Beyblade Burst: Shasa's Journ...

By Dablitfam23

103K 1.9K 741

Shasa is a 15 Year old girl and an old friends of Valt Aoi, the number 1 Blader in the world. BC Sol has dull... More

Shasa Guten
BC Sol Training
Talk With Kris
Cosmic Saturn
Power Of A Sparking Bey
Siblings Of Valt Aoi
Shasa VS Toko
Xander's Dojo
Xander's Training
Shasa VS Xander
Trip To New York
The Raging Bulls
Shasa VS Shu Part 1
Shasa VS Shu Part 2
Trip To The Sparking Arena
Valt VS Lane Part 1
Valt VS Lane Part 2
Valt VS Shasa
New Rival and Friend
Shasa VS Tomoka
Shards Shirosago
Shasa VS Shards
Lui Shirosagi
Shasa VS Lui
Dante Koryu
Happy Valentines Day!
Rantaro Kiyama
Valt and Shasa VS Rantaro and Shards
The World Champion
Ranking Up
Challenge From Lane
Broken Bonds
Surge Saturn
The Sun Bladers
Limit Breakthrough
Shasa VS Tomoka Rematch
Free De La Hoya
Mirage Fafnir
Aiger VS Shasa Rematch
Infinite Achilles
Preparing For The World League
Beyblade World League
The First Round Part 1
The First Round Part 2
The Battle Royal
The Second Round Part 1
The Second Round Part 2
Train Hard! Defeat Valt!
Finals! Shasa VS Valt!
Final Spark!

The Semi-Finals

1.3K 31 13
By Dablitfam23

     A new day has arrived and the remaining four bladers are flying down to the God Arena to finish off the tournament. It's onto the semi-finals with the four remaining bladers in their independent seats. Valt Aoi, Shasa Guten, Lane Valhalla and Shu Kurenai.

Shu and Valt were eating their meals to fill up their energy for the battle and Lane was surprisingly resting on the plane since the flight took some time while Shasa was talking with Saturn.

Both Saturn and Shasa seemed to floating in space in Shasa's conscious, planning some strategies.

"If we ever go up against Lane in this next battle, it's best if we use stamina mode against him, but since it's the case he has taken down Free, it might have to come down to a battle of shields since attack has a major dis-advantage." Shasa explained.

What about the other two? Saturn asked her partner

 "Spriggan is a duel spin with a mode changing chassis and an unburst-able wing. We have to avoid hitting those two wings as much as possible. There are many things Shu can come up with to counter us. But I think our best chance is to just defend against everything he comes at us with." Shasa explained her strategy against Shu.

And Valt? 

Shasa frowned, Valt was the major challenge, even though his bey is an attack type, no matter what mode you choose, Valt will find a way to counter it. Valt has defeated Shu but lost to Lane but even so, Valt has been close to winning. Valkyire has the six and three sword mode, not to mention rubber springs in the ring of the three major blades which will do major damage.

"I think defense mode will be the best option to go with. With every attack he comes at us with, we have to defend through it and our best option is to keep defending until we find the perfect chance to strike and it has to be strong enough to take down Valkyrie." Shasa said, she knows that even with that plan, it'll take way more than that to win against Valkyire, but it's the best chance she has of right now.

"We're here!"

Shasa then came back to reality when she heard Valts voice and looked out the window and the clouds faded away as Shasa saw the clear image of the God Arena. Shasa couldn't help but smile at the sight, so many memories were made here and the clear memory of Valt becoming the World Champion right here. Valt and Shu smiled as they remember the awesome battle they had here, it was their best battle and most favorite battle yet.

Soon, the plane has landed and the four bladers walked into the God Arena where the crowd of people have already taken their seats.

"ALRIGHT! Boys and girls! We've finally made it to the semi-finals of the Beyblade World League!" Hanami announced as he stood in the middle of the arena with the silhouettes of four people behind him, facing away from each other.

"Now! Let's introduce the participating bladers that will take part in the semi-finals!" Hanami said as a light shined on one blader.

"Here we have the dark flame and the runner-up of the Ultimate Tag Series and the Legend Festival Champion, Lane Valhalla!!!"

The crowd has cheered for the dark blader as he petted his hedgehog with no emotion on his face.

