, Hermione," said Ginny quickly, anticipating more arguing. "I have your shoes whenever you'd like them back."

"Thank you," she said quietly, and she felt Malfoy bump his knee gently with hers as a means of comfort. 

Everyone seemed to be glancing at Harry, surprised he hadn't said anything explosive at Malfoy for sitting across from him, but the wizard remained silent. 

"Who do you think did it?" asked Neville quietly, still looking uncomfortable being next to Malfoy. Hermione wasn't surprised Harry informed members the D.A. about what had taken place.

"Had to be a Slytherin who dunnit," piped up Seamus, narrowing his eyes at Malfoy. "Unforgiveables were taught extensively last year by the Carrows and the Slytherins passed with flying colors."

"Not every dark wizard comes from Slytherin house," said Harry quietly, not looking up from his plate. 

Hermione and Ginny exchanged a look, knowing Harry was referring to Peter Pettigrew betraying his parents. 

"You alright, Harry?" asked Dean, raising his eyebrows. Harry wasn't exactly the biggest advocate for Slytherin house.

Harry sighed. "Yeah." He finally looked up, carefully avoiding eye-contact with Malfoy. "Hermione, you really don't remember anything after I went to go find Ginny?"

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, Harry, I wish I did."

"Ooh, are we able to switch tables now?"

Luna Lovegood had skipped her way over, and Dean cheerfully waved and indicated for her to sit next to him. 

Hermione noticed Malfoy's shoulders visibly relax when she sat across from him. "Luna, what were you saying about your new research on Nargles?"

Everyone who heard looked over incredulously at Malfoy, while Luna seemed blissfully unaware. 

"Father has been doing some research - "

"Where's Ron?" Hermione whispered over to Harry. 

"He went with Lavender to St. Mungos, should be coming back later today."

Hermione nodded, surprised but pleased Ron went with her. 

A high-pitched yelp was heard slightly farther down the table, a fourth-year was staring at Malfoy in horror, shifting everyone's attention. Malfoy had rolled up his sleeves and the dark mark was clearly visible. 

He hastily rolled his sleeves back down. 

"Is there no way to remove it?" asked Ginny, wrinkling her nose. 

"No," said Malfoy quietly, though everyone had unconsciously leaned in to listen. "I've tried."

Aside from Luna and the occasional input from Ginny, everyone ignored Malfoy and carried on with their conversations through breakfast. Hermione would occasionally glance over at him and twice saw he had done the same, exchanging shy smiles when caught.

Classes were uneventful, except Malfoy insisted sitting with her in every class and carrying her book bag. This of course resulted in many stares from all houses, but he didn't seem fazed. Their schedules only differed for Advanced Runes, but he promised to be waiting for her when class finished. 

While she was taking studious notes, something in her robes grew incredibly warm, startling her. She realized she still had her D.A. coin in a pocket. Hermione carefully studied the coin. 

Bathroom -H

Hermione excused herself from class and made her way to the 3rd floor girl's bathroom. Malfoy would probably scold her if he found out she was venturing by herself. She didn't mind his company, even if their thighs or arms brushing against each other was a bit distracting during lectures, but she was not some fragile damsel in distress.

"A lot of memories in here," Hermione said, upon seeing Harry in an awkward conversation with Moaning Myrtle. 

He looked over at her with relief. 

"Naughty, naughty," said Moaning Myrtle with a giggle before disappearing into a stall. 

Hermione rolled her eyes and shook her head. "What's going on Harry?"

"I haven't been able to get you alone without Malfoy," he said, looking annoyed.

"He hasn't been an awful," said Hermione, feeling defensive. "You can see that for yourself."

Harry hesitated. "I just overheard a conversation Malfoy was having with that bloke Zabini in the library while under the invisibility cloak."

Hermione wasn't surprised with Harry following Malfoy - despite McGonagall's confidence in him changing, he didn't trust him. 

"What about?"

She almost laughed at the relief in his expression on not being berated for his eavesdropping. 

"Malfoy was confronting Zabini about spiking your drink. Do you remember having any punch?"

