Assassin || Tommyinnit

By mxmxkxwx

56.6K 4.5K 5.5K

King Philza of the Antarctic Empire had two sons. Prince Technoblade, the eldest of the two, was originally... More

chapter i
chapter ii
chapter iii
chapter iv
chapter v
chapter vi
chapter vii
chapter viii
chapter x
chapter xi
chapter xii
chapter xiii
chapter xiv
chapter xv
chapter xvi
chapter xvii
chapter xviii
chapter xix
chapter xx
chapter xxi
chapter xxii
chapter xxiii
chapter xxiv
chapter xxv
chapter xxvi
chapter xxvii
chapter xxviii
chapter xxix
chapter xxx
chapter xxxi
chapter xxxii
chapter xxxiii

chapter ix

1.9K 158 155
By mxmxkxwx

⊱⊱ ── {◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆} ── ⊰⊰

Dream turned to Tommy with a look of disbelief, before gasping. "You can't be fucking serious. Are you kidding me? That's a idiotic and STUPID idea Tommy. No. My answer is no."

Tommy groaned, he expected this answer.

Well to be fair, he did just ask Dream if he could go to Wilbur's coronation.

Tommy had been in the academy for over a YEAR, he understood how dangerous it would be to go to the royal courtyard and celebrate Wilbur's crowning.

And even though Wilbur betrayed him, he still felt the need to go and be there to support him when he became king, especially because he didn't want too.

Tommy of all people knew how that felt like.

So he did what he knew worked best on Dream.

Tommy pouted, giving Dream puppy dog eyes.

Dream covered his eyes with his hands. "None of that today, no thank you. The answer is still no."

"Please please PLEASEEE? Pretty please with sprinkles on top? Please Dream, Big D, D-man, Dream my beloved brother. Pleaseeee?"

Dream groaned, before lightly pushing Tommy on the bed. "Fuck off you child. My answer is no. Take a lollipop for your troubles."

Dream held up a lollipop for Tommy who glared in response, crossing his arms and looking away.

"Come on now, it's your favorite!"

Tommy's glare stayed on his face, but he slowly turned his head towards the candy.


It was his favorite.

He took the lollipop from Dream's grip aggressively. "This does not mean I am not mad at you. In fact I am even more mad at the fact you just tried to bribe me. And it worked."

He stuck the lollipop in his mouth and sucked on it angrily.

Dream chuckled, ruffling Tommy's hair. "Mhm, why don't you go run off now, play with your child friends? I'll see you later bud."

Tommy muttered angry swears under his breath (though they were muffled by the orange lollipop in his mouth) and walked out the door.

He didn't bother to knock when he entered Ranboo and Tubbo's room.

He instead walked through the room and flopped on top of Tubbo, who immediately shoved Tommy off and onto the hardwood floor.

"Why does everyone hate me today" Tommy whined, staying on the floor.

Ranboo rolled his eyes and picked Tommy up by the armpits and got him to a standing position.

"What's wrong?" he asked, and Tommy grimaced.

"I wanna go see my brother become king. I know it's stupid but I don't want him to go through it alone, ya know?"

Tubbo gave him a small smile. "If it makes you feel better, he'll have your other brother and your dad. They seem rather close?"

Tommy physically flinched, causing Ranboo to eye him concerningly.

"Right, I forgot he actually had family that cared about him. He probably wouldn't even care if I showed up would he?"

"Tommy I didn't mean it like that, I'm sure if you really wanted to be there that bad you could sneak out."

Before Tommy could say anything, Ranboo cut him off.

"Wait Tubbo, maybe Dream's right. The entire empire thinks he's dead, right? If he shows up surely someone would spot and recognize him."

Tommy slouched, smiling sadly. "I know. It was a stupid idea. Just got excited."

Ranboo and Tubbo stared at each other for a couple seconds, before sighing.

"You could ask George."

Tommy turned to Tubbo, confused. "What?"

"He teaches you how to disguise yourself and things right? Plus he likes you, he might say yes."

"Worst case scenario we could sneak out," Ranboo added.

"Yeah like that would be smart. I sleep in the same room as Dream. Oh god I just remembered I sleep in the same room as Dream. And the coronation's practically at night."

"Give him a reason to let you sleep somewhere else? OooH we could tell him we're having a sleepover!"

Ranboo rolled his eyes. "Yeah and then if we get caught he'd never trust us to have a sleepover again."

Tommy turned to him with narrowed eyes. "You have a better idea Ranboob?"

Ranboo thought for a second. "You could try and shoot him again?"

Both Tubbo and Tommy looked at him skeptically.

"So Tubbo let's go and convince Dream for a sleepover!!"

◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆

"Dream I know exactly how you can make me feel better after you broke my heart."

Dream's eyes were on Tommy as he stormed into the room and jumped onto the bed.

"Okay shoot." Dream paused."Not literally."

"Well I was thinking... can I have a sleepover with Tubbo and the other guy? Pleaseee?"

Dream stared directly at him, as if looking for a lie.

"Well I don't see why not," he shrugged, turning back to his laptop. "Tonight?"

Tommy inhaled.

"No um, more like Thursday night maybe?"

Dream turned back to him. "Now that sounds awfully like the night that a certain someone was getting crowned as king doesn't it? Can I interest you in another lollipop and another no?"

"I'll take the lollipop. Not the no though."

Dream sighed. "Tommy..."

"I just don't see why I can't go" Tommy cried, throwing his hands up. "I'll disguise myself, I'll even wear a cursed wig. You can come with me, it could be like a mission! You and I, it would be so fun!"


"Brotherly bonding, and- and..." Tommy paused for a second, wondering if he could pull this off. He put on his best crying face. "...And I'm so homesick, and I miss my family back at the castle and all I want in life is to see them one last time."

Dream cracked a smile. "You know your nose wiggles when you lie? Just an observation."

"What the-" Tommy covered his nose. "What the fuck man?"

"I'm just saying. But if your so potent about seeing it, why don't you just watch it online?"

Tommy thought over it, before pepping up. "Like... live?"

"Yeah. Why not? Sort of the same experience you know? I'm sorry you can't watch it in person, but you could watch it on TV as it happens!"

Tommy slowly lit up.

"And can I watch it with Tubbo and Ranboo?"

"I don't see why not?"

"And can I watch it with them... during a sleepover?"

Dream thought over it, before turning to Tommy with a smile. "If it would make you feel better Toms."

"Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!" Tommy ran up to Dream and wrapped him in a hug, and Dream laughed.

"I suppose you're gonna tell em now?"

"You know me so well, see ya big D!"

"Stop calling me that" Tommy heard Dream shout at him, but he was already out the door and running to his friends' room.

He crashed right into the door in his excitement, but it's okay.

"And why are you so excited?" Tubbo asked absentmindedly.

"Because lads," Tommy grinned mischievously. "We're gonna sneak out and go see Wilbur's coronation."

⊱⊱ ── {◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆} ── ⊰⊰

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