Another light has shined.

"Next up, we have the girl who has risen up to the rankings out of nowhere! We have our blue lightning spark, Shasa Guten!!!"

The crowd also began to cheer as Shasa raised up an arm to wave at the crowd with a smile on her face.

And another light has shined upon another blader.

"This next blader is the member of the Big Five and ranked as the number two legendary blader. Shu Kurenai!!!" 

The crowd roared in happiness and Shu smiled at the crowd with his arms crossed.

An the last light has shined upon the last blader.

"This last blader is our very own Legend Of Legends! Our number one Legendary Blader and Wonder Boy! Give it up for Valt Aoi!!!"

Valt waved at the crowd with a grin who were cheering and some were even chanting his name.

"Alright! Now let's see the semi-final matchups!" Hanami said and the photos of the four remaining bladers have showed up on the screen and began spinning. Everybody were on the edge of their seats. Shasa gulped as she watched, she could be up against Shu, Valt or Lane, all three bladers that are the top ranked legendary bladers. 

Finally, the screen has shown the results.

Lane VS Shasa

Valt VS Shu

Shasa widened her eyes as she looked up at the results and looked at her opponent in shock. She was up against Lane.

"ALRIGHT! The matchups have shown and it's time to get started!" Hanami said and the crowd cheered as Valt and Shu walked out of the arena as they went and sat down at their seats, watching down as Shasa and Lane were facing each other on opposite sides of the stadium.

"On the red side, we have our blue lightning spark, Shasa Guten!" The crowd cheered for Shasa and Hanami announced the other blader.

"And on the blue side, we have our black flame, Lane Valhalla!" The crowd has also cheered for the runner-up of the Ultimate Tag Series.

Both bladers faced each other, staring at each other with the will to win.

"Shasa Guten...will you take on my flare this time?" Lane asked as he held up his beyblade, Lucifer The End.

"Flare? I'll make sure it'll be nothing more but smoke when I beat you!" Shasa stated, she won't forget what Lane did to her Cosmic Saturn. Shasa needed to win this time, not only for her partner, but to prove herself.

Valt and Shu looked down and Shu noticed Valt looking a little bit nervous.

"Is everything alright?" Shu asked his best friend.

"'s just, I wonder how Shasas flare will compete with Lanes." Valt said and Shu looked back at the arena, also wondering the same thing.

"First Battle!"

Shasa wasn't going to hold back. She switched her beyblade into stamina mode, making sure she'll have the upper advantage and locked in her beyblade and got into her launching position.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both rivals pulled the thread as hard as they could, pulling off lightning launches and both of their beyblades hitting the stadium hard.

"Saturn!" Shasa yelled out and Saturn quickly gained speed as it passed Lucifer which was racing towards the Storm Plate.

"We'll give it everything we've got!" Shasa encouraged.


Right before Lucifer can get into the storm plate, Saturn knocked it right back.

"Is that all the power you've got!?" Lane taunted.

"I'm just getting started!" Shasa responded, now having Saturn go into the storm plate and send a barrage of attacks towards Lucifer, blocking it away from the storm plate.

"We're gonna take that wall down!" Shasa yelled and the attacks increased, with every hit, Lucifer is taking all of the damage.





That's when Shasa saw that Lucifer began wobbling, it's losing stamina.

"Now yours chance! TAKE IT DOWN!" Shasa roared


With that final impact, Saturn has knocked Lucifer into the air. Lane then let out a huge roar with his purple flare raging around him and Lucifer was surrounded by the flare also, now falling down right towards Saturn.

"Limit Break: Surge!"

"Limit Break: The End!"


A huge explosion filled the stadium and the next thing Shasa saw was Saturn flying into the air and bursting which made her gasp.

"Lucifer The End with a burst finish! Lane Valhalla wins! The score is 2-0!" The crowd began to cheer for the black flame blader as Shasa picked up her bursted beyblade.

"I was so close." Shasa whispered to herself in a frustrated tone as she looked at Lane who picked up his beyblade and was smiling at it. Shasa then looked at her Saturn and couldn't help but smile. Even though she lost, she doesn't feel upset...she feels happy.

She's smiling Valt thought to herself before realizing why and smiled himself. She's having fun with her battle with Lane.