Hermione slowly shook her head. "I asked Malfoy for some water, that was all, but..." She thought back to that night, the details beginning to be slightly hazy. "I remember Zabini had taken a drink from my cup while we were talking."

"Well, it seemed like Malfoy knew he did something to your drink, which means he knew your mind would be vulnerable."

"You think Malfoy told Zabini to do it? Did he really say that?"

Hermione was surprised to see Harry now looking embarrassed. "Er... not exactly... Ginny had been with me under the cloak."

It wasn't until Harry's face turned pink did Hermione understand what this meant. "So you were... distracted during your surveillance," she said, trying not to laugh at his bashfulness. 

Harry looked so uncomfortable a girl-ish giggle escaped her lips. "I will be careful about Zabini," she promised. 

"And Malfoy," added Harry disapprovingly. 

"Why did he tells us what happened then? He hasn't done anything to suggest -"

"He could've created this lie, Hermione, so you would trust him. Lull us into a false sense of security... planning for something worse. And -" He gave her a look when she was about to argue. "- And you and Ron never believed me when I was suspicious of Malfoy all of 6th year but I had been right about him being up to something and becoming a Deatheater."

Hermione frowned. This was true, but there truly hadn't been any concrete evidence to suggest this. It was a really good guess and Harry was unhealthily obsessive during his 6th year.

"What would be the motive? That I'm a mudblood?"

Harry grimaced and shrugged. "Maybe."

"We can't be pointing fingers, Harry. We need to work together."

Harry suddenly snorted. "Work with Malfoy? Right and I'm a hippogriff."

Hermione frowned and crossed her arms to show she wasn't joking before he sighed in resignation. He pinched the bridge of his nose - something he did when troubled. 

"I'm not asking you to trust him, Harry," said Hermione gently, walking closer and taking his hand. "I'm asking you to keep an open mind."

He sighed again and squeezed her hand. "You're my best friend, Hermione, and we've been through a lot together. We've lost so much and... I can't lose you too."

Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry and rested her chin on his shoulder. They stood there for a minute, comforting each other, both thinking back to their time on the run when it was just the pair of them. He finally released her and pushed his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. 

"See you later then? I can't wait to see Malfoy at dinner."

She laughed before peeking out into the corridor, making sure there weren't any Aurors or professors patrolling.

"Alright, I've been away from runes long enough - they'll think I've fallen in the loo."

She waved goodbye, flashed Harry a smile, and made her way quickly back to class. She was passing the Room of Requirement when she noticed something curious on the ground. It was three leaves of a familiar herb - found only in class or in Knockturn Alley. What would wormwood be doing here?

Hermione just bent down to pick them up when a flash of green light zipped past her and crashed into the stone wall right where she had been standing. 

A yelp escaped her lips and she whipped out her wand, pointing it in all directions, her heart beat tripling in pace. The corridor seemed empty. 

"Who's there?" she called, sounding braver than she really felt. "Show yourself!"

Another curse came barreling it's way toward her from around the corner.


The curse rebounded, but immediately another light of green was flying towards her from the opposite direction. She ducked just in time, the curse hitting the statue of a griffin causing the marble to splinter and crash to the floor. If there were two invisible assailants, she was done for.


Harry came running towards her and she started to lower her wand - but suddenly the voice of Alastor Moody rang through her head: constant vigilance. 

Another curse shot towards her and the only spell she could think of was, Stupify!

She heard a quiet "oomph", the non-verbal spell hitting its mark, but didn't have enough time to dodge the curse as it hit her square in the chest. She screamed in immediate agony, but the pain was gone as quickly it came. 

"Try that again, you cowards!" Harry shouted, standing protectively over her, his wand at the ready. 

Loud voices and footsteps could be heard from the stairwell, her scream probably drawing attention to where they were. 

Harry knelt down next to her, carefully making sure his back was to the wall and not the corridor, his wand still raised. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," she whispered. 'Alright' was a relative term - she did not like being reminded of the torture she had endured from Bellatrix Lestrange; although, that seemed to have been much more painful. She really enjoyed it, that's why, she thought. 

"What - What is going on here?" spluttered McGonagall, seeing the destruction that had taken place in such a short amount of time. Following closely behind her were the four Aurors assigned to protect the trio. 

