A Clean Slate

By XxdailyzxX

284K 5.1K 1.9K

Marriage was never one of the many things Malia Detro wanted. Being one of the weak Italian Mafia groups her... More

Maybe He Can
Mystery Man
Messed Up
Fuck You
Go On
Beatrice And Sharol
Dream On
Men In Suits
My Girl
Bride And Groom
Surely WrongοΏΌοΏΌ

Why Him

9.2K 196 114
By XxdailyzxX

After a while of sitting in the car we pull into a driveway.

I look out the window to see the biggest fucking house ive ever seen.

The driver opens his door leaving my door locked. "Bitch" I yell as he walks to the front door and knocks on it.

Someone opens it. I cant see who it is but I know someone opened the door. The driver starts to walk back to the car. Shortly after I see a woman walk out. He unlocks the door to the car and I immediately open it. As I'm about to get out Dash pushes his way out first. After he's out I quickly jump out. I look down at Dash and show him the eyes I give him when I'm about to run. I then bolt for my life. Dash of course in front of me. I look back at the driver who is now chasing me.

"Am I that irresistible?" I yell as I feel a smirk appear on my face. I look back in front of me to be met by the most handsome man I've ever seen. He has a sleeve of tattoos on his right arm and his jawline is perfect. What am I saying all of him looks perfect. I guess this week is full of surprises. As I bolt past him I quickly feel a hand wrap around my wrist. I get yanked back and look to see who just put their hands on me. It was him.

"Get your hands off me!" I bark angrily. His face looking unamused.

I quickly hear a growl and a golt my head towards the noise.

"Dash stay" I yell and he stays put. Now don't get me wrong, in a situation like this I would never stop him. But let me tell you now that I'm closer to this mystery guy he towers over me. His defined muscles stick out even though he's wearing a shirt, and I don't feel like going to another funeral.

The driver catches up and quickly takes hold of my hand. "Sorry sir" he says, his voice clearly holding fear in it.

"So you can speak english. You motherfucker" I yell at him before he starts dragging me away. I whistle and Dash bolts to the guy dragging me. He gets a hold of his leg and tries shaking it. The man winces in pain as I break out of his grip only to be gripped by mystery man.

"Call your dog off,'' he says in a demanding tone. Holy fuck. Even his voice is hot.

"And why should I do that mystery man" I say with a smirk on my face.

One of his eyebrows raise up. "Call him off before I shoot him" he says this time in a husky voice.

I look at him dead in the eyes. All I saw was a beautiful blue along with the most serious look.

"Dash come" I yell, still not breaking eye contact. After a couple seconds I feel him brush up against my leg.

The names Ace, not mystery guy he says.

He then breaks eye contact with me by looking down at Dash.

Within the blink of an eye he kicks him hard and good. I gasp and kick Ace in the balls. He quickly lets go of me and puts both hands on his cock as he winces in pain. I quickly run over to Dash who lays on the floor obviously hurt by all that's happened to him in less than 24 hours.

I look back to see Ace still holding onto his cock. I must have got him good. I kneel down and was about to pick up Dash when a pair of boots meet my face. I fall to the floor and can feel blood trickle down my face.

"Bitch" I say as I stand up. I meet eyes with a guy that looks a little younger than my dad. He quickly grabs me by the throat. "Who the hell do you think you are coming here and hurting my son and one of my guards." He questions angrily.

"An angel" I say with a smirk. He looks at me confused. "What's your name.?" He asks forcefully

Your mom. I think to myself letting a giggle slip at my shitty joke.

"Who are you?'' he says, gripping my throat tighter.

"Malia" I say breathlessly from the small amount of oxygen im limited to take in.

"Last name." He says, gripping my throat tighter.

"Detro," I muffle.

He lets go of my throat and tosses me to the ground.

I gasp for air as I lay on the ground.

"Get that damn dog under control or I'll shoot it." He says walking away.

Why is everybody threatening him?

I drag myself over to Dash. I lay my hand on his stomach and I can hear his tail start to wag as it thuds against the ground.

So far so good. At least I think that.

This is my last post for tonight and I hope you enjoy it. I want to give a shout out to allison_paige69 and would recommend reading her book. So far I love it. Her book is called Darkness Stirs.

Also I'm sorry if there are any spelling errors. I know this isn't an excuse but it 12:00 at night here. So again I'm sorry if there are any late night errors and if there are pls let me know.

Anyway good night and love y'all. 😊


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