Shasa placed her beyblade back together.

"We'll get him on the next one, right...partner?" Shasa asked her beyblade and she heard a voice.


Shasa grinned at Saturn and stood up. She decided to change up things and switched her beyblade into defense mode. She'll be putting herself into a defense battle, but she knows herself and Saturn have to wait until the moment was right.

Alright...I've gotta focus Shasa thought to herself as she only focused on the stadium, blurring everything out, everything but the stadium.

"Second Battle!"

Both bladers got into their launching positions in silence.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers pulled off lightning launches and both beyblades hit the stadium heavily and without wasting any time, Lucifer quickly gained speed from the storm plate and raced towards Saturn.

"End this with one shot!" Lane yelled.


And quickly, Saturn has been sent into the air.

"It's not even close to over! Surge Defense!" Shasa called out a special move and Saturn hit the stadium walls hard but her defense was able to endure it and now Lucifer began sending a barrage of attacks. The roles were reversed now.

"I don't care! You can defend all you want, I'll tear you apart!" Lane yelled as the attacks increased but Saturn was able to defend right through them.

"Come on! Keep attacking, Saturn will never fall!" Shasa taunted and just like that, Saturn has been sent into the air once more.

"SATURN!" Shasa powered up with her flare surrounding her and Saturn as she summoned Surge Saturns avatar.

"LUCIFER!" Lane also powered up, having his flare surround himself and Lucifer The End, which's avatar is summoned also.

Saturn fell back down, hitting the stadium walls and back onto the stadium, racing towards Lucifer.

"End her with Ending Disaster!" Lane screamed.

"Just go ahead and try! Surge Shield!" Shasa backed away and stuck her hand out forth, making a shield appear in front of Saturn.


A huge explosion filled the stadium. Both beyblades aren't giving in, both having the blood thirst to win. Shasa gritted her teeth until she had enough.


Lane then saw Saturn glow even brighter to his surprise as the explosion disappeared and both beyblades have been sent out of the stadium and hitting the floor, but Lucifer fell a second earlier before Saturn did.

"Surge Saturn with an over finish! Shasa Guten wins! The score is 2-1!" The crowd began to cheer for Shasa as she breathed in, taking in on what happened.

"OH MY GOD! By a mere second, Shasa has survived and was able to take us to the third battle!"

"Nice one, Shasa. You can do this." Valt whispered to himself, but Shu was able to hear it which made him smile. Not just because he knew Valt wanted Shasa to win, but there was a bit more feeling to that.

Shasa's body felt cold and her hands were shaking, for second in that battle, she doubted herself and pulling this sort of thing off? Actually having a win against Lane made her happy but shocked at the same time. 

Calm down, Shasa!

Shasa then saw herself facing Saturn in the void of space much to her shock. Silence until Shasas calmed down and she rested herself.

Shasa...are you enjoying this battle? Saturn asked and Shasa couldn't help but smile at her partners question.

"Yeah! It's really fun and it gets you the edge of your seat!" Shasa replied.

I agree Saturn responded and Shasa smiled but then frowned.

"Do you think...we'll be able to pull of a burst finish?" Shasa asked until she began to go back into the arena, hearing her partners voice in front of her.

You have what it takes to go even further!

Shasa was back at the arena and was looking at her beyblade. Yeah...we have what it takes to go beyond imagine! Shasa thought to herself as she changed Saturn into attack mode. 

"Third battle!"

Shasa then locked in her beyblade with her flare surrounding her.

"Let's do this!" Shasa said.

Lane grinned as he also locked in his beyblade as his flare also surrounding him.

"I'm gonna burst you this time!" Lane said.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers did lightning launches and both beyblades hit the stadium heavily, racing around the storm plate with crazy speed.

"Let's go!" Shasa yelled and Saturn raced around more as Lucifer gained speed and raced towards Saturn.

"Ending Disaster!" Lane screamed.

"Surge Distortion!" Shasa yelled.


Lightning shot out of the stadium and into the air while flashing. Both beyblades eventually pulled back.

"LUCIFER!" Lane screamed as he summoned his beys avatar and having his purple flare rage around him and Lucifer The End.