"Hermione was attacked," said Harry, lowering his wand and gently helping Hermione up from the floor. 

"Attacked?" McGonagall said sharply. 

"I - I had to use the bathroom," whispered Hermione, leaning heavily against Harry, her energy once again drained as the adrenaline left her system. "And was returning to class when a curse came from that corner," she pointed to said location. Harold immediately went in the direction she had indicated to investigate, his wand at the ready. 

"And another curse came from over there," Hermione continued, pointing at the other end of the corridor. Tinsel cautiously raised her wand and made her way there. "They had to have been using a concealment charm because I never saw anyone."

"I distracted her," added Harry, shaking his head and looking upset. "She let her guard down and had been hit - it was the Cruciatus curse, Professor."

McGonagall had paled at this information, her lips tightly pressed together. "Two Unforgivable's in a week, Ms. Granger... we can confirm someone is trying their best to harm you, it seems."

"Will there be an investigation then?" demanded Harry, his arm around her. "We can help."

McGonagall hesitated, her face conflicted. "You both are bright and more than capable after everything you have been through, but let us handle it for now. I will call a meeting immediately with the Minister and Department of Aurors to see what additional safety measures they can provide for Hogwarts and Miss Granger."

Harry looked as if he wanted to argue, but McGonagall quickly continued. "Mr. Potter, will you please help her to the Hospital Wing."

"No, no, I'm okay," Hermione said, taking a step away from Harry. "Really, Professor, can I just study in my common room for the rest of the day?"

A twitch of McGonagall's lips indicated she had found something amusing in Hermione's statement. "Alright, Miss Granger. I will make sure there is an Auror stationed at the entrance tonight as an extra precaution."

Hermione sighed in relief and smiled. "Thank you, Professor."

As she and Harry made their way to her common room, whispers followed. Somehow it had already been rumored that Hermione had been in a duel - which really was overexaggerating. She even overheard Dennis Creevey talking to Dean Thomas on how he heard her assailants were the ghosts of Deatheaters who had been killed during the Battle of Hogwarts.

"How could it have possibly gotten around so fast?" said Harry, looking disapproving. 

Hermione sighed. "It's Hogwarts - it always finds a way."

When the door to her common room finally came into view, she found Draco Malfoy pacing in front of the door, a scowl on his face. But when he caught sight of her, the scowl vanished, replaced with relief and worry. 


Malfoy closed the gap between them and, to her shock, gave her a quick hug, before looking her up and down. "Are you hurt? What happened?"

Harry's face was completely void of emotion when she glanced over, and her cheeks darkened as Malfoy continued to fuss over her. 

"Malfoy... Draco, I'm alright, really."

Hermione saying his first name seemed to have given him a pause. She quickly summarized what happened and his expression turned livid when she mentioned being struck by the Cruciatus Curse. 

"Why had you been by yourself in the first place?" Malfoy demanded with a scowl. 

"I didn't think I needed an escort to the bathroom," she huffed, crossing her arms. "I guess I wasn't thinking."

Hermione waited for the snide rebuttal of "I thought you were the brightest witch of our age", but it never came, instead she watched him clench his jaw and loudly sigh. 

"I'm glad you're alright, Hermione."

She bit her lip, not quite used to the more serious and caring Draco Malfoy behavior she was receiving today. 

"Two attackers," he said, shaking his head. "Just as it couldn't get more complicated."

"I'm worried the next Unforgiveable will be the Killing Curse," said Harry quietly. 

She almost smiled, though there was nothing funny about what he had said. She knew he was voicing his concerns in front of Malfoy to make an effort in working together. 

Malfoy glanced at Harry, looking grim. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"I just remembered," said Hermione suddenly, taking the wormwood from her cloak. "I found these outside the Room of Requirement. It's actually what saved me from being struck the first time when I bent down to pick them up."

"Is that wormwood?" inquired Malfoy, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. 

"Wormwood?" said Harry, looking confused. 

"It's not too common of a plant," explained Hermione, stuffing it back into her robes. "But it's often sold in Knockturn Alley."

