50 : 50 | Taegyu ✔

By taecup_k

53.2K 2.5K 887

"You have one choice." "But I-" "Just one and only." WARNING : EXPECTATION - Swearing - physically abuse/ bru... More

Spilled tea note
Another tea
Thank you guys ♡


1.4K 76 42
By taecup_k

Finally at home. This day was just terrible. Imagine, you're eternally happy and you want to swing your arms and hug everyone even if they are strangers passing by you.

Shocked, that you don't blink for a second.

Tired of being sad, that you don't care about a thing.

Frustrated, that you want to bang your head against the wall several times.

Mad at yourself for being such an idiot.

Drowned in confusion since you don't know what's good for you and feeling helpless because no one can pull you out of this problem you have.

Taehyun can relate. He'll mark today's day as the worst day this year.

He badly wants to bury himself into mountains of blankets and never comes out and maybe cuddle with Hobak.


"Yeah thank you, hold on–"

Taehyun doesn't notice that he's already arriving in his apartment. Wondering at first who this voice belongs to he searches for Heeseung, the one who text him earlier.

Then there, Taehyun stands in the living room. And he can't believe what on earth his eyes have to see.

The living room was in chaos. The couch is flipped over, the curtains are torn,piece of clothes are laying everywhere, almost unrolled toilet paper are placing on the TV, which shows a commerical of underwear-

"What in the world..." Taehyun mumbles, passing the over flipped couch he just brought weeks ago,to the kitchen, in where the tab splashes water, which spreads water on the ground, formimg a small puddle.


"Hobak?" Taehyun suddenly gets excited and try to find his cat in his dirty kitchen.


"Gotcha!" he now holds Hobak carefully in his arms and leaves the kitchen. He just doesn't want the renion to be there.

"Did you miss Hyunie?" Taehyun cooes cutely to his cat as he burried his face into the hat's head,"Hyunie missed you very much."

"Tyunie, are you here?" a sudden voice calls him. The boy directes his head to the the enterance of the bathroom only to see Heeseung with nest-looking messy hair and his oversized cardigan hanging lose on his upper body.

"C-can you please do me a favor." Heeseung ask looking around in panic while holding a broom.

"Since when do we have a broo–"

"Stealing from the neighbor next door, just go to Yeonjun! Please."

Taehyun rushes to Yeonjun, who's in their bedroom,still embrances his cat close to his chest.



"He can't hear you. He wears his pods." Heeseung's now behind Taehyun and points to Yeonjun's ears.

"Since that I got in here, this chaos already happened." Heeseung continues,"This beast over there attacked me, thats why i look like the hot version of pipi longstocking now."

"This 'beast' is a vacuum cleaner."

Taehyun pauses a bit, processes what he just heard. "Wait a hot pipi longstocking?" he then ask, a hint of 'being done with his friend once again' tone in his voice.

Both are laughing after the same imagination.

"Admit it, I still look hot in this state."

"YESSS, THANKS GOD." Yeonjun, being the extra as always, jumps up from the bed while gripping his iPad.

Before he begins to twerking of happiness, he spots his two best friends, watching him, Taehyun almost chokes Hobak.

"Guys, I got it!" Yeonjun dances his way to them,"Oh you here too Heeseung?"

"Dude, didn't you see m–"

"What did you got?" Taehyun interrups. He just notices how many devices are towering on the older's bed.

"I got a ticket of a fansign." Yeonjun proudly says,"I can't believe I'll see him there oh my god!."



"Junie, what's his name?"

"I see." Heeseung checks the devices to find a profile of a certain someone Yeonjun meant,"Choi Soobin, I guess."

"Exactly, the love of my life." Yeonjun shoots a dreamly smile. Just by the thought of Soobin makes his heart beats like crazy. He IS crazy over him.

"This fast? And you guys didn't meet in person yet, unbelievable." Heeseung shakes his head while grinning at the older.

Meanwhile Taehyun stays silent.
His mind stopped as he heard '50 : 50'. So this Soobin is an actor of this movie, he thought. TPQ Universal, '50 : 50'.

He recalls this afternoon again and his shoulder somehow feels heavy by time. He just rejected their offer. But it was for the best.

The best for him.


"Y-you what?!"

"I can explain..." Taehyun lost his words, he doesn't even know why he did it.

"Well, no. I cannot actually."

After Taehyun tolds his friends that he became one of the artist, who will sing a song track of the movie '50 : 50', Yeonjun was going to jump of the window instantly, but was holding back by Heeseung luckily.
He was just so happy for his friend an the bonus: he got a chance to see Soobin there.

And after Taehyun told them that he rejected their offer, Yeonjun was also going to jump of the window again but was holding back by Heeseung for the second time.

"They gave me their calling card, just in case if I'll change my mind." the blonde promptly adds, leaning against the wall with Hobak sitting on his lap, who snuggled into his stomache.

And after hearing this, Yeonjun yet again was going to jump of the window for the third time when Heeseung hold him back, already tired.

"And you will change your mind, won't you?" Yeonjun immediatly rushes to the younger and knees in front of him, while cupping his both hands with the younger one's, strokes them slightly with his thumb.

"I've already too much pressure, I-i can't. W-what if I'm getting shadowed like last time? W-what if I'm not good enough?" Taehyun trembles so much, so much that he can't finish his sentence.

"Whatever happens..." Yeonjun begins to be serious in a blink, catching Taehyun off guard as he locks his eyes with the older one's. He is still amazed of how this hyung can change his duality in seconds. The now caring sweet guy, was before THE guy, who wants to jump of the window three times in a row or was fangirling over his crush.

"...when you agree to it, I'll be there for you anytime. I-i'll leave everything behind just to be here with you. When someone dares to do cruel things to you, I'll beat his ass off, I promise."

Taehyun doesn't know he needs those words. And not just that, the effect of Yeonjun is it that makes him teared up. Yeonjun isn't just a friend, he isn't just his hyung,he is someone he somehow can't describe who he is to him.

"Let the tears out, Taehyunie. You don't need them." Yeonjun comforts Taehyun as he pats the younger shoulder first.

"Fuck it"

He pulls Taehyun in a tight hug, tug his fingers of his one hand into the youngers hair while the other one strokes his back. Without hestitation Taehyun snuggles his head against Yeonjun's chest,chokes at his own sobbers that later turns into soft sniffles. Heeseung can't see his bestfriend crying and joins the hug.

"You can count on me." Heeseung whispers, holding the phone on full screen in his left hand, which Yeonjun stares at it blankly.

"What the–  since when did he post?!"


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