"SATURN!" Shasa also roared as she summoned her beyblades avatar and having her blue flare surround her and her beyblade.



Both beyblades then pulled back and raced up the ramp of the stadium.



Both beyblades met at the top of the ramp, Saturn was trying to hold its ground but it wasn't enough because it got sent high into the air. Shasa widened her eyes. 

"END THIS!" Lane roared and Lucifer hit the stadium walls and sent itself flying towards Saturn.

Shasa felt everything go silent as she only saw Lucifer flying towards Saturn...this was it...there was nothing Shasa can do right, but then, she heard a voice, a voice she recognized, a voice that was calling out to her.


It was Valt

At that instant moment, Shasa felt power inside herself again as she reacted quickly.



Both beyblades are colliding in the air. Shasa roared as Saturn began pushing Lucifer back down towards the stadium.

"WHAT!?" Lane said in shock as he watched both Saturn and Lucifer separate and fall back down on the stadium.

"LET'S GO! SATURN!" Shasa yelled and she could feel Saturns avatar right behind her, she knew her partner was by her side this whole time.

Are you ready, Shasa? Saturn asked.

"Yeah!" Shasa responded and Saturn gained speed from the storm plate and so did Lucifer, both beyblades passing each other and hitting the stadium walls, both beyblades now shooting themselves towards each other.

Both bladers were roaring, both of them having their flares shine even brighter than ever. The crowd had to cover their eyes because of the brightness of the resonating flare.


"SURGING VOLT OVERDRIVE!" Shasa yelled out a new special move.


And within a single spark, Lucifer has been sent up into the air and bursted which resulted in Lane gasping.

"Surge Saturn with a burst finish! The score is 2-3! Shasa Guten is the winner!"

Shasa felt as everything went silent, she was breathing in hard for air, but she couldn't help herself from smiling.

The crowd began cheering as loudly as they could as Hanami talked:

"SATURN IS THE WINNER! Congratulation to Shasa Guten who is moving onto the finals!"

Shu watched down with a smile, he saw Lane placing his beyblade back together, but not without a smile on his face.

Even though Lane lost, he was happy. He stood back up and walked over to Shasa, who looked at him with a bit of a shocked look. Mid-way through the crowd cheering, Lane talked:

"That was a lot of fun. I hope we get to battle next time like this." Lane said with a grin as he stuck out his hand, Shasa was shocked but smiled and shook his hand in agreement.

Now, Shasa will be moving onto the finals.

"Now! Now! It's not over yet folks! We now have to move onto the match that will decide who will be facing Shasa in the finals!" Hanami announced and both Valt and Shu walked opposite directions of each other.

Shasa was walking back towards the hallway to take her seat in the crowds, she was looking at Saturn with a smile on her face. She was finally able to take down Lane, the guy who destroyed her beyblade but not only that, also make a great new rival.

"That was an awesome battle!"

Shasa looked up to see Valt walking up to her with a smile which made Shasa smile back.

"Thanks. It was so much fun. But now, it's your turn." Shasa grinned and Valt smiled.

"Yeah, wish me luck!" Valt said and both bladers high-fived each other and walked passed each other, but Shasa stopped, she looked back at Valt who was walking further down the hallway and Shasa looked at her hand, the hand that high-fived Valt. Shasa blushed lightly as she brought the hand up to her chest as he held it with her other hand. The warmth that came from that contact made her comfortable. 

Quickly, Shasa realized what she was thinking and shook those thoughts away. She quickly ran down the hallways to watch the match.

"ALRIGHT! Boys and girls! Welcome to the final match of the semi-finals! This match will decide which blader will face Shasa in the finals! These two bladers have been long-term friends as they held a legendary battle right here in the god arena!" Hanami announced as the crowd began to cheer.

"In the blue corner, we have our number two legendary blader in the entire world! We have our legendary Shu Kurenai!!!" Hanami announced as Shu has risen up to the arena and the crowd cheered as loud as they could.

"And in the red corner, we have our very own number one legendary blader! The legend of legends, Valt Aoi!!!" Valt has risen to the top of the arena with the crowd chanting his name.

Both Valt and Shu have walked up to the stadium and faced each other. When the crowd has calmed down, Valt grinned.

"Brings back old memories, doesn't it?" Valt asked and Shu smiled.

"Yeah. I'm glad we get to face each other again like this." Shu said with a smile and Valt grinned.

"Me too. Shu? Let's make this our best battle yet!" Valt said as he held up Brave Valkyrie.

"Yeah, I agree! Let's not hold anything back!" Shu said as he held up World Spriggan.

Shasa remembered how she watched the match between Valt and Shu before, years ago, in the same arena, in the World Championship. The match was intense and Shasa figured that with how strong they were back then and how much stronger they got now, this was going to be a much crazier battle.

"First Battle!"

Shu decided to go with left spin mode with a solid chassis.

The bladers already have their resonance radiating around them as they got into their launching positions. Both bladers could see each others avatars behind them. They weren't gonna hold anything back.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both friends pulled the thread, causing lightning to come out of their launchers and both beyblades hitting the stadium heavily.



Both bladers shouted at their beyblades as both beys raced around the storm plate.

"Rush Shoot!" Valt called out.

"Counter Break!" Shu called out.

 Both beyblades raced passed each other as they raced around one more time and...


Valkyrie pulled back and Spriggan pulled back, both beyblade colliding once more next to the storm plate and suddenly pulling back. Now both beyblades went into the storm plate and raced passed each other only this time to return with a huge clash and Valkyrie clashed Spriggan into the storm plate and Valkyrie spun into the storm plate to collide once more but because Spriggan was in left spin mode, the storm plate was able to help Spriggan speed up and hit Valkyrie from behind.

Valkyrie flew back, hitting the stadium walls, but because of the rubber springs from Valkyires blades, it was able to bounce back and collide with Spriggan once more. Sending huge sparks of lightning from the stadium while both bladers were roaring out their voices.

Both beyblades pulled back and began sending a barrage of attacks towards each other.






"Push through!" Valt yelled.

"Push back!" Shu yelled back.

Both bladers then yelled out at the top of their lungs and both Valkyrie and Spriggan clashed next to the storm plate and that caused both beyblades to pull back and both of them spun at the top of the ramp of the stadium, clashing once more, both flew down onto the under deck and clash once again and falling back, both beyblades clashed one more time next to the storm plate.

A huge explosion filled the stadium, neither blader were holding back nor were they giving up.


Both bladers eyes widened as they saw both Valkyrie and Spriggan burst at the same time.

"Simultaneous burst finish! Draw!" The referee announced and the crowd began to cheer.

"OH WOW! The battle was so awesome that the match couldn't decide the winner! This battle is getting more exciting!" Hanami announed.

Shasa watched down at awe, this was the true battle between legends and Shasa was seeing it first hand. The power of Spriggan and Valkyrie is unbelievable. 

Both bladers placed their beyblades back together and looked at each other.

"Alright! Second battle, let's go!" Valt said as he held up Valkyrie and Shu smiled at that.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" Shu responded as he held up Spriggan, this time in right spin mode with a free spinning chassis.

Neither blader wanted to talk, their beyblades will do the talking for them.

"Second Battle!"

Both bladers got into their launching positions in silence.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO SHOOT!" Both bladers launched with full might and pulled of lightning launches. Both beyblades landed heavily at the stadium.

"Push fast, Valkyrie!!!" Valt called out as he pulled his fist back and threw it out front. Valkyrie responded by accelerating and both beys collided in the storm plate and Valkyrie was able to send Spriggan flying into the air.

Shu grinned as his red resonance began surrounding him.

"It'll take a lot more than that to take us out!" Shu yelled and Spriggan safley landed back on the stadium.

Valt had a stressed/surprised look on his face.

"Let's go!" Shu screamed as his red resonance was raging around him.

Valt had a grin on his face now.

"This is getting fun." Valt muttered out.

"SPRIGGAN!" Shu called out, summoning his beyblades avatar and his beyblade was surrounded by red resonance.

Both beys collided and Spriggan sent Valkyrie into the air.

"We're not going down here!" Valt screamed out as he spun around in a circle and releasing his powerful blue resonance. Valkyrie was able to save itself and Valt summoned Brave Valkyries aura.

Both beys were attacking each other head on. Giving powerful blow after blow.

Shasa stared at amazement, both Shu and Valt were facing each other head on.

Lane was grinning and couldn't help but cheer for his teacher:

"Come on! Shu, take him down!"

"Full Power!" Valt yelled out as he held out his fist with Brave Valkyries avatar right by his side.

"Take it down!" Shu yelled, having World Spriggans avatar right by his side.

Valt quickly lifted his hand grabbed a blue handle and swung it back.

"BRAVE SWORD!!!" Valt yelled out his special move as he swung his arm across and placing his hands out front like he was holding a huge blue sword made out of blue aura.

Brave Valkyries three sword blades started glowing and raced towards Spriggan.

"WORLD SLASH!!!" Shu threw his hand down and having Spriggans avatar swing it's axe down aswell.


Both beys collided at the middle of the stadium, creating a huge explosion!

Shasa had to cover herself up a little bit. But once she opened her eyes, she was shocked at the results.

Valkyrie got knocked out into the air and-


The explosion stopped and there was a moment of silence. Everyone was taking a second to take in on what just happened.

Shasa couldn't believe her eyes. Valkyrie was was laying right there on the ground.

Valkyrie was just laying on the ground in two parts and Valt gasped at that.

"World Spriggan with a Burst Finish! Shu Kurenai wins! The score is 2-0!" The referee announced.

"B-Burst..." Hanami stuttered, completely shocked by what just happened.

"BURST!!! This is an incredible turn of events! The legend of legends, Valt Aoi has just been bursted!"

The crowd began to cheer for Shu Kurenai as he had smile on his face. Valt picked up Valkyrie with a smile on his face. Shu was way stronger than he thought. That's when Valt decided to switch Valkyrie into six sword mode.

Shu decided to stick with the mode he used in the second battle. Neither blader said a word to each other, but they just smiled at each other.

"Third Battle!"

Both bladers got into their launching positions.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers pulled of lightning launches. Having both beyblades hit the stadium heavily. And quickly, Spriggan quickly chased Valkyrie down from behind, gaining up on its tail.

"What!?" Valt shouted in surprise.

"World Slash!" Shu called out, deciding to end this battle fast.


Spriggan was able to push Valkyrie forward, messing up its stamina and Spriggan pulled back. But that didn't stop both of them from sending a barrage of attacks towards each other again, using the storm plate to gain speed.


Both beyblades have pulled back and Valkyire began to wobble.

"Now's our chance! Valkyrie!" Valt shouted and Valkyrie wobbled into the storm plate, gaining an immense amount of speed and shooting itself towards Spriggan, bouncing up and down unevenly which caught Shu off guard.

"VALKYRIE!" Valt powered up with his blue resonance surrounding him and summoned his beys avatar. Having Valkyires aura surround the beyblade too.

"Brave Flash!" Valt screamed as he formed a blue aura on his right hand and spun it around.


Valkyrie has sent Spriggan into the air and-


Shus eyes widened as he saw Spriggan burst right in front of him.

"Brave Valkyrie with a burst finish! Valt Aoi wins! The score is 2-2!"

"And the legend of legends has tied up the score! We'll need a fourth battle to be the deciding factor of this battle!"

Shasa and Lane watched the battle down in awe, the strength Shu and Valt displayed was out of this world.

Shasa then gulped C'mon can do this She mentally cheered in her head.

Shu placed his beyblade back together as he switched Spriggan into Left Spin mode again and have a free spinning chassis.

"Fourth Battle!'

Both bladers locked in their beyblades and both bladers are now surrounded by a white void, with the stadium only in sight. Both bladers were giving off each others resonance.

Let's do this! Valkyrie! Valt thought in his mind as he felt Valkyries avatar right behind him.

Let's finish this, Spriggan! Shu thought in his mind as he felt Spriggans avatar right behind him.

Both bladers smiled as they saw each others avatars right behind them.




"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Lightning came out of their launchers as they pulled the thread and both beyblades hit the stadium with full force.

"Go, Valkyrie!!!" Valt yelled and Valkyire used the storm plate to gain speed and race towards Spriggan.

"Brave Flash!!!" Valt yelled.


Spriggan has been sent into the air.

"Spriggan!!!" Shu yelled and Spriggan landed back on the stadium.

Spriggan spun towards the storm plate and raced towards Valkyire.

"World Spin!"


This time, Valkyrie has been repelled by Spirggans chassis and hit the stadium wall.

Valt had a grin on his face now.

"We're not going down here!" Valt screamed out as he spun around in a circle and releasing his powerful blue resonance. Powering up with his resonance raging around him.

"VALKYRIE!" Valkyries avatar has now been summoned.

Both beys were attacking each other head on. Giving powerful blow after blow.

"SPRIGGAN!" Shu powered up his resonance around him and Spriggan, summoning World Spriggans avatar.

Now, both beyblades were using the storm plate to send a barrage of attacks towards each other.

"FULL POWER!" Both bladers yelled at the top of their lungs.


A huge explosion filled the stadium and both beyblades hit the stadium walls. Valkyrie used her rubber spring blades to spring herself into the air. Spriggan used its spring loaded burst stopper wings to spring itself into the air.

Shu! This is the match you deserve! Valt quickly lifted his hand grabbed a blue handle and swung it back.

"BRAVE SWORD!!!" Valt yelled out his special move as he swung his arm across and placing his hands out front like he was holding a huge blue sword made out of blue aura.

Brave Valkyries three sword blades started glowing and flew towards Spriggan.

Valt! This is the match you deserve! Shu quickly lifted both of his hands to grip an aura glow of the handle of Spriggans axe.

"WORLD SLASH!!!" Shu yelled out his special move as he swung both of his arms down, swinging the axe down like he was gonna chop something up.


Both beys collided at the middle of the stadium, creating a huge explosion. Lightning shot out of the stadium, both beyblades colliding in the air, neither of them were giving up.

I'M GOING TO THE FINALS WITH SHASA! Valt yelled in his mind as the explosion increased much more! Both bladers were yelling at the top of their lungs until the wind has caused both bladers to fly back and both beyblades have been separated and sent into the air.


Everybody heard the sound of a bey, bursting and that's when the smoke cleared and Valt saw Valkyire land in front of him in whole while Shu saw Spriggan and it's driver land in front him.

"Brave Valkyire with a burst finish! The score is 2-4! Valt Aoi is the winner!"

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER FOLKS! Valt Aoi has come out on top!" Hanami announced and the crowd began to cheer for the wonder boy.

"YES!!!" Shasa cheered as she stood up, throwing her arms into the air. Extremely happy that Valt has won.

Lane was only smiling at the sight, he was glad to see an awesome battle between his teacher and Valt Aoi.

Valt walked up to Shu who has a smile on his face.

"That was fun." Shu said as he looked up at Valt who had a grin on his face.

"Yeah!" Valt agreed and helped Shu up to his feet and both bladers kept their hands held together.

"That was one of the most amazing battle yet!" Valt said and Shu nodded.

"The same goes for me. That was awesome." Shu said and Hanami interrupted.

"And with that match done! We finally have our finalists!" Hanami announced and the photos of Valt Aoi and Shasa Guten has appeared on the screen.

"These are the two bladers confirmed to be in the finals!" Hanami said.

The finals were now decided as the final battle of the Championship league.

Valt VS Shasa

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This story revolves around Our Beyblade Team Famous Bladebreckers and its Team Captain Kai Hiwatari who is now a CEO of Hiwatari Enterprise co- ceo o...
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'*β€’.ΒΈβ™‘γ€π•Šπ•™π•¦ π•‚π•¦π•£π•–π•Ÿπ•’π•š 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣】 β™‘ΒΈ.β€’*' '*β€’.ΒΈβ™‘ π•Šπ•™π•¦ π•‚π•¦π•£π•–π•Ÿπ•’π•š, 𝕒 π•“π•’π•Ÿπ••π•šπ•₯ π•‘π•šπ•£π•’π•₯𝕖, 𝕨𝕒𝕀 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕦𝕀𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕀π•₯𝕖𝕒𝕝...
6.7K 417 20
❝Shut up! Just Shut up-- what do you even know about me? ❞ The words ring in the air and her eyes were filled with fury but somewhere inside the fury...
1.4K 48 16
(A Beyblade Burst Spin-Off) {Also: minor swearing} Valt, alongside old friends and new stumble upon each other as they all have to face the impossibl...