She turned to Harry. "Could you find out from Slughorn if any ingredients have gone missing from his stock? And ask Neville if they grow wormwood in the greenhouse?"

"What's your theory?" asked Harry. 

She faintly smiled, he knew her well.

"I think someone might be making a potion in the Room of Requirement - one that is not permitted by students. I'll go to the library and make a list of known potions that use wormwood."

"Hermione, you need to rest," said Harry patiently, putting a hand on her shoulder. "McGonagall was ready to put you in the Hospital Wing. If she finds out you were in the library..."

She saw Malfoy's lips twitch in amusement when she wordlessly argued with Harry, but Harry's face remained stern.  

"I'll be staying in the common room for the rest of the day so don't even think of sneaking out."

She scowled over at Malfoy. Of course they would actually agree on something such as this. "Fine."

"I'll clear up the rumors with the D.A.," said Harry. "I know McGonagall doesn't want us investigating, but I'm not going to stand around and wait for the next attack."

Hermione nodded. "I'll be okay for an evening. Go back to class, Harry."

Harry quickly gave her a hug, glanced once more at Malfoy, and made his way in the direction of his next class. 

"Oh! My book bag, I -"

"I have it," said Malfoy, amused. "You really are observant."

Hermione ignored the jab and raised her hand to take it, but instead he said, "Licorice Wands", and immediately sprawled onto one of the couches in their common room. 

She followed after him, crossing her arms in annoyance. He looked more relaxed now that they were alone. "I am perfectly capable of holding my own book bag. My arms work just fine."

"So do your legs," he added, grinning cheekily, purposefully looking her up and down. 

When did she start blushing so much? And due to Draco Malfoy no less!

She scowled and went to push his legs off the couch but he had reached out and grabbed her. "Hey!"

He had pulled her down and she was now on top of Malfoy, his arms around her waist, their faces mere inches from one another. She looked down at him with wide eyes and weakly attempted to move, but he didn't budge.

"If you don't stop wiggling, then this positioning will certainly start something you're not ready for," he said dryly, his eyes weary.

She immediately stilled. If her face wasn't already tomato red, then it definitely was now.

"I really am glad you're okay, Hermione," he then said softly, taking one hand off her waist and moving a curl behind her ear that had slipped from her bun. 

She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to do. Here she was, practically straddling Malfoy, with her mind frazzled and butterflies in her stomach. She knew he could feel how fast her heart was beating. 

"It's okay," he said gently. "Why don't you lay here and relax?" His smile turned into a handsome crooked grin and her breath caught in her throat. 

Maybe she was going mad... maybe this was a dream and she was actuall at St. Mungos being treated for the curse that struck her. She couldn't possibly think that Malfoy... or that she...

This is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong... she chanted to herself. Friends, they were friends. And this was Draco Malfoy. And yet, she didn't want to move either. 

She swallowed hard, pulled her eyes away from his silvery gaze, and cautiously turned her head so her cheek was resting against his chest. She stared into the fireplace that somehow had been lit, waiting for Malfoy to push her off and laugh for falling for his ruse. But as they laid there for several minutes in comfortable silence, it never came. 

Her muscles started to relax, feeling more at ease as she listened to Malfoy's breathing and his heart.

"I wish there was a telly here," she said wistfully. "Beauty and the Beast is always a comforting film." 

"What's that?" 

She could hear the frown in his voice and it made her smile. "A telly is like a moving picture for Muggles," she said, having explained what a telly was many times before. "But the movement lasts much longer and plays out a story. Beauty and the Beast is one of those stories."

"What's the story about?"

She was surprised he would even want to know more about something related to Muggles, but she briefly described the classic film.

"The Beast seems manipulative and Belle sounds naïve."

She scowled and he laughed quietly, feeling the movement of his laugh against her cheek.

"Are there any other Muggle stories?"

Time passed quickly as Hermione described other Disney film. Malfoy asked questions here and there, but otherwise he remained silent and let her talk. Hermione's eyes had closed at some point during her story-telling and soon enough she had fallen asleep in Malfoy's comforting embrace.


A/N Might go back and tweak a few grammar mistakes, but thank you for reading! Vote/Comment if you'd like :) 

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