The Music We Make ✔️

By greyfarrell

290K 12.1K 3.3K

Cora Steele is a girl with talents to die for. Drew Bates is a guy with talents he would die to get rid of. ... More

1. Stupid Rich School
2. Are You A Treble Clef?
3. Baboons
4. The Perfect Pair
6. Operation Jody
7. The Performance
8. It Wasn't An Accident
9. Nightmares And Hustling
10. Corey VS Andrew
11. Apologies
12. I Meant To Say That Out Loud
13. We're American
14. Dinner With The Bates
15. Accusations
16. You're The Prettiest Ogre I've Ever Seen
17. Corey VS Andrew Part Two
18. Answers And Promises
19. Mini Putt
20. Down By The Bay
21. He Noticed
22. Panic Attacks And Snowball Fights
23. I'll Always Protect You
24. Serious Talk
25. Carpool And Karaoke
26. Peter Bryerson
27. Wake Up
Bonus Chapter: Wake Up
28. All About Us
Bonus Chapter: Introductions
Other Books!

5. Math Disturbs Me

9.3K 415 100
By greyfarrell

"Where were you?" Sky asked when I walked through the door.

I smiled sheepishly at her and Jess, who was sitting on my bed.

"I was jogging with Matt." I told them quietly.

"Matt huh?" Jess teased.

I plopped down beside her and rolled my eyes, "He's just a friend, and he offered to coach me because I'm in terrible shape."

"Matt is one of the hottest guys in the school, you lucky butt." Sky commented.

"You can have him, I see him as nothing more than a friend." I mumbled, embarrassed by their teasing.

"Sounds like a plan, and Jess can have Cody." Sky suggested, winking at Jess who was turning beet red.

"Does Jess have a crush?" I asked, gasping dramatically.

"Shut up." She mumbled, shoving me lightly.

I laughed at her flustered state and tried to picture her and Cody together. I could imagine him flirting and her blushing as red as her hair. Just that image alone was enough for me to ship it completely.

"I totally ship Jody!" I exclaimed, and laughed with Sky at how much Jess blushed from my comment.

"I'm leaving, you two suck!" Jess yelled dramatically, but I could see the ghost of a smile on her lips.

"Got a hot study date with Cody?" Sky called as Jess was walking out the door.

In reply she slammed the door shut behind her.

Once our laughter died down I looked at Sky seriously, "We have a mission. Get Jess and Cody together."

"Operation Jody!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands and bouncing on her bed excitedly.

Operation Jody. I liked the sound of that.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Hey Matt." I greeted the next day in math class.

Yesterday after miss blush a lot left, Sky and I spent half the night planning how we could get Cody and Jess together. But we couldn't come up with anything solid, which led to me speaking to Matt now.

"Hey?" He said but it sounded like a cautious question. He seemed hesitant to even reply, thrown off by my unusually sweet tone towards him.

"I need a favour." I said, deciding to tell him straight up instead of beating around the bush.

"Which is?" He asked, still hesitant.

"I really want Jess and Cody together and we need your help." I explained quickly.

He stared at me, eyes wide in shock, for at least a minute before he replied.

"How am I supposed to help?"

I groaned and face palmed, "You're his best friend! Just tell us how to get him to ask her out."

"Cody doesn't ask girls out. He finds them at parties, bangs them, and never calls." Matt informed me.

I glared down at my desk, there must be some way we can get them together.

"What if we hang out as a group?" I asked when the idea dawned on me. We can all go to one of our dorms and watch a movie, purposely putting them beside each other.

"That doesn't mean he's gonna fall in love with her." Matt pointed out.

I rolled my eyes, "But that'll at least get her on his radar."

Matt nodded in agreement but didn't say anything further.

"Can I get your number so I can text you about the plan?" I asked Matt after a few minutes of listening to the stupid math lesson.

He nodded and jotted down his number, handing it to me when he was done.

I smiled and put the number into my phone, setting his contact name to Coach Matty.

Once I was done I focused my attention on the lesson that Mr. O was teaching, which only lasted a few minutes because a thought struck me.

"Where is Cody anyway?" I asked when I looked around and saw that he wasn't here.

"Skipping to get lucky in one of the many janitor's closets. It's his goal to have sex in every one of them by the time the year ends." Matt answered.

I scrunched my nose up in disgust and shook my head, making Matt chuckle lightly.

Jess had a crush on that guy? Why? He was a pig!

"Miss Steele, why the sour look?" The teacher suddenly asked, instantly wiping the look off my face.

In its place was a deep red blush that covered my face as I quickly came up with the reply "Math disturbs me."

The class laughed at my comment and even Mr. O had the ghost of a smile on his lips.

After that the time passed quickly and before I knew it, I was walking into the cafeteria.

Once I had my food and was sitting down with my friends, I took out my phone to text Matt.

To: Coach Matty

When should we all hang out?

After I pressed send I put my phone away and dug into my cheeseburger. I just barely suppressed a moan at how good the thing was. So juicy and just flat out delicious.

I was three bites into my burger when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

From: Coach Matty

Friday night good?

I looked up from my phone and got Sky and Jess' attention.

"Matt wants to know if we can hang out this Friday. Are you two in?" I asked.

Sky nodded immediately but Jess spoke up, "Will it be just Matt?"

I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back at laugh. This girl was totally obsessed with Cody.

"Don't worry Jess. Cody will be there."

She shot me a glare but I could see the happiness in her eyes.

To: Coach Matty

Friday's perfect :)

After I sent the text I sat my phone down on the table and continued eating.

I was sipping on my apple juice when my phone vibrated loudly on the table, startling me and causing me to choke on the juice.

I coughed as I opened the new text.

From: Coach Matty

Movie at my dorm - 8:00?

I rolled my eyes at how formal his text was.

To: Coach Matty

Sound like a plan!

Once that was sent I put my phone in my pocket and looked over at the 'popular' table.

Drew was there, with Cody on one side and Matt on the other. They were all talking and laughing with everyone else, but Matt stopped to read the text.

When he put his phone away he looked my way and I smiled at him, which he returned before focusing his attention on his friends